It's Raining Plots

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Athena Holmgaard

Musically | Model at 'EVELYN'
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 10 Inch Rigid Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hi Guys! It's the time for plots again and in a new year I always like to see what is possible. I want to do more with some of mine students that I (really neglect) but since I like to be complete and have students in every year I want to drop everyone here! I'm really up for doing plots with people I never have before, and love to just jump into anything without discussing what will happen. But everyone and everything is welcome!

First Year Students

Lauren Davenport

Lauren is the sister of Gabriella who is in Slytherin. She is very excited about going to Hogwarts and feels free to be here.
She doesn't have a good relationship at home and sometimes feels to be born in the wrong family. Lauren is a very excited person and loves games, and exploring.
Lauren is a rebel and likes to see how far she can go with persons and with her actions.
She sometimes forgets to think before she does something. And doesn't really pay attention at the consequences.
But she is a friendly girl who loves to make friends. She isn't afraid of breaking rules.
Needs: She has some friends already, but I'm open for more! She mostly hangs out with boys now, but girls are welcome too.
Enemies and future flings and romance can be discussed.


Alice Rosenberg

Alice is the cousin from Lauren and the younger sister from Therese. Alice is very happy to be in Hufflepuff and feels at home there.
She is a friendly girl but a bit more down to earth and realistic than her sister.
I need to develop her a bit more, but by RPing with her that will help me.
She loves making friends, and will help someone whenever she can.
Needs: Friends, Enemies, Future flings and romances. Anything!

Second Year Student

Isabelle Walden

Isabelle is the cousin of Maddie Walden and my only second year student. She is very sweet and innocent.
Isabelle loves fairytales and reading. She is a bit of a dreamer and wanted to join Gryffindor like most of her other cousins.
She wants to be as brave as someone in her books, but is happy now in Ravenclaw too.
She loves meeting new people, but takes study also seriously.
She looks up to her cousin Maddie who she really loves.
Needs: She could use some more friends! A best friend, enemies, love interest, a final everything!!

Third Year Students

Amelie Marchand

Amelie is one of a triplet. Her sisters are in Gryffindor, but Amelie doesn't mind. She is the youngest of the triplets but takes good care of herself.
She is a curious and very nosy person. She seeks for answers and if she doesn't get them she will find them herself.
She believed that knowledge is power and that's why she reads many books.
She wants to know information from many subjects.
Amelie loves meeting people and asking them anything. She will easily break rules she thinks she had a good explanation for it.
Needs: Friends! Best friends! Enemies (or people who will stop her on her quest of finding answers), romantic stuff and a final.


Athena Holmgaard

Athena is the cousin of Evelyn. She is a social girl who loves talking to others.
She is motivated for the things she likes and ambitious. Athena loves making music, she can play the guitar and piano and sings and writes her own music.
She isn't as confident as Evelyn yet, but she will be. She looks up to her cousin very much and want to be succesfull in school just like her.
She comes from a rich family and is used getting dressed nicely by her mother, since she is a fashion designer.
She doesn't act spoiled because she is down to earth. Athena takes study seriously but is always in for some fun with friends.
Needs: She has some good friends, but always loves more! Some flings, romantic stuff, enemies!

Fourth Year Students

Liam Waldgrave

Liam is my casanova boy. He is the biggest flirt you will ever meet. He see's girls as his weakness, because he can't handle their beauty.
He thinks every girl has something beautiful inside them and loves acting like a gentleman for them.
Liam is a beater in the Quidditch team but isn't very confident about this yet, so he wants to train hard for it.
He enjoys attention and seeks for it often. He wants to become an auror but if that doesn't work a Quidditch player.
Liam is a nice person who means mostly good, though he can't stand competition from other boys.
Needs: He is dating someone but that ends this year. I'm always looking for flings, or enemies and a final, you name it!


