
Saveli looked at Monty and listened. He was holding a grudge against Gabriel - something Saveli was near incapable of doing to her best friend. She had to make him understand why she was forgiving of him. "Do you remember when we had detention and I threw boiling water on you. Or the time you though taking me in was a mistake? If we can forget and forgive those things... why can't your forgive him? I mean..." Saveli thought. "I don't think he meant those things to hurt me and if he did Dad he's changed. He wants to be in my life..." Saveli had yet to mention Reuben all day, something that was strange for her - but Reuben hadn't been a part of this story yet and frankly Saveli wasn't even sure how to involve him. The blonde rolled onto her back and looked at Monty from the floor before slowly sitting up, rubbing the back of her head slightly. It pounded now from crying.
The simple answer to Saveli's question was that it was different. The long answer was a little more complicated. But if Monty didn't explain, would she ever understand? "The difference between you or I and Gabriel is that we never intended to do anybody harm. How did you feel when you threw that water at me, hm? Did you hope it would scald me? Did you want me to pity you? Or were you just... frightened?" He paused. "Because I know I was, when I hurt you. We reacted in fear, Saveli, but we did not mean to hurt one another. Gabriel, on the other hand... When he hurts somebody - when he makes someone feel terrible about themselves - it makes him feel better. He's frightened too, deep down, I don't doubt that. But... people like Gabriel don't just change. They've never known a way to get by but to bring others down. It's sad. It's very sad. But it's dangerous. How many times has he proved to you that he's 'changed' only to revert the minute you forgive him to his old behaviour?" Monty sighed. "You're kind, Saveli. Too kind for your own good. But... some people aren't the kind of broken you can fix."
Saveli hugged her knees to her chest and looked at her father. She thought carefully over what Monty said. "Monty, when Gabriel was young his father was a lot like he is now. Or more absent... So maybe that's where he learned it from. Don't you think he can unlearn it?" Saveli was asking for both reassurance and so that she could possibly get it through to Monty that Gabriel wasn't a bad person. At least Saveli didn't think he was a bad person. She wanted to believe that Gabriel could change. Perhaps it was because if Gabe could change so could anyone. So could her father.

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