Gryffindor Practice I

Alex decided to keep aroud the hoops, by going through all three and doubling back. After all, he was the keeper and needed to be comfortable around the goals.
Sam had struggled to keep up with the Streak weilding team members and simply turned sharper to keep at a reasonable range. It was once they were at the hoops Sam felt scared as he neared the first he balled up and flew through gracefully then with some new found courage did the sharpest turn he could manage and almost thit the edges of the second hoop. As the 3rd hoop came into veiw Sam decided to do something impressive as to not let his teammates doubt his skill. As the ring neared him he kicked the broom below it angling it upwards and jumping off at the same time he soared un-guided towards the ring,then grabbing the top of it,swung through it to catch the broom that soared upwards and glided towards the rest of his waiting team feeling proud of his trick.
Mark did not get what their captain said but nevertheless decided to ride with everyone else. He kicked off hard from the ground and followed the rest. Though his firebolt was a little bit slower yet he kept on with the others relatively fine. Mark speed off through the first hoop and second hoop without any real problems but it was the third hoop when he faced a little bit of demelza seeing Sam perform his act. As Mark did so he nearly crashed with the top of the hoop when he took his eyes of it but his quick reflex made him duck and at the same time speed off and he regained balance again.
Kiera wasbehind Bruin. She saw Hil weaving through the goals. She effortlessly copied all of Hil's movements by going through the first 2 hoops. She then continued to do a front tuck through the third while her broom went under it. Of course she stuck her landing like every good gymnist. Kiera liked this game.
As Mark zoomed through the air he shouted out in joy, ' Look I can fly.' Then Mark took a sharp turn and again joined the team and circled around the pitch.
Hilary smiled at the different things her teammates had thought up to follow her. "Well I don't even know if that is legal in a game but what if the snitch flys through a goalhoop?" She smiled and then just as they started up again she flew directly up as Bruin flew under her, she looked down at her captain. "SWITCH!"
Sam began following the line again with the captain in front still doing sharper turns to keep pace with the rest hoping they would stop soon.
As the rest of the team jumped through the third hoop, Frances merely glided through, not wanting to push her ability too far, yet. She was only just breaking in her broom and didn't want to push herself too much on their first Quidditch practice as a team. So as she flew behind some of her team mates, she watched as Hilary called a switch, waiting to see what Bruin would do next.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, very nicely done." Bruin shouted at the group, rather impressed with the skill set of the group. "Now let's do a little more agility work." Speed was important in Quidditch at times, but the ability to change body positions in order to dodge bludgers and maintain control was vital for success. Bruin leaned forward and gathered a little speed, taking first his left hand off the broom and leaning to the right and then repeating with the right hand and a left lean, almost as if performing a leisurely stretch.

Suddenly, Bruin dove towards the ground and scooped up a backpack as he skimmed the lawn. He slipped his hand into the backpack and began firing tennis balls over his shoulder at the rest of his teammates, laughing a little as they attempted to follow and avoid being struck. He continued pelting tennis balls at them in a random manner until the backpack was empty. When he reached the far end of the pitch, he turned and entered a steep climb towards the middle of the pitch, yelling "SWITCH!" as he did so, figuring Kiera would enjoy leading.
Hilary waited for the rest of the group to fly under her and then joined the end of the line. She leaned left and then right feeling almost as if she was in ballet or something. Then she saw Bruin swoop down and grab a back-pack wow.....I hope that wasn't mine but then realised that this bag was full of tennis balls. While she knew the aim of the game was to dodge the tennis balls she thought it would be much more seeker like to catch them, and so she sped up catching the tennis balls and tossing them back in the direction of the empty bag Bruin was holding. Then she missed one 'by accident' and dove towards the ground to grab the quickly falling ball. Once she caught it she flew back up to the line of team members and took her place right in front of Bruin.

