Getting Ahead of the PD Flood

I might regret this, but I might as well post this before the flood of first years arrives so I can prepare for plots for the next school year. =))

Hinata Edogawa

6th Year - Hufflepuff

Hinata is a gentle marshmallow who's only starting to come out of her shell. Her fifth year has been quite eventful, with her siblings joining her in HNZ, she'd been determined to burst out of her shell to be a good role model to all of them, with quite the success. She's happy with her studies in the last year and has even managed to win the duelling tournament for her year.

She's very shy and has ended up with quite the weird friend group at the moment - Mikael, Horror, Terror, Bailey, and Elio. With the exception of her cousin and Bailey who's been her roommate for her whole HNZ tenure, she really got the friends through osmosis. She doesn't deal with interactions well at first though she is quite the loyal friend once one gets past that initial awkwardness. She's quite silly, prone to getting lost, and prone to obtaining gossip since she's so rarely noticed.

It would be great to give her friends or enemies since it would be interesting to see her interact with people outside her friend group whether just to talk to her or be hostile.

Mikael Nightray
6th Year - Slytherin

Mikael is not a gentle marshmallow. He's a meanie and is lazy. He can't be bothered to do anything that is not related to his goals - currently, that is to be the next head of his family as he's currently one of the heirs. In the past years, he's been a loner, preferring to stick to the company of his small circle - his cousin (Hinata), his roommate, (Horror), his cousin's roommate (Bailey), and his roommate's twin (Terror). That circle has expanded since his younger sister started school, along with his now-boyfriend, Elio.

He is a possessive and protective individual. No one should touch or dare to take what he views as his. Since the second semester, he would be frequently seen with Elio - because again he is possessive - or waiting for Elio outside of his classes or the Gryffindor Common Room - because let's add stalker tendencies to that pile shall we?

I wouldn't be opposed to trying to give him more friends. xD But again, he's not the nicest. He's not the worst. He's just... prickly. And a grump. So, he'd probably end up with more enemies than friends really. xD

Eurydice Nightray
2nd Year - Hufflepuff

My sweet, sweet girl. Also a little spoiled. Eurydice is Mikael's younger sister. She's the firstborn daughter of the Nightray head, which makes her quite the spoiled little girl. Unlike her brother though, her default isn't really to be a grump. She's quite sweet and determined. She is very stubborn, though, and would very much stick to her ideals. She is also very loyal to her family and friends - family comes before all else.

Her social skills however leave much to be desired. While sweet, she doesn't really know how to deal with other kids her age unless they're her cousins who she's known her whole life. Despite being the daughter of the head of a Pureblood family, she's actually a half-blood as her mother isn't considered a pureblood, which meant that she didn't really have friendly interactions outside her family. Her first friend is currently a house elf. Her second and third are currently Cade boys whom she met as a first year. Eurydice comes off strong, she's daring, bold, and isn't afraid to go after what she wants. And this has gotten her into trouble with some older girls.

It would be great for her to have female friends xD or just more friends in general. Any hostile interactions - rivals or enemies or bullies are welcome just the same.

Sayuri Edogawa
2nd Year - Slytherin

My prickly girl. Sayuri is currently the youngest Edogawa. While she's in the same year as the triplets, she doesn't actually feel like she's a part of them, which is fine by her. She thinks she has too many siblings, especially now that there are two new additions to the family. There's not much that happened to her in her first year, she mostly focused on getting her studies done and finding her footing in HNZ. Because of that, she hadn't really been aware until late that there was trouble brewing in her family. While she studied with them frequently in their second semester, she still preferred to stay separate from the chaos that is the triplets.

Sayuri loves Quidditch and Aikido - two sports that she actively tries to do. Sketching is her guilty pleasure that she hides from her siblings. She reads and studies a lot and generally prefers to be left alone (to the point of snubbing her roommates on the first night).

Sayuri is currently the character I have the least happenings with and it would be nice to have more things for her so I'm pretty much open to what anyone would throw at me and I'd probably roll with it.

Jonah Edogawa
2nd Year - Hufflepuff

I don't even know where to begin with Jonah. He's a rollercoaster that's for sure. He's gotten into trouble with two Heads of Houses and has managed to "break in" to the Headmaster's office. All because he wanted to switch houses so he can prove that he was just like his siblings. Jonah has always felt, insecure about his position in the family. Nowadays, he thinks of himself as the "spare" or the "failed copy" mostly because he has quite the overachieving brother, Elijah, while he figures himself to be quite mundane. And then his sister, Rose, typically required more attention due to her condition. He figures himself to be unneeded, especially now that he's very obviously not anything like his siblings.

Jonah had quite the journey in his first year, going from doing everything he possibly could to be with his siblings, to trying his best to avoid them. He's made a good attempt at making friends in his first semester though he's started to pull away from everyone after the holidays. Aside from that, he's having trouble with his studies. While he was a good student prior to attending HNZ, he's having more trouble this time with his academics. He hasn't realized it yet but he's having trouble because he just understands things better in Japanese better than he understands them in English which takes him quite a bit more effort. Right now, only Quidditch has made things better for him but even that he's been starting to doubt. All these things combined have made Jonah into a sad and reclusive tween at the moment.

Any interaction with Jonah would be great, as exploring his character development has been... a whirlwind.

And that is it for current students! If there are other characters I have that you'd like to just randomly give a try let me know - all of the active characters I have are currently listed as subaccounts under Hinata.
Since you asked, Imma give you a list since you know them all xD
  • Hinata x Horror
  • Mikael x Horror
  • Eury x Imogen
  • Jonah x Asher
  • Rowan x Daisuke
  • Lorena x Angelo
  • Rhys x Julian
I won't do adults. I'll just tag you.
+elio, julian, rhys, mikael
@Professor Killian Borisyuk I’ll start odd if you start even? :r (Except Rhys and Julian cause I’ve already half-written that somewhere)
There's also now Primrose for Eurydice, since they're roommates~
There's also now Primrose for Eurydice, since they're roommates~
I am down to make the Susie thread a SusiexPrimrosexEurydice thread if you guys are (no pressure) :D
Hi Marga!

I have Tempest for Hinata and/or Mikael. While Tempest has grown a lot and is breaking out of the typical Slytherin stereotype (slowly lol), she is still a big old grump. I'm not sure if I have any specifics for interactions with either (although she would likely find Hinata annoying), we could maybe do a thread and see if you're open to it!

For Eurydice, I have my twins, Bea and Maggie. Maggie kind of sees Eurydice as annoying from watching her at the tug of war event, but Bea would definitely be nice to her no matter what the feelings were. Maybe we could do a thread with the twins and Eurydice?
Let me know if you'd rather any of them be Closed.

Sayuri x Kanako - Same year, so they share a dorm so we could probably develop a backstory there if you want (despite the snubbing of night one lol) or have some sort of inciting incident that gets them interacting. Kanako isn't the easiest to get along with, but she kind of has no friends and isn't above pretending to be a better person than she is to get some lol. Kanako loves quidditch too but it's new to her, due to being raised by a solo muggle father. They're both Japanese too, so they might find some sort of refuge in each other outside of their families (Kanako doesn't really get along with her brother). There's options, let me know if anything vibes right with you.
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