Happy Valentines: Suddenly, Lycanthropy!

Oh well.. I'll try to think about it some more... Cause I'm a bit confused... xD
Jessye never really gave much to go on to suggest she was the Seer. Maybe she didnt see anything of too much importance or she suspected she was the fool. :erm:

I'm beginning to get suspicious of everyone claiming a role. Only Mia's role has been corroborated by Zach who suggested he tried to kill her at night and couldn't. Claiming any role is a good way to try and divert attention from yourself.

My vote is for Kait for now.

I'm keeping an eye on the people who didnt put any vote in at all since the wolf could be trying to lay low, which is what could be happening too.
I am not a wolf. I don't know why it would make you suspicious for someone to reveal what they really are since there has yet to be anyone to reveal a role in this game that later turned out to be a wolf. In fact, we haven't caught any wolves yet. We need to work together.

I went back and looked. Jessye only voted for Kate II and then Zach. I'm guessing she didn't see anything of importance or she would have told us.
Isn't Zach the only person who revealed his role who we have lynched? I'm on my phone so I can't check. We have taken everyone else at their word and yet the wolves live on. :r

If anyone else has a suspicion, I'm definitely all ears because I don't have many ideas other than what I stated above.
some things i have drawn out of the table, mainly my musings but feel free to use them or correct them if wrong.
if i am correct there are 11 people left.
Kate 1
Kate 2
Kesley Ruth.

and the rolls remaining are
three wolves
1 seer/fool
2 villagers.

the jailer has been claimed by Amy
the angel has been claimed by me
the cupid has been claimed by Kait

Kesley ruth has not been on and hasn't voted or commented. once
of the people who are left Marga is the only person who has changed her vote.
Amy is the only person to have not been the first to vote anyone
if you don't count day 1 when votes were random then johannah, cyndi pat and amy also hasnt been the first to vote anyone
yesterday Kate 2, Kait, Amy, Pat and Kelsey ruth didn't vote. everyone else voted Zach except Marga who voted Payal
no two people have voted the same on multiple days

if everyone who has claimed a role is claiming the right role then each of the people left has a 3/8 chance of being a wolf. otherwise it is a 3/11.
Well I have no idea who to vote, so I will think about it and come back tomorrow if I'm not too busy.

However, if people are now rushing to claim roles, then I might as well admit mine. I'm a plain ol' villager, but have been keeping from saying it to stay out of the way of the wolves. But seeing as Mia is the angel and she is the only one protected, then I guess I could be killed anyway xD
I'm glad to see that people are not rushing to lynch others and I don't plan to do so either because so far we haven't got any good leads. I am suspicious of Kait, lyk Pat said, since she mentioned Jessye in her last day phase post but there are equal chance of it being a set up so I'm not gonna vote for her straight away.

And if you are a wolf Kait then claiming to be the cupid is smart since no one can ask you to prove it but no one has challenged it so far so I'm inclined to believe that you might be telling the truth.

About Zach really being a hunter, all I have to say that he wasn't a very helpful one and it looked like he was (unintentionally) helping the wolves out by targeting people blindly like Nick on the first night.

And Mia thanks for the list.

I am thinking that if we vote out KR than it would be one more person off the list and we could know her role and that would make things easier and if by chance she is a wolf who has not checked her inbox then it will be good. I know my theory sounds wolfish but I think that it might be worth it. However I wont vote for her until I get some backup on this idea so if anyone is willing to vote her out then please say.

Also I am slightly suspicious of Marga (again) because she was asking too many questions about the seer/fool thing and I have a feeling that if she is the wolf then she killed Jessye but now she want's to know whether she was a real seer or a fool. Anyways I'm going to wait till tomorrow morning to see what people think of my ideas and If again they try to vote me out like they did before just because I was being honest about my ideas.
Payal. I am thinking the same as you about kesly Ruth. She could be a wolf in which would be a good outcome if we lynched her if she isn't then I don't know.
I don't think it is Marga I had a suspicion to what she was on day 2 and I had the same suspicion again today.

I do think it was odd that Kate v Alice hills claimed the roll of villager before she was cast under suspicion (correct me if I am wrong) as the villager is the roll hardest to question. Though I have just woken up so I may be way out.
I've been wondering about KR too.

