Global Moderator's Appreciation Day

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Every year for the last few years (I'm pretty sure that this year makes 3), we have all gathered together to celebrate the wonderful job that HNZ's global moderators do. Since today is June 1st, the day that has been forever dubbed as Global Moderator's Appreciation Day, or GMAD for short, we hope new and old members will help us in showing appreciation to the four lovely ladies who currently serve as GMs and those ladies who have done so in the past.

I've been in a unique position here on the site and have had the opportunity to be on vastly different sides of seeing how the global mods operate. As a member, I found the global mods to be helpful in keeping the site alive and informative when I had what I thought were silly questions that I didn't want to bother the admin with (there's no such thing as silleh questions though. You all know that right? :cyndi: ).

As a new global mod, I can't tell you guys how helpful Pat and Kaitlyn were in showing me the ropes and making me feel as if I had been part of the gang all along. It's not always easy to join a group that is already in place, but they made me feel right at home and they didn't laugh (too much) at my mistakes.

And now as an admin, I've truly realized how indispensable the global mods are for us admin. Without Pat, Kaitlyn, Donna and Kait's assistance, I don't think this site would run as smoothly as it does and I know that I'd have a much longer list of things to do than I currently do. :correct:

So, I send a big :hug: to each of you and tell you that I truly do appreciate you all and everything you do for the site. You ladies are the best!

Do you have a nice GM story to share? If you appreciate or have ever appreciated the GMs ( :abby: :linda: :kaitlyn: :pat: :donna: :kait: ) as much as Nick and I do, feel free to give them a :hug: , send them a big 'ol thanks or leave them a nice message right here. I'm sure they would appreciate hearing just how much they are appreciated ^_^

~ :cyndi: & :nick:
(on behalf of the site)
Yeah! :woot:

The GMs are amazing, and I'm sure they will continue to be just as amazing as they are forever and ever :wub: Thanks guys for all your help (especially with my tendency to ask stupid, crazy and down right ridiculous questions) and for not murdering me when I asked insane questions about stuff :r and just generally being friendly and helpful all the time, even if you're up at 2 or 3 in the morning :wub:

:hug: Thanks, because if it weren't for you guys, I know that I for one would still probably be totally lost. ^_^
Happy GM appreciation day guys.

I must say the GM's are always and have always been very helpful. I can remember myself that there have been quite a few in boxes from my various characters to Kaitlyn, Pat, Donnna, sorry Kait, too young yet, but wait around long enough and you will have some too. They were very helpful and i have even pmed Kaitlyn on many different grounds simply because i was unable to do something and didn't want nick to try and explain it to me... I never get his tech speak anyway xD
Anyway, without these four lovely girls my HNZed time would have been greatly reduced and i just can't express how greatful I am to you girls for being so incredible and totally awesome. :hug: keep the site alive girlies :woot:

The GMs here are amazing.

Seriously, I thank all of them. If I'm not mistaken, when I first arrived here at HNZ, I was asking Kait so many questions about how to purchase a wand and it was so funny remembering it. Gee Kait, I wonder if you remember that but I bet you would have laughed too. So when it was announced that she was a GM, I was happy for her. She deserved it really and I hope she's enjoying the new job.

Well, I have more stories to share...
Also, the spam conversations of Pat with other people! Even though I don't mention it, it's funny to read their posts in Spam. I was giggling when Nick, Camilla and Pat were talking about Pat's icon and Nick told Pat that he thought it was her emoticon and then Camilla told him she was talking about her avatar. I was like lolwut throughout their whole conversation but it left me happy anyways. Yeah, that was a good memory.

So yeah, next is Donna.
I LOVE RILEY AND BELLA'S THREADS. IT'S SO COOL. Seriously, I stalk Donna's threads too besides from other people's. I'm in love with Riley and Jerrod. And also Bella. Teehee. DONNA, WILL RILEY MARRY JERROD? They'll be a cute couple for sure! If Riley marries Jerrod please alert the whole HNZ community. Thanks girl. I just want to see more threads of theemmmmm! I also like Bella White. Not just because she is played by Dianna Agron but, her personality is super cool. She is such a true Slytherin and I love how you made her a fashionista or something. Am I right?

The last one right? Okay so here's Kaitlyn.
I like your graphics. They're freaking beautiful. I don't even know how to blend properly! Well anyways, I love the conversations we have in the Shouty, along with Tenile, Melissa, Teigan and all the other people I can't even remember. You're like our Slytherin GM here and that I love. I like Slytherin so yup. I also like your good charries and I told you once (or maybe even more) that I like Ariah and Levi. NOW THAT THEY'RE MARRIED, I LOOK FORWARD TO THEIR FAMILY. Little blonde pureblood babies you say? You and Jessye need to make them niceeee! Yeah that's all really.

