Firsties: Y25

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Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
I figured that even though I am on break, I can get some plots in before the sorting, and have some plans in for my future babies. I have quite a few, but my new ones are essentially these right here:


Chacen Chevalier ♦ Part-Veela
Vincent & Alyssa Chevalier's Son

That's right, Chacen is the firstborn son of Alyssa and Vincent Chevalier. For those of you who don't know,
Vincent and Alyssa was a huge power couple back in the day, and they are finally having their children go to
school. First of all, there is Chacen. I've got his personality figured out. He is a ladies man. I see him having
more girl friends than boy friends. He gets along with females better, due to the fact that he attracted many
with his good looks. His playby will remain Chris Hemsworth due to my laziness of finding a younger male
to play him. Anyway, back to his personality. He is really knowledgeable about fashion, healing, herbology
and Quidditch. He is really friendly and will likely make friends with just about anyone. He is just so lovable.
What I want: Friends, crushes (one sided or mutual), long term flings. His final is claimed. Sorry peeps. :)


Gavin Kovac ♦ Pure-blood
Colton & Gabrielle Kovac's Son

Much like his father, Gavin is quiet, intelligent and extremely hardworking. He is the son of Gabrielle and
Colton Kovac, two Healers. He shares a similar parentage to Chacen Chevalier, and is a cousin to him, in
reality. They have never met. Gavin wants to become a healer like his parents, and will not let anything get
in his way of his goal. He is very smart, so he will likely find those that are immature a little annoying and
will not associate with them. He looks a lot like his dad, and has bright blue eyes. When it comes to being'
sorted, I can see him being a Ravenclaw rather than a Slytherin like his dad. He is super quiet, and will not
make friends easily. He can be a little on the rude side, and has a little bit of an attitude toward some peers.
What I want: He already has some friends planned out, like two people to be really close, but I want some
other friends that could be interested in being a healer, or some people that will not get along with him as
well. Romances will be out of the question until later, but I don't see him dating for a long time, and he has
a final as well. But if you have something in mind, PM me and we can talk. Flings just won't be forever.


Elysia Styx ♦ Pure-blood
Hades & Etoile Styx's Daughter

This girl is the younger twin of Lestat Styx, and also the first daughter of Hades and Etoile Styx. She takes
after her mother in a lot of aspect, with some of her father, which together, make a dangerous combo. She
is fiercely independent and hates being around people in general. She is a little on the prejudice side, and
will not change for some time. I see her as more of a Slytherin than anything, but who knows because of
her personality. She has a bit of a temper, and is a very bold person. If Elysia doesn't like you, she will tell
you. She has a closed mind, which can be a downside. She will argue a lot, and will fight to win. Speaking
of, I can see her in fights if it escalates, and she knows how to get the upper hand, as well as play very dirty.
What I want: I want Elysia to have one close friend, one that she can go to no matter what the problem is
which will be really hard for her because of how distant and cold she is. She will likely make a lot of enemies
so those are always welcome. Love interests are off limits since I don't see her interested in anyone at all.


Lestat Styx ♦ Pure-blood
Hades & Etoile Styx's Son

Last, but certainly not least, is Lestat Styx. He is very much like his father, Hades. He is cold and does not
take society well. He hates just about everything that isn't within his family, and has an unusual dark sense
of humor, which escalates when he gets older. An example is when he met with his brother's schoolmate and
said that he must have been scared to death, which Andy died not long after. Lestat would laugh until falling
onto the floor. He is really good at fighting, being trained to handle others, and is learning how to follow and
stalk others. Lestat is very much an eerie kid, and will love to terrorize others, for his sheer pleasure. I would
call him a bully, but bullies wouldn't really compare to him and how he treats others he feels are below him.
What I want: He already has a best friend planned, but maybe one or two other ones that could tolerate his
maniac behaviors. He will make plenty of enemies, but I want a lot of people he can just terrorize. It will be
amazing if he could have some. Love interest is planned out already, but I can see him having another one or
more in the future. So, if you are interested in that, just know that he already has his future planned out.

That is all of my future students. If you wanted to RP with any of them, please post below or PM me. If you have other students that want to interact with any of my other ones, they are in a table below.


