I wouldn't try to trick you.

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All I can say really is thank you so much for what you have done for this site and for the people on it. You are an awesome friend to everyone here, and you are funny too. XP I shall miss you and miss seeing you lurking everywhere.

I still want to steals your pants. Cause all your pants are belong to me. >3

Lots of luffles

though now I may stalk you over MSN bwahahaha
Nickle Pickles,

I was really wishing to read 'JUST KIDDING HA LAWLZ U DUMB PEEPZ' at the very end. But, nay...
I feel very sad right now. You're a GREAT admin, and I really hope everything that has been bugging you gets worked out. I really can't imagine an HNZ without you. You're the HNZ poster boy.

Be prepared to be bothered on MSN.

I miss ya already. :( :cry: :hug:

See ya soon, chap. OR ELSE.

Nicolas King said:
Zach: You underestimate your ability to irritate people. :r ( :wub: )
Hey thanks Nick, you sounded like my Mum. :r
Well, well, well....

It's been quite some time since I logged in... mainly because I have forgotten Bruin's login information and well, I didn't think posting as a practice bludger, retired shopkeeper, or even Groundskeeper Willie would have quite the same effect as with Manteia...

I lurked this topic the other day and knew that I would have to return to post....

As a teacher, I am routinely in awe of the incredible potential and abilities of young people. However, the gifted writers and creative, talented, and committed members of the HNZ community always managed to rise above my expectations.

For those of you who don't know me, I was one of the first batch of students to walk these halls and I did so proudly, enjoying the opportunity to go back to "school" and act like a young person again. In an interesting role-reversal, the young Nicktator who easily could have been one of my students in real life ended up as one of my professors, mentors, and Head of House on here.

I can still not begin to fathom the incredible amount of technological savvy and innate problem-solving that reside within you and wish you to know that I have a great deal of respect for that, but more importantly it is your strength of character as a person that I truly admire. You treat the people on this site with respect and dignity, welcome new members with your unique style, assist others by listening to their ideas, and accept responsibility for your own actions and encourage others to do the same. This site may not have been started by you, but certainly has been nurtured and evolved under your leadership.

I didn't intend to write a book, but as is usually the case when I get on here... well, the words begin to flow and I can't stop myself. To put it simply, I wish you all the best in the future, feel fortunate for the opportunity to have gotten to know you through this site, and am proud to call you a friend. I'm quite certain that none of us has heard the last of you and for that I am grateful... best of luck from Bruin, Willie, Arithmos, Hudson and any other of my characters whoever came to life under your watch.
I never thought I would see this day!!
I knew of course that it would have to come but it doesn't make it any easier.
Will plague msn now relentlessly so that you'll be well sick of me ;)
Can't believe I came back to this :cry:
This is sad news indeed but I :wub: j00 dearly my friend and wish only the best for you.
I can't say anymore here... will get all emotional again :p

:linda: will miss :nick:
:linda: :hug: :nick:
:linda: :wub: :nick:
Nicolas King said:
Olivia: Crying is for babies and people with sad things happening to them. :r Nobody should cry over this, silly face. :tut:
I be no baby! <_<

I'm one of the people who's been on here a while, and I REALLY love it here, but I never really talk to anyone in spam, or just in general, because I'm really shy at first (this has been a really long 'at first' for me) but I am really upset about this. You actively went and tried to make friends with every new member, and you did so much for this site. Sorry, this sounds sort of corny, and we've never really spoken, :shy: but you're an essential part of this site, in my mind.
See you around Nickernoodles. Remember that others have tried and failed to leave HNZ. :wink: Anyway good luck with real life :D
Sir Niccersdoodles...

I'm... saddened by your conspicious abscence to come. You were the first one to give me the welcome on my first thread here (and prolly the most noobish xD )...
You are beyond reasonable doubt for me, the best admin I have yet to encounter, you were so kind and patient even if I was going half-crazy with worry on a question whether or not I was breaking the siterules *grabs napkin and cries :cry: *. I even took a few advices from your rants while lurking the staff blog :r (randomness).
I dunno what to friggin say right now, except: Thankzorz for ze welcome. :) :hug: :wub:
Now I'm all sentimental again... :r xD
Have fun in life... Really fun. And get back on here whenever you feel for it so that I can bother you with incessant personal messaging. =))

Vale; farewell; fair winds and following seas; adjeu; auf wiedersehen and viszontlataszra!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Med vänliga hälsningar
Master :nick:

Wow. What to say. I can't say I've been on here as long as others, but we've had soon interesting conversations before and I'm really going to miss you. I distinctly remember once randomly asking in a Spam "Who's HNZ's counsellor?" I got at least 10 "Nick"s. I've never really used your counselling skills, which I am sad about. To be honest, I've been hoping to be on Spam at the same time as you as we haven't chatted for a while now, and now I guess I'll have to wait until you lurk again. (I'm trusting that you will, indeed, lurk again). I wish I could have RPd with you, but 'twas not to be. I guess that now I shall have to take your place at the exclusive free continental breakfast, so that the muffins don't get lonely. :p

I know that when I think of HNZ, I always think of you and some of the other HNZ veterans who inspired me when I first started out and were gracious enough not to judge me but to accept my weirdness. Sadly, I don't have your Skype and I don't have MSN, but I shall blackmail someone into giving me your Skype, and then, I hope, we shall have many grand chats. I will always think of you when I watch Sleepy Hollow (I've actually started to think if Nick King simply when I see Johnny Depp ;) ) and will always remember trying to have a Spam conversation with you and others while watching Sleepy Hollow and giving commentary as I went. Ah, good times. ;)

