In Wonderland

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Lily Cliffeton

flourish and blotts owner | mother
OOC First Name
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Married (Heterosexual)
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Curly 9 1/2" Sturdy Larch Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
1/2012 (47)

Lily had wondered why she'd a) gotten dressed for the stupid festival of halloween and b) had decided to come to the feast. She hadn't come as a dancer this year. She didn't think it too original for a dancer to come as a dancer for halloween, it was hardly reaching outside the box. So Lily had gotten dressed up as Alice, from Alice in Wonderland. Her halloween Outfit, was just perfect. No others would compare and no one else was about to go as Alice for Halloween, she was barely a scary thing. Lily walked through the dungeons and up to the great hall. She stepped into the Great Hall carefully. She was care to walk, these were new shoes she was wearing. Lily sighed, she didn't even like halloween. Slowly, Lily walked over to the drinks table and took a butterbeer. She didn't know anyone. She couldn't even see Shaylah in this crowd. Lily took a drink of the wizarding drink and stood watching the crowds of dressed up people.
Elvera entered the Halloween feast dressed as a evil doll in a pink and white dress with black scrawl all over it. her eyes were coveted in thick black makeup which had run all of the way down her face. this made her feel dirty but she didn't have to worry about smudging anything as it would just add to the effect. once she had filled her glass with pumpkin juce. as she looked around she noticed a smaller girl in a dress with a similar cut to hers. standing on her own. the costume reminded her of a muggle film she had watched when she was little. slowly she crept up behind the girl and said "greetings alice and welcome to wonderland"
Caitlyn had listened to everybody buzzing about the Halloween, but hadn't really joined in. She had gone trick or treating when she was younger, before her father had died. Ever since then, her mother had never mentioned it, which Caitlyn had taken to mean she wasn't doing Halloween anymore. This was why she hadn't dressed up for her first Halloween at Hogwarts New Zealand, and, as she walked into the beautiful hall, she was regretting it.

Looking around, she saw all the student showing off their equisite, and some scary costumes. Tugging self conciously at her conservative dress, she tried to blend into the crowd. Sidling between laughing people, she looked around for somebody she knew. Spotting a familiar back, she hurried over to her friend Livia.
"Hey" she said quickly, smiling at her, and the other girl she was with, who looked older than them.

Lily looked to the older girl, she had to say the older girl's costume was pretty good. It did look evil, though without the black scrawlled over it, she was sure that the dress was quite a nice one. The black kind of ruined it. Lily smiled politely at the older girl, life had taught her to respect her elders, even if they were just a few years older than her. Lily was then pleased to see one of her only true friends, Caitlyn. The girl hadn't really tried for the occasion. Lily gave a slightly more real smile to her friend.

"Hey." Lily greeted both. She held her hand out to the older girl. "Livia, I like your costume. Though all that black is a little off putting."
Jaden had appear by the entrance of the hall dressed as Tifa Lockheart. She wasn't sure if anybody knew who Tifa was, it was an old muggel video game she used to play while growing up. Tifa Lockheart was a animated character in the game, sort of like a warrior. Jaden was dressed exactly like Tifa except her hair a light brown colour and Tifa hair was jet black. Jaden has spotted a few students from her class and of course some of her housemate. One of them was Livid, or was it Liviy? She couldn't remember as she stroll pass some tables her light weight fighting shoes barley making any sounds as she stops just a few feet away from her and two other girls. "Livid is it? Haven't seen you in a while except in the common room of course" she says with a unimpressed looked bestowed upon her face.
Elvera Smiled as the other girl turned around, and then turned around herself as someone else walked over. "thanks." she said as the first girl complimented her dress "the black is meant to be there, it just wouldn't be the same without it." once the second girl arrived she introduced herself "hi, i'm Elvera." when another girl walked over she said, "i like your costume, but i am sorry for asking, i dont know much, what is it?" she blushed slightly as she hadn't meant to sound rude.
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