First Impressions

Gwenneth smirked at Alois he was turning out to be quite the punching bag despite what he said. "Alright then if you're not a player or a punching bag, then there isn't anything else for you to be," she said throwing her hands up acting frustrated. It was upsetting that her pout didn't work, but did have the marker to use if need be. "Are you sure? I bet you can be more feisty, I'm out of practice. I've been spending more time being nice and sweet," she said with a laugh.

Pulling away from the wall she began to head down a tunnel that came out near the Great Hall. "Actually I'm not planning on drawing on you any more, today," she said adding in the today part to throw him off. She ducked her head going under a low archway her hair falling forward once again. Gwen wanted more distance from Alois she was starting to feel the way she did when Jack brought her here, like they were to close, it was uncomfortable. Anything could happen between them in the dark tunnels they might regret later and it was already certain to her that Alois wasn't interested in her other then a friend. Plus Gwen had to think about her roommate and supposed best friend, Juliet who turned out to be a big fan of Alois. "Dinner, sounds great right now."
"You haven't been sweet ever since I met you Adrie, you'll always be the feisty girl that I knew... and add violent to that as well..." Alois said with a smirk equal to Adrie's, he's looking smug, he knew that, but he didn't mind it at all. "I wonder when will I see you become sweet? That's pretty impossible though, I guess..." He then added with a laugh, shrugging at the thought of meeting Adrie when she was still nice and sweet.

Alois followed Adrie as she started to head down the tunnel, they're about to leave already , and truth to be told, he felt alittle sad, seeing that they would soon part to go to their own dorms. "Just today eh? I promise, I'll be prepared tomorrow, I'll have a marker of my own.." He then said to her, catching up with her pace, he wasn't sure why she was distancing herself away from him, he didn't say anything bad, did he? "Adrie, are you mad?" He inquired, his voice full of curiosity as he was really unsure of what was going on, earlier, they were just laughing and teasing each other, yet, why the sudden change in atmosphere?
"I was sweet enough to wake you up in class. I should've just drawn on you then instead I realize now," she said glancing at him with a smirk still on her face. "When you deserve to see my sweetness you will," she said to him. Of course she hadn't even realized she'd changed till he mentioned it. Even with the first words she spoke to him she became more Durmstrang like, less of the nice innocent Hogwarts girl was still in her. Right now her Hogwarts self was screaming at her to run away, run like she always did. But Gwen didn't want to run from Alois, she valued having a friend in this place.

Gwen smiled at his remark but her back was to him and he wouldn't know. She stopped short at his question. Everyone asked her similar questions these days. Are you mad, Are you Okay, Are you, Are you, Are you; the words repeated in her head till she turned around to face him. Her face was blank but with a hint of her casual smile. "I'm fine, I skipped lunch today so I'm just hungry," she explained to him. It wasn't the full truth, but she couldn't explain why she had been running. Slowing her pace she continued on down the twists and turns of the tunnels. Stopping infront of the brick wall she placed her hand on it ready to push the right stones to let them out into the small corridor near the Great Hall. Gwen wanted the moment to last for a bit longer and so she glanced back at him wondering how he was feeling.
"Sweet enough to wake me up? You call, poking me with a quill to be sweet? Really Adrie, I don't think so.." Alois said with a smirk, remembering how the girl had actually woken him up on their history class. Surely, he was annoyed at first, seeing as he was just starting to relax by then and just that, he was woken up by a poke on his arm, sharper and harder when he tried to ignore it. "When would that day come? Tell me first alright Ad? I'll suffer a heart attack if one day, you'll come up to me being that sweet and nice girl that you are.." He then added. The truth is, he actually wanted to see her sweet and all, but he figured that it would still take him pretty long to see her like that, nevertheless, he's already enjoying the company of that feisty Adrie that he knew.

