Just in case

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
So, yeah, if anyone in the USA knows, Florida is about to get slammed by Hurricane Ian unless it takes a drastic turn to the west.

How does this impact me? I'm in Orlando, so I might lose power or something. I went on ahead and posted HoM Lesson 6 just in case there is an outage. Can't say for sure on how long these things last. Never been in one.

Just in case I vanish for a couple of days, or you only see me on for a minute at a time for the next week. We got supplies (I think?). Got my car for charging if my portable batteries don't work. It might be starting tomorrow night, and ride it out from there. Sort of uncertain since that's weather for you, but figured might as well let people know.

I might take pictures of it because I am a Florida person now. Might see a flying gator, who knows.
Stay safe, Kaitlyn! I have been through a hurricane before and it can be equal parts scary and exciting. Hope things go well and you and yours can avoid the worst of it.
Stay safe!! Hope your lights stay on and everything turns out ok.
Hopefully it's just a few days home riding it out and no power loss for you! I'm glad you're all prepped for things. I hope you and your family all remain safe and well.
Stay safe!
A hurricane sounds really scary but I hope you stay safe both during and after the storm :D
As an update: the power is out. The roads are flooded. It is still windy but the worst has passed us. We are safe, just a little bored with limited electronics that are charged. No idea when we will get power back, but at least my boss is chill enough to understand we can't work if there's no power xD
On the bright side, this was my first hurricane, and I wish it had let me sleep last night. The winds were so loud.
Glad to hear you're doing alright! I've been seen some pretty scary stuff the past 24 hours. Hope you get power back soon!
Been thinking of you!! I'm glad you're okay, fingers crossed your power comes back soon :hug:

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