Open First Years Castle Tour!

Alice Briar

🌼 Social | Energetic | Optimistic | 2053 grad 🌼
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Elliot)
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
3/2035 (28)
Alice had taken over this tradition from Kauri, and she was happy to get the chance to do it again. Last year had been the first time she'd organized the tour on her own, and it had really helped show her how important it was to give first years the chance to know the castle a bit better. She knew that many first years had older siblings or other family members, she'd been one of them herself, but just as many had no real idea about the castle's layout. If she could stop a few first years from getting lost on their way to class, Alice would think she had done alright. Holding up the same sign as last year, Alice found a central spot in the entrance hall. She held the sign as high as she could, so as many people as possible would be able to see it. "Castle tour for first years! Come join us to find your way to classes!" She called out, hoping to catch the attention of a few first years. "Castle tour!" She added, waving the sign a little. She remembered feeling a little silly about this last year, but she felt more confident now. She planned to show the most important parts of the castle, like where the different classrooms were. But she also hoped she could take the first years outside, as the grounds were her favorite part of the castle. They were a lot harder to get lost in, though, so she wouldn't give it priority.
Hogwarts castle was huge, there were so many people, and Danae didn't actually know anyone here, except her siblings. She didn't know where Jenna was and felt like she could accidentaly go to wrong way if she tried tp go somewhere. She was just standing in entrance hall and felt confused
No one could really understand how happy Danae was when she heard someone yelling about castle tour. She almost ran to this person.

– Could I enter?– She asked to oldest schoolmate when found her. School tour could help a lot for Danae, she didn't know really much.
Marc heard the call of his senior, and walked on closer to her stand. He was new to all of this.. magic stuff, and in an especially huge magical castle, he would need all the help he could get. He stood next to another girl who was talking with the senior, happy to stay close and listen without talking. While they wait for other first years to come, Marc took the time to observe his surroundings and memorize them already.
Liusaidh did not much care to get shown about the school, but with nothing better to do with her time she decided she would give it a go. The girl heard someone calling out about it, an older student way older than Liusaidh. She stood in amongst two other people who were clearly looking to get some guidance, "Are ye gonna show us the best places, or just everythin'?" Liusaidh asked loudly, she wouldn't much care either way but it seemed like a detail she should know. Her and others.
Aisling saw the sign advertising the tour of the castle. Curious, she went to join the line. She had done a bit of exploring, but she wanted to be fully prepared when classes started, and anyway, she hadn’t got anything better to do. Smiling, she waved at the girl holding the sign.
Nola hadn't actually slept much, she was just too excited. That and she wasn't used to sharing a room with a gazillion other girls. But she surprisingly still felt full of energy. After an early breakfast with @Caleb Bennett , Nola spotted someone holding a sign up, a few others gathered around her. She grabbed Caleb's arm. "Caleb! It's a tour! We have to do it."
Billie felt clueless when she first arrived at the school, soon enough she learnt a few things but she still had so much to learn. Spotting the sign for a castle tour was music to her ears, she found the jackpot of learning more about the school and how it works. It gave her a little hope that she won't be completly out of touch with everyone, a lot of people here seemed to know whats going on. So Billie walked towards the group and tapped the lady's shoulder she guessed was the tour guide, "Is it possible for me to join?"

