Gryffindor First Year Try-Outs

((Damn you posters! Laura looks all over the place now. XD))

Team: Gryffindor
Position: First-Year Tryouts
Points: 200
Position: SW

Having missing Bruin's whistle, Laura attempted to catch up with the others, flying to the North West of the pitch and bobbing up and down, trying to make herself noticable.

She waved to Annamarie, who had one of the Quaffles, shouting, "Annamarie! Pass!" in the hopes of recieving the ball.

Action Taken: Attempting to attract attention
Points used: None
Finishing position: NW
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First-Year Tryouts
Points: 180
Position: NW

Steph watched the balls flying towards them, she flew further down and dodged the balls, she couldnt think of any spells, so she just doged them,
She flew in between the balls, finally she stopped and looked for the quaffle, hoping to try and shoot.

Action Taken: Dodged balls
Points used: 5
Finishing points: 175
Finishing position: NNE
((Hollie, the other first years, are passing the quaffle amongst themselves, before trying to shoot on me, whilst everyone lese is trying to throw tennis balls at you to make you dodge them etc We are also using the points system. Do you know/understand what the point system is? If not click on this link, it will explain.
Cyndi watched from the ground as the 1st years flew up in the air. She cursed herself for forgetting her broom. How could you come onto the pitch without a broom, she thought to herself. As Cyndi watched them pass the quaffle around, Cyndi had an idea. She knew Bruin wanted them to throw the tennis balls at the students. She also knew that there was no way she could do that from here. At least I've got my wand, Cyndi thought. She held the ball in one hand and her wand in the other. "Locomotor tennis ball" Cyndi said and she directed the ball toward a couple of girls who were trying to catch up to the others.
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Keeper
Points: 200
Position: NSA

Mike watched as the a tennis ball appeared in the air, Mike looked down to see Cyndi there, guiding the ball, Mike chuckled to himself, as the ball creeped closer and closer to the cubs.

Action Taken: watching tennis balls, appearing in the sky
Points used: 0
Finishing position: NSA
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First Year Try-out
Points: 140
Location: NE

Annamarie caught the quaffle from Aiden pass and headed up the pitch. She could almost see Mike and three goals clearly. She watch as he charmed his tennis ball away from himself and as it was rapidly approaching right into her own line of flight. She ducked and the ball flew right over her head. That was close. she sighed. "You know this could be considered hazing!" she yelled down jokingly to the older kids who seemed to be having a bit to much fun threwing balls at her and her classmates.

Annamarie looked around saw the three hoops ahead of her. She also saw Steph who just as close to the hoop as she was now and Laura who was trying to catch up the the rest of them. Annamarie stopped for a second. She wanted to make the goal herself to prove that she could do it, but she didn't want Steph to be offended that she purposely passed her up. She also didn't think it would be fair for her make a goal knowing that Laura hadn't even got the catch or pass the quaffle. Even though she was technically threwing the ball backwards, Annamarie passed the quaffle to Laura. "Here you go Laura!" she shouted. She hoped that not taking the shot or not passing the quaffle to someone who could have made a shot wouldn't count against her making the time. She thought she was doing the right thing. They did say everyone should touch the ball before shoting.

Annamarie circled around and watched the rest of the first years.

((sorry that was kind of

Action Taken: Dodged ball, Caught quaffle, and Passed quaffle
Points Used: -30
Remain Points: 110
Finish Location: NNE
((i'm still clueless as to who i 'offed' at last years tryouts :ph43r: :mellow: :errm: ))

Kat missed yet another target. I can't do this down here. They're too high up. she thought frustrated when she remembered that she had her broom with her. She grabbed her Scarlet Streak, mounted it, then kicked off. Kat flew to the center of the pitch and picked her next target which was Laura. She took aim and threw the tennis ball at the girl, noticing that it she didn't have to throw quite as hard or far when she was up in the air.
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First Year Try-out
Points: 200
Location: NE

Aiden saw Annamarie pass the quaffle to another girl and shouted to her, "Pass it here." Aiden flew higher up to see how hard the girl could through it, Aiden then saw Kat who had just got on her broom and was flying towards the girl and he said, "Hey Kat!" Aiden smiled and waved at her confidently then turned back to Bruin waiting eagerly for his next move. As Aiden waited he put his away happily he wanted to do this man to man, with out magic, well with out his wand.

Action Taken: Flying higher
Points Used: 0
Remain Points: 200
Finish Location: NE

[I still don't understand the point system, I mean I read it but I am super confused :( ]

1st - think of the point system like a bank account. You pass your flying lessons and practice to earn points and then you spend those points during games by doing things like passing, catching, dodging, etc. You can also earn points during the course of the game by having bad things happen (i.e. being scored on, hit by a bludger, etc.)

2nd - I wasn't anticipating that the first years would pull out their wands during the drills to defend themselves from the tennis balls, although I have appreciated the enthusiasm and imagination. Click HERE for a list of acceptable spells. Aguamenti isn't listed, but I believe that it isn't expected to be known until around the third or fourth year when you learn incendio. No harm, no foul right now, but let's not get used to pulling our wands out during games...I don't think that will go over well.

3rd - Kat, you didn't "off" anyone during try-outs last year...that was a joke! (perhaps not a good one, but a joke nonetheless).
Hilary was floating her ball down the pitch and suddenly it flew over to Kat. "Kat you schlerp don't use Accio!!" she said sticking her tongue out jokingly and catching the ball she looked around and saw Cyndi still on the ground without a broom. She realized she had an extra with her and that her bag was open. "Locomotor Firebolt" she said under her breath and flew it over to litterally right under Cyndi's nose. She waited to see if she would use it....looking around to see where her tennis ball would be needed.
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Keeper
Points: 200
Location: NSA

Mike watched as Kat soared into the air, and threw her ball, "Hey Kat" Mike shouted, hoping she could hear him. Mike watched as tennis balls, galore were thrown into the air, trying to hit the cubs.

