Hot or Not

Puzzled/ Out of Ten

Well that isn't good, is it?
Ugh, most girls I know are miserable already. What's with misery nowadays?​
Reporter at heart out of 10

Eugh. Who cares about stuff like that these days? Why don't you just be like other girls your age and go shopping?
Interested in somebody / out of ten

Well, doesn't look like you're going the right way about getting that guy. Sorry sweetie, looks like maybe you need some tips from a "bimbo" about getting the right guy for you.
Interesting. I like you.
Gryffindor / out of ten

Usually I don't talk to Gryffindors... Especially younger ones... But I might take pleasure in teaching you how to be a snake in lion's skin. We should meet up sometime, see if it's worth my time.
It's either you're trying too hard to look so bad or hell, you just suck.​
Irish // Out of Ten

I was never a fan of the Irish, most Irish that I have met have been extraordinarily rude and have a knack for being to handsy for my taste.
You seem so wild for a person not older than 13. Hey, relax kiddo.​
<FONT font="Lucida">Cute./OutofTen
You're cute. But you seem like trouble so your type seems to be best avoided.
That seems just as troublesome.
If you need fixing you know where you can find Morgan and I. You are always welcome no matter how much or little you need or no matter what hour you need it.

That's not really good. Maybe you should try to enjoy yourself, rather than focusing on being angry.
Fantabulous/ Out of Te

Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine!
I don't trust seers. They know too much. Like things they shouldn't.
Werewolf/ Out of Ten
That's cool, but Ray wouldn't let me be around you.
Maybe/ Out of Ten
Don't you think everyone has issues?
Please, don't be one of the stereotypes. Being a Slytherin isn't all about being bad.​

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