Billie could see the other first years crowding around the lady with the sign so it was a good guess to think she was the guide but she didn't know if you had to of booked or just show up, so she decided the easiest way was to ask.
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Caleb loved his sister so he was happy to indulge most of her whims. She was much more full of energy than he was, since he was happy to just stay in bed for long periods of time unlike her. He followed her to breakfast that morning and once they'd finished eating, he followed her to see a bunch of other kids gathered around an older girl who appeared to be wearing a prefect badge, okay, cool. He supposed a tour wasn't a completely bad idea. He linked his arm with his sister and nodded. "Can't be a completely terrible idea I suppose."
Land was energetic and full of beans today. He had taken it upon himself to get up the earliest (he didn't sleep much anyway) and get to the trampoline first every morning so he could spend some time jumping about and really just letting himself loosen up. He'd been about to rush to breakfast, but as it turned out, he got sidetracked when he noticed a bunch of other people standing around another person with a sign. "Oh! Tour!" He yelled excitedly, rushing over to the group and pushing himself to the front. This was very exciting. He wondered if @Acre Zephyr would show up because he missed his cousin since he'd seen her at the ceremony and he wanted to see how she was doing and if she'd found out anything more about that other Zephyr... though she was in his house so maybe he should have been the one to find out more information.
As Estella started her journey at Hogwarts, she made sure to stick close to other people. Getting lost would be her worst fear. It was so hard for her to ever find her way back on her own. When she heard an older student shouting that there was a castle tour with a big sign that read exactly that, Estella quickly made her way over there. She hoped that perhaps they would get a map and so if there was a situation in which she ever got lost, she would easily be able to find her way. She recognised the Hufflepuff prefect and smiled at her as all of the other first years gathered around. It would be fun, and Estella was curious as to how it would play out.
Acre wasn't really sure what to make of this whole school thing yet. It was nothing like the "muggle" school she'd grown up in, and it was hard to know how to talk to these people when she couldn't use her normal tactics of finding out what they liked to do. Acre wasn't completely oblivious to magic but it was still harder to know where to even begin. She spotted Liusaidh hanging around near the entrance with a group of students her own age on her way of the Great Hall, before realising her cousin was with them too. "What is this?" she asked @Land Zephyr wondering if she'd missed some sort of orientation. She wasn't sure if she had to energy yet to be dragged around the castle, however it would be a good opportunity to get to know people her own age before classes properly began.
Annabeth was here too, she just wanted to find her classes right on time. She was sure that she will get lost anyway but that would be easier to orientate in school if she knew at least something. And she was already awake and didn't want to just sit in her form so tour would be perfect for her. She even didn't say anything when got to them just waited for everything.
It didn't take long at all for anyone to join her, and Alice nodded at the young girl. "Of course you can!" She told the young Hufflepuff. A boy moved closer too and Alice gave him a friendly smile. The next girl to join asked her a loud question, and Alice raised her eyebrows a little. "We're going to start with the classrooms." She told the girl, though she had the feeling that wasn't what she meant with the best places. "And then other places as well." She said, smiling in welcome as the next few first years joined. Another Hufflepuff girl asked if she could join, and Alice nodded cheerfully. "Of course! I'm just waiting until we have a large enough group before we go." She told her kindly. A few others joined, and Alice was startled by how big the group was already. She glanced at her watch. "I'll wait five more minutes, then we'll be on our way." She informed the group. "Does anyone have any questions beforehand?"
Alison had heard about the first year tours that were being organised by one of the older students and it seemed like a good idea for her to find her way around the castle before the start of lessons. The tour group were meeting in the entrance hall after breakfast so once she was finished eating Alison made her way out into the hall where she spotted the one group of students congregating rather than going elsewhere and went over to join them.
When Evangelia had seen the castle tour sign, she just knew that her plans were decided for the day. All she wanted to do at this school was explore the ever-expansive castle, and so she found it extremely fitting that there was a tour that would help her do just that. There was also the matter of getting to classes on time, but Angelia figured that as long as she followed some other first year Slytherins around, she would eventually ended up where she needed to go. Looking around the group, she tried to find a few faces that she recognized. When she finally noticed one of her roommates in the crowd, she wormed her way through the crowd until she was behind her. "Hey Liusaidh," she greeted with a smile. It would be no fun standing by herself!

@Liusaidh Fergusson
Liusaidh noted as she waited one of the girl's from her dorm, she had been about to summon her over when the organiser spoke, answering Liusaidh's question, and basically confirming that this would be a very mundane tour, a very by the books tour. It maybe wouldn't be a bad thing but she wanted to see everything else. "Show us fun places," she called out loudly back, but the girl seemed more distracted by someone else. Liusaidh's attention was drawn away to Eva, from her dorm, "Hey Eva! This tours gonna be awful but its somethin' tae dae right?" Liusaidh said with a smile, "Acre! Oi, Copy Cat, ditch the boy, came join us," the girl then called loudly over to the other slytherin, hoping she would join them, it would be good to be friendly enough with the other slytherin girls.
The organiser said something about starting with classrooms, and Acre rolled her eyes. Surely those places they'd be getting know soon anyway? They were here spending time out of their own day to do something, at least this girl could show them something good too. She turned her head to see Liusaidah beckoning her over, and the strongest desire over took the blonde to joined her housemates. She had to show them after all that she wasn't boring, and she could have done with making friends with them properly too without all the other girls sticking their noses in. She linked her arm through @Land Zephyr 's dragging him over to the other girls before smiling to the red head. "Ah hae tae bring him, he's mah cousin," she said, nudging the Gryffindor in the hopes he'd hadn't minded they were a group now. At least the imposter wasn't here with them. "This is Liusaidah and Evie. He's Land," she said quickly, glad to be the one to introduce them to one another.
Danae felt uncomfortable when all other first years acted like they knew each other for long time. Danae haven't made friends yet. This might be a good time to start. Even if many of first years here were talking, some of them were just standing. Danae looked to all and chosed one.
– Hi!– She moved next to someone who stood alone and smiled to them,– Are you happy about being here?

OOCOut of Character:
Anyone could be that person with whom Danae is talking lol
Marc was just standing alone when a girl suddenly talked to him. He stared at her in alarm, not expecting anybody wanting to talk to him. He nervously shifted on his feet to face her and gave a her a small smile.

