First Impressions

Gwen watched as he registered what she told him. She needed to get it out before he found out through the grapevine tomorrow after their run. She didn't know what kind of affect this would have on their run but he had the night to think everything over. Saying it in her own lanuage made it easier to come out and say as well. Things just flowed better in German she thought. She leaned forwards and pressed her lips to his left cheek and then to the other one. It was the way family greeted each other back home and it worked here for a goodbye as well.

"I..Thank you. And I will don't worry," she said with a light smile on her face remembering how Jack seemed hyponitized by her when they danced. When Gwen kissed Jack it didn't feel wrong at all but neither had it felt completely right. But then again she was still heart broken, by a veela no less. She hadn't pulled away from Alois like she had with Jack. After kissing Jack she said her few words and left for bed but here now, she didn't want to leave and end the night. Everything could be completly different between them tomorow.
Alois let Adrie kiss him in both side of his cheeks, it's not really a very romantic gesture which he would often get from someone, but nevertheless, it felt right and great, and he was actually happy about it. "If you said so, I will believe you this time, but I still have to make sure about it." he said, now smiling more genuinely at the girl, now that she told him that she'll be fine and that he didn't have anything to actually worry about, then he'll trust her decision, he'll watch over her then like, like what a best friend would do. "But it really is odd Ad, I thought you said something along the lines of not really liking him, or am I just imagining things?" He added, thinking back about their previous conversation, surely, the Adrie had shown signs that she did like the boy, but never did she admit it, in fact, she would always deny it countless of times when he ask.

Takin a deep breath, Alois decided to break the ice between them, he's not really used with such serious conversations, especially if it was Adrie that he's talking about. "What's with all the seriousness now? I'm starting to suffocate.." He exclaimed, hoping that the awkward and the not so good atmosphere just earlier would disappear. "Nothing will change though right Ad? Even and Jack is together, we'll never change, will we?" He asked with a hopeful smile, hoping that, even though Adrie had already found a partner for her, and though he knew that she'll sure to spend more of her time with Jack, she'll at least have some time talking to him, just that is enough.
Gwen fought to roll her eyes at his second statement to her, but her eyes won out and they rolled. "You wouldn't stop bugging me Alois. What was I suppose to do? Considering the fact we had just met, and you never know who to trust these days," she told him finally saying something. She felt like she was getting caught in her own web and wanted nothing more then to go to bed to escape it for a few hours. Surely she had told him she didn't like Jack now she was going back against her own statements because she wanted to get away from the feelings she felt for her friend.

Alois began to speak in english and everything was broken and she pulled away from him with a smile on her face. "It's late," she said knowing she'd been saying the same thing for half an hour now. Gwen didn't know how to answer his next question, they only met today they didn't really know each that well. "I think we'll find out tomorrow if anythings different during our run. That is if we ever go to bed of course," she said with a laugh tagged to the end. Yawning she streched again getting tired of standing upright for so long and late at night.
"I'll never stop till I get an answer Adrie, maybe I won't get anything right now, but one day I will, that's for sure." Alois said with a shrug. He can' t figure out why but there really was something that's bugging him, he cannot put a finger on it but surely, he'll figure it out one way or another. He was sure that during their previous conversations, Adrie had said that Jack was just a friend, yet now, she seemed to be taking back her words, and that thing confuses him somehow.

Alois frowned when Adrie had commented on how late it was, AGAIN. It seemed to him that she's running away from him again, not literally, but she still is. She wouldn't answer his questions straightly at all, and that thing somehow frustrates him, though he's not one to show that. "It IS late Adrie, you've been saying that a lot of times.." He said as he crossed his arms yet again in front of his chest, their conversation was about to end, he knew that, and he wouldn't get the answer that he want at all. "Do you really want to sleep that badly Ad? you must be really tired then.." He finally said softly as he watched Adrie yawned yet again, he had no choice, he had to leave their conversation open and continue it once they meet again, which is just the next day after all. "I do hope that nothing will be different tomorrow..." He remarked, his eyes locked to hers as if saying that he was being serious.
Gwen looked away from him as he spoke her heart was beating faster now as if she was on a run. "You have no question though! How can I honestly give you an answer when you haven't asked anything!" She talk-shouted, she knew people were sleeping and others were partying but she didn't want anyone to come and bother them then they would part on bad terms. "I just... Alois we jsut met you can't accept me to trust you....You're veela and my heart's already been broken. I get that you're don't care about of those girls who fawn over you...but you never answered me when I asked who you liked, how could I possibly come out and say who I like when...whenever I brought him up or you did yourself there was a distinct look of hate on your face."