I'm trusting that you will come back again and that I will, someday, once again have random Spam chats with you and call you Master. If I don't believe that you will soon come back and once again be our Admin King, (haha! pun :shifty: ) and a regular fixture in the HNZ world. I'm believing this because I'm an optimist and an idealist, and if I don't I will cry. :cry: Also, if you're ever sick, pop in and I'll give you one of my magic hugs which can make everything better. :correct:

Make sure you pop in and say hi every once in a while, so we know that the evil pink magical flying mooses (meese?) (moose?) o_O haven't abducted you and taken you to their marshmallow lair. If they do, just give us a shout and we'll see what we can do. xD

I remain, always,
Your Slave, Hannah banana :hug:

PS sorry it's so long, maybe I should've gotten your email address and emailed this to you. Anyway. :hug:

I'm sorry for all the times I had to be told off for my absolute ignorance, but I've tried to impove. :r
Also sorry that we never really talked OOC on Skype or anything.
I'd just like to say that you've been a really good admin around here, and while some people might think that there are too many rules, I know that HNZ would not be the amazing community it is without them. You'll be missed alot around here, so please come back and say HELLO. ^_^

-Lizzy :hug:

I am realtively new to HNZ and when I first joined I was confused and I didn't understand the site at all. You Pmed me and helped me and I find it second nature now.. You are at the heart of HNZ.


I lurked this topic soon after you posted but I have been avoiding posting. :erm:

I never thought this would happen. I didn't think I would see the day with HNZ without you. I joined this site over three years ago, only a few days after you. I am really sad to see you go but I hope you will still stop by every now and again. Hopefully, you will return to us full time again in the future. You have done much for this site. Good luck in everything you do. You will be missed. :(

:wub: you.
we'll miss u nick hurry back to us if you can!!! it will not be the same!!!!

I've already had my cry about this, so somehow I've resigned myself to it between there and now. Now, I am simply sad and I have to say that I don't think anyone else on HNZ will be missed as much as you, which is saying something because everyone here is adored and beloved. I don't know how long I've known you for, but I know it's over a year and it's been a very good year at that. I have been stubborn, naughty and annoying sometimes (xD) and I am really sorry about all that. Either way, it's better to end things on a happier note, that being that you are truly the heart of HNZ as many have said already, and there'll be a great hole in the middle of it waiting to be filled. Please do stop by for a hello every now and then, no one could bear it if you didn't.

♥ and I will too.

Kelsey Ruth.
Oh noes, you will be incredibly missed. You've been here since i started on HNZ and every time i've come back, seriously leaving really isn't that easy. You've been a great part of HNZ and i hope you do come back some time and if not i hope you just have a great time doing whatever it is you do. :) ♥ Bye Nick x
Renee: Not my pants! D: I just got new schmexy onesssss! :(

Malynne: I was hoping for that at the end, too. :( I fear I let myself down. :tut:
Your threats are hollow, too. :o

Zach: Yech. I hate sounding like people's mums. :doh:

Paul! You need to get back on here. :glare: Same with Kim. I'll come back when you do. :r Or something. :tut: But thanks, dude. :wub:

Linddaaa. :hug: We'll still chat and st00f. :) MSN is teh greatz for it. ;)

Olivia: We need a baby emote. :p Just for you. ;)

Ceara: Get involved morreee! Talk to people! Add me on MSN! ^_^ :r (If you haven't already... I can never remember who is on my list...)

Ana: Thanks. ^_^ (And I am ever mindful of that fact. :erm: )

(It is at this point that I realize how many people I've yet to respond to and I'm regretting waiting so long. :doh: )

Mina: Don't be sad! Sheeeesshhh. Incessant personal messaging will fail (bwhahahahahahaha!) butttt you can always MSN me. ;)

Hannah: D'awww. :( PM me and I can give you me skype address. ;)

Lizzy: Thanks. ^_^

Maia: Thanks, that means a lot to me. :wub:

Kait: Avoidance didn't make this one go away, huh? :( Well, we can always try again in the future. :r Anyway! Thanks a lot. :) Pop on MSN and poke me now and then, kayyyy? :p

Ash: I can't promise any hurrying of any sort. But thanks. -nods-

KR: You're a silly person KR. But thanks for the 'Ni-sama', annd everything you said. It does mean a lot to me. ^_^

Robyn: Thanks. And we'll see what the future holds! :o
You'll be missed Nick!! Gawd knows how long you've been here. Hopefully you'll be back. I think everyone who's been on here for at least five minutes knows who you are and anyone who's been here longer knows how awesome you are.

Summer x
Nicolas King said:
Zach: Yech. I hate sounding like people's mums. :doh:
I can see why people would get that impression when it comes to mine. =))
I was gone for your post, and I regret that sorely. You can be sure that I will bug you as much as possible if I see you online in any state. I can't say that it will be HNZ without you, but I can say that all of us will do the best we can. I remember being a n00b, always messaging you (What was that, like a month ago?) and that I will miss. I'm sorry to see you go, and will miss you dearly, even if we didn't have any role plays. I wish what I wanted to say was longer, but I'm not one for long goodbyes, or even goodbyes... so I'll say - Bye. Because it's not for good, unless we'll never meet again.

Leaving? Seriously? Nah... I won't fall in your tricks. :r You love HNZ too much to leave it so easily. I don't believe you, it's al LIES, please tell me it's all LIES?! :cry: Anyways, you know how to reach me if you want to talk. Best of luck with everything and I know how important education is. Take care of yourself. :wub: I'll still be paying for the hosting and everything, so not to worry about that. :)

- Hamza
Right now it seems to have been part lies - but I've cut back severely and have only been doing the things that absolutely need to be done or HNZ would be an idea of the past. :tut:
I'm not sure whether you should expect me to grow steadily more active, or less active - but I do know that I stopped appearing as anonymous when I lurk now.
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