Okay so I have Agrippina Vetrova. She is a very kind soul, she often does favours and good deeds for others, helping them, taking care of them and anything she can to make sure they are comfortable. She values close relationships with others and in particular those who share her affections of closeness and people. Agrippina often expects the best in the future and works hard to achieve it. She believes that a good future is something that can be brought about, she does not believe in fate because of this and is more comfortable having a say in the way her life will turn out. She is not an overtly spiritual person because of this and though she strives to understand people, she can be a little closed off to the spirituality of others, often actively turning against the beliefs of others if she sees it as an inferior purpose.
For Agrippina, I can see her and Gavin being good friends, if not with Chacen too. Though an enemy of Lestat and/or Elysia. Is that what you are offering? xD

Okay, so you told me to post, so here I am...
Right so, I can sort of vague remember what we've already decided, but to add to that, Elysia and Sianna could be friends, both girls, I'm not sure if they'll be in the same house but they could at least be friends, Sianna's inadvertently cold sometimes and definitely wouldn't mind her coldness and closed mindedness. Sianna would likely never get into fights with people, she's not that sort of person she's pretty subdued in that sense, she'll bottle up the anger or frustration, so she'll likely not even hold Elysia back if she starts like kicking up a fuss.

I think Lestat and Zared were going to be friends right? Is that the best friend, I can't remember xD . But if Lestat is looking for someone to torment, he could pick on Ares, Ares would be likely an easy target, given his somewhat weirdness and the way he interacts with people, he's a half blood, so he would have plenty to pick on him for, so that could be an option for you if you wanted.

Maybe Sianna and Chacen could be friends, she'd definitely crush on him for more than a little bit, because Chris Hemsworth, but I think they could make good friends, she'd warm to his friendly energetic nature since she isn't really that herself, and it might help her open up a little bit more and become more open and such, I can see them being friends and maybe a friends with benefits situation when they are a little older, although she'd want to keep his friendship when it ends. Also for Chacen, Chacen and Ares could be quidditch buddies? Ares will likely join a team if he can as soon as he can, he definitely takes after Isaiah in his desire to play, so if they ended up in the same house they could be purely quidditch buddies who train together?

I dunno, if this'll work for you, just let me know if you want to do anything, or not. Or if you have other ideas, I'm pretty open to stuff.
Oh look, you read my mind ;)

Yes! I wasn't exactly sure what it was that you wanted, but anyway, I would be happy with any of those!
I think you wanted me to post here, so hi xD

I can't believe I've forgotten again, but I know we plotted friendship between Gavin, Ray, and one of Emzies' characters... Ares? Maybe? XD Anyway, if that is the case, Lestat could terrorize both Ray and Ares. Like, be prepared for Ray to try and knock him out for it, but her certain failure would give her something else to feel insecure about, which is what I want to happen at first. Then she would pretty much just scowl and try to pretend it doesn't bother her, and encourage Ares to do the same. She has a reaaally short temper, and I can imagine Lestat might be entertained by how easily he can make her rage.

I also suggested a bit of a rivalry between Elysia and Ray. I would love to have duels between them, because Ray's the sort that wants a fight, but she isn't going to cheapen her victory by cheating, so against Elysia (who might play dirty), she would probably never win, but keep training harder and coming back for more just because she's so determined to. This would give her a reason to train hard, which will benefit her later in life.

Hmmh... and I remember something about Ray crushing on Chacen. But pretending she isn't because she doesn't like that he's a ladies man. xD But towards her later years, Ray's going to get a bit... flirty, mainly out of insecurity. So maybe they could have a fling some time.

That's all I got for firsties :D
Emzies! Love it when people obey what I ask them to.
Elysia & Sianna: I think that the two of these would make amazing friends, though Elysia might be a little on the pushy side. She might want to do some things, but Sianna may not join her. Elysia can work around that. Would you want to RP these two before or after sorting?
Lestat & Zared: This is the best friend, the other half, the partner in crime, yes. I actually have an idea for a RP for them, with Elysia on the sideline. I can imagine that Lestat and Zared met once while shopping, and then they could rp on the train, sitting together, where Elysia can make an appearance and the immediate dislike begins!
Lestat & Ares: Yesss please. Maybe later after Ares makes his close friends, we can have like, a war between the meaner people, and Ares' friends. Do you want to RP these before or after sorting?
Chacen & Sianna: I think that these two would make good friends! Especially when Elysia isn't around because Elysia and Chacen will not get along due to her hatred of his kind. That is about it. But I support flings in the future, but never all the way cause he will be like Vincent in that aspect. Maybe saving it for his marriage day. Do you want to RP these before or after sorting?
Chacen & Ares: Yesss Quidditch buddies! If they are in different houses, it can be a friendly rivalry! This would be after sorting of course.