She paused then taking a breath any anger she might have built up disolved. Gwen put her hand to her head pushing her hair back, looking away from him while biting then releasing her lip. "Can we say goodnight now?" She asked quietly her voice her eyes still locked with his. Her eyes betrayed her feelings, they showed hurt and discomfort though her face may have been calm. If anything she just wanted to get away from everything right then and there.
Alois was taken back at how Adrie responded to what he had said, he didn't expect that at all. He wasn't used to getting reprimanded, especially by her. He frowned in frustration. She wasn't making this easy. "I asked didn't I? and you didn't gave me a straight answer, and I'm not only talking about you Ad, I'm talking about myself as well, I have things to figure out too.." He said, his voice calm though his feeling are already messed up, confused, angry, sad, desperate, all of these he was experiencing at the same time. "When will you change your view about veelas Ad? when will you ever try to open your eyes and when will you ever try to let someone mend your heart? you should try to help yourself as well. And I really can't blame you if you can't trust me Adrie.. I don't know what I should do to make you see that I am being true, you never did believe me, did you?" He continued on, there was the hint of hurt on his voice now, he was trying to control himself, but he was miserably failing at it. When he heard Adrie talked about how he had the look of hate whenever Jack was brought up, he stiffened. A lump formed in his throat, he had never realized that she had seen that. "Sorry, I know I didn't have the right to ask questions about him, or to have those feelings at all.. I'll never do that again. From this day forward, I won't bother the two of you..."

He looked directly into her eyes. He had grown accustomed to her boisterous presence that he had seen during the time that they were together, though they had just met. He hated to see people act emotional, especially her, she had always been so strong to him, "I don't want to part with you this way Ad, I won't be able to sleep at all.." He said with a sigh, calming himself down as he tried to sort everything out he couldn't let this newly found friendship to slip away, when it was already on his grasp. He wouldn't want her to run away from him, not when she was already a part of his life.
"What did you ask me, That I haven't answered?" She asked pretty sure if she was a cartoon there would be steam coming from her ears as she calmed herself down. She wasn't sure why she had almost shouted at him but she was frustrated with him wanting to be friends and she felt more and she felt like he was being like every veela leading their prey on only to kill them with broken hearts, but here he didn't even know he was doing it. They had only known each other for about eight hours and Gwen already felt closer to him then she had any other person before.

"I am. I'm letting Jack in, aren't I? I kissed him, okay? I opened myself for him and kissed him, passionatly. How is that not changing how I feel about veelas? Jack is part-veela just like you! And I didn't trust you you had to earn it just like anyone else and you did, but if we're going to stand here and fight in the middle of the night over this..We might as well just forget everything." Gwen moved farther back from him leaning against the wall once more with a frustrated sigh.

They had so much fun earlier, he actually made her happy and now because of teen hormones everything was going down the drain. "You do have the right, but picking on me constantly even when you said you were going to stop, Alois! It wasn't fair and I just feel like I can't tell you anything when you act like that," she told him but she wanted to scream at his french but she knew that was how he felt about her Dutch. Right then she felt like she shouldn't have even told him about dating Jack it ruined the night and there didn't seem to be any equal ground for them to stand on.