Charlotte Harper

Charlotte is the half-sister of Odette and a very spoiled brat. Her favorite colour is pink and she mostly wears that or wants people to wear it.
She spends a lot of time at her looks and wants to be the best in EVERYTHING. She can be really clever in getting what she wants and manipulatives into this.
She is her daddy's little girl, but after fouding out he had lied about another daughter their family kind of wasn't the happy one anymore.
She has a good relationship with her brother, but hates Odette.
She takes her study very seriously and wants to best grades.
She is sycophant towards professors and most adults. Whenever she doesn't get what she wants she can be acting crazy and very ruthless.
She likes to be surrounded with people but finds it hard to make friends.
Needs: Charlotte has one good friend, she could use minions or followers, enemies, romantic people and people she can bully.

Fifth Year Students

Gabriel Rosenberg

Gabriel is a Quidditch lover. His whole life is about it.
He doesn't care much about anything else, other than his family and friends. Gabriel is a sporty boy that lost his mother when he was very young.
He is hotheaded, but learns to control this more now he is becoming older.
He wants to follow his mothers footsteps to become a professional player.
Gabriel is a chaser in the Gryffindor team and likes his teammembers but can't stand losing.
He is very competetive and finds it hard to lose a game and deal with that. Overall he is a nice kid that likes doing fun things. He feels protective over his siblings.
Needs: He is dating someone and has a final and romantic plans after this. He could always use more friends, enemies, everything!


Gabriella Davenport

Gabriella is the cousin of Gabriel and Therese and is a big perfectionist in everything.
She is really pressured as the oldest daughter by her parents, who wants her to excell in every class.
She can be stubborn and insecure about her choices and actions.
She doesn't want to dissapoint her parents and works very hard to gain results.
But Gabriella likes to hang out with friends too, but her father thinks it is a distraction.
Gabriella is liking Marcos and deals with this voices inside her mind, she doesn't feel confident at all and thinks negative about herself.
She is always on her guard and doesn't easily trust people.
Needs: Friends, she has two close friends. People that make her more confident, study buddies, enemies,.


Therese Rosenberg

Therese is the keeper of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and loves doing that.
She is a very sweet girl and has a dream for peace one day around the world.
Therese never hates people or dislikes them, because she believes everyone has something good in them.
So she can make pure bloods actually want to hang out with her, and the most strange relationships she can let happen.
She loves drawing and painting. She does her best in classes, but can sometimes forget herself because she likes helping people more.
She is now single again after Rory and she broke up, but she still has some special place for him in her heart.
Needs: She can always use some more friends! Enemies (they can try), romantic interests, but I have something planned for her.

Sixth Year Students

Beaubelle Waldgrave

Beaubelle is the older sister of Liam and an intelligent girl. She is a insecure girl, but is becoming more confident about herself.
She dares more and makes conversation with others. She still see's books as her best friend and loves reading very much.
Beaubelle is a observer and thinks her actions three times over before doing something. After ending things with Thaddeus she was very sad.
Beaubelle hates bullies and is afraid of them.
Needs: She could use friends! Enemies who let her do stuff for them, romantic stuff.


Sofia Rosenberg

Sofia is the older sister of Gabriel and other than him she really hates Quidditch. She hates the sport badly and thinks of it as dangerous, because of how her mother died.Sofia is scared of letting people come close to her. She has Thantophobia so she fears to lose people. This happend after her mother died.
She is a flirt but uses it as a shelter so that they won't come to close. If people come close she freaks out and can be mean and push them away, although they tried to be nice.She has dated Lennon for a while and she is taking babysteps and let him come closer to her. But now he is gone after they ended things, but she misses him much.
And this only makes her more scared to let people come close. She is gonna see the councelor to try to help her, by motivation from her father.
She is a troubled girl with trust issues, but does her best to make friends and keep them. People have to win her trust and need to be patient with her, if they want to become her friend.
Needs: She really needs friends! Although it won't go easy. Some flings, enemies, a final and romantic stuff

Seventh Year Students

Evelyn Manning

Omg! I can't believe it is Evelyn's last year. Kind of sad! But I want to make the best out of it.
Evelyn loves being prefect and is ready to help all the little lions and others if they need it.
As president of Heta Omega she wants to host nice events this year and is really busy with making it all work.
And also being a reporter at HM is making sure she is busy. She can't wait for the Yule Ball and other events to dress up nicely for the last time.
Evelyn is happy with Lucas as her boyfriend and friends around her. She is a bit scared for her life after school, because she likes her life right now and is afraid that will all change. I want her to work in the fashion industry (obviously) so she will be working on that already and preparing herself for the future.
Needs: She has lots of friends, but I'm always open for more and people she have never met before, enemies, people that flirt with her, people that need her help as prefect.


