Hey, there goes another one!

Aine Thompson

Going My Own Way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
20 (21/9/2043)
oops i'm totally not supposed to be doing an assignment right now

Hello! I am joining in on the 'quick everyone post PDs' bandwagon because I am a fool. Despite being very bad at replying to threads at the moment whoops. I am pretty slack and I'm not actually looking for a whole lot because I am balancing full time work and college but the way work is going at the moment boy do I need a distraction and some fun adventures and plots. I am bad at actually remembering to post on my adults especially so I'm focusing on my students. except for my boy because I'm still stuck on muse for him but he'll be trying out for Quidditch again so there's that lol


Aine Thompson - 3rd Year Hufflepuff - The Worst Person In The World

(At least if you ask her, she is) My girl is in third year now, what? I am pretty much down for any misadventures with her because my MO lately with writing her has been "but how can I make this situation worse?" She's turning fourteen and she's struggling. Her foot has an affinity for her mouth and she is trying very hard to be friendlier but it does not come naturally to her. She is trying a lot of things really and some work (writing) and some do not (duelling). She's taking every class and will grow to regret this in OWL year. Could always go for some weird hobbies or secret hunting or anything at all! Open to everything!​


Renata Stepanova - 4th Year Hufflepuff - Practically Average In Every Way

Poor sweet Renata, I made her to be all sunshine and rainbows and then I gave her crippling self-esteem issues that may or may not have been an extension of my own anxiety in playing her. Oops. She is very much a people pleaser and is on good terms with a lot of people but she feels she has to try very hard and is starting to get a bit burned by her own need for validation. She's a little bit oblivious too, which probably doesn't help. She is seen as a bit of a failure by her family so she will do anything to be liked and accepted, which could always cause some fun drama between friendships... Looking for friends/frenemies!​


Yuelia Rossingol - 2nd Year Slytherin - You Will Regret The Day You Crossed Me, Fools!

I'm mostly putting her here because I have a plot idea if anyone (especially Slytherins, particularly girls) is keen. Her pet raven, Thanatos, is commonly with her and is far too smart and tricky for his own good. To the point that he might start hoarding trinkets and shiny things from around the dorms and hiding them with his owner without her knowledge...which, for a girl who already feels rather out of place, could be some interesting tension in the dorms. Aside from that, she's going to be competing in the duelling tournament this year and is determined to win. She loves magic and is very good at it it's just everything around it she has to work harder at. She has an incredibly dorky side that I'm looking forward to writing in duels tbh. Open to anything, especially rivals?​


Dahlia Doherty - 1st Year Gryffindor - Ooh, It's All So Retro-Chic!

I'm just starting to get a feel for her but I kinda like writing her already, lol. Unlike my other characters she's genuinely perky, so that's a nice change. She's not the brightest but she's not a complete idiot - she can be surprisingly insightful at times. She just also doesn't really care too much about schoolwork. She likes sport and she'll probably get in to quidditch down the line if she can't play netball. She could be your best friend or a huge pain in the rear. She's bold but she's not completely rude and she knows to be nice if you have something she wants, but will be nicer if you're actually pleasant. Pretty much looking for anything with her, could be fun to have a character actually get in to some trouble or just be a bit of a gossip/start a firstie cool girl group.​


Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe - History of Magic 1-4 - Don't Talk To Me Until I've Had My Coffee

I said I am lazy with adults and this is very true but since I actually am obliged to be on the ball with Gabrielle (and have enjoyed reworking HoM) I wouldn't actually mind RPing her a bit. She's nice and a bit of a nerd but genuinely cares about history and wanting to help students who are interested in it. She can also be someone to talk to for gentle but firm and possibly blunt advice. She's also a total mess in her personal life and insists students make appointments because when she's out of work mode she's...much less approachable. Which could hopefully spark some interesting RPs. Also keen to just hang out with professors and staff.​

anyway thats it for the moment this corporations law assignment won't write itself as much as i wish it would. Feel free to PM me or hit me up on discord (rocketpineapple#2460). I am incredibly disorganized about 90% of the time and most likely will forget things and do not ever start conversations organically but I am always down to plot or just chat and love distractions from work!
Hiiii!!! I know there were some ideas on my PD but I thought to add one or two ideas to yours hehe! Feel free to decline as well!