The weight of staring back in his eyes wore her down and she slide down along the wall to sit on the floor. She couldn't leave now, he didn't want to and she couldn't leave till everything was settled. Gwen didn't feel like looking up again and having her emotions take the best of her so she stared at his shoes the usual type for a student it seemed. "Fine. We can make it 6 tomorrow morning," she said knowing she'd never wake up before then now.
"I asked you why had your opinion suddenly changed didn't I? I told you how I find it odd that just earlier, you told me that you didn't like him, yet now your saying that you'll ask him to be your......boyfriend?" Alois said, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, he's actually not a person who can be easily annoyed or angered, yet right now, he cannot control his feelings, it's like he was suddenly put into a situation wherein he didn't have a clue about what he should do, like he was being tested and all. He wasn't sure why this thing had happened, after all, they were just having fun earlier, not until she had brought up the subject about her asking Jack to be her boyfriend, he didn't know why but that is where this argument had started.

He was getting more and more frustrated, and not just that, he felt this sudden feeling of anger as well as pain when he heard her next statement. "You did that?" Was the only thing that he had managed to say, he cannot express what it is that he should express, words are not enough to communicate to her what it is that he was currently feeling for he himself was confused after all.Closing his eyes, he fought back the tears that is starting to form, he's not one to cry, not over something like this, not in front of a girl and a friend, he hated being emotional and all, he won't show it to her no matter what. "Is that what you want Adrie? Just like that? You want to forget everything?, I can't do that at all." He said, his tone full of hurt. He didn't know that she could just throw everything away, though they had just been together for just a few hours, though they had just met, this day was actually one of the happiest in his life, and he couldn't just forget that could he?

"Forgive me for doing those things Ad, I'm being immature I know, I'll stop it, I won't say his name once more, not in front of you, or not in front of anyone else.. but don't just go around and say that I wasn't being fair..and stop it please.." Alois said, everything was starting to crumble, like his world was suddenly put into chaos, his head was starting to ache, and he needed to stop this argument, fast. Adrie's friendship was one of the few that he would want to treasure, he'll not let everything end badly, he needed to find a way to remove this rift between them.

Alois sighed as he watched Adrie sat on the floor, he then did that same, sitting in front of her in a cross legged position, he was blocking the way, he knew that, but he figured that it didn't matter at all, it was after all, already quite late and there's not a lot of students out of their dorms, in fact, they must have been breaking the rule already, and if someone sees them, they'll have to go out with their ways without even making peace with each other, and he didn't want that, how he wished that no one would dare to cross the hall where they were currently in. "Let's settle this thing out, Adrie, I'll have to have limitations about myself, I can't just go around and bother you can I? You won't like that will you, so let's get everything straight, tell me the things that you didn't want me to do, I'll stop doing it." He said seriously, he have to stop being a bother to Adrie and her supposed to be relationship with that 7th year student, he can't ruin their relationship, right? But he didn't want to be ignored either, he didn't want their friendship to end, so what else could he do but to ask her what the limitations in their friendship are.

OOCOut of Character:
Vacant period before our economic class. :D
Gwen rolled her eyes at him knowing she had answered the question but it may not have beent he answer he wanted. But she decided not to even address that topic anymore unless he felt the need to bring it up again, but he never did answer her questions fully either. She shook her head at him signaling she wasn't going to answer but he already seemed to wrapped up with everything else she had said. "Yes, I did do that," she answered softly to him. She could see tears welling up in his eyes even as he fought them back; but she didn't understand why he would cry. He was the one who wanted to be friends, and friends were suppose to respect choices.

"If we're going to have a row right here in the hall, then what is the point of there being an us?" She said back her voice cracking partly from being tired and also being hurt and pained. "We had fun, and you know, for once, since last year, I was actually happy and enjoying myself. But now it's like there can't be the one sided yin without yang, can there? We can't be extremely happy without great upset. But that's not what I want, Alois. It isn't. I want...I just..ugh....Things should be simple with us, you treat me like your cousin and I'll treat you like mine."

