
Harri grinnned "Good on you!" Harri said "What did you do to him?" she asked eagerly, Ellie had been devestated when Mike dumped her and she was eager for all details of revenge.
Zazuka leaned foward. "Well we are studying Jinxed in DADA so I thought I could practice some. So far I've triped him, made his legs into jelly, and made leek grow out of his ears. I could have done more but he's a quick little bugger." She said with a bright grin.
Harri chuckled as Zuka told her what she had done "Way'd it go Zuka!" she said grinning "I would have paid to see leaks grow out of his ears!" she said laughing hard.
Zazuka laughed and held up her hand. "No need to pay me I did it for the laughs." She said as a light joke. "Though if one of the teachers where to see me doing this I would be in so much trouble." She said shaking her head. Afew more jinxes and she would let Mike go on his marry way. He may hate her doing so but hey it fun jinxing him.
Harri laughed "Best not get caught then!" she siad winking, then began drawing the lines for a second time, "Say stop," she said.
Zazuka this time counted three seconds exsactly with her eyes closed. "Stop now." She said in her most mytical voice. This time it matched her because it matched with her usuall dreamyness.
Harri stopped as soon as Zuka said the world, "Emeraly Streak, not bad, not bad at all!" she said grinning.
Zazuka whinced. "Aw man that means somthing happens to my Monorch." She said at a moch whine. She knew that nothing would happen to her beloved Firebolt she was too carful about it.
Harri laughed "No, I'm sure you'll have that forever!" she said grinning, then began drawing the line again.
Zazuka worled her finger in a silly sort of fasion while saying. "You stop... now!" She said brightly. She hoped she got France. She had always wanted to go there.
Harri stoped abruptly "Blue," she said simply, "Doesn't really tell us much though!" she siad laughing, and began drawing the line again.
Zazuka laughed. "That's the section that tells us what color our home is going to be. It's going to be blue." She said with a a laugh. She could just emagen a dark blue house in the middle off the peach, white and pail yellow ones.
"Your stoping now." She said remembering that she had to tell her when.
"Oh right!" Harri said laughing, she stopped quickly again, "It appears, Madam, you are going to live in France!" she said in a french accent.
Zazuka blinked really fast. "So according to the M.A.S.H fourtune I am to marry Brian, ride a Emerald Streek, have a Ravenclaw colored home that will be in France." She said laughing into her hands. She could just imagen it. The last thing would be to deside how many children she would have. That was what the numbers in the last category ment.
Harri nodded "Sounds like a nice life," she said grinning, very tempted to start singing 'it's a fine life'from oliver. She moved her quill gently across the paper again, seeing the numbers that would say how many children Zuka would have.
Zazuka bit her lip she held up her hand. "Stop here." She said. She didn't really care about the children part as long as it didn't say that she was to ramine childless for life.
Harri stopped quickly and looked down at the page "Oo looks like your going to have three!" she siad laughing "Good luck with that!" she added grinning.
Zazuka shook her head. "If I don't have them all at the same time I'm happy with that." She said laughing into her hand. "Ok now it's your turn write down you catagory's and get ready to have your fountun told." She said laughing again.
Harri laughed and began to write
Kevin Finnigan ------ Scarlet Streak------red----- Australia----two

Mike Grounding(Sp?)-----------Firebolt---------greeen------England----one

Alex Cullen--------Clean sweep--------Cream------America---three

Matthew Peterson------ tatty old broom-------white---Canada---Zero

Harri handed it over, basically if she didn't get Kevin she would be more then disappionted seeing as the others were all jokes! "here you go!" she said.
Zazuka took the parchemt and laughed. "I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Kevin is the only one that is real right?" She said with a laugh. She started to draw a spira in the middle section. "Tell me when to stop." She said as she started it.
Harri laughed "How did you guess?" she said, "Okay, stop," she said after what she considered a worthy time.
Zazuka stoped and counted the rings. "Your lucky number for this round will be five." She said then turned her quill to the categories counting out five then scrathing out what she landed on. "Sorry no Scarlet Streak for you." She said then went on. "And it looks like your home is not going to be green eather." She said laughing at the thought of a green home. "Aww it looks like you not going to live in America eather." She said. Went on counting five then landing on zero. "Looks like your not going to remain childless eather that's good news." She said with a laugh. "Ohhhhh The Firebolt is out too." She said sadly. Again she went on to count five. "Ok your house will not be a cream color." She said turning her head. "Oh man it looks like your going to have more than one child because one just got disqualifde." She said scratching it out. "I'm going to have to ask who is Matthew Peterson because he just got scratched out too." She said going back to the parchment.
Harri laughed as Zuka went through them all "He's a first year Gryffindor!" she siad laughing, "Well the options less look okay, except, my firebolt! I love it, I couldn't possibly get another broom!" she siad wiping a pretend tear from her eye.
Zazuka laughed. "I'm sure whatever I cross out next will not be so good anyway." She said and started to count out five again. "I hope you where not looking foward to living in Australia because that's gone." She said with a giggle and scratched it out. She saw where her quill landed next and desided to fuge the results a little and crossed out Mike's name instead of Kevin's. "Be happy, whatever children you do have will not be with Mike." She said laughing. Then started to count again. She crossed out white and circuled Red. "Looks like your going to have a Gryffendor colored home just like I'm going to have a Ravenclaw colored home." She said laughing. Again the quill landed on Kevin so she skiped him and crossed out Alex Cullen. "Congrats your destened husbend is Kevin." She said with a bright smile. "With whom you will have three kids." She said scratching out the two. "Who will learn to fly on tatty old brooms." She said laughing and scrathing out the Clean Sweep. "While living in Canada." She ended crossing out the last thing.
Harri grinned "Sounds good to me!" she siad happily "So we both got good lifes!" she said, "I get Kevin you get Brian! So it's all good!" she said grinning.

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