Alois noticed the blank expression on Adrie's face when she turned to him, sure, there was still that casual smile of hers, but it was different from the one that he saw when he looked at him through her mirror earlier, truth to be told, he missed that smile. "I did skipped lunch too, but..." He said, trailing off at the end, he's not entirely sure of what to say. Don't you trust me enough? He muttered softly in French, not really noticing the change of language. When they reached the place where they had entered before, he stopped, seriousness evident in his face, he wouldn't want to get out just yet if he wasn't able to know what's wrong with this girl who had become close to him, more so like a best friend already. "You can go ahead of me if you like, but honestly speaking, I don't think that being hungry is not the only reason why you're acting like that." He said, voice lower than his usual tone, he then fixed his eyes to hers, signifying that he was indeed serious with what he had said.
Gwenneth laughed at his statement, at least she had tried to help him. Though by the time he did wake up class was over and they had a test next class that he didn't have the notes for. "Right, well I think you'll have to be sweet to me before I can ever be sweet to you, again," she said to him with a smirk on her face. Looking at him she laughed lightly remembering their eariler conversation. "You were the one who asked me to be feisty around you. You can't go chaning your mind all the time you know," she stated before realizing what she said. Her mind instantly went to Hogwarts and her friends there and that old muggle song they danced too. You change you mind, like a girl changes clothes.<i></i> Rolling her eyes at the thought she continued on.

Looking up at him she left her face blank unsure of what to say. She hadn't a clue what he said in french and she wished she had studied the language harder when she went to France with her father. "Oh, well then, let's go get food. I have tons of homework I need to go do afterwards," she said noting how late it had gotten. Gwen had spent the entire afternoon with Alois and she wondered why it seemed to have gone so fast. "Sorry, I just have alot on my mind," she answered in a lame atempt to get him off her back. Thought she didn't want to push him away she felt herself feeling more for him then she had for anyone at the school and she was scared of being hurt.
Alois pretended to sulk at Adrie's statement, though the twinkle on his eyes as well as his unsuppressed smirk ahd given away what it is that he's really feeling. "Now, now, Adrie, I'm always sweet to you, right?" He said, smirking playfully at her, truth to be told, he couldn't remember if he, in one respect, had indeed been sweet and nice to her, he, after all, and just been childish and playful around her ever since they met. "I'm not changing my mind Ad, I do like the feisty you, I'm just wondering what a sweet and nice Adrie is like, scratch that, I'll call you Ms. Gwenneth if ever I'll see you like that. " He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest, surely, he like the Adrie that he is with now. "You know, your eyes are going to fall out if you continue doing that." He then added randomly, laughing as he saw Adrie rolled her eyes.

Adrie's expression was still blank when she looked at him, he was about to comment on that, yet, her next statement had caught him off guard. "Wait Ad, you don't mean that we have homeworks to do, do you? " He said incredulously, all he knew was that they were about to have a test, but he didn't knew if there were homework left to them, and now that he remembered it, that lifeless-like teacher that they had for history actually loves to torture his students by giving them homework, but ALois do hope that what he was thinking was wrong.

Alois sighed when Adrie told him that she just have a lot of things in her mind, he knew it, she didn't trust her yet to share her thoughts with him. "Don't apologize, if you don't want to tell me, it's fine.. I'll wait till you're ready to spill your thoughts out." He said, smiling at the said girl, he wouldn't force himself into her life, for one day, he knew that the girl would be ready to trust once again, he just need to wait.

Gwenneth smirked at his sulk but she had to giggle at his statement. "No, No you haven't," she said through her laughter. Her giggle-fit quickly subsided within a few second as she looked back at Alois ocne again. Her cringed at the name he would call her and couldn't help but too roll her eyes at him once more. She glanced at the wall trying to recall the homework assignment. "Oh yeah, two pages written about the History of, of, whatever our notes were on today," she said waving her hand to brush the conversation away. For the life of her she couldn't even remember what they had been learning in class. Using her hands to uncross his arms she pulled him closer to the exit. "Come on, you can copy my notes during dinner. Just no food particles on them," she said looking at him with a glare. Dirty notes were hard to study from, she knew.