Her eyes followed his feet as he sat down and crossed them thinking about what he said. Her left leg was stranded out in the hall infront of her while her right was tucked next to her chest, and he seemed so far away. He didn't want to fight and neither did she. It had to stop or they wouldn't be able to go back to just being. Gwen wanted to be closer, rest her head on his shoulder again even hold his hand and know that he was still alright with her despite her vast issues of trust and confidence and basically everything. Looking up in his eyes, she saw a reflection of her own feelings. "You...have to respect my choices, in everything, not just boys," she said laying down one rule. She paused to give him time to digest and time to lay down one himself.
Alois took a deep breath as he tried to digest as well as accept the fact that Adrie had indeed done what he had feared she would do. He couldn't quite get it, but once it was confirmed, he felt like he had just been betray, which is pretty much illogical, right? Adrie was a friend, just that, there's nothing more, or is there? Running a hand through his hair, Alois decided to not ask for her to elaborate on that thing, he'll just surely be hurt, more than what he was feeling right now, even just thinking about what had transpired between her and Jack had caused him to be frustrated and disappointed at the same time, what more if she had told him the whole story, right? "So you really like him then, I get it now." He said, his voice echoing throughout the emptiness of the hall where they were in, lucky there wasn't anyone there yet, even if there was one, they probably wouldn't understand them anyway, after all, they had been talking for quite a long time using their native tongue.

"I don't want to argue with you Ad, it's not me at all." He said, his eyes locked to hers as he tried to fully communicate what it is that he want to say, but words weren't really enough, it's actually very difficult to say as well as express the turmoil of emotions that he was feeling currently. "I want things to be simple too Adrie, I want every moment that I spent with you to be happy and memorable ones, but I do know that it can't be like that forever, especially now that you are...., I guess that's how harsh reality is." He paused as he averted his eyes away from her, "I can't treat you like my cousin, you're more than that.."

Alois looked at Adrie when she had laid down her first rule, it's understandable for her to say such a thing, he did have to respect all of her choices, he, after all, had no exact right to just interfere with the things that she wanted to do, yet, there was this nagging feeling that makes him want to have this place as well as role in her life. "I will, and in return you have to respect my choices too." He said as he nodded his head in understanding, at least, things are starting to calm down now, their not raising their voices anymore, "You have to tell me everything about the things that concern me, everything that I should know, that way, things like this wouldn't happen again." He then added, his rule might be hard to follow at all, but that is really the one thing that he wanted the most in this moment, he didn't want her to hide things like this to him, it will just cause the tow of them to be in pain.

Gwen breathed out a breathe she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Looking away she thought about his statement, Jack was nice and a good friend saving her and all; she didn't think it would be hard to really like him. But she didn't dare answer and have her voice betray anything to him right then. It was like her voice was a magnet to her feelings always sucking them out from deep inside and exposing them to the world.

Gwen's eyes narrowed at him, he wasn't making any sense at all. Everything that happened with Jack was days before she even noticed him. She didn't want to fight anymore, which lead her to rethink what she was going to say. "Now that I'm...going to be with Jack?" Gwen shook her head trying to make sense of Alois, even though it seemed inpossible. "What is wrong with us?" She asked herself out loud as he looked away from her muttering in french which he seemed to be doing alot of lately.

"Of course," she told him nodding in agreement, it wouldn't be fair to have an advantage over him in respect. "You didn't have the right to know about Jack. I told you because I wanted you to know...Of course I would like it if you did the same," she said half muttering in dutch and the other moving back to German to really talk to him. Gwen wasn't sure but there seemed to be something about Alois that made her want to be the only girl in his life, not one of the six. "I need you to trust me, even when I maybe doing something you may not like. There are things I'll need to do for myself, or I'll always ask, what if?" She told her as her second request of him. Pulling in her left leg she wrapped her arms around them and laid her head down on them looking over at him.

OOCOut of Character:
Yay! Colorful :)
"Yes, now that you are going to be with him, will things stay the same? Will we be able to laugh like we did earlier, or will I have to distance myself away from you?" Alois said with all honesty, he knew that once Adrie began going out with Jack, the times that they'd be able to spent having fun would surely be rare, it's not like she can choose him over Jack right? And though it didn't really make any sense to him, he didn't like that at all. And deep inside, though he didn't really seemed to be quite happy with that idea, he knew that it cannot be prevented, Adrie had made a choice, and like what she had said, he must respect it. Hearing that she had once again spoken in Dutch, Alois cannot help but frown, he cannot really quite understand what it was that she had just said, that's probably what she was thinking when he was muttering in French himself.