I think I'm most suspicious of the people who didn't vote at all or even post any ideas to help in the discussion yesterday. I'm going to think about this more, but I will be changing my vote before I head to bed.
Kait [2]: Pat, Cyndi

Yet to vote: Everyone else

In response to your earlier queries, Marga, both the fool and the seer flip as 'seer' when they die.
I'm convinced more than ever that the wolves are playing under the radar since only 2 people have voted so far!! I want to change my vote, but I'd much rather one person go than two and if I switch my vote and am the only one to do so, the village could lose 2 people if both of them turn out not to be the wolf! We could also lose 2 wolves, but I'm not confident enough in my suspicions to do that.
First off, thanks for all the information, Mia! And thanks for answering my questions, Camilla!

Next is, as I recall I changed my vote the time I voted for Kelsey Ruth then voted for Payal making it a three-way tie, right? Well, during that time I had my suspicions on her since she hasn't voted or commented once, but Mel told me that she hasn't been on for quite a while so I changed my vote to Payal as I was suspicious of her too...

And then, I didn't really see Zach as suspicious since I, myself, kept on giving just about random votes. And seeing as no one else claimed to be a hunter, I assumed he was telling the truth, and since it said that the hunter is a useful ally, I didn't really quite see the point of lynching him.

And finally, yes Payal, I am trying to confirm whether I am the real seer or just a fool as I don't really want to solely base my votes on my scans. But I can assure you that I am not the wolf. I have scanned three people so far, and I'm not actually liking the results, so I am trying to find out whether I am the seer or the fool... And while I'm at it, I scanned Amy before she revealed her role... And I got JAILER... And since no one else seems to be claiming that role, it's either

a.) I'm the fool and she's lying.
b.) I'm the fool, but I luckily got that one right.
c.) I'm the seer.
d.) I'm lying.

I know it would make me seem a bit very suspicious to put letter D in the choices, but hey, all of us has got to look at ALL the possibilities.

I'm still not yet putting up a vote until later...
I wouldn't waste your vote on me. I'm the Watcher, and I only started playing in the last phase so I have yet to see anything good from the one person I've watched. However, I'm starting to have my suspicions and I would like to use my talent once more, at least, to attempt to confirm.

Depending on whether or not you believe me (which would be wise considering I hadn't been online for the past 10-12 days and couldn't attack anyone as the wolf), anyone now voting for me is equally under suspicion since it would be in their best interest as the wolf to take me down. If I am the watcher, they're under threat, and if I'm not then I would be a very poor wolf.

Welp, I'm keeping my vote to myself for the time being to see how my suspected player acts.
Marga that was the suspicion I had for you. I thought that day 2 and those questions you asked today confirmed that for me.

Who have you looked at dont say what you saw. The maybe we can confirm of deny it
I really have no idea who to vote for. I think that the wolves are laying low. Potentially all three of them. I would think that they would have voted for Zach yesterday if they voted at all. They knew that Zach wasn't a wolf.

I'm not the wolf so lynching me will be a mistake.

Marga if you are the seer, have you seen anything of importance? It may or may not be the truth but it could be useful.

I am not sure who to vote for which is why I haven't voted yet. However, I am going to vote now and possibly switch later. I am suspicious of Pat because she threw me under the bus so early in the day, and I know I'm not the wolf. However, I'm going to vote for someone who is staying more under the radar than that. I am voting to lynch Johanna. She really hasn't had any reasoning for any of her votes. The first two were random and then she jumped on the kill Zach bandwagon, and today she hasn't made any comments at all. Those are my reasonings right now. I still might change my vote.
I have read through the conversation and think that I will vote for Kate one (the one that plays Alice hills) as she seemed to be pretty quick to claim villager after i listed the figures as she said "people are now rushing to claim roles" people weren't people only claimed rolls when they were on the verge of being lynched or suspected. and a "plain ol' villager" sounds like she is trying to sound boring. plus the villager roll is one that is hardest to prove as it is the only one left where there is multiple (other than obviously wolf).
So far, I have scanned Amy, Payal and Cyndi... And yes, I have seen them as important, actually considering that I am the seer and not the fool...
Marga, your post is interesting. I've been very suspicious of Amy in spite of her claiming to be the Jailer. You might be the seer though and she might be telling the truth or you could be the fool and be little help at all. I also find it curious that you'd even put it out there that you might be lying.