Elizabeth Wespurt

Elizabeth is the twin sister of Riley and a very excited girl. But she misses her boyfriend Leo very much since he left the school.
She never thought she would be such a girl, but she actually is a bit down by that. So she could use people to make fun with and make the best out of her last year.
Elizabeth is mostly a rebel and adventurous. She wants to see the world after school and is not ready to work yet.
Needs: She could always use more friends, enemies, name it!


Evangeline Campbell

Evangeline is a seventh year Slytherin and she is kind of a loner.
She isn't a exciting and happy person and hates loud people.
Evangeline just wants school to be over and so she can finally live on her own and leave her parents who are fighting all the time.
She is only child and very mature from young age. Though she find it hard to make friends, but has the desire for some.
Needs: She could use friends, romantic things, a final, enemies.
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Hey Jamie, we have some things going on and you posted in mine, but there's still some combinations we can definitely try out sometime :p

Alice & Alice - I think it could be funny if they met and realized the similarities between them? :p

Isabelle & Emilia - They seem a bit similar, Emilia loves fairytales too

Charlotte & Diana - I think these two would clash probably because they are so similar, but maybe they would surprise us and get along? This would have to wait until Diana is a bit less sad though.

I would also like to reunite Beaubelle and Odette, since Odette has changed a lot and maybe they could become friends again or she could at least apologize to her?

We should make a list of plots we want to do together xD
Thanks for your reaction Daph! I went to see what I've reacted, because I forgot haha.

Alice x Alice: Love this! Indeed and I would love to develop Alice a bit more.
Isabella x Emilia: Sure we can do this!
Charlotte x Diana: I never thought about this combination. But I think it will be fun. To meet people from other years never really comes up to me. I would love to see how this goes.
Beaubelle x Odette: For sure! I noticed you had a open topic. And wanted to reply on it but didn't done that yet.

We have some things going on right now: ( I'm not sure if I forgot something)
  • Gabriel x Sophie
  • Lauren x Jasper
I would love for now:
Beaubelle and Odette, Alice and Isabelle. For Therese and April I can open a (open) topic at the pitch for a practice? And Charlotte vs Odette? xD

What do you think? Or do you want to do others now and some later? We can make a division?
I think those are the two main things we have going on. I like your list of things we can do soon. If Beaubelle joins the Odette open topic I have, I can start the one for Alice and Isabelle as well. Then you could start the other two? It doesn't have to be all at once.
Yeah sounds like a good start! I can't wait! Gonna see if I can do something upcoming week.
Hey Jamie. I have a couple of thoughts!
Let's start with the youngest
- Elio. Elio is my homosexual character but he doesn't really know it yet. Curious how Liam would react if Elio was to develop a thing for him. Additionally we could try Isabelle and Elio again if she wants to be brave maybe he can bring her out of her shell?
- Leda. Leda is asexual but again doesn't realise this yet, not really. Since they're on the Quidditch team, maybe she and Liam could hang out a bit more and if they get to the point where they could date next year, she could realise then? She's also caused a few issues for Charlotte in the past, not that she means to but Leda doesn't really understand how to act socially all the time so this gets her into trouble should you want an enemy!
- Isaac. Oh god please let Isaac meet Gabriel. They're such opposite I think it could be quite amusing. We're we also going to have Isaac and Beaubelle as friends?
- Geo. I think if she were to meet Lauren, and Lauren were to try and test the limits, Geo would certainly begin to get irritated with her. Enemy potential!