Alois nodded once again in agreement when Adrie had agreed with his rule too, at least, they were starting to return to what they were before, they're beginning to once again, understand each other. "I will, it wouldn't be fair if that thing applies only to me, right?" He said, a slight smile appearing on his face which was pretty good for him, he hadn't smiled ever since they talked about Jack after all. "I'll let you do things that you would like to do, but whenever I would see or think that you are about to do something that wouldn't really do you any good, would it be alright if I stop you? Will you at least try to listen to me?" He said, knowing that this second request of her was still in connection to her previous one. He then stood up and proceeded to sit beside her, it's in no need that he stays in his position away from her right? He needed to remove the rift between them. "Adrie, please don't try to run away again...I want you to trust me too" He muttered as he looked at her, his face full of concern and seriousness as he once again brought his request to her in the library just earlier, it might be a hard thing to do, considering that they had just met and well, Adrie seemed to be really broken and she seemed to fear trusting someone again, but he want to at least, show her that she can trust him.

OOCOut of Character:
haha.. yep, colorful indeed. :D
He couldn't say his name and that suprised Gwenneth. There seemed to be something with Jack that Alois didn't like, but the two hadn't met so she didn't understand Alois's dislike of Jack. "It will, I mean I met Jack days ago and we had fun I had kissed him before we even met. Nothing should be different," she told him looking over at him and glancing away every few seconds. Things were calmer now and she was still pretty tired, most of the other students had been in bed for at least an hour by that point. Of course she didn't want him to become distant or only talk to her in their shared class.

Gwen smiled back to him when he did after talking. It was easy to smile around him instead of just being distant and strange. She nodded to his request, Gwen had to trust him, she needed someone to really trust and count on for guidance for the next few years till things everywhere, at school and home, returned to a normal state. She watched him get up and move next to her suprised that he was the first to break the divide between them that they had been talking across from. Gwen leaned back against the wall as her body stifened to what he was asking of her. She could feel his eyes on her but she just looked at the place where he used to be insteand of looking back. "I want you." Gwen looked at him and they were close, not as close as they have been a few times before in the last few hours but this time she wasn't going to run away, instead it was the opposite. She moved over cutting off the space between them and laid her head on her shoulder like she had when she was extreamly happy.
Alois had decided to ignore the fact that Adrie had indeed met Jack before him, he had known that fully well actually, after all, when the two of them had first met, she had indeed said that there was this guy who had saved her, right? And that was actually how he had known who Jack was, for over the entire years that he had been at school, the two of them had never crossed one's path, but at the moment, it seemed to him that meeting the said guy was inevitable. And actually, now that he had think about it, a friend of his had said that she had a cousin at Durmstrang too who goes by the name Jack as well, but how he hoped that it was not the same Jack that Adrie was talking about. "I do hope so Ad, but since you have said that, I'll believe you, nothing would change, that I'm happy about." He said, glad that even though just earlier, they were arguing and it seemed like his newly found friendship would end, things had become more calmer, and now, they could see each other eye to eye without having to raise their voice, well, at least Adrie didn't have to.

Alois smiled once more when he saw Adrie smiled too, whenever she did that, he cannot really frown for it seemed to him that her smile was so contagious. "That smile really fits you Ad, more than any other expression out there, it's not tears nor that frown or anger that suits you Ad, it's that smile." He said, patting her now on the head like he did countless of times before. He was actually relieved when Adrie said that she had wanted to trust him too, hearing that had actually made him really glad, though he can't understand why, it's just that, when it was her who said that, it had a different impact or effect on him. "Does it mean that you're not going to run away anymore?" He inquired as he closed the gap between them, it's like nothing had actually happened, which is pretty much what he's thankful for.
Gwen nodded to him glad they had everything worked out between them. She knew that he wasn't going to be a fan of Jack, ever. Most likely even after the two cross paths, Alois would still hold something over him for no reason. But that was what friends do for each other. Relationships weren't pernament till both said 'I Do' and friends were there to protect you. Though with Alois she figured she'd be protecting him from Fan girls alot more then he would protect her from pain.

