Hot or Not

You're pretty like asdfjkl.

Hmm...They always say Slytherins are these prejudiced people that hates Muggle Borns. Hope you are not like the others, though.
<COLOR color="#000">youseemsoniceoutoften
can you be my baby sister or something? so cute!
you guys were blessed with the better genes.​

What do you mean "you guys"? You are also beautiful, you know. Just because your extremely tall that doesn't mean you're not pretty. Always remember that.
For a Muggle Born, you are completely different as compared
to the other muggle born students. Your personality flares
your blood status up, making me think of you as a Pure Blood.
Maybe the hat considered to put you in Slytherin despite
your blood status.
You prove that not all Slytherins are self-centered and arrogant
i digress from my unintentional rhyming to inform you that you're nothing but a pretty face to me.
stop judging//outoften
Slytherin is not the problem, it's your ignorance young lady ! (what a hypocrite xP)​
Did I say anything about him being a Slytherin,I have nothing against them
(Don't mind him xD )

finish school and you'll do great!
we really should catch up more often.
You seem like a typical pretty and sweet Hufflepuff, but I'm sure there's something more under the surface, don't be afraid to shine.

It's not that I have a lot of info about fashion, you just look very pretty and very sassy.

At your Age! dying your hair!
<SIZE size="50">wowoutoften
It's a pity you're engaged, really. But I guess you aren't worth my time, because you are engaged.
HufflePuff/out of ten
Just by the look of you, you don't seem like an ordinary Puff.
<SIZE size="50">lookwhatwehavehereoutoften
A death eater and a healer. What an interesting combination. It's good to know you can clean up after yourself.
So we meet again/ Out of Ten

This time I was stalking... just a tiny bit but it was coincidence​

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