As she tossed him the ball she said "Great move captain."
Frances copied everything the captain did, keeping her balance perfect as she flew. Once Bruin dove to the ground, Frances wasn't sure whether they were supposed to when she realised he swooped down to pick up a ba full of tenis balls, which he was now chucking at them. So not knowing what else to do, she swooped down then flew up again, dodging the balls as they flew in her direction. Turning to see what the rest would do, she watched as Hilary went to catch every single one. Turning her gaze back toward the leader of the group, Bruin called out for another switch and she watched Kiera to see what she would do now.
Alex kept easy dodging the tennis balls and swiftly cutting back and forth. As Alex went, he caught a few of them, seeing as he was the keeper and needed to do so. Then, as the last one passed him, he thought Hey, Bruin didn't get to dodge any. So, Alex grabbed the last one and through it with all his force a Bruin up at the lead of the group.
Kiera grinned as she dodged all the balls. She liked games like this. She got a sliy and wicked grin on her face as Bruin yelled switch. Kiera moved to the front of the line. She accelerated. Suddenly she barrel rolled left then switched immedatitly into a right barrel roll. Coming straight out of that she dived down untill she was 20 feet from the ground. She made a 180 degree turn and rose to wear she was standing backwards on her broom. SHe turned and watched how the others were making out with her sequence.
Alex fallowed Kiera's moves. Still, he had to put a bit of his own spin on her barrel rolls. So, when he would rool to the left, he would reach out to grab a patch of dirt, just tomake sure that he was as close to the groud as he could, then he would shoot up and roll t the right, doing the same. THen, as he came to the end of her trail, he flew at her, at full speed trying to frighten her. Then, Alex pulled off to her right, just barely missing hitting her. When he pulled up next to her he said, "Give us a bit of a challenge."
Mark followed Bruin's moves as he began to throw the tennis balls. Mark dodged the balls as he was quick on the broom, spinning upside down and then taking reverse turns he went through the obstacle course easily and then when the captain yelled 'switch' Mark knew who was going to take over and he speed off along with the others his agility maximum. Back in the swirl Mark dived as Kiera did and as Alex dived beside him he knew something bad was going to happen so he pulled the broom, made a double take and spinned 360 degrees to regain balance and finally got it and rose in the air as he saw Alex almost colliding with Kiera. Mark thought Alex's work is great and he wanted a bit more danger for himself watching the narrow escape.
Sam was following Bruins motions perfectly until he swooped down to get a bag full of tennis balls and began throwing them back at hios team. Sam kept up his left right swerving and occasionally letting a ball hit the twigs on his broom and gave them slight taps to the sides.When Bruin yelled out switch he waited for Keira to fly to the front and he flew up just behind Frances in line as he waited for the next drill.Once Keira began her barrel rolls Sam began smiling at the spinning and speed. As they grew closer to the ground he could here the ground ruch by and felt the grass on his scalp as he barrel rolled."WOOHOO!!" He screamed joyfully.
Frances accelerated as Kiera had, then did barrel rolls left and right, diving until she hit the pass mark where Kiera did her 180 degree turn, and copied her exact move, rising to come clean behind Alex. At the sound of Sam's voice screaming in excitement, she looked over her shoulder and poked her tounge out at him. "SHOW OFF!" she snikered, laughing loudly.
Kiera grinned at Alex. He hadnt scared her. She knew he wouldnt hit her. She was still standing on her broom. "You wanna see a challenge" she said with a smirk. She rose a few feet in the air and said, "Fly below me and a little behind but not too much.." She grinned and waited to see if he would.
Hilary saw what was going on and replied. "I know there are only 3 of us girls but that doesn't mean you need to show off infront of us :p !!" She called this out to the whole group in general but mainly to Alex. Then she flew downwards waiting to see what Kiera would do but she hovered to the side, planning on flying in with a cool move to add an extra impact.
Mark had eagerly been waiting for this he wanted a challenge and he got it. As Kiera rose up Mark went down below and a little back and waited for action. Though he did not know any one very well or their moves but a dare devil like him wasn't going to back out from the challenge. He did not want to show it was his nature to challenge danger.
Alex sood up on his broom, just below and ehind, waiting to see what Kiera had up her sleeve. "Ready"
Kiera grinned. She checked over her shoulder to make sure Alex was where he should be. Then she jumped up making sure to go alittle backwards. She rolled up into a little ball and flipped backwards making two full rotations. She came out and landed on the front of Alex's broom. She turned to look at him with a wicked grin on her face. "How was that?" she asked slyly. "It could be useful if something happened to your broom during a game" she said.
Hilary flew over and saw Kiera and Alex on the SAME broom. SHe first flew up and grabbed Kiera's broom and brought it down to her. She then threw out a comment, "Watch out for Veronica Kiera... she might be evil when she's mad!!" She then smiled to show that she was joking but had also noticed that Kiera and Alex had been spending A LOT of time together.
Sam watched Keira jump onto Marks broom and nearly fell off his own. WHAT ARE THEY DOING!! He thought wildly. He finished off the last of his barrel rolls then tried standing on his own broom. Getting up was hard and as the broom moved Sam got a better feel and eventually got up using his hands as a ballast. Moving forward with his hands out made him notice how funny he mustve looked, like some angel in red and gold. He then waited for the next training move.

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