Dahlia + Conan - For your first year I can offer my firstie Conan - Not sure if you wanted to try it out or not, they may or may not get along, Conan isn't a sports person, but does like the great outdoors. He is always up for some mischief and adventures - we can always put them in a thread together and see how it goes?

Gabrielle + Quinn - I haven't really done much with my professor unfortunately so I guess this might be a great opportunity to do that? Quinn is from New York and went to Illvermorny. Quinn hasn't really interacting with the other professors lolll

Let me know what you think :)
Hey Camilla, have some things

Zagreus x Aine - I'm keen for these two to keep interacting because I think they could be friends potentially, if Zag can stop being so weird and awkward about literally everything #pain

Mischa x Yuelia - I present to you a rival, because Mish is also very keen to win the duelling tournament and has aspirations 'to be the greatest (kid still doesn't know at WHAT). But yeah it could be fun to pit the two of them together and see what happens.

And if you want something for Profs then Hiro x Gabrielle is always an option. He's the lower years Muggle Studies prof and only came into the job a year ago so he's also new to the school (though likes to think he has the hang of things now). But maybe they could get along and chat or whatever.
*slowly emerges from the primordial ooze of college to take a breath*

I'm on phone so can't reply properly but hey Maria! I would be willing to have them meet but I'm not sure how well they'll get on either it may be awkward. Like a "omg you're so childish" says the literal eleven year old =)) as for profs I'm down cause profs are people too lol. Gabrielle went to Hogwarts but her mother went to Ilvermony. She can be a bit blunt but I think she'd try and make am effort to be nice.

I'm happy to do either or both? I will get a thread for Renata and Molly done soooooon (TM)

Hey Charlie! I'm so sorry I flaked a bit on the thread! (and on threads in general the last few weeks pain) Aine genuinely does want to be his friend she's just not the most emotionally intelligent. She does kind of Get It though so she's not gonna push him she might just pester him a little to awkwardly be friendly even though she thinks he hates her. Plus she's taking literally every class so they'll at least have some things to work on.

I would love to see Mischa and Yuelia duel at some point because she is going to be so serious and yet so unapologetically cringe about it :r think Hifumi Togo playing shogi and you basically get the idea.

And yes of profs, Gabrielle might quietly seethe at how young and successful Hiro is but would at least appreciate the company of a new-ish prof especially since because its me she has Ideas but no resources to implement them.

Happy to do any of these, let me know what you think.
*slowly emerges from the primordial ooze of college to take a breath*

I'm on phone so can't reply properly but hey Maria! I would be willing to have them meet but I'm not sure how well they'll get on either it may be awkward. Like a "omg you're so childish" says the literal eleven year old =)) as for profs I'm down cause profs are people too lol. Gabrielle went to Hogwarts but her mother went to Ilvermony. She can be a bit blunt but I think she'd try and make am effort to be nice.

I'm happy to do either or both? I will get a thread for Renata and Molly done soooooon (TM)
Conan is a childish one ahaha, always up for some mischief and whatnot - so that's all good! I'm happy to put them together and see what happens lmaooo

Oh, I would love to see how these profs interact, Quinn is more of the too sweet for her own good but also strict bahaha - also interested to see where this goes hehe

Ooooo Yes! We can do both! Whatever works for you, cos I know ur busy with assignments and stuff, so i don't mind! Again, I can start one you can start the other? I don't mind hehe
@Samantha Jacobs sweet! I am happy to start Dahlia and Conan sometime soon if you wanted to start the profs thread? (I will also start Renata and Molly soon I swear lol).

I'm going to give my poor boy some actual love so:


Michael Watson - 2nd Year Ravenclaw - Is It In The 'Spirit Of Quidditch'?