Gwen frowned when she thought about her smile. Her mother had always refered to her as Smiley, an english nickname that she never liked. But Gwenneth had to admit she'd been given many compliments on her bright smile many times in the past. "Oh, yeah?" She said though it sounded more like a question. He had complimented her smile before and now it wasn't helping the butterflies in her stomach. Gwen picked up her head from his shoulder and looked at him, "I think I'm to tired to run from you. But if you ran away with me that'd be nice too." Her voice was soft and her eyes were slightly closed but she didn't want to leave Alois' side. Gwen smiled at him once again looking into his eyes glad he was still with her.
"Yes, believe me Ad, you should smile more often, I thought you trust me?" Alois said with a laugh, finally, it was like he was returning to his normal self, gradually, but he sure was. He didn't really like what had happened between them earlier, and he would surely want to avoid that at all cost. He didn't know how he would actually label his relationship with Adrie, she's like his best friend, his sister, and his family at the same time, he didn't know if there's something more than that though. "Adrie, you're like a best friend to me now, can I be yours too?" He asked with a smirk, at least, they were more than just average friends, and that will suit him just fine. "And Ad, I would want to protect you from all this pain, don't stop me, alright." He added, this time, smiling gently at the girl, he wouldn't really want it if she's in one way or another, hurt. He'd be there to always protect her, and make her laugh and smile at the same time, at least that way, he'll have a place in her life.

Alois leaned his head as Adrie removed her head from his shoulder, the weight was already gone, but the feeling of her head on his shoulder still lingers there. "I'll run away with you tomorrow, right?" He said with a smirk, of course, he knew that it might not be what she had meant, but he wanted to make her laugh once more. "But don't worry Ad, I won't let you ran away alone, I'll go with you if I can, but if you decided that you wanted to do things on your own, I'll be waiting patiently for your return then. "
"Hmm," she said in reply, she wouldn't ever be able to say much about her smile without sounding too centered about herself. She was suprised by his question, it already felt like they were that close without it having to be said. But Alois needed her to say it outloud, he was afraid of her running again, she knew. "We can be best friends forever," she told him giving him a frown at his smirk but her smile appeared soon after. Gwen's stomach as still in nots but she was glad, it meant there was actual feelings passing between them. "I slip and fall all the time," she said warning him.

He answered her with a smirk once more and she answered back with the rolling of her eyes. She let her legs go and moved them infront of her. With her now free arms she put the one closes to him on the floor behind her to give her stability as she reached the other one around him for the best hug she could manage on the floor. "Thank you for understanding," she told him. Though it was a smile thing to say it meant alot more then he would ever figure out on his own. Gwen didn't just mean about Jack or her mother or running away. He understood her better then alot of people, and she was glad, he would be able to help her understand herself sometimes. With her head resting near his shoulder again but more in the front she smiled, "You make a nice head rest, as my head makes a nice hand rest." Gwen laughed then, not very loud as she didn't want anyone coming and distrubing the peace.
There was this sudden feeling of happiness and well, disappointment at the same time when Alois heard what Adrie had just said. The happiness, he could understand, after all, who wouldn't be happy when someone told you that you'll be her best friend, right?. But what bothers him was this nagging feeling of disappointment that had come along with that happiness, he didn't quite get it, but probably, it has to do something with the word forever that she had just attached to them being best friends, and actually, he didn't have the right to feel that right? At least, they were actually best friends now. "Well, that, I would want to watch, I wouldn't stop you from being clumsy, it would actually be funny to watch that, but when you you would really slip and fall, not just in a literal sense, I'll catch you, I'll prevent you from falling, " He said seriously, hoping that she had understood what he meant, that he'll be always ready to help her whether she's in need or not. "Just don't gain any weight though, it will then be hard to prevent you from hurting yourself from the fall." He added, this time, without the seriousness, after all, he was only kidding this time around.

