Gryffindor Pep Rally

"Awesome, Kiera! I guess you're our Griffindor cheerleader, eh?" Sophia said after watching her stunt. "Do we even have a Pep Squad/Cheerleading Squad for Griffindor yet?" she asked thinking it would be a cool idea for house events.
"I've always wanted to try cheerleading, but I don't have any skills like you, Kiera." Sophia answered back.

"I'm sure we could pick any type of outfits we like, Liz."

"I wonder what else is planned for the pep rally?" Sophia said aloud to no one in particular.
Professo King stood again as the crowd began to settle (and keira stopped her tricks) and began to speak again, "we were supposed to have a special Guest speaker, but as he does not appear to be here yet..." Professor King paused as he glanced over the crowd to ensure George hadn't come yet, "I would like you to welcome to they sky, three of our very own Quidditch players, Kiera, Bruin, and Liz as the preform for us...." he took a seat again as he watched the three students mount their brooms.
Bruin grabbed his Nimbus 2001 and headed for the sky. The three of them hadn't really practiced anything, but nobody else had to know that. Bruin decided he would start off with something simple, risking bodily injury and embarassment could come later. He accelerated out over the other students, leaned back slightly and did a slow, extended loop-the-loop above them, stopping after completing the first loop and waiting for Kiera and Liz to join him.
Liz grabbed her firebolt, and held another candy in her hand. She flew up, and popped the candy in her mouth. Suddenly, red and gold glitter was left in her trail as she flew.

She began to zoom around in a pattern including a few fancy flips and jumps, writing the word "GRYFFINDOR" in Gryffindor-glitter. At the end of this, she brought her broom to stand horizontal and still in the air, as she dangled off, making an exclamation point.

"Kiera, Bruin! Catch!" she threw a piece of candy and Kiera, then Bruin, still dangling from her broom.
Bruin was most impressed with Liz's pyrotechnic display and popped the candy in his mouth, trusting that Liz wouldn't choose the pep rally to turn him into a girl, make him wear a bikini, or anything similarly embarrassing...

He was glad to see that he was still clothed and male after eating the candy and that his broom now left a coloured trail in its wake. He wasn't quite as accomplished a flyer as Liz, but did almost manage to add Woo Hoo!!! under her GRYFFINDOR. He hoped that his WooHoolll made sense to those below...
Everyone on the ground cheered wildly watching Kiera, Liz and Bruin in the air.

Then the chant began....

Professor King watched as Bruin, Kiera, and Liz spelt things with their broom trails, he now decided it was time to supply them with the Weasley Deflagration Deluxes he had bought previously, with three flicks of his wand a box of Deflagration Deluxes flew to each of the three flyers...
Rose was so excited and pepped up she couldn't help but chant! "GO GO GRYFFINDOR! GO GO GRYFFINDOR!" Her wand, held tightly in her hand, emitted large red and gold sparks. She looked down and laughed. Must be the Gryffindor in me. She cheered as she saw the fireworks erupt.
"GO GRYFFINDOR! GO LIONS!" Kendall yelled from the lawn... she had worn her red and gold rugby shirt that she had custom made at a muggle shop... she cheered very loudly for bruin, kiera, and liz and their amazing stunt... this pep-rally sure was getting her pumped up!! kendall was super excited once the fireworks started going off.. this was sure going to be a great year!
Bruin caught one of the packages from Professor King and followed Kiera skyward, veering off a little to the left and then setting off his fireworks as well. Bruin still wasn't sure if he was feeling cheeky enough to perform his "big finish" act, so he decided to just hover on his broom for a few moments as fireworks exploded all around him...
Liz flew to the right of Kiera, and set hers off. She whizzed along through the explosions, leaving a glitter trail for it to reflect off of.

"WHAT'S YOUR HOUSE?!?!?" she yelled down into the audience.
"GRYFFINDOR!<i></i>" Rose shouted out loud!
She jumped up and down and saw Kendall in the crowd. "Hi Kendall!" she screamed over the noise. "How are you liking the pep rally?!" she said as she jumped up and down.
"GRYFFINDOR!" Cyndi shouted. She couldn't believe how much fun she was having. It was such a great idea to have this pep rally and she was glad she had attended.
"Gryffindor!" Kendall joined rose in shouting...

"Hey ROSE!" kendall said, still yelling, "it's great!!" she screamed in her direction, noticing she was jumping up and down as well.. "how about you??"
Bruin decided it was time to show his Gryffindor pride and hoped he didn't get in any trouble for doing so...he knew that there were members of other houses lurking around the grounds, trying to spy on the Gryffindor pep rally and wishing that their house was as cool as Gryffindor. For their benefit, Bruin hiked up his robes and flew around the perimeter of the lawn presenting his exposed backside to them, a thin trail of red and gold sparks still shooting from his broom tail.

Kendall noticed Bruin pulling up his robes and started cracking up as soon as he did so.. "nice buns BruiN!" kendall yelled at him..
Hilary, who had just been sitting enjoying the show up until this put let out a HUGE scream and jumped into an air split. The pep squad hadn't really started yet but she was still getting excited!! She loved being a Gryffindor and couldn't wait too start making actual pep/cheer squad routines.
Sophia looked to sky as Bruin flew around. Was he? Could he be? Sophia turned a bright shade of pink as she realized that yes, indeed, Bruin was mooning the crowd. "Go Bruin!", she yelled. That Bruin sure had house pride and he deserved to be cheered because of it.
When she saw Bruin's action Hilary's main thought was "Wow my dad wouldn't like that" but seeing as dad wasn't here she let out a huge "WOOP!!" with the rest of the crowd and got super piped too see what would happen next!!

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