Gryffindor First Year Try-Outs

Annamarie nodded as Bruin told her to wait for the next task. She dug into her pocket hoping that the chocolate hadn't melted. She pulled out an egg happily popped into her mouth. She turned to the older boy who had been speaking to Hollie eariler. She hadn't met him before and decided that it was best to introduce herself. "Hi...Mike is it? I'm Annamarie!" she said happily extending her hand.
Kat watched as the first two girls did a little bit of flying and collected the chocolate eggs. She smiled and said with an encouraging tone, "Great job guys!! No falls, hmm, guess that still leaves me as the only official clumsy first year." She laughed as she remembered falling a good 15 feet from her broom first year and landing square on her back, though at the time it wasn't quite so funny.

Kat just grinned at Mike as he helped the girl, Hollie, who'd just walked up. Oh sweet Merlin...I do believe we have a mini-Bruin on our hands! she thought with a chuckle. She waited for Hollie to begin her first drill when suddenly a tennis ball popped her right in the shoulder. "Oi! Guess I was supposed to catch that then wasn't I?" Kat joked as she grabbed the ball which was now resting on the soft grass beside her.
Isabella made her way to the Gryffindor stands and climbed the steep steps to sit down and watch the first year try-outs. The group from New Zealand seemed really great and so well bonded as a team, compared to their own. Most of the time they squabbled, Sakura had often gone to mediate between their captain and the rest of the team. Sighing she took a seat and watched the progress or lack of it. Only two first years seemed to have made any head way at all.

Bella smiled though, for all her hatred of the sport and dislike of flying she had always found herself in the stands especially as it was a guaranteed place for her to find James or Sakura. She knew they wouldn't be here though but it felt as if she were still close, to Saks at least. At this height she didn't think anyone would notice her and didn't mind this is the slightest. She didn't know how her presence would be taken, she may be a Gryffindor but she was a Hogwarts Scotland Gryffindor, not a New Zealand one.

She leaned her back against the frame of the stand and stretched her legs out infront of her on the bench, still watching as the older players seemed to be eating now.
"Well done guys that was great!"Harri said smiling at the girls as they returned. She caught the tennis ball Bruin through to her, I wonder what we'll be using this for she thought to herself, as she began throwing the tennis ball from hand to hand.
Hollie smiled and took the broom nervously, muttering her thanks. She gave Laura and Annamarie a smile as they dug into their chocolate, and then mounted.
Hollie pushed off the ground and into the air. The feeling of the wind rushing past her as she sped through the air was elating; Hollie adored flying. She wobbled a bit as she dodged a bird, but apart from that, she lapped the pitch successfully.
Right, now for the eggs.
Hollie kept her focus on keeping the broom steady; however she also decided to pick up more speed. She leaned forward with an ease and the pace quickened. Her hand shot out and grabbed an egg as she passed the first one. Smiling, she sped towards the goalpost, grabbing the second egg with as much ease, and also making a sharp turn in the air, which she was very proud of.
Then she dived towards the centre of the pitch where her final egg was waiting for her. She reached out and pulled it towards her by the very tip of her fingers, only just managing to cling on.

Hollie then slowed down and made her way back down to the ground, where she dismounted and held up her three eggs proudly.
"Done!" she said, pocketing them. She walked over to her fellow Gryffindors. "What do we do now?" she whispered, to either.
Cyndi cheered the first year girls on. "Good job!" Cyndi said. She finished her egg and caught one of the tennis balls that Bruin threw. She wondered what he had in mind for the next part of try-outs.

Cyndi noticed that Sakura's friend had come into the pitch and sat in the stands. She wondered what the girl was doing in, but she didn't have to time to find out. She knew she needed to pay attention so she could hear what Bruin wanted them to do.
Mike caught the tennis ball, that Bruin threw, and waited for the next drill to begin.
Hollie stood around waiting. She wasn't quite sure what to do next; she had asked a number of people and yet had received no reply.
Oh flip, did I just muck up the first drill? Collecting the three eggs? she thought, anxiously, peering over at Mike as he caught the tennis ball. She didn't see how she could have mucked up; she'd collected all eggs and had even done a quite impressive turn up there, if she did say so herself.
I'm so confused!
Mike looked at Hollie, who looked quite confused. " Well done Hollie, nice turn" Mike added. "Just wait till Bruin tells you what to do next, he hasn't told us yet" Mike said, hoping he had answered her puzzling looks.
Hollie nodded.
"Ok, thanks," she said, slightly relieved that someone had noticed she'd 'come back down to earth'! Then she remembered she was still holding Mike's broom.
"Oh, here's your broom, by the way. Thanks for letting me use it." As she handed it over, she blushed crimson again because she hadn't got her own.
Bruin was mapping out the next drill in his head and realized that he had waited a little too long to speak and that the three would be team members were standing around looking somewhat confused as to what to do next.