He was actually a bit taken back when Adrie had hugged him, but nevertheless, he decided to hug her back, it felt nice actually, but he wouldn't really say that out loud, will he? He cannot really say anything in reply to what she had just said about him being understanding, and well, the hug had actually made him flush a little, it was probably the sudden contact that had caused that. "Am I? and is that actually a compliment Adrie, if it is, then you're definitely failing miserably at praising me." He laughed, letting her rest her head on his shoulder fully, it's getting really late, but he didn't really mind it at all.
Gwenneth shook her head at his remark of course he would enjoy seeing her slip, but she was glad he would be there when things were tough. Not many people had the guts to stay around when things got tough. "Thanks. Though I won't gain anything if I get my morning runs in, you know," she said knowing she had brought up how late it was before and now it was even later but she didn't want to go to bed; which made her feel stupid for turning the conversation in that direction once again. Alois was making a good enough pillow for her to stay on for awhile and she had just gotten comfortable leaning on him in their hug. "What classes do you have tomorrow?" She asked him trying to stay away from the topic of sleep now.

Gwen smiled as he hugged her back, of course he wouldn't be able to see it now but that didn't matter. She breathed in deep, trying to keep herself from drifting off to sleep, his smell filled her nose and it made her smile. He wasn't like her father, over doing the cologne and cigars. "Well then, maybe I shouldn't try to compliment you anymore," she told him with a laugh. Gwen was happy again, everything that just occured was behind them and things were settled even if niether of them was comfortable with some of the outcome. Alois would have to deal with Jack if they ever met, and Gwen would deal with butterflies whenever she was around either of them.
"You have a point there, but who knows, maybe you are doing exercises but you might be eating too much, now that I remembered it, I haven't see how eat yet, considering how you left me earlier. " Alois said, not really meaning to remind her once again about what had happened between them earlier, of course, she had indeed left him wordlessly, but at least, now, they were together once again right? And tomorrow as well, they'll sure to be together again, seeing how they would have to do their morning run, which would probably be rather hard considering that they were still wide awake at this late at night. "Tomorrow? Dark arts, transfiguration, divination, arithmancy... that's all that I have I guess." He answered, counting the classes that he had had to attend with his hands. "How about you Ad? What classes do you have?"

Alois frowned as he heard Adrie's statement, he didn't really want her to do that of course. "Jeez, I shouldn't have said that at all, now that you're starting to compliment me, you shouldn't stop, you're contributing to my self-esteem you know." He said, playfully messing with her hair, everything was gradually returning to what it was before, which is really favorable for him. He didn't really want to talked about Jack just now, or about sleeping just yet, he was already perfectly comfortable with where they are, but honestly, he do hope that no one would bother them, even though they were already breaking some school rules about being out of their dorms at that time of the night.
Gwen shook her head against his shoulder. "I eat enough but not to much!" She exclaimed, she couldn't believe he was picking on her for being fat. But she was more upset about how she had run away from him earlier. She tried to ignore it but she had already stiffened when he mentioned it. Instead she watched his hand as he counted out the classes he had the next day, it was a sort of cute gesture to make though it reminded her a bit of an old person. "Double Potions," she said with a grin on her face, happy about the class, "then Dark Arts, free block and arithmacy."

Gwenneth had to laugh again she hadn't meant for her voice to sound so serious but apparently he thought she really wasn't going to compliment him anymore. "I think the good about you outweighs the bed, I wouldn't be able to find enough about you. So therefore I guess I must stick with complimenting you," she said with a sigh but she was grinning. Though she wasn't shre if he could tell she was grinning or not. Her head was fitted prefectly onto him and she closed her eyes taking in the moment, but she found it hard to open them. Gwen was glad he couldn't see her face, or else it would be off to bed with her right then and there.
Alois chuckled at Adrie's reaction to his statement, really, her expression and her come-backs to him were really priceless. "I have to see that for me to be sure.." He said as he tried to stop himself from laughing any harder, for if he did, then someone will surely bound to see them right then and there. He noticed how she had actually stiffened when he had mentioned about her leaving him, and that actually makes him feel a bit bad for ever mentioning it again, though, it was unintentional of course, "dark arts and Arithmacy? We have the same class? Cool ad, we'll surely see each other then, now I have to sit beside you so I'll have someone to wake me up once I decided to take a nap once again."

