Hot or Not

you B!#ch/10
no wonder no one likes you
don't make me laugh ;D

Witty, eh? I'm sure you can solve most problems but I'm sure you can't solve mine.
I hope you still think the same about the big ole prefect now her secrets come out, you seem sweet enough to
Puff/out of ten
I haven't met a Puff that struck my interest, sorry.
Red doesn't usually catch my attention.
Though your the color of your eyes
are just amazing. Strange yet fascinating.
I like it.
Who I'm Grateful To//OutOfTen
You were great at the tower,most people would of panicked

I don't know what the hell that is but I think it resembles something panicky.
Sweet girl. /10
Such a cute firsty don't try to grow up too fast
yesterday trash//outoften
that is all.​
next victim//outoften
keep it up pretty eyes, you'll be next ;D
Like your gumption, but you're a bit mean. /10
Turtle neck gryffindor/ten
Australian hmm? I never knew how it sounds like
nor do I want to know.
sorry to say but at the moment i don't like the snakes, but i guess if i look past the house you don't seem too bad
That's an ultimate secret behind a pretty face.
I seem to have had you wrong. you seem cool enough especially as you play the best quidditch position.

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