Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
At first I read this as the usual "(on behalf of the site
staff)" and was going to be all "GMods thanking and glomping themselves, are they?"
Artemis Jackson said:
Also, the spam conversations of Pat with other people! Even though I don't mention it, it's funny to read their posts in Spam. I was giggling when Nick, Camilla and Pat were talking about Pat's icon and Nick told Pat that he thought it was her emoticon and then Camilla told him she was talking about her avatar. I was like lolwut throughout their whole conversation but it left me happy anyways. Yeah, that was a good memory.
That's not how that went.
Camilla said she liked Pat's "icon" and Pat thought that meant 'emoticon' while I thought Camilla had meant 'avatar'. I was right. (I'm always right. Yes. Even on GMAD.
Now to the gooey stuff.
A little bit after I first joined HNZ, and it was obvious that Alicia needed some help around the board, I volunteered to be a global moderator. That never happened.
Alicia thought it might confuse members to have two different groups. Maybe they'd think I was in charge and not her? Who knows. So, unlike 70% of the people who have been staff here, I don't have any GM experience on HNZ - but I've always been aware of how helpful they can be to admin.
And I think you guys do a way better job at being a GM than I would have ever done. You put up with admins being crazy, members being psychotic, and still manage to find a way to enjoy the board. It's definitely a weird position, having unlimited power in some respects and very very limited power in other respects. It'd drive me crazier than I am now, but you lot make it look easy and handle it the best I've ever seen. I've been staff on a fair few communities, including the official support board, and I definitely think our team here works the best as a team out of all those I've been a part of - and that's certainly something to be proud of.
Now for the individual talks:
Kaitlyn: Your willingness to do the mind-numbingly tedious tasks that consistently want me to commit suicide and/or mass murder never ever ceases to amaze me. If it weren't for you relieving that burden from me from time to time I'd probably have left the board from sheer frustration long, long ago. So thanks for everything you do on the board. All the jobs I don't want to do, and all the jobs I don't even know you're doing but that you consistently do just to make sure the board runs as smoothly as possible. Muchos appreciated.
Pat: GET BACK TO "IRELAND" ALREADY! Sheeessshhh. I've missed you the past year.
With all your "America" and your "working" and whatever else.
Insanity, really. But even in the midst of all that craziness you continued to be a major help on the board and were far more active than I could have expected considering how busy you were. Thanks for being so continuously dedicated to the board that even when you're on another continent and busy as busy can be we still know we can count on you.
Donna: Donna, donna, donna. Cyndi and I were talking last night and you were on your probationary period the last GMAD, right?
So you got an avatar and very little GMAD attention. But alas, now it's your day! And you've deserved it.
A year of putting up with me more than you ever had to do before and you survived it.
Not only so, but in your year on the team you've helped influence many decisions and make plenty of changes for HNZ to keep it RPing and as active as can be. You're awesome. Even if you do smell like/talk like sheeps.
Kait: Finally! Somebody on the staff who will spell and grammar check my important posts.
We've needed you for a long, long, time. In the months you've been a GM you've definitely had an impact and I'm super glad you agreed to join the team. You've jumped in and gotten your hands über dirty, helping with some of those most tedious tasks that I've come to absolutely abhor over the years. Thanks for helping out members even when you weren't staff, and for helping things go swimmingly across the site once you were.