Do you want to RP these before or after sorting?

Lestat & Ray: I can see this happening, and probably escalating very much. I think that Lestat should probably meet Ray when they are in school, unless you prefer to do this now?
Elysia & Ray: I would have suggested that they could be frenemies, but I don't think that will happen because of Lestat and what he will want to do. XD I really like these two so would you want to rp them now or after sorting?
Chacen & Ray: I think that these two would work. Chacen wouldn't go beyond kissing in the future, as a heads up. But would you want them to be friends or just meet later on and then doing the crush and flirting bit?

Thanks for the replies, my ladies!
I'd like to do maybe one before sorting, but the rest can happen afterwards. I'm happy for you to choose which one, because I have a lot of muse for Agrippina at the moment.
Lestat and Yuki should RP yes.
She's a really nice girl that likes flowers. How is this going down.
Lestat & Ray: Great! I'm fine with this waiting until school.

Elysia & Ray: Hmmh... Maybe they could be sort of unspoken frenemies? I mean, Ray would intensely dislike her, but if they were put in a situation where she had the choice between saving her life (or not), then she would. She almost enjoys hating people like Elysia, you know? XD But because of Lestat, it would probably never be spoken of. Up to you! They could meet in Brighstone if you like.

Chacen & Ray: Yeep that's great! Well if it is Gavin x Ares x Ray that are going to be friends, then Ray would probably come to know Chacen through Ares. But I imagine there'd be something about him being so perfect and beautiful and hanging around with lots of girls that would make her instantly dislike him, despite finding him gorgeous XD. So perhaps acquaintances through Ares, and then the flirting at a later date?
Elysia and Sianna, sounds good, and we could start them after they've been sorted, because they might end up in the same house so we could have them RP in the dorms, if not we can figure something else out.
Lestat and Zared, i completely agree with what you have suggested, so yeah we should do that. Would that have to wait until they are sorted?
Lestat and Ares should definitely happen post sorting, like maybe not until half way through the year should it even start you know, give each one respective time to settle.
Chacen and Sianna could meet before school briefly, like in passing, maybe outside ollivanders or something where Sianna's waiting for her brother and he's about to go in and then they meet again in school?
Chacen and Ares, they could get to talking during the flying lessons, and then later they can practice a little together, and a friendly rivalry would be good if they were in different houses. Plus if they were in opposite teams and both on the bench I can imagine Ares making faces at him. So yeah we can RP them later.

I can start the Sianna and Zared one if you start the Lestat one. And I could probably also start the Sianna and Elsyia when that time comes too.
Looks like sorting is happening now, so everything can take place during it? XD

Well, we can do one in Brightstone or something before, and one later. I can see Elysia and Agrippina meeting on the train, maybe forced to sit with each other because her brother's was full, and immediate dislike? I can start this one!
And the Gavin one can happen during school. You can start that one. :r

When and where?! I can start. XD

Lestat & Ray: Which can be now... XD
Elysia & Ray: I like that. Do you want to start or me?
Chacen & Ray: I feel that this needs to happen during next semester to give Chacen some time to make lots of girl friends.

Elysia & Sianna: Well, here's to hoping she is a Ravenclaw then!
Lestat & Zared: I can start with that, and well, we don't need them to be sorted to be on the train.
Lestat & Ares: Agreed. Putting down in my plot list!
Chacen & Sianna: I like that idea, so that they could recognize but not know. Plus it would be hard to miss them. xD
Chacen & Ares: Another one I agree on.

So, we agreed on who starts who! :r
Lestat & Ray: It can! xD would you like to start something for this one? Or if you want to give it a bit of time, I'm not fussed.
Elysia & Ray: Sure thing, I'll start something for them tomorrow.
Chacen & Ray: Good idea! ^_^
Elysia and Agrippina sounds like immense laughs for us :r

I'm good with both of these!
I'm trying to think of where they can meet. Yuki would be in love with the outdoors, she definitely wouldn't be inside during a nice spring's or summer's day.
Raylee Lagowski said:
Lestat & Ray: It can! xD would you like to start something for this one? Or if you want to give it a bit of time, I'm not fussed.
Elysia & Ray: Sure thing, I'll start something for them tomorrow.
Chacen & Ray: Good idea! ^_^
I can start this, when I get some extra time. I think I can within the next few days.
Thanks dear!
Professor Sloane Stark said:
Elysia and Agrippina sounds like immense laughs for us :r