A big thanks to :kaitlyn: :donna: :pat: and :kait: for such a wonderful job! ♥
(If there were former GMs, I'd like to say thanks to them too. They've done a wonderful job running HNZ before I even joined this site. Hands down!)
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
(on behalf of the site)
At first I read this as the usual "(on behalf of the site staff)" and was going to be all "GMods thanking and glomping themselves, are they?" :trolol:

Artemis Jackson said:
Also, the spam conversations of Pat with other people! Even though I don't mention it, it's funny to read their posts in Spam. I was giggling when Nick, Camilla and Pat were talking about Pat's icon and Nick told Pat that he thought it was her emoticon and then Camilla told him she was talking about her avatar. I was like lolwut throughout their whole conversation but it left me happy anyways. Yeah, that was a good memory.
That's not how that went. o_O Camilla said she liked Pat's "icon" and Pat thought that meant 'emoticon' while I thought Camilla had meant 'avatar'. I was right. (I'm always right. Yes. Even on GMAD. :r )
Now to the gooey stuff.

A little bit after I first joined HNZ, and it was obvious that Alicia needed some help around the board, I volunteered to be a global moderator. That never happened. :trolol: Alicia thought it might confuse members to have two different groups. Maybe they'd think I was in charge and not her? Who knows. So, unlike 70% of the people who have been staff here, I don't have any GM experience on HNZ - but I've always been aware of how helpful they can be to admin.

And I think you guys do a way better job at being a GM than I would have ever done. You put up with admins being crazy, members being psychotic, and still manage to find a way to enjoy the board. It's definitely a weird position, having unlimited power in some respects and very very limited power in other respects. It'd drive me crazier than I am now, but you lot make it look easy and handle it the best I've ever seen. I've been staff on a fair few communities, including the official support board, and I definitely think our team here works the best as a team out of all those I've been a part of - and that's certainly something to be proud of.

Now for the individual talks:

Kaitlyn: Your willingness to do the mind-numbingly tedious tasks that consistently want me to commit suicide and/or mass murder never ever ceases to amaze me. If it weren't for you relieving that burden from me from time to time I'd probably have left the board from sheer frustration long, long ago. So thanks for everything you do on the board. All the jobs I don't want to do, and all the jobs I don't even know you're doing but that you consistently do just to make sure the board runs as smoothly as possible. Muchos appreciated. ^_^

Pat: GET BACK TO "IRELAND" ALREADY! Sheeessshhh. I've missed you the past year. :( With all your "America" and your "working" and whatever else. :tut: Insanity, really. But even in the midst of all that craziness you continued to be a major help on the board and were far more active than I could have expected considering how busy you were. Thanks for being so continuously dedicated to the board that even when you're on another continent and busy as busy can be we still know we can count on you. :D

Donna: Donna, donna, donna. Cyndi and I were talking last night and you were on your probationary period the last GMAD, right? xD So you got an avatar and very little GMAD attention. But alas, now it's your day! And you've deserved it. ^_^ A year of putting up with me more than you ever had to do before and you survived it. :D Not only so, but in your year on the team you've helped influence many decisions and make plenty of changes for HNZ to keep it RPing and as active as can be. You're awesome. Even if you do smell like/talk like sheeps. :r

Kait: Finally! Somebody on the staff who will spell and grammar check my important posts. :doh: We've needed you for a long, long, time. In the months you've been a GM you've definitely had an impact and I'm super glad you agreed to join the team. You've jumped in and gotten your hands über dirty, helping with some of those most tedious tasks that I've come to absolutely abhor over the years. Thanks for helping out members even when you weren't staff, and for helping things go swimmingly across the site once you were. ^_^
Happy GM appreciation day!

I would just want to thank for all of the reminders they give. To be honest, I wasn't reading the rules the first time I used this site. I was only young that year, sorry. Without their reminders, I might be doing something wrong now with my character. And because of their reminders, I started reading the rules here in HNZ. It really helped me :) .

Again, thanks to them. :)

Happy GM Appreciation day!!!​

You all are really amazing. Thank you for all the help. I remember receiving a PM about some rule of this site that I had overlooked. And really, without that PM, I wouldn't have known about it... Anyways.. thank you, thank you for everything! Continue being the AWESOME and amazing people that you are :)

~Raze ^_^
Hello Gorgeouses!!! :kait: :pat: :donna: :kaitlyn:

Happy GMAD Day!!!!!!

Every time I see that I think it says "Go Mad.", but anyway.

I'd like to thank you guys, because the site only functions because of the staff, and at this stage, I don't think I could function without HNZ. When I first joined,I mostly lurked for MONTHS. I didn't post a thing, and I didn't understand what a rping site was. It took me a while to get used to it, and reading through the FAQ forum etc. and seeing you guys answering questions really helped me to understand what was actually going on. Thank you!!


Happy Global Moderator Appreciation Day(GMAD)

You guys are the best! Ye have answered so many of my stupid questions! Ye were great during the Quidditch match :D At the beginning ye answered so many questions that really helped me get started on the site.You don't seem to be too bothered that I ask so many questions :r Ye really keep this site going and ye are amazing :woot:

Thank you so much! :hug:
Happy Global Moderator Appreciation Day!!! (GMAD)
<FONT font="Lucida">

I remember when I first joined HNZ, there was no Global Moderators. Then Linda ( :cry: ) became the first GM on the site. It's really cool to see how the group has grown over the years! You guys really deserve a day of love and whatnot. ♥ I can't think of a bunch that deserve it more. So I might as well give individual love because otherwise this will be a really long paragraph for y'all to read. Plus I feel like each and every one of you deserve it, for being awesome.