Let me know what you think!
Evelyn and Rama. I know I kind of put them on the back burner for awhile, but I am always up for these.
Hey Pheeb!!!

Thanks for you reaction and lovely idea's! (many wow!!)
Elio x Liam: Haha this is a amazing idea. Someone else is developing a crush on him too and from the same gender as he is, but I'm open for Elio to feel that way ofcourse! I'm not sure yet how Liam would react, but I am curious to find out.
Elio x Isabelle: I'm very happy with this! I'm looking for plots with her and I think Elio can definitely help her!
Leda x Liam: I'm open for this too. Liam is currently dating someone, but have to check until when. Not very long anymore I'm guessing. (because he is not someone that stays with one ofcourse :p) I'm very happy to help you develop this with Leda.
Leda x Charlotte: Charlotte is on the roll, and I really love to put them together. She will sure be irritated.
Isaac x Gabriel: Yeah this needs to happen indeed. I'm pretty sure they will not like eachother XDD
Isaac x Beaubelle: Lovely! I'm not sure. But I guess she will like it!
Geo x Lauren: Ohhh this is a tricky one. I'm sure Lauren will meet Geo for the problems she is gonna bring for Hufflepuff XD And I understand it if Geo will be irritated for it haha.

We can both start three? And the fourth we can look for later? I don't mind. Just need to put it on the list of which I need to start. Which ones do you like to start with?


So glad to hear from you! I'm really up for this! Evelyn likes Rama and it is nice for their last year to meet up again. Do you mind starting something for them?
Yass I'm glad! I could start Elio and Isabelle, Leda and Charlotte, Isaac and Gabriel?
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Alright I'm in. :)

I think Onyx might get along nicely with Athena. They share a house and a love of music.

I think Kira could be friends with Isabelle. She's currently looking to break out of the library and find balance in her life.

I also think maybe Liam and Sapphire could interact? I want her to do a bit more with Quidditch. She doesn't really reach out and make friends, but perhaps since this is her second year as an alternate Beater he can see her at the Slytherin table and strike up a conversation? It might be interesting to see her react to his charm.

I'm also looking at some of.your older students that might hit it off with Sapphire, but I'm not sure. She older sibling type that she could talk to.

Hey Jamie!

Obviously we’ve got TheresexLeif, but perhaps Gabriel and Leif could also become friends?

As for your firsties, I think it might be interesting to maybe just throw them together with my first year Nova and see what happens. I think she’ll get along with Alice, for Lauren I’m not so sure as I could also see them not really getting along, but we’ll have to see about that if you’re up for it.
Thanks for your reactions Jessica and Marijke!

Onyx x Athena: I'm sure she will like him! We can totally do them.
Liam x Sapphire: I'm up for this too! Liam would sure want to be the best of both of them, but will be gentle towards Sapphire and try to make an impression ofcourse!

I don't know who are what you had in mind for Sapphire. But let me know if you want something! Than I can think of it.


I'm so gonna react on the topic you made! (sorry I'm gonna do it really soon)
Gabriel x Leif: Yeah! That we didn't done this before! Gabriel is the cousin of Therese so I'm sure they will get along and hang out perhaps with the tree of them? I can react with both Therese and Gabriel in the topic if you like?
Alice x Nova: I like this! I'm sure they will get along.
Lauren x Nova: I'm curious to see this. I'm gonna open some (OPEN) topics soon. So I let you know! If you like to join.
Onyx x Athena: I'm sure she will like him! We can totally do them.
Liam x Sapphire: I'm up for this too! Liam would sure want to be the best of both of them, but will be gentle towards Sapphire and try to make an impression ofcourse!

I don't know who are what you had in mind for Sapphire. But let me know if you want something! Than I can think of it.

Let's do Athena and Onyx and Liam and Sapphire. If you want to start the first I can start the second :)
No worries & yeah I'm cool with both of them joining the topic!
We could do the AlicexNova a bit later on perhaps? And for Lauren just let me know yeah!

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