Gwen felt bad about having to use the line she did. It pushed him away from her when she had already let him in. But she knew it had to be done, if they wanted to just be friends. "It's not that simple," she mumbled in her second native language. Of course it was similar to German but she didn't know if he knew it at all, most Germans didn't they excepted the dutch to know German. Taping the stones the passage way opened up and the sound from the Great Hall could be heard from where they were standing.
"I haven't? Really? then, do you want me to?" Alois asked, smirking as he said that. He's perfectly capable of being sweet and rather romantic, but usually, he prefers not to do that. It, after all, usually results to misunderstandings which he didn't particularly like. He hated to see someone cry because of him, but even so, no matter how he tries to not break anyone's heart, he did have that tendency. "I told you Ad, your eyes will fall out if you continue doing that, and surely, I would hate to be the one to pick your eyeballs once it fall down to the floor.." He said with a laugh, noting how many times she had rolled her eyes at him for that day, not that he mind it of course.

Alois' eyes widened when his fears were confirmed, surely, they have a two-page essay to do for their class. "Jeez, I really don't like that teacher, what's in for him for treating us like this.." He said with a frown, sure, he's interested with the said subject, but ever since he had had that monotonous professor as a teacher, he didn't love the subject as much as he used to. However, the frown on his face disappeared when Adrie told him that he could copy her notes. "You're a life saver Adrie.." He said, pinching her a little on the cheek as he let her pull him to the exit.

Alois raised an eyebrow when Adrie spoke in some other language, dutch probably, he then silently cursed himself for not being able to understand it fully, all he could ever comprehend was the word simple. Sure, Dutch was not that different from German, but he still finds it hard to understand it. "Now were back to the real world.." He commented, slightly disappointed that they have to go back to the noisy hall where his fan group as well as his so-called friends would surely see them. Luckily though, it's already night time.

Gwenneth glanced back at his face raising her eyebrows. Inside she heard a yes coming from her but her mind knew the dangers of a sweet veela. "No, not until I deserve it and it's true," she said. Shaking her head at his statement knowing her eyes weren't going to fall out not until she was long dead, at least. "Mm, eyeball stew for dinner then?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"I know," she said pulling away from his hands that were pinching her. It reminded her of an old aunt she had met once. That lady was quite scary in her opinion. Stepping out into the hall she looked around noting the hall was destered which meant everyone would be in the Great Hall eating and would see the two together. Her mind went to her roommate who had basically fallen for Alois the first time she saw him. "Well. I'm starving so here you go. Those are the notes from today just give them back to me, at some point," she said as she pulled out the papers from her bag; her english words hanging in the air. Gwen never really enjoyed the language but it seemed to make everything so final which worked in her case here. Then she pulled away from him leaving him by the opening in the wall as she headed to the Great Hall for dinner.
"Like what I said earlier Adrie, I'm not one to pretend to be nice, it's not a cheap put-on you know.." Alois said with another sulk, he cannot really help doing that. The girl just knew the right buttons to push, and surely, she had already called out different facial expressions from him ever since they had met earlier at their classroom. "Nah, i don't like that, not since I saw you rolling your eyes from hundreds of times already..." He remarked, shaking his head a little as he tried to suppress a laugh.

Alois smirked when Adrie said that she knew that she was a life saver, he finds it to be rather funny for her to say that. "You're really proud of yourself now Ad.." He commented, looking around the deserted hall where they were currently standing. "Lucky.." He muttered as he placed he accepted the papers that Adrie had just handed to him, too many notes he thought. "Is this really what he discussed earlier? I shouldn't have slept.." He said disbelievingly, regretting already that instead of listening to the boring lecture, he slept. Surely, he's a quick learner, but to have to read those notes when his day had just been fun, now that's a real punishment for him. Looking up away from the papers on his hand, ALois noticed that Adrie had already left him. "Hey, you're not going to wait for me?" He asked, putting the papers on his bag.