My poor sweet loveable boy who has been entirely neglected mostly because I could never really get muse for him because of struggling to find a PB I was happy with (and me struggling to write boys generally because mental blocks), I'm so sorry. He's a nice kid with an overbearing mother who has her own Dramatic Past. He really wanted to play cricket for New Zealand but now is at least determined to either play or commentate quidditch. He lives and breathes sport but is nerdy about it and likes stats. He makes some of the worst jokes once he opens up to you. He's used to team stuff but feels kind of lonely at Hogwarts, having the Ravenclaw team as his main outlet. I can not guarantee I can reply on him in any timely fashion but if you want a hype man who is just going to be pleasant to be around (considering how awful all my other characters are it's refreshing) he's your guy.​

Hii Camilla! I feel like we haven't plotted much and I want to change that.

I could offer you Isadora for Aine, she's pretty easy to get along with (if a bit bossy) and in her year. I think she could be a good friend for her, as she doesn't get bothered easily. It's also funny because she's close friends with Cameron, so there's potential for plots/drama there, maybe.

For Renata, I can offer Gwen again, I think she enjoys having Hufflepuff friends she can manipulate a bit. Maybe she can pull Renata into some gossip or something else she wouldn't normally do?

I could also offer Gwen for Yuelia maybe? I feel like she has many shiny things for her raven to steal, and she would not be happy about it :r

And I know you said your boy Michael is a nice guy and that's refreshing, well... I have a not-so nice guy I could offer for him. His roommate Emery has an unreasonable grudge against Quidditch and would not miss an opportunity to make sure everyone knows how silly it is. Maybe there's a mutual dislike there we could do something with? Or a one-sided dislike from Emery's side :p
Ooh yes I would like to see Isadora and Aine hang out! She's been having so much trouble with people and feeling like she's upsetting them so she would be extremely relieved with Isadora being fairly unbothered. I assume Aine is at least on alright terms with Margo so at least theres that (her awkward hate-crush on Cameron notwithstanding for fun tension if she complains about him). I am happy to start something if you like!

I am sorry I was flaky on the Gwen and Renata thread I felt weirdly awful about barging into an established group with a transfer last IC year and that's why she has issues now because I'm projecting :r Renata is close with Sky (and Sky has a crush) but she would want Gwen to like her too so there could be fun drama there? (Sorry Mia!)

And ooh yes, tension with Emery would be fun. I feel like Michael is a bit of a peacekeeper and problem solver so if Emery hates him for the Quidditch thing he'd mostly just be confused, and at least want to be on neutral terms if not friends. Funnily enough he'd readily admit Quidditch is silly despite (or because of) enjoying it, but he's also a dyed in the wool cricket fan so it comes with the territory :lol: could do something in the dorms or common room or even the Ravenclaw table if Michael is geared up for practice and Emery makes his disgust known. Whatever would suit you best, I can work with it!
Ohh yay!

It'd be nice if you started Aine and Isadora! I think it could be fun.

You didn't have to feel awful at all about Renata! I think she fits into the yeargroup just fine. Gwen dislikes Sky, so that could be fun :r I mentioned a similar plot to Maria with Molly, so maybe she tries to gossip with both of them at once? Depending on what she says. I think Gwen would try to see how much influence she has over her little army of Hufflepuff girls :p (two girls, tbh)

Emery and Michael sound hilarious, I could start that?
For Emery and Michael!

Sorry if it's a bit early since you don't have tryouts results yet, but I was inspired. I figured we could say he was dressed in Quidditch gear because tryouts were that day if we needed :p But let me know if I should change anything!
I am sorry I was flaky on the Gwen and Renata thread I felt weirdly awful about barging into an established group with a transfer last IC year and that's why she has issues now because I'm projecting :r Renata is close with Sky (and Sky has a crush) but she would want Gwen to like her too so there could be fun drama there? (Sorry Mia!)
You didn't have to feel awful at all about Renata! I think she fits into the yeargroup just fine. Gwen dislikes Sky, so that could be fun :r I mentioned a similar plot to Maria with Molly, so maybe she tries to gossip with both of them at once? Depending on what she says. I think Gwen would try to see how much influence she has over her little army of Hufflepuff girls :p (two girls, tbh)
not meaning to barge in. but Gwen should totally try and manipulate @Renata Stepanova and @Molly Burke against sky. you 100% have my permission to do this. however you see fit. and it would be fun to see where the consequences lie.

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