I'm also finding it highly amusing that all of the roles are being claimed. I'm not ready to reveal my role yet though it seems I won't be able to keep it quiet for much longer.

I do think that it is quite curious that so many people haven't voted yet, so I'm going to give Kait the benefit of the doubt for now and go with someone who I agree has been too under the radar for me to feel comfortable. I'm changing my vote to Johanna.
As I said, we have to face all possibilities, and that counts for me as well... Just because I claimed a role doesn't mean I'm telling the truth and that counts for all of us... And of course I won't be the one to force any of you in believing me as I myself am not really sure if I am the fool or the seer... Well, I'll be thinking more of this through before casting a vote...
Aww man, this game is intense. Like fires in circus tents. (Sorry, random saying and I'm slap happy) I'm out, and checking in on my fiances cell phone, so I'm going to re-read the info when I get home and vote then :)

Well, I got home earlier than I thought (yay!)

Since I'll likely be busy/sleeping until this phase ends, I will go ahead and cast my vote.

After looking things over, my vote is being cast purely based on the fact that we currently have a tie. I don't want two potential innocents to die, and I'm going to give Kait the benefit of the doubt since she tried to defend herself a bit. I will vote for Johanna to break the tie.
Okay, unless I get a majority of people voting in the next few hours, I'm going to extend this phase 24 hours, because this is not enough votes to lynch on.
Things are getting intense :r so anyways since KR is back and has claimed to be the watcher which hasn't been challenged so far then I am not going to vote for her yet because I don't have any genuine reason to believe that she might be the wolf. I was considering my theory because since there are not many of us left then it might have been possible that she was an inactive wolf or something. Anyhows if she is the watcher then she might be helpful though I don't know what exactly a watcher does so if someone could elaborate it would be nice.

I also find it curious that Marga is claiming to be the seer/fool and she voted for me twice which makes me think that there are more chances of her being the fool. But I dont think that she is lying since after re-reading her questions from yesterday I can see that she is probably the seer/fool.

Also like Mia said, I did get suspicious of Kate v.1 when she claimed the role of a villager without being forced. It is possible that she is telling the truth and only did it so that the wolves wont kill her at night or she wont be lynched in the morning but I think that it was unnecessary to reveal herself so I dont know why she did it. But I'm not voting for her since I dont think the evidence is enough and in case she is telling the truth I dont want to kill off villagers but I have my eyes on her :glare:

Okay so my vote goes to Kate 2 because she wasn't flying under the radar before but suddenly she seems to have stopped voting and that makes me suspicious since there are only a few roles left to claim and she might be trying to lay low so no one asks her to claim her role.

Giving Kait the benefit of the doubt I'm changing my vote to Kate II because she's been flying under the radar and even when she votes they aren't fully developed suspicions I feel, they could just be 'following the leader' votes to draw suspicions away from her.
Right, I don't have long - need to go cook lunch but I am voting for Kate II... I have been thinking for a while how she has been playing it low recently and only following others on her previous votes. It's been making me suspicious that she is trying to not put herself out there.

To explain why I revealed myself as a villager, it was merely to help with the table and so we can start eliminating roles. I realised quickly after that it looks suspicious, due to it not being able to be proved, but I couldn't come back and explain as I got too busy.

I will make time to come and vote every dayphase but I can't spend long debating it all, as explained here: http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/8492898/1/#new

Sorry for any posts that actually don't make sense atm as well!
Well, I am just as suspicious of Kate II and Hanna just as you guys are, but I'm more suspicious of Kate I after revealing her role like that when no one is forcing her too. Of course, if I say it like that, I am just as suspicious as she is. But given our situation that Jessye has died last night, I had to say that I "think" I am a seer, thus revealing my role. But then again, I don't really see a situation for Kate I to reveal her role as a "plain villager". Therefore, for now, I vote to lynch Kate I...

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