"Of course," Gwen answered shortly. She believed him but she didn't think she was worth his time. Of course she wouldn't mind spending more time with him but the constant glares of other girls wouldn't be plesant to deal with. Plus she didn't want to be involved with dangerous fan girls, best to step aside now she decided in her mind. "Some consider it to be the best part," she told him.

While walking away she could hear her voice still talking to her. Letting her head hang down she decided not to answer him as she was already at the door. Walking in she looked around for a place to sit and found a section of a table deserted from other people and sat down to begin to eat her dinner. Looking up from her plate she noticed the glares had already started from the fan girls and she rolled her eyes at them once again. Gwen glanced around the hall and noticed a few people she reconized but none were worth talking to at that moment and she quickly finished her meal.
Alois frowned when Adrie didn't answered him at all. Honestly, he was sad, he didn't really expect that she'll just leave him alone just like that. He cannot blame her though, most of his friends who are girls cannot really bear being with him for too long, it's either they didn't like his cousin, or his fan girls. He understands why though, and sometimes, he just wished that he was just a normal wizard, not the part-veela that he is right now.

Sighing, Alois proceeded quietly to the great hall, his eyes being covered with his fringe as he surveyed the place for an available seat. He did noticed the eyes on him, he did heard some giggles too as he still had that marking on his face, not that he mind it though, for at the moment, he's too preoccupied with thoughts of finding a seat as well as thoughts for finding a reason for the odd behavior of his friend. Seeing that there's no available seat, he just stood there, arguing with himself whether he would try to seat with one of his fan girls or to not eat a meal at all and just proceed back to his room.
Gwen took her plate and cup to the dispostiting area and walked towards the door. She hadn't even realised Alois was standing there because she was staring at the floor as she went. So of course she ran smack into him falling over to the ground. Looking up to see who had been the wall she couldn't hear anything the constant gigling had stopped for a few seconds before the older boys and younger students began to full out laugh at her.

From her spot on the ground she could see it had been Alois she ran into and she felt herself blush immediantly. Of course his fans wouldn't be so happy now, she had run into their hero. "Alois," she breathed out completely embarrassed, enough for the both of them.
Alois had snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone bump unto him, of course, it is not that person's fault as he was really blocking the way. Shaking his head, he looked down to see who that person was, Adrie. The girl whom he's with for the entire day. "Adrie? " He asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he extended his hand to hep the girl up. He was actually quite surprised to have seen her again after just a few minutes of parting, not that he didn't like it of course, actually, he's quite glad.

"Really, what are you being so clumsy about? Now, they're staring.." He said, now, in German, hoping that no one understood what he had just said, eyes were now on them, whispers could also be heard inside the hall. He then sighed, knowing that it would probably be a start of some rumor. "Are you alright?"
Gwen took his hand and pulled herself back up to her feet. Glancing aroudn she sighed knowing she had made a fool of herself once again. "Yeah it's me," she said rolling her eyes at his question of her name. Honestly he should've guessed it was her before looking, she was very clumsy on her good days. Other days, she was sure to have bruises that lasted.

"So much for trying to avoid attention," she said putting her hand to her face. She could almost hear the rumors going around already, though no one else seemed to understand German his tone was to nice for just anyone. And of course people picked up on that. "I think my bottom will be hurting tonight," she said to him before leaning over to get her bag from the floor.
Alois smirked as he saw Adrie rolled his eyes once more. "That's becoming a habit Ad, a bad one.." He said laughing a little. He was about to say something more when he realized that they, in fact, where in the middle of the great hall with people staring at them and watching their every actions.

Alois sighed as he heard the rumors starting already, not that he mind it of course, but surely, it would be bad for Adrie. Looking around for a possible way at which they could exit the hall quietly, Alois took hold of Adrie's hand. "Let's get out of here.." He muttered softly, keen to avoid the eyes of their schoolmates. He had had enough of rumors already, and of misunderstandings too, he didn't want that to happen anymore.
Gwen looked at him when he mentioned her rolling her eyes. "Sure," she said trying to avoid the eyes of everyone who was still watching them. Of course there was no way to avoid rumors now, but they could easily dismiss them tomorrow. Though Alois did nothing but help the rumors spread by taking her hand after she had already stood up. Her cheeks couldn't help but flush red at the his gesture.