I'm good with both of these!
They do. :r But I would like to have Agrippina and Lestat to have some intense love/hate going on before Lestat ends up with who he is supposed to.
Riley Sparkles said:
I'm trying to think of where they can meet. Yuki would be in love with the outdoors, she definitely wouldn't be inside during a nice spring's or summer's day.
Lestat likes to set fire to the plants or killing small bugs or whatever comes his way. She can witness that? XD
Elysia Styx said:
Professor Sloane Stark said:
Elysia and Agrippina sounds like immense laughs for us :r

I'm good with both of these!
They do. :r But I would like to have Agrippina and Lestat to have some intense love/hate going on before Lestat ends up with who he is supposed to.
Oooh! I like it, let's do that too :r that'll be fun :shifty:
Professor Kalif Styx said:

Elysia & Sianna: Well, here's to hoping she is a Ravenclaw then!
Lestat & Zared: I can start with that, and well, we don't need them to be sorted to be on the train.
Lestat & Ares: Agreed. Putting down in my plot list!
Chacen & Sianna: I like that idea, so that they could recognize but not know. Plus it would be hard to miss them. xD
Chacen & Ares: Another one I agree on.
For Chacen and Sianna,
Let me know if you want to make any changes, and I'll start the other one when she's sorted.
Yeesh haha ok, go for gold! Pm me the link when you've done it ^_^
*grumbles about how Kaitlyn wouldn't let me stay in my shell and plot over skype*

Okay so I have Five firsties that are options. There are only two I can't do much with right now, and that's because they have applications I'm waiting to submit.

But I do have Binnaz, she is a mixedblood who came from a family with a mother that shunned her own magic. She was in an arranged marriage with an older man, but upon finding out her brother, whom is the caretaker at HNZ, decided to take action. Threatening the family with ministry action he had them give up Binnaz's guardianship to someone who could get her magical training. This of course turned Beanie's world upside down. She's super lost, knows nothing about magic, and has now been chosen as a Hufflepuff and thrown into a foreign country. She could use anything - especially enemies *cough* I mean friends :r

I then have my two twins Celebi (Gryffindor) and Meloetta (Ravenclaw) - both named after pokemon because the kids who played it grew up and had kids! Celebi is happy-go-lucky raised in Ireland and her sister is relatively the opposite raised in Russia. They are identical twins separated by divorce. They are open for bullies, friends, and rivals - Meloetta is super competitive after all.

Other than that i know so little about them so I'd love to roleplay and find out!

Abigail Carter said:
Abby needs friends guys. :creep:
Which do you think she could be friends with?
Professor Sloane Stark said:
Oooh! I like it, let's do that too :r that'll be fun :shifty:
Agreed. So, we will get started on this immediately! And I'll give you the link whenever. xD
Riley Sparkles said:
Yeesh haha ok, go for gold! Pm me the link when you've done it ^_^
Will do!
Mandalyn Love said:
*grumbles about how Kaitlyn wouldn't let me stay in my shell and plot over skype*

Okay so I have Five firsties that are options. There are only two I can't do much with right now, and that's because they have applications I'm waiting to submit.

But I do have Binnaz, she is a mixedblood who came from a family with a mother that shunned her own magic. She was in an arranged marriage with an older man, but upon finding out her brother, whom is the caretaker at HNZ, decided to take action. Threatening the family with ministry action he had them give up Binnaz's guardianship to someone who could get her magical training. This of course turned Beanie's world upside down. She's super lost, knows nothing about magic, and has now been chosen as a Hufflepuff and thrown into a foreign country. She could use anything - especially enemies *cough* I mean friends :r

I then have my two twins Celebi (Gryffindor) and Meloetta (Ravenclaw) - both named after pokemon because the kids who played it grew up and had kids! Celebi is happy-go-lucky raised in Ireland and her sister is relatively the opposite raised in Russia. They are identical twins separated by divorce. They are open for bullies, friends, and rivals - Meloetta is super competitive after all.

Other than that i know so little about them so I'd love to roleplay and find out!
Well, someone had to. :r
I think that Binnaz could be harassed by the Styx twins, and be friends with either Chacen or Gavin. Gavin is a little harder to befriend than Chacen. Chacen will befriend any girl. XD
I think Elysia having intense rivalries would be really fun. I think that she and Meloetta would be hilarious. Lestat would need to know more to bully Celebi. Either could be friends with my respective Gryffindor and Ravenclaw that isn't Elysia.
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