In which Cecily gets lost

Cecily Rambolt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Cecily spun around in a circle, nearly falling over as she apparated onto what she thought would be the front door of the Leaky Cauldron. She opened her eyes wide to see better in the darkness of the night. Something didn't feel right. The air gave off a menacing aura. Shivering, Cecily slowly spun in a circle. She felt dizzy and didn't know if she should try disapparating just yet.
She looked up at the sign blowing in the wind. "Oh no," she breathed. It read, Bleak Street. She got out her wand, keeping it by her side. It's okay, she repeated to herself, straightening her spine and walking forward. She knew that Bleak Street, although she'd never been there before, connected somehow to Obsidian Harbor. She could ask one of the shop keepers here. She walked down the dark alley, her bearings totally lost.
Oh Nicolas, what have I gotten myself into now?
Nicolas had arrived in front of the Leaky Cauldron and waited a minute for Cecily to show up with no such luck. Knowing she had apparated around the same time as him he frowned and withdrew his wand. He tied his cloak tighter to him and then ran down the two main streets of the Harbor. When he could not see Cecily he thought about where else she could have apparated to, Bleak Street. It hit him in a moment, it was the only other place she could have been unless she had changed her mind about meeting him in the harbour or something worse had happened to her. He spun around and ran in the direction of Bleak Street as quickly as he could; the night's air making his cloak billow behind him.

In a few more moments Professor King was running down the entrance to Bleak Street, people stared at him as he entered the street; they all knew who he was. He ignored their stares, hisses and other various expressions of disapproval. he continued on, looking for Cecily who he before long noted as the woman shivering in front of a store. A few hags stood not far from her, staring and cackling. He quickened his pace and finally reached Cecily. He took off his cloak and offered it to her, "You seem cold." he began with a smile, putting his arm around her, "What do you say we get out of this place?"
Cecily stood in the cold, hugging her shawl to herself and looking around the dark alley. She couldn't seem to think too clearly and was afraid of splinching herself. Although if those hags came any closer to her she would have to risk it. She felt incredibly foolish. One of hags called out to her in a screechy, menacing voice. "Where's your man, lovey? Git caught up did 'e?" The other one cackled and wheezed. "Mayhap we could help her sister," the hag said. "She looks a bit lost in the sauce," they cackled. They slowly made their way toward her, stopping when the sound of footsteps running toward them. It was Nicolas! She'd never seen a more welcome sight as the man running toward her, concern on his handsome face. Her eyes lit up.
Cecily's knees nearly buckled in her relief as Nick put the cloak and then his arm around her shoulders. "Thank you,"she breathed, smiling tremulously and leaning into him. "I'm so sorry, I must have gotten mixed up." That was the absolute last time she was drinking wine.
"It's not a problem." Nicolas reassured her, rubbing his hand on her shoulder soothingly, warming it up. "I hope I didn't take too long finding you." he continued, walking at a slower pace with Cecily, figuring walking quickly would make the affair seem rushed or that simply getting out of the alley was his largest concern. "Are you alright then?"
"I'm fine, just a little shaky is all,"she said quietly, enjoying the warmth coming from him. "Those hags...they weren't the best conversationalists,"she said, happy they were headed in the right direction. "I'm sorry for worrying you,"she said, glancing up at him as they walked.
"Well, I'm glad you're fine." Nicolas began, withdrawing his arm from around Cecily. "There is no need to apologize, you certainly didn't plan this." He reassured her.
"No,"she agreed, "but it's certainly my fault for having too much to drink." She said truthfully, not analyzing why she felt bereft when he withdrew his arm. She drew his cloak about her closely, feeling better now that she wasn't shivering. The warm feeling from the wine had dissipated. She felt an effort to walk steadily beside him. It'd been so long since she'd been at her grandfather's vineyard...her memories of drinking with the old men had clouded her judgement on how wine she could take in without feeling the effects.

