Keep me entertained

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Okay, so I am off work and stuck in a cast for the next week or so I need some entertainment so in am throwing my people out there to see what we can get.
I know this isn't as pretty as some people's but here we go.


professor Elvera Le Fey (47)
Seer, divination professor. Owner of the inner eye.

Linden Cullen. (17)
seventh year Hufflepuff.

niamh eriksen. (13)
Third Year Hufflepuff
she is kind and looks out for her students and her customers.

What I am looking for. Student's, who need a hand with things, friends, colleagues, and customers.
After reaching seventh year and not getting any bonus badges linden is working hard on study to get grades good enough to prove he is meant to be a magizoologist. Over the break he has also started secretly dating his best friend Casper Beckett. They are trying their best to keep it a secret. he is keeper on the quidditch team works for the menagerie and is professor Burleigh's helper.

What I am looking for. he is all good for romance but friends younger students to look up to him, teammates or whatever you can think of.
sky tends to dance to the beat of her own music. a harmony that always seems to be playing in her head. She loves her music and is often found in the music room in the art club. She has a few friends and while she isn't the most popular outgoing or upbeat person she is friendly and sweet.

What I am looking for: Friends, conflict, someone to look up to, someone who looks up to her. romance (M or F)

Selene Le Fey (21)
Seer, uni student. Inner eye assistant

Willow Culllen (22)

Rhiannon Archer (32)
Selene has moved to Salem with her boyfriend. she does still spend time in New Zealand as she works some days in the eye. I haven't done much with her since graduation but just putting her out to see what comes up.

what am I looking for: She is good for romance but open to any other suggestions.
Willow has been pretty work focused since graduation. but she has finished her Auror training and could do with some fun in her life.
What I am looking for: Colleagues, Romance (M) friends, any suggestions.
Rhiannon is a healer specialising in obstetrics and paediatrics. and mother to a nearly three year old.

What looking for: open to sugestions

Briar Rowan-Cullen (43)
Werewolf, Ministerial candidate, head of the department of magical creatures, werewolf activist

What I am looking for: open to suggestions.

Other accounts, open to suggestions

Aspen: Centaur (42)
Leigh West: Owner of Book and brew, a bookshop/cafe (44)
Alyce Brown: Manager of the hogs head (45)
Hii Mia!!! Do you fancy another RP/some plots between Briar and Callum Duffy? I'm honestly down for anything, drama, werewolfy stuff, friendship, anything you can think of :3 I have some ideas I can spitball at you if you'd like, but let me know if you have any also!!
Hey Mia,

Could happily do some more Niamh/Harmony and Leonardo?
Or some Selene and Cyzarine?
Hii Mia!!! Do you fancy another RP/some plots between Briar and Callum Duffy? I'm honestly down for anything, drama, werewolfy stuff, friendship, anything you can think of :3 I have some ideas I can spitball at you if you'd like, but let me know if you have any also!!
Hey Clare.
yeah briar and Callum would be fun. We can maybe throw some ideas around on discord to come up with a plan.

Hey Mia,

Could happily do some more Niamh/Harmony and Leonardo?
Or some Selene and Cyzarine?
Hey emzies.
moon yes. I like niamh/Leo. And selene/cyzarine are fun.
also Rhiannon and tybalt. When did we decide on baby 2?
Hey emzies.
moon yes. I like niamh/Leo. And selene/cyzarine are fun.
also Rhiannon and tybalt. When did we decide on baby 2?
I think it's soon enough? Happen to have the pregnancy happen now?

And yeah to the other two, I can start one, if you want to start the other?
@Stefan Archer
It was last ic may when rhi said she was ready to start trying again. So 7 months later doesn’t seem unreasonable to find out she is pregnant.
Sounds good. Who do you want to start. I will start the other tomorrow
I can start the Cyzarine one - how does the club sound? -, if you start the niamh one, and tomorrow I'll start the rhi and ty one?
You summoned?

Linden/Cas of course. But maybe also addy or allie?
Sky and Cas or Jordie.
Just give me Willow
Briar and Cas could be interesting
You already know I'm down for something with Sky and Renata. Did you want me to respond to the thread in the arts club or should we start something new?
I can start the Cyzarine one - how does the club sound? -, if you start the niamh one, and tomorrow I'll start the rhi and ty one?
sounds great. and thank you. would the lawn work for Leo?

You summoned?

Linden/Cas of course. But maybe also addy or allie?
Sky and Cas or Jordie.
Just give me Willow
Briar and Cas could be interesting
Elvera/Jordie.sounds good though maybe wait until we get a few of the other more time-dependent threads down?
Linden/Cas of course. But maybe also addy or allie? a very Cullen Christmas?
Sky and Cas or Jordie: I like sky and cas as a big brother/mentor. maybe have them interact at the art club showcase. you know what I want Sky to say to him.
Just give me Willow: XD let's discuss.
Briar and Cas could be interesting: Ooh this would be interesting. would she know? would cas tell her? would lin?
You already know I'm down for something with Sky and Renata. Did you want me to respond to the thread in the arts club or should we start something new?
up to you.
Sweet, I have responded in there (sorry it was very delayed from the original post!).
Hi, we hardly RP, in the past (I don't remember much except Selene and Beau once). Anyway.

I have 1 guy, Killian Borisyuk, who is a part-giant that just moved to NZ in November. He is 23 so he can interact with either Willow Cullen or Selene Le Fey. He's not the biggest fan of authorities so he might clash with Willow. He is either found at a bar, hiking, or at the club he works at as a bouncer.

Beau Chamberlin has returned to HNZ so he can be friends with Linden. He loves art, didn't get the seer thing like his dad (bummer but whatever). He wants all the friendships.

That is all I have I'm afraid.
Hey Kaitlyn.
yeah we never really does much. I think beau and selene and Bryce and elvera were our main friendships.
itbis a shame about the seer thing. He can still be friends with selene and lin. And he can always call in and see elvera.

killian I think will work better with willow than selene. She isn’t in auror mode all the time. And despite her job has never been big on authorities. and she is used to part giants as she spends a fair amount of time with her aunt and uncle. She can also be found hiking or at bars.
What do you fancy.
I've retired Bryce in Christchurch so he still teaches, just in a school for the deaf. Beau might find it hard to communicate with Selene unless it is through letters. But he would definitely approach Linden cause Beau is the type to do that. xD

It would be nice to see him in a thread without a drink in hand. So, they can run into each other while hiking. I like that idea cause he might not feel as cramped up while outdoors, thus maybe not be as much of a jerk?

I can make a starting post for both tomorrow, cause bedtime for me right now!
@Kalif Styx
that sounds good. otherwise i can start one. I am most interested in Willow and Killian. aI w
reading through his bio and i reckon they would got on well so long as she doesn't talk too much about her work.

I also have Chayton Ateara if he wants another part giant to hang out with.
A few days later and here they are. for willow for linden

As far as Killian meeting another part-giant, I have no idea how he would react to it since he is only used to his triplet brothers. xD Could end well, or very badly.
Sorry. I totally missed this. I replied to killian last night and will reply to beau some stage this weekend.
hmm okay maybe we will leave off chay and killian. Chay isn’t someone I have ever had just muse with anyway.

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