Open 'EVELYN' Launch Party Y44 - New Collection

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
It was never getting normal or without any stress, to launch a new collection. The blonde felt really proud at it, and was also excited to show the pieces she designed for males, which was for the first time. The blonde always designed for females in the first place, and from her own perspective and the inspiration of womans around her. But she wanted something different this time. She was dressed in a own design as well, but which was not to be bought. But inspired at the Gryffindor house colour, which she still liked. Evelyn was glad she had her brother, cousin and aunt with her at the company and others to help her out. She decided to host it in France, Paris to let people see the beauty there. So at her own company at the roof terrace and the inside room there, with the view of the eifel was the place it was gonna be.She still liked to make an good impression and this party was not only for her, but also for the people in her company who worked really hard. To enjoy an night with good food, music, drinks and perhaps some dancing. She decided to give her models the night off, so they could just enjoy. And her photographer had made amazing big pictures who could be seen, with the clothing piece next to it. So people could watch them. They were protected with a spell, in case someone touched it with dirty hands or a glass red wine it would not be ruined. As Evelyn her stylist did the last touch up on her hair and make-up she smiled. And there was staff everywhere to give people an glass of champagne when they arrived, so Evelyn could enjoy the night. But felt good tension of how people would thought of the collection.

As soon as everyone was in the blonde smiled and made herself talk louder with the wand to her neck. '' Welcome everyone at this beautiful spot in Paris. I'm very happy that you all came, and I feel honered to share my new collection with you. For this collection I have done something new. From today on, EVELYN also includes items for males..'' Evelyn than stayed silent for an moment and heard some people making enthiosastic noices and applaud. And she smiled shortly. '' I want to thank all the people who worked very hard on this collection. I'm very happy to be working with such passionate people who helped building this brand. '' Evelyn than looked over at some of the people she ment. And continued. '' The beautiful models you will see at the collection are: Athena Holmgaard, Kira Borisyuk, Archer Thompson and Dove Zhefarovich.'' She explained and smiled at the models. '' You can watch the collection over there. And enjoy the evening.'' Evelyn than hold up her champagne and smiled. And after she spoke the music started.


Full collection:
OOCOut of Character:
All EVELYN employees and friends/family are welcome. Fans of the brand are also welcome, like young girls or boys. But please do PM me if you are not sure. It's still exclusive. So not everyone can walk in. There is a dj with music, you can stand inside or outside and just have a good time or look at the collection.

Athena was excited for the evening. She could not wait to see the end results all together. Athena had seen her own pictures ofcourse, but not the ones from the other models and the whole piece together. She was dressed up with an long black dress with tiny flowers on it. And the hair and make-up stylist had done the last touch. Athena smiled as she saw her cousin. She was always been her big example, and the woman seemed to get prettier every day. It was sometimes hard to stand next to, the blonde had grown more confident over the years. The modelling world was an harsh world, and it was an safe haven with her cousin's company. But often the blonde was hired for other brands as well. But her main focus was at EVELYN.

Together with her boyfriend Derek she attended the evening and took an glass of champagne. She went standing with the other models and smiled at them. As Evelyn spoke she listened to her cousin and applauded when she did the announcement. And as she called the models out she gave an small wave to the crowd with an big smile. Some of her family members were here as well and it was good to have them. She applauded one more time as Evelyn finished and took her boyfriends hand to show him the pictures and result.
Chrissy was fine with the invitation of Evelyn. She had always been kind to her and didn't judge her for being different. So she would be there for Evelyn. But she had no intention in talks from her mother there about coming working at the company. Chrissy still didn't knew where the path would lead her, and she was on the search to her passion or an goal. But she didn't want to take the easy way, and work with the company where half of her family worked. Also the fashion world was nothing for her. She had seen how Athena was always busy with how she looked, the food, and sport. And Chrissy was more an go with the flow type and didn't liked structure.

