Firsties: Y25

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Righty-o. This is Zara and she's the daughter of Scorpius Knight and Pandora Cohen and has an older twin brother. She tends to act a little more domineering than you'd expect from the younger of the two but only because she's a bit of a know-it-all. She's really only bossy with things she knows about. She's happy to learn from people she thinks have any sort of knowledge but because she perceives certain people in a certain way she might not listen to them and will be sure to go to a second source. She has a great fear of Quidditch and flying because it killed her father before she was born and she thinks it's just about the most reckless thing in the world. I feel like she and Chacen could get along for the most part although she'd wonder how he could be so damn reckless with Quidditch. She won't crush on him every because she's gay as heck even if she doesn't know it yet. Maybe when all the other girls start to get interested in boys she uses Chacen as like... a pre-beard by pretending she has a crush on him while she's figuring it all out? For Elysia I have a feeling that Zara would know pretty instantly not to get on her bad side and be as polite to her as possible but would firmly stand her ground when necessary as she is no wilting flower of a girl. There is quite a few things that could be used against her but she would definitely act as if none of it bothered her if brought up and probably cry in privacy. Thoughts? For Lestat and Gavin I'm honestly not sure. Please feel free to suggest things.
Lestat x Yuki: Not in brightstone, but I'm also making things short to not look as intimidating. XD

I feel Chacen would get along with almost everyone, so that would include Zara. Though he would be baffled on why she wouldn't truly be into him, but that's about it. So, I can see them being friends and whatnot.
As far as Elysia goes, it would be hard for Elysia to talk to people that are "lesser" than her, but she might enjoy the suffering to implement later on. She's in a new place and wants to be left alone for a while.
As far as Gavin and Lestat, Lestat could actively bully her for the hell of it, but until he knows what to use against her, he wouldn't bother. Gavin is a determined reader, so he wouldn't want to associate with people unless they come to him first.

Annnd Lestat x Raylee:
Well hopefully he'd understand why when she comes out because that would be very ignorant of Chacen. Do you want to thread? Well if Elysia is a Ravenclaw they're roommates so I don't see how that would happen. :p Honestly at first Zara might think that Lestat is joking and laugh at him for being such a pureblood/slytherin stereotype. Whoops.
Kylie Ortiz said:
Well hopefully he'd understand why when she comes out because that would be very ignorant of Chacen. Do you want to thread? Well if Elysia is a Ravenclaw they're roommates so I don't see how that would happen. :p Honestly at first Zara might think that Lestat is joking and laugh at him for being such a pureblood/slytherin stereotype. Whoops.
Chacen isn't the smartest in the bunch. He can get a little on the oblivious side. And he's never been around anyone that likes the same gender either.
Actually, Elysia would just ignore everyone around her when she wants to be alone, so she'd likely ignore Zara (and everyone unless approached) until she becomes more adjusted to her surroundings.
But like I said, he'd likely ignore her until he finds something, and the likelihood of him actually caring enough to dig would be little. I didn't think about that before. xD
But rping someone with Zara would be fine with me. :)

Lestat x Agrippina:
I have Bryony Woods to offer for any of your characters, though I feel like she would get on with Chacen and probably Gavin more than the others. Bry is quite introverted and finds it hard to trust people at first but she is friendly and kind and intelligent. She doesn't much like confrontation and dislikes conflict so she probably wouldn't really like Elysia and probably an easy target for Lestat! xD She's completely clueless when it comes to magic coming from a muggle family so I can see her being extremely gullible but also hungry to learn more about the wizarding world. So yeah, let me know what you're interested in.
Bryony Woods said:
I have Bryony Woods to offer for any of your characters, though I feel like she would get on with Chacen and probably Gavin more than the others. Bry is quite introverted and finds it hard to trust people at first but she is friendly and kind and intelligent. She doesn't much like confrontation and dislikes conflict so she probably wouldn't really like Elysia and probably an easy target for Lestat! xD She's completely clueless when it comes to magic coming from a muggle family so I can see her being extremely gullible but also hungry to learn more about the wizarding world. So yeah, let me know what you're interested in.
Sorry I didn't have a chance to get to this before. I had this up in a tab for the past several days. Anyway I like Bryony being friends with Chacen, and maybe Gavin if he can open up to her, and Lestat possibly picking on her. Lestat has a lot of rps right now, so it will be a while before I can add another rp with him if you don't mind. Elysia as well, cause she can torment her as well. But either one will be nice one of these days. But Gavin and Chacen, whichever you want to start first.
That's fine just let me know when/if you want Bryony and Lestat to RP, Elysia too :)

Maybe we could start with Chacen? Do you want me to start it?
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