Global Moderator Appreciation Day

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Each year on June 1st, HNZ admin ask every site member to take some time to consider all of the work that must go into keeping this community alive and thriving. Of course, some of that comes from you members RPing, but another portion of it comes from the work that is done behind the scenes and much of that work is done by the Global Moderators. We’ve dubbed this day - Global Moderator Appreciation Day [GMAD]. :party:
It can be easy to forget that someone is making sure to collect all the snippets of information to organize a Bi-Weekly Update, taking the time to write out a list of reminders for professors, posting and grading lessons as the substitute, moving your biography to the right place. And that’s just a few of the tasks that the global moderators help us to. Isn’t it awesome that there are people willing to volunteer some of their fun HNZ time to do stuff like that? :cool:

Although you may not have been around for the tenure of some of the GMs- we do want to take a moment to recognize them all - Abby :abby: , Linda :linda: , Kaitlyn :kaitlyn: , Pat :pat: , Emzies :emzies: , Donna :donna: Kait :kait: , Marga :marga: , Claire :claire: , Lovi :lovi: , and last, but certainly not least, Maia :maia: . All of these women have helped us to create a site that has functioned well (if we do say so ourselves :p ) for a nice amount of time.

Over the past week, we’ve passed around some banners with a simple but important Thank you and have asked for your assistance in getting them circulated around. Our hope was that you would join us in offering your thanks either through a short message or by signing your name. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to reach you all (we’ll start earlier next time!) , but never fear! There will be a blank one for you to sign if you’d like. :) I hope that you’ll take a moment to leave a message of thanks even if you didn’t or don’t sign a card.

From us to you ladies: Thank you. For Everything. :hug:

:cyndi: & :nick:



:D Happy Global Moderator Appreciation Day! (what a mouthful!)

Each and everyone of you has done so much for this site, I'm sure there is a TON going on behind the scenes we don't know about but that are vital to keep the site running. My special thanks go to those I've asked to remove posts I made with the wrong account :r I actually did that again today so at least I'm keeping you guys busy

:wub: :wub: :wub: You guys are all wonderful
HAPPY GMAD!!! :party: :hug: :hug: :woot: You girls (past and present) are amazing, lovely, selfless people, and we're incredibly lucky to have (or have had) you as GMs on this site :wub: Thank you so much for giving your time and dedication to making this such an awesome place to be!!

Appreciate you so much!

Clairey :hug: :hug:
Happy GMAD!!!! :frantics: :party: :party: :party:

I still remember my time on the site as global moderator very fondly :wub: so I know how much work goes into running the site smoothly & now that the site is a lot bigger and has a lot more features, I commend y'all for your patience & continued dedication!!!! ^_^ I appreciate y'all!! :D :D

(Also much thanks for including me even though I don't need the appreciation now :wub: )
So happy Linda & I are back on the site at the same time! :frantics: :frantics:
Happy GMAD to ya'll wonderful ladies! You are all doing a fantastic job keeping the site going and I miss ya'll by the way.. :wub: Thank you for all the work you keep doing and the time and effort that goes into keeping this place as terrific as it can be!

PS: Thank you for including me too! I feel the love.. :wub: :marga: Miss ya'll!
Thank you ladies for everything you do. It is so, so appreciated. We are all so blessed to have you helping us, with all your hard work and creativity, and general loveliness. Thank you so much!
Happy Global Moderator Appreciation Day!

I didn't get to write anything on a card, but I just want each of you to know that you're all loved and you do so much more than what anyone thinks. Without you the site would not be running as smoothly as it is now, so thank you :hug: :wub:
Happy GMAD!

Thank you to you all for everything that you do on the site, you do it well and you're very committed so thank you! You guys are awesome! :wub:
Happy GMAD!

Seriously, I'm sure I don't even know a tenth of how much work is put in behind the scenes to keep this site the wonderful place it is, so thank you so much for all the work you do guys, you're amazing.
Yay GMAD :party:

I know I'm supposed to be away but I thought I should pop in and say a couple of things!

First of all, Thanks for all the hard work! The site is so intricate that I couldn't even imagine how much work is put in to keep everything updated and running smoothly! Somehow you guys still manage to rp on the regular too, on top of all the work you do behind the scenes and it all deserves to be appreciated :hug:

Second of all, despite being away someone thought to send me one of these cards and include me in appreciating the global mods, and I would like to say thank you for that! I'm glad that I was able to be included in writing a little thank you message to appreciate all the work the mods put in around the site :D

Keep up the amazing work, and I hope that everyone continues to have their work recognized and appreciated because they deserve it!
Happy GMAD!!

Thank you for all that you do, the time that you spent shaping this site. To keep it fresh and going. It's lovely to be back and see it still around. Pretty sure you guys are apart of the reason why HNZ still here!! :D :D :D :D :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Again, thank you!! :hug:
Like Abby I certainly don't need any appreciation for what I did a millennium ago but I do want to say thank you to all the amazing GM's that have come since then and that are here now. This site is still fantastic even after all these years and it's not just because of the addicted :p rpers but because of the amazing work that you the GM's do and the exhaustive time that you give up to keep the site on track. (Admins too of course ;) )

Love you all dearly - thank you for the fish


oh btw ...

:woot: HAPPY G M A D :woot:

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