Gwen's face was facing the ground but she looked up through her lashes. She didn't want to think it because she knew he was just trying to protect her from everyone but the thought of him being embarrassed to be seen with her passed her mind. "Then why aren't you moving?" Her voice low questioned him. Gwen was waiting for his hand to tugged her out of the room.
Alois just had to laugh when he saw Adrie blush, but he decided not to comment on that, they were in a dire situation after all, and well, he could live with it, but he's not sure if Adrie could take it when rumors would start spreading about them. He, after all, had this thought that Adrie already has someone that she likes, a friend too, and he didn't want it if that person that she likes would get the wrong impression about them. Disappointed as he was, he decided to shoved the thought aside.

Alois raised an eyebrow at Adrie's question, why isn't he moving, he himself didn't know why. "I haven't eaten yet you know, just have to get some food before we leave, if that's fine with you cause you seemed to have finished your meal already." He said with a frown, forgetting that they were actually being watched. "And I'm not entirely sure if you want to leave too." He added, he didn't really mind if he's seen with Adrie, so long as she didn't mind it too. He'll protect her from unnecessary trouble of explaining herself if he needed to, he, after all, was pretty sure that Adrie only thinks of him as a friend, which he had tried to ignore but can't.
Gwen frowned at his laughter, he was going to make everything worse. "Just go get something to eat then, I don't want to be staying up till two tonight because you couldn't decide if you did want to grab food or not," she said to him her eyes daring him to test her patience. With a test tomorrow she didn't want the chance to fall asleep like him, plus they had a morning run schuduled at five. She was going to be there even if he wasn't.

Looking around she noticed a few students had left and there was an opening at a table of guys and she pointed him over to it so he could get something to eat. "I do want to leave, that was what I was doing till you blocked the way," she explained to him. Her mind was reeling with different emotions going through her. Embarrassed about falling on her bottom, giddy as a school-girl that Alois cared about her, love in the complete sense of the word and it's different meanings. But there was disapointment of him wanting her as a friend and nothing else, but she had to forget him as more if he didn't want her like that. There was always Jack who had offered himself up anyways.
Alois smirked as he watched adrie loss her patience, it was pretty funny to say the least. "Yes ma'am, I'll do it now, jeez Ad, you're scarier than my cousin." He commented, pulling her to the table that she had pointed to. It were just guys who were sitting there, so there really was no harm done. Taking a few grabs of food and some apples and pies, he decided that he should eat and finish his meal fast, they need to do their homeworks which they would soon need to complete if they want to pass, and well, he does have to wake up early, what with him having to do some running with Adrie.

"I didn't blocked the way Ad, you bump unto me.." He said munching some bacon which had left some sauce in his face. "You're pretty clumsy too aren't you?" He added as he wiped his face clean and prepared to stand up. "Are you going to help me with our homework?" He asked sheepishly, he knew that he couldn't possibly do that two pages of essay alone, but if she did decline, then he'll have no choice but to do it. Alois actually had high regards for Adrie, he respects her, truth to be told, she ranks high on her list of the most important girls in her life. She's a really great friend, and if fate would let it, he didn't know what they'll be like, either they end up together as a couple or not, he didn't really mind, so long as he could still talk to her and enjoy her company, it suits him just fine. What he didn't like was the possibility of their friendship being stopped, he didn't like that at all.
Gwen smirked at his remark about his cousin. That little girl and her would get along just fine if put in the room together, she was sure. "Speaking of your cousin. Is she going to come here next year?" Wondering if the little girl was a witch as well. She could already see enjoying spending time with the young girl pcking on Alois. From experience with her own cousin, she could handle the girl she figured.