"Actually, I think you'll want to hold on to that broom Hollie. You're going to need it still." Bruin turned to Mike now. "Hey Mike. How about you take my broom and go mind the north hoops for us? I think you'll have a little bit of excitement in a couple of minutes."

Bruin then grabbed two Quaffles, a blue one and a red one, and turned to the three first year girls. "Alright, I'd like the three of you to take these Quaffles up to the South Hoops and wait for the whistle. When you hear it, I'd then like you to fly towards the North Hoops and try and score on Mike. The only challenge is to make sure that you touch each Quaffle at least once each before you shoot." Bruin held the Quaffles out and hoped that the girls understood what he had just said, given that it was a little unorthodox.

"Oh, and keep your heads up for tennis balls while you're flying." He added with a wink.

(OOC-Sorry all, been away for a couple of days)
Mike took Bruin's broom, and mounted it, and kicked off from the ground. Mike flew to the North Hoops, and waited for the challenge.

((Bruin should I use the points system, or not?))
Steph ran down to the quiditch pitch, I hope the try outs arnt over. She thought to herself, she had only just arrived back at hogwarts, Steph had been away in Canada, to go to her best friend Rose's funeral.
Stephanie stopped running and dragged her new fire bolt behind her, she desperatly wanted to get on the team, she needed something to keep her busy.

Slowly she walked into the quiditch pitch and ran over to the group of gryffindors.
Harri smiled as she saw Steph coming over, she hadn't seen her in a while, "Hey Steph," she said waving, "Come to try out?" she asked, glad that now more then two people had turned up.
Stephanie smiled at Harri, she was glad to see her,
'Hey Harri, yeah i am.' She replied.
(OOC - I suppose what I envisioned was having the people trying out RP flying up the pitch together and passing the quaffle around so that each person touched the quaffle at least once.

Mike makes a good suggestion about using the grid system and points to get used to it. There is a map of the pitch with the different grid locations and the point stuff in a folder called Quidditch Rules. Let's assume that the four people trying-out and Mike will start with 200 points each and deduct points as they pass, shoot, and save.

Welcome Steph, Feel free to mount up and fly down the pitch passing the ball with the other three ladies. The rest of you can RP throwing tennis balls at them from either the ground or flying beside them, your choice...just don't throw them at me. Feel free to be creative and move the balls around with your wands as well, as long as you know Wingardium Leviosa, of course.)

Bruin welcomed the new girl with a smile. "Hi Steph, I'm Bruin. Feel free to mount up if you like...or if you want to watch for a bit, that's fine too. You haven't missed too much yet."
Aiden rushed out of the castle with his dad's old broom flung over his shoulder, when he was on the grounds he mounted his broom and flew quickly to the pitch. Aiden saw a few first years and other students, which he assumed were already on the team. Aiden floated over a first year girl that he recognized from the common room and said, "Hey, I'm not too late am I?"
Cyndi listened to Bruin explain the next task to the cubs. She smiled as he got to the part where the tennis balls would come in. As the first year's got ready to begin, Cyndi realized that she didn't have her broom with her. She had left it by the door to her room, thinking she wouldn't need it in order to watch the first years try out. Oh well, I guess I'll have to improvise, Cyndi thought to herself as she tossed the tennis ball into the air and caught it.
TEAM NAME: Scarlet Eagles

Mike was getting ready, waiting for the oncoming chasers. "Dont aim for me !" Mike shouted, when he heard that the others were going to be throwing the tennis balls at them.

Action Taken: Getting ready
Points used: 0
Points remaining: 200 points
Finishing Location: NSA
((Ok *nervoussss*))

Steph smiled, 'Hey Bruin, um ok.' She said nervously as she mounted her broom, she kicked off and flew around the pitch, she hadnt had time to practise since she got back, and she was very nervous.

She flew faster around the pitch, after a few minutes she stopped and looked around at the other people trying out, they were all throwing balls to each other, Steph flew slowly towards them and grabbed a ball, she threw it up into the air and caught it, she looked around again not knowing what to do next.
Mike looked ahead, to see Steph, looking confused. " Just wait for the other lot to fly up, and pass the quaffle among yourselves, before trying to shoot on me" Mike said, hoping she understood.
Steph smiled, 'Thanks!' She shouted, throwing the ball in the air and catching it.

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