(I'm off to bed. :D )
"Well faults don't matter much, you're safe which is all I care about right now." Professor King stated firmly, more than glad he had found Cecily before the hags had done much more to her.
Cecily's smile brightened. She really liked Nicolas and the fact that he was being so protective of her spoke very well for him. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure no one was following them. She shuddered. Those hags had been awful. She was glad she'd had her wand on her. She could take care of herself if need be, but she abhored using magic against others. "Well, after taking on a werewolf I'd say the hags were jolly alright,"she laughed. That was another point in his favor, she thought, that he didn't mind the scars that ran down along her jaw and partway down her neck. They'd faded considerably since Drago's attack on her but they were still noticeable. It could be worse, she mused. She could have a patch on one eye. She stifled her laughter over that thought.
"Are we nearly there?"she asked, the darkness of the alley felt as though it was closing in on them. And even though she could see no one she felt eyes on them.
Scott had decided to leave Ministry Headquarters and go on patrol. He first inspected the harbor, which to none of his surprise was well off and then he started to walk down towards Bleak Street, where he expected to find trouble. He then spotted Nicolas King, an auror and professor, walking with a woman whom he did not know. He frowned at this. Nicolas should not be here, and definatly not in such a jovial manner. He was already upset that Nicolas had failed at his assignment, this was throwing salt in the wound. He leaned against a wall under the shadow of a building and watched a moment.
Professor King nodded, "Yes, almost there." he assured her, walking past a group of cloaked wizards huddled together chanting something. "I wouldn't want to spend too much time down here anyhow."
"Me neither," Cecily agreed. She tripped on a crumbled part of the walkway and grabbed onto Nicolas' arm to steady herself. "Sorry!"she said, laughing softly. "These roads just weren't made for heels."
"These roads weren't made for many of the things that occur on them." Scott began, pushing himself off of the shadowed wall and approach the two birds of the night. "But I suppose that doesn't stop any of it from occurring." he continued with a fierceness in his eyes and voice. "What surprises me is that the two of you, would be on such a street at such a time." he finished, standing directly in front of them both at this point with his wand drawn.
"It's not a problem." Nicolas stated as Scott appeared from out of a shadow. Noting his drawn wand he spun his in his right hand, making it clearly noticeable. "Perhaps you should understand what has occurred before you start making judgments." Nicolas stated in contempt, Scott had never impressed him, the only reason he had the job he had was because the old department head had disappeared. "Is there anything else then or may we be on our way?"
Cecily remained quiet, sensing an animosity between the two. She slowly lowered her hand down to her side, palming her wand.
"Yes, there is something else." Scott began, he had become accustomed to the way Nicolas treated him, but as it did not hinder his work he usually ignored it. He had looked up to Nicolas for a while, trying to learn the ropes from him, and then once he became assistant to the Head of the Auror department he had tried to show Nicolas how great he was, though Nicolas never took notice; or never cared. "I would be interested in knowing why you have not reported to the Auror department of the Ministry for re-assignment? You failed your last assignment, I figure I might give you an easier one now, perhaps guarding St. Mungo's?"
"How dare you?!" Cecily burst out, unable to remain silent any longer, her wand pointed at the man. "You've no right to speak to Nicolas that way, you pompous slug!" She didn't like this man, not one bit. His arrogant manner reminded her too much of her ex husband.
Scott raised his wand to the woman's chest, "I fear you do not know who you address." he began with a smirk, "If you did there would be no way you would speak to me how you are currently." he continued, making the 'tut-tut' sound. "Now that you've threatened me I would be in the right if I cursed you, but I don't need a scene tonight." At this point he turned to Nicolas, "Tell your friend to back off."
"Cecily, you really shouldn't" Nicolas began before Scott spoke, but as he did Professor King became more upset. He stepped between Cecily and Scott. "I will do no such thing, and should you even attempt to curse anybody tonight you won't be found tomorrow, and you know you're no match for me." Nicolas stated through gritted teeth, "And I assure you that it is not Death I am offering. Death would be a gift."
Cecily nearly exploded then and there. How dare that worm treat her like that? She literally saw red and sparks flew from her wand, although no spell was cast. This man was just like Bearse, the same smirk, the same attitude. She wanted to show him just what it meant when he threatened her.
Nicolas stepped in front of her and his words stopped her cold. This was a new side of him, one she'd never seen. This was the Auror. The man who'd killed. It sent a shiver down her spine and at the same time made her damn proud of him.
"I may not be a match for you yet, but I believe I would have the Ministry of Magic on my side, and you'd have a few book hugging Professors?" Scott began with a shake of his head, "My question still stands Nicolas, why haven't you reported to me?"
Nicolas' wand shook slightly making him aware of it's presence again. He lowered it to his side, he didn't want a fight tonight but he would deal with Scott if he had to. "If you must know, Sir, I have not reported to you because your superior has given me other instructions." he informed him as he spun on his heels to face Cecily, "Are you alright?" he inquired, now ignoring Scott.
Cecily nodded jerkily, her mouth a tight line to keep her angry words in; her eyes showed it all. "Just get me away from him before I do something I won't regret,"she whispered, a steely look in her green eyes.
"Chain of command Nicolas, you answer to me. Not the minister." Scott said, lowering his wand as Nicolas did. "Go on then, leave." he stated dismissively, regretting leaving the ministry already.
"Right, let's go." Nicolas started before Scott spoke. He frowned and was tempted to cast a trip jinx but instead simply placed his arm around Cecily again and started to walk off the street.

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