"Are you an actor? Cause I'm pretty sure you were practicing being a wall in the only way to the exit," she said raising her eyebrows as he dragged her to the table. She would've been prefectly fine alone in the aile, besides the glares that were being shot her way. She stood behind him content on not sitting down at the table with all the boys pigging out. "I guess I had better help you, if you fail I'm sure there'll be a way for you to drag me down too," she said with a slight laugh backing up so he could get up from the table.
Alois frowned when Adrie talked about his cousin, he had remembered that she actually was planning to use his cousin against him, which he is pretty sure to not work at all. "She will, probably... but I'll do my best to keep her away from you." He said with a smirk. He wasn't entirely sure if his cousin would get along with Adrie, from what he could see, that suspicion was not right, Adrie and his cousin had a few things in common, and well if fate would want to play tricks on him, they'll probably get along, which would somehow end up pretty badly for him.

"I'm just thinking whether I should just skip dinner seeing that there's no vacant seat, and besides, there is a certain someone that had left me without any word earlier, what should I do then?" He remarked with a smirk, justifying why he was just standing wordlessly earlier and reminding her of what she had done to him. He had had to smile when Adrie had actually agreed to help him with their homework. "I'll say it once again Ad, you really are a life saver, thanks!" He said, laughing as he pulled her towards the exit, ignoring everyone that was on their way.
Gwen smiled when he said his cousin was going to be coming to school next year. Sure it'd be weird as a fifth year to hang around with a first year but she didn't care much for what people said. "That's great. She'll be able to pick you a girl for you then," she said with a laugh about the idea. Something inside of her wished it was her but Gwen knew she already decided to give Jack a try. He made a move first anyways.

Gwen fought the urge to roll her eyes again at his statement. "I think I must be claustrophobic, I just needed space," she said looking away from him. Gwenneth was glad when he finished and began to move her towards the exit. Thinking of her feisty self she sent a a smirk and wink back to his fans just as they left the room. This action made her giggle to herself knowing that she just caused herself trouble. "Well let's get this over with, you need plenty of sleep before tomorrow," she stated taking the lead towards the library.

OOCOut of Character: OMG
I can't believe we are already on the 7th page of this, so much has happened!
Alois shrugged Adrie's statement off when she talked about how his cousin would be able to find a girl for him, he doubts it actually. "I don't really know about that, I'm pretty sure that what she'll do here is to just watch over me, really, she's like my wife sometimes, she really reminds me of how my mom acts around my father." Alois said with a sigh, looking at Adrie as she laughed, and just a few seconds, he himself had laughed too, he can't help it, her laugh was pretty contagious after all.

Alois had decided to ignore Adrie's statement about her being claustrophobic, he knew that that's not the real reason for that, but he wouldn't push it any further. "Whatever you say Ad." He said. Looking surprised as Adrie winked and smirked as his supporters, Alois cannot help but to laugh. "Adrie, you are definitely making the situation worse, you're digging your own grave." He commented, letting Adrie take the lead towards the library. "I know, because tomorrow would surely be a long day.." He said, after all, they'll have to do some running, pass a homework, and do some tests right? What day could be longer than that?

OOCOut of Character: that's true!
yeah, and it's been just a few days since this thread had started too! haha.. :D, pretty interesting and fun Rping with you.. :D
"Maybe she wants you for herself then. Young girls do have a thing with crushing on cute boys. Well ones they think are cute," she added to keep tension at a low. Laughing alittle more she noted dimples appeared on Alois's face when he laughed, it seemed every veela she met had them. Shaking her head she moved on knowing he'd have something to say about his cousin liking him.

Gwen shot Alois a look when she realized he didn't believe her. Of course she had needed to space herself from him but she wouldn't ever mention why. But she shot him a smile after they left the Great Hall. Swinging their arms lighter she laughed. "I know but it had to be done. Tomorrow they'll realize they have nothing to worry about anyways," she stated before she could stop herself. Gwen didn't want Alois to know about her plan to get her mind off of him by spending more time with Jack. She could only hope that he didn't question her or didn't understand her Berlin accent. Clearing her throat she pushed the door open to the Library. "Alright so get to work on copying the notes and I'll start my essay," she said going over to a set of desks and sitting down.

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