"Like what you had said, there's a yin and yang to everything, but I am happy that the good in me had really outweighed my bad attributes." He said with a smirk, perfectly comfortable with his position. He knew that Adrie was probably tired right now, seeing as how she would often bring the topic about how late it was earlier, yet, he didn't actually want to leave just yet.
Gwen's body shook as he laughed and if seemed to be enough to keep her awake. She was actually quite comfortable using him as a pillow on the hard stone of the castle. "Well tomorrow after our run...we'll have..breakfast," she said having to stop multiples times to stop ywans from coming out. She hoped he didn't noticed because she had the thought in her head that her bed could never make her as comfortable as she was then. If they just stayed for a few hours out of real sight from passing prefects and teachers they could just take off in the morning for their run.

"Yin...Yang. I can never remember which one is suppose to be the darker side of things," she said the random thought in her head coming out of her mouth. Her hand that was wrapped around him found its way to his hand were she traced the lines on his palm as she tried to focus on something instead of falling asleep. It wouldn't look good for either of them to be caught there. "Why are feelings so conflicting? He wants to be a friend and yet I think I feel more, so I'll go after the other, but will that even work?" She said to herself as she traced the lines, it was with a singsong voice almost has if she was saying an old poem she had learned.
Alois noticed that Adrie was starting to feel sleepy at the moment, and though he didn't really want to leave just yet, he figured that he should at least ask her whether she would want to return to her dorm now, that way, she could possibly rest already. "Adrie, are you feeling sleepy now?" He inquired softly, wondering whether what he was thinking was indeed correct. Surely, he would miss the feeling of her next to him as well as the wight of her head on his shoulder, but if she would want to go now, then he have no choice.

"It is the yin Adrie, Yin was supposed to to mean 'shady place' . . and yang, is the one that symbolizes the light side of life..Yin and Yang are dependent opposing forces, they would always seek balance, just like us humans do, we are in a continued search of balance in our life, but actually, I would prefer to have everything be at peace and happy, but I do know that that's really impossible to happen. " He said, remembering the old stories that he had read back at his home. He then looked at his own hand when Adrie's had started tracing the lines on his palm. No one had actually done that before, and well, he actually finds the gesture to be rather amusing and adorable at the same time. Hearing her speak in Dutch once more, Alois smirked. Surely, he can't understand her, but one of these days, he probably will, he'll try to learn that language after all. "Adrie, do you sing?" He then asked randomly as he noticed the singsong tone of her voice, he had remembered her saying that she does play the piano, but he had never really asked if she knows how to sing too.

Gwen shifted as his voice spoke softly to her he figured out her little secret of the past few mintues. "No.." she said trying to play it innocent for she didn't want to go anywhere. She was with her best friend and the best part was for once it was a best friend she could really trust. He afterall wasn't going to go out and try to steal her boyfriend or get jealous when she spoke to other girls more. Gwen realized she didn't even know the reason why her old best friend at Hogwarts had even been her friend.

Continuing to trace the lines on his hand she listened to him as he explained the ancient belief. It was truely remarkable how someone was able to come up with such a belief that even now years and years later it could still be used. "Dark and Light, Push and Pull. That's right," she said having the image of the sign come into her head along with a few of the many ways to describe the belief. "Hmm? No," she said having gone back to focusing on his hand. Her grandmother had started her on Sonatinas and moved up from there, there wasn't time to learn to sing. She knew the folk songs and carols, but her life had been so removed from the music of now that she never bothered to try to listen. Gwen had a smile on her face but she was begining to fade.

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