I'll start off with Kaitlyn, you've been my buddy long before you became a Global Mod, but I remember the day you were promoted easily! I was so proud! You work so hard with everything you do. Seriously. I call you overachiever sometimes, but you know I'm just joking around. Sometimes. But actually, it's really cool how dedicated you are. You also make 99% of my graphics. For having the patience to do that ..I commend you. I would go on about how much I love your characters or something like that, but I think you know already. You're already like family to me. So I'm glad you're here and stuff. But, first and foremost, you rock and I'm glad you're my bestie!

Then there is Pat, the oh so Irish Pat. I pick on you...a lot. I blame things on you...a lot. But in the end, you know I lurve you. You're an easy person to talk to whenever I needed someone. I miss all the funny skype conversations you, Kaitlyn, and I always had. We never made any sense but I feel like that was what made them so hilarious. I'm so happy I got to meet you last week. It was so much fun. I've haven't had that much fun at a playground since I was a little kid. My leg still hurts though, by the way. You have a lot of patience for all of us. Especially after the whole joke we played on you the first time you came over to the United States. You deserve all kinds of love though. For working hard and being a trooper. Stay awesome. Stay Irish. Or else.

Then onto Le Donna! You are such a sweetie! Seriously, you deserve an award for most huggable or something. You're also my fellow Nutella lover. I've really enjoyed having you around to talk to. The nickname you gave me, Jessyecat, so cute! I can imagine you're a hard worker with the GM duties you do. Plus you put up with everyone's insanity on here like a Pro. I cannot wait to lurk more of Riley's roleplay's! She is such a cutie! Keep staying awesome girly. ♥

Last but not least, Kait. Although you are the newest addition, I cannot imagine someone who deserves it more. You've been on the site even longer than I have, which is a pretty long time! You've been very helpful to the newer members and and able to answer any questions anyone has. You've been an awesome addition to the GM's! I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world for your upcoming wedding! I can't wait to see the dress!

Thank you all for being awesome and helpful! We wouldn't do much without you all!
:kaitlyn: :donna: :pat: :kait:
By the way, you lot have the silliest emote's...even if I love them. :r
Nicolas King said:
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
(on behalf of the site)
At first I read this as the usual "(on behalf of the site staff)" and was going to be all "GMods thanking and glomping themselves, are they?" :trolol:
I almost did :p
But, if you guys want to give yourselves a glomp, feel free. Don't let Nick stop you :cyndi:
Happy GMAD!

Normally I can think of something to say but today I seem to be drawing a blank so have an awesome day and keep up the good work.

Happy GM Appreciation Day! Thank you for all you guys do!
Happy Happy GMAD! :party:

You guys are awesome. Thank You for being very helpful and always being there for us. Keep up the good work and know that we will always be here to support you. ^_^ Oh, and I love your emoticons. They're all very cute :r

Happy GMAD!!! :party: :hug:

Thanks for everything guys.... You have been very helpful to all of us... You guys are so, so, so awesome... Keep up the good work and everything... Thank you so much!!

Nicolas King said:
Artemis Jackson said:
Also, the spam conversations of Pat with other people! Even though I don't mention it, it's funny to read their posts in Spam. I was giggling when Nick, Camilla and Pat were talking about Pat's icon and Nick told Pat that he thought it was her emoticon and then Camilla told him she was talking about her avatar. I was like lolwut throughout their whole conversation but it left me happy anyways. Yeah, that was a good memory.
That's not how that went. o_O Camilla said she liked Pat's "icon" and Pat thought that meant 'emoticon' while I thought Camilla had meant 'avatar'. I was right. (I'm always right. Yes. Even on GMAD. :r )
Oh? Well I was trying to lurk Spam to see where that conversation went. I even checked Pat's List Member's Posts and looked for the date of that, and then I gave up when I went back to Spam and tried to look for it again. So yeah, I'm pretty messed up. That's a lot you've got in that brain of yours. :r
Happy GM Appreciation Day Everyone!

Thank you for all your hard work guys. Keep up the great work. Loving the fact that the GM's aren't only worried about moderating, rather they are fully involved with the community, which is a very good sign to me. :)
Happy GM Appreciation Day everyone!
Thanks for all your hard work of keeping everything in check yet making new members like me feel welcomed!! You guys are awesome. :D
Thanks, girls. :wub: :hug: :party: :woot: :hug: :kaitlyn: :pat: :kait: :donna: (And past girls :linda: & :abby: )

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Thanks for all your hard work! <3 :hug:
Happy GMAD Day!

And I hope you enjoy the Team Icons.
Stefan Archer said:
And I hope you enjoy the Team Icons.
For anybody who didn't know, they're Emzies' handiwork. :p
(I tried but failed miserably, so I defaulted to having somebody else do them. :shifty: )

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