"Hi," Marc greeted back at the brown haired girl, bowing his head a little. "I'm not sure yet. I miss my country, but I don't miss..." He trailed off, not sure if he should open up to a girl who just talked to him. "How about you?" He asked back politely.
Thaksfully, boy didn't ignore Danae and started to speak. She smiled and nodded. Danae already missed mom, but she wasn't very far from home. Being from other country should be pretty scary, she believed.
– I miss my mom. But we could send each other letters, so it's not really bad. And I'm in Huflepuff with Jenna, so I'm not alone here,– Danae smiled a bit,– Jenna is my half sister,– Reason why she said that was that this boy didn't know her family.
– You mentioned you country. Where are you from?– Danae had lived in New Zealand for all her life and had been in Australia, Sidney, once. That's all. Mom didn't have so much money that they could travel around a lot.
Alice watched the minutes tick by on her watch, and smiled at a few other young students who joined the group, and ignored the girl who shouted that she should take them fun places. Once the five minutes were up, Alice clapped her hands together to get their attention. "Hi everyone! I'm so glad so many of you have joined the tour. I'll be showing you around the different corridors, pointing out classrooms and other important locations. My name is Alice Holland, if you have any questions during the tour, you're free to call my name and ask it." She told them. Then, with her sign held high, she started heading up the main staircase. "We'll be going to the first floor from here. The important classrooms for you guys there are History of Magic and Defence Against the Dark Arts." Alice said as she led the group onto the first floor corridor. "There's also Professor Holland's office, she's the flying professor so you can go here for any help or advice you need with flying class." She said, pointing out the office as they passed it.
Evie laughed when Liusaidh said that the tour was going to be awful. "You never know, she might just show us something really cool. Like the Owlery," Angelia joked, although a part of her actually did think that would be nice. Her mother would probably assume she was dead if she did not get a letter from her soon.

Angelia was both surprised and cheery to see Liusaidh call out another roommate of theirs that she had not noticed earlier. A fun little bonus– Acre was a roommate that Angelia actually liked, even in spite of her odd mimicking habits. "Oh hey Acre! And nice t'meet you Land. Does your family work in a farm or somethin'?" she smiled at the two, lightly poking fun at their geography-related names. "What house are you in?" She then directed at Land; although Angelia did not remember many from the sorting ceremony, but she guessed that not many people did.

Soon enough, the tour was starting. Angelia appreciated the older girl's effort; she wondered how long it took her to get accustomed to the castle. Angelia crinkled her nose at the sound of "History" but quickly brightened up again at the idea of flying. "Oh, flying classes! Are you guys excited for those?" Angelia voiced to her companions. She and her brother liked to race around on their parents' brooms back at home, so she was confident that she would perform well in class.

@Liusaidh Fergusson @Acre Zephyr @Land Zephyr
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"I'm in Hufflepuff too," Marc said, happy that he found a potential friend he could meet often. "I-I'm Marc," He quietly introduced himself, not wanting to disturb the senior that was starting their tour. As they walked toward the stair case, he said, "I'm from the Philippines, very different from New Zealand from what I've experienced so far.."

Marc said quietly, feeling a bit of panic creep up his spine. That was a whole new concept that he can't quite wrap his head around. He turned to the girl who was talking to him, "Is that going to hurt us?" He asked.

@Danae Jusantrea
Liusaidh didn't think going to the owlery would be that interesting, "The owlery, that's what you'd like to see?" she said with a light surprise, she knew that her tone was judging her a little more for the statement, but it wasn't even that she meant it that much, "If ye dinnae have an owl ye can use mine," she offered with a little shrug. Perhaps she. had missed her joking. The girl had waved over the other girl, Acre, who brought with her a boy. They were clearly a first year like them, or he wouldn't be part of the tour. She was a little surprised about his name, "Yer names no actually Land?" she asked with a lightly laugh. She wasn't sure that they were joking with her, "Ye got any other names, ah'm no calling you Land," she told him. The tour got started and they were told they'd be heading to the first floor where there were several rooms, she. chuckled lightly at Eva's enthusiasm towards quidditch. "Half ma family play quidditch ah'm can fly already," And it was very clear she was trying to boast about it.
Saira quietly followed the older student around the castle with her other classmates. Amazed but not surprised by all of the classes. She thought to herself making mental notes of all of the whereabouts of classrooms and halls. and at the same time trying to find an opening to start a conversation. While Saira liked being alone, she was not entirely an unsocial being. Despite her attempts, she had found herself like before, unable to join conversation.

Saira had always been quiet infront of peers. She was not scared, she could say speeches and talk infront of large crowds, but when it came to small talk and making friends, she was somewhat hopeless.

Saira though, did not give up just yet. She just hoped that someone would approach her first.

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