Open Grand Opening!

Victoire Fontaine

serving the people | mama of two
OOC First Name
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Curly 12 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
5/2024 (37)
Victoire was very, very pleased with herself. She had spent a good amount of time with this in the works, but it had been one of her overreaching goals of her campaign, and it was nice to finally see it happen. There had been some compromise with it. She had wanted it to be connected entirely to the ministry, but Victoire could say this was as good a position. It was close enough to it, and had a floo network that connected to the ministry, so picking up kids wasn't too much of a struggle. She had overseen a lot of the planning and some of the design of it, and walking around it before the ribbon cutting, she was really pleased with how it looked. Victoire had sent out a note to some of her supporters, some parents and advertised it at the ministry and hoped at least a couple of people besides her team and the press would show.

Victoire glanced out over the crowd of people that had come for it and brushed down her dress. She stepped forward at the time she needed to waving towards the crowd. She approached the speaker they had with a warm smile. "Everyone, Kia Ora, thank you so much for joining me today. We have been hard at work and are very pleased to officially open the Obsidian Daycare centre!" She took the scissors and cut the ribbon.
Tristan was here for two reasons. The first was that he thought it would look good for him to attend an event like this, he needed to keep strengthening his Ministry connections. Being close to Victoire had already benefited him, so it seemed smart to support her endeavors. The second reason was that he was genuinely curious about the daycare center. Mason wasn’t old enough to attend yet, but he knew that Domi would want him to attend the moment he turned 3. It looked really nice, and Tristan couldn’t help thinking Mason would love it here. He smiled and clapped as Victoire cut the ribbon.
Zelda clapped enthusiastically as Minister Fontaine cut the ribbon to the new daycare center, looking over the facility with a bright smile on her face. She hadn't voted for Minister Fontaine but she definitely supported this initiative, though Zelda had to admit she wished the requirements for attendance weren't so tied to their parents professions. She knew plenty of struggling families and parents in the local community who could use the help raising kids, especially magical kids, but it was definitely a step in the right direction for the magical community to start helping take care of each other, which Zelda would always support.

As the official ceremony passed, Zelda drifted around for a bit, checking out the classrooms and smiling at the cheerful, welcoming space before approaching the Minister. "I must say, Minister, you've outdone yourself with this. It looks wonderful," Zelda said brightly. @Victoire Fontaine
A daycare wasn’t something Amber needed, as she and Ainsley didn’t have any children yet, nor even really any plans for it, but she was still interested in attending the opening. As one of the shopkeepers at Obsidian Harbour, it just felt polite to be there. She had voted for Minister Fontaine, and still remembered her as the head girl at Hogwarts when Amber started her first year. It was kind of surreal to see her here like this, but Amber fully supported this idea. She clapped politely as the ribbon was cut.
On the list of places Rupert would have enjoyed being right now, this was fairly close to the bottom. A quiet library perhaps, with an interesting text. Sharing the evening with a fascinating gentleman. Strolling along the beach with a bottomless tumbler of firewhiskey. It was quite a long list, really. And at a daycare, surrounded by children fell somewhere near the middle of the Sahara desert. Children were loud and slimy and sticky in so many horrible ways, and he had to bite back every bit of the revulsion he felt, being around them. This was exactly the kind of place it was the most important to put on a chipper face. He stayed close to the Minister's side, smiling and waving and chatting politely with anyone who caught his attention, doing his best not to catch the eye of any of the children nearby.
As Noel went with the Minister to different events being her personal assistent, ofcourse he was here today too. It wasn't that he runned after her always with an coffee or something. But he just helped her with different kind of stuff and he had become familliar with the systems and all fast, so he was glad. He also noticed the deputy minister, who he now knew was. Since he attended a lot of stuff, the minister also attended. Noel did have an bag with stuff important to bring along close to him. He smiled at the Minister as she seemed to be pleased with it. And went standing close, but more to the back. It looked nice, he didn't had to think of children already but figured he one day would want them and it was brilliant this idea. He clapped when the ribbon was cut. And watched from his side, trying to see if the Minister needed something. He could just call her Victoire, but in public he felt it was better to call her Minister.​
Sofia was enthused to be taking on this new adventure in her life. While she was getting the wonderful opportunity to help raise her granddaughters, she was still feeling like something was missing. She missed Oliver, and maybe being around their grandchildren had brought up those thoughts. Raising children had been a huge part of her life, but she had also worked, and it almost felt like she was without a true purpose. And when she had been on the brink of accepting the new chapter, life threw her a curveball, allowing her to be back in the spot she thought she was meant to be.

Sofia clapped as the Minister clapped the ribbon, giving a look around at the small crowd. They had had a few early sign-ups for classes, but she was hoping now that things were officially open, they would garner even more attention, maybe even having a waiting list! She had brought along the girls to the event, Margot strapped to her chest, watching all the different people around her with such interest, and Charlotte clinging to her leg on the left, playing with the fabric of her skirt. "Lottie, it's time to get up now," she said as people began dispersing. Not wanting the tenacious seven year old to cause a scene, she had promised her a sweets after the event, as it had been a rather long day for her.

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