Action Taken: Shoting to Kat
Points Used: 0
Remain Points: 200
Finish Location: NSA
Isabella shifted her position on the bench and turned to watch the game. This was alot more interesting than the usual run of the mill games or practise sessions she had ever watched before, well except for the one where Sakura got hit in the face by a pigeon. Watching now as tennis balls were being sent flying through the air on fire and then doused with water, Bella tried to remember the last time she had seen wands being used or intricate spells being cast by first years and could honestly say she had never. She came from a magical family and had seen many bizarre things in her day but this practise session was cheering her up no end. She leant forward on the bench craning her head to get a better look. For first years who were only after learning to fly they were very good, perhaps the standard had been raised since she was a first year. Whatever, it didn't matter to her she had never been so amused since she arrived her in New Zealand. Wouldn't you know it would take a bunch of Gryffindors to cheer her up.
"Thanks Hilary!" Cyndi yelled as Hilary's extra broom flew over to her and stopped in front of her nose so she couldn't miss it. Cyndi mounted it and pushed off the ground, flying toward Hilary. "I should've thought of this." Cyndi said with a laugh with a glance at the broom that Hilary let her use. " Accio tennis ball" Cyndi said and her tennis ball soared toward her. She caught it with one hand and then put her wand away. She looked around to see where to throw her tennis ball.
Mike watched as Cyndi flew into the air, on Hilary's spare broom, " Hey Cyndi" Mike boomed, watching as Cyndi raised her arm ready to throw the tennis ball that was in her hand. Mike focused his attention on the oncoming chasers, who were passing the quaffle between themselves.
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First Year Tryouts
Points: 200
Location: NW

Laura caught the Quaffle that Annamarie threw, before dodging a ball that a fifth year - Cyndi, wasn't it? - threw with a loop-the loop.

She zoomed up to the NNW area, and threw the ball to Steph, who looked to be in a good position to score.

Action Taken: Catching and passing the ball
Points used: 30
Remaining points: 170
Finshing Location: NNW
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First Year Tryouts
Points: 175
Location: NNW

Steph caught the quaffle and put it under her arm, she flew a few metres, she was right infront of the hoops, she hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should make the shot, deciding it was best to try, she flew a little closer, and threw the quaffle through the end hoop, she flew down the pitch, not knowing if she had scored a proper goal.

Action Taken: Catching and scored?
Points used: 10
Remaining points: 165
Finshing Location: NE

((i didnt know if id scored, it says on the rules to see if the keeper let it in so i didnt take the points))
"Hey Mike" Cyndi yelled as loud as she could. She hoped he would hear her. Cyndi took aim and threw at the girl who was attempting to throw the quaffle past Mike. It was probably too late, but it was worth a shot. Cyndi flew a little closer to Mike and waited to see whether he would save the quaffle or if the girl had in fact scored.
[[ok, so i start with 200, right?]]

Team: Gryffindor
Position: First Year Tryouts
Points: 200
Location: ??

Hollie mounted the broom and kicked off into the air. She was fairly embarrassed; she had been flaffing around with her windswept hair and had missed the starting. She gained her balance and then took off, following Steph and dodging a tennis ball that was aimed at her. Then Steph threw the ball right at the hoop...
Hollie felt like cheering byt wasn't quite sure whether it was a valid goal...

Action Taken: Dodging tennis ball
Points used: 5
Remaining points: 195
Finshing Location: NE (i think)

[[is that right/??]]
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Keeper
Points: 200
Location: NSA

Mike watched as the quaffle, was getting closer, Mike dived to his right, and his fingertips connected with the quaffle, Mike had managed to divert it, away from the hoop. Mike descended and grabbed the quaffle, and ascended to goal height, before launching the ball as far as he could. "Unlucky" Mike shouted

Action Taken: Saving a goal
Points used: 50
Remaining points: 150
Finshing Location: NE
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First-year tryouts
Points: 165
Location: NE

Steph hovered and watched the keeper save the shot, 'Bugger.' She muttered,
Steph turned to her right, a dozen tennis balls were flying towards her, she dipped and dodged them, but they kept coming, it had turned into a bit of a chase, Steph laughed as she flew around the pitch, dodging balls that came near her.

Action Taken: Dodged tennis balls
Points used: 5
Remaining points: 160
Finshing Location: SSE
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First Year Try-outs
Points: 110
Starting Location: NNE

Annamarie watch Steph's attempt to make a goal and Mike's block. "Nice try Steph." she called to her trying to be supportive. She flowed the movement of the quaffle with her eyes back to the other side of the pitch. She hoped one of girls who were further back would catch it. She flew up the pitch a little bit and position herself at the ready to catch the quaffle if it was thrown back up to her.

Action Taken: Encouraging teammates and Repositioning herself
Points Used: 0
Remaining Points: 110
Finishing Location: NE
Team: Gryffindor
Position: First-year tryouts
Remaining points: 195
Finshing Location: NE

Hollie watched as Mike saved the goal. She groaned; Steph had been so close! She streamed up the pitch after the quaffle, and reached out and... caught it with the tip of her fingers! Hollie held on to it for a few seconds, before a tennis ball appeared from nowhere and hit her hard on the shoulder.
"Ow!" she said, her eyes watering with pain. She lobbed the quaffle out as far as she could in Annamarie's direction, and then rubbed her shoulder hard before tearing off again, dodging the ever-coming tennis balls.

Action Taken: Catching quaffle, hit by ball, throwing quaffle
Points used: 20
Remaining points: 175
Finshing Location: SE

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