Taking a glass of champagne as she entered she moved to the back. So she could all see it from there. Standing by herself, but noticing some pretty people around her. She knew it more certain than before, but it was still not 100% sure and something she embraced. But the brunette looked more at womans than males in a romantic way. But she was not ready, and not at all for her parents. Applauding for her cousin, she smiled shortly. It was impressive what she had reached already on young age. But Chrissy hated comparing her miserable life with someone like Evelyn. As the speech ended the brunette went outside and was gonna have an good view at the Eifel Tower.
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Archer was glad today was finally happening. He had been working for Evelyn for a while now, but launching the men's collection had taken time. He had enjoyed the work, the travelling, being able to attend fashion shows and all that, it was just nice to know the collection was now ready for others to see. Especially because they had all put so much work into it. He had decided to dress up a little casually, not feeling like a full suit or anything too over the top. There would be plenty of gorgeous outfits all around he was sure of that. Archer got himself a drink and focussed on Evelyn when she spoke, grinning when she announced her collection to everyone in attendance. Once she was finished he applauded, glancing at the pictures before looking around to see if there was anyone interesting amongst those in attendance before resorting to those he already knew.
Espen had been doubting to work with his twin, but since he was assigned as director in Denmark things were better. It was not bad to use family influence, because he actually liked his work and was getting better each day. The decision to move back to Denmark did him well. People were just doing their own thing and he was born there and had an good feeling with the place. He was also happier, since he had met Jade. They were just doing fun stuff together, but he kind of liked the girl. But was also scared that she would hurt him, or he would do something stupid. But he asked the girl to come to the launch, so he hoped she would show up.

Espen took an glass of champagne and had take on the lead to make sure that it was all taken care of, so that Evelyn could focus on enjoying. And so far there were no problems. So he could watch his twin speak. Espen had been jealous of his more succesfull sister, but when he grew older he could actually enjoy and be proud of her. They always had an special relationship. And things were better and the future seemed bright, so Espen could also enjoy that. And his hard work was seen by his parents as well. And Espen now felt that his father saw him too. Evelyn and father had always been more one, and Espen and his mother. But now he had an better relationship with his father too which was nice. And he saw them being proud as well. As the music started Espen moved to the bar and took an seat there.
Jade would be lying if she said she felt anywhere near at home at this event. Being at an office on the top floor with a rooftop terrace and a view of the Eiffel tower was't something she had ever thought she would experience. And then there was the fact that she was surrounded by so many gorgeous, well-dressed people. It was enough to make anyone who wasn't used to this scene feel at least a little insecure. Not to mention underdressed. She was glad Espen had invited her though, confident it had to mean he at least liked her a little. She liked him. He was handsome. Interesting. A little rough around the edges, sure, but she was liked to believe she was able to see through that.

After losing her way, twice, Jade had made it to the right place just in time to see someone step up and adress the crowd. She lingered in the doorway, listening to what the woman, who she supposed would have to be Espen's sister, had to tell them. Evelyn seemed proud, and from the looks of it rightly so. Yet another thing she couldn't help but to feel slightly intimidated by. When her speech was done Jade clapped along with the others before moving over in the direction she had seen Espen go. "Hi," She smiled when she reached him, glad she wouldn't have to spend an awkward amount of time looking for him in a crowd of people she didn't know. "You look very fashionable." Jade added after looking him up and down.
Gemma had hit the ground running after graduation and started to write for any magazine or paper or online blog that would publish her. It helped that she could afford to work for next to nothing thanks to her parent's financial help. But she was putting in the work to make a name for herself and she was proud of that. And it seemed like all of it was finally starting to pay off. A magazine she had been working on and off with for the past year or so finally gave her something worthwhile to cover and she jumped at the chance to do a review of the new EVELYN line. When she arrived she felt a little under dressed. She had aired on the side of professionalism but next to some guests in full evening gowns she felt a little out of place. So she stood up straighter and walked with an air of confidence she didn't quite feel. Gemma snagged the first glass of champagne that crossed her path just as the founder of the company started to speak. With some fumbling she took out a tape recorder so she wouldn't have to write the statement down herself. When it was over she tried to clap politely with the crowd with little luck as she held the full glass in her hand.

Then all that was left was to mingle. Gemma knew she'd have to talk to the Evelyn herself at some point but she was probably busy right now. So instead she scanned the room and recognized one of the models from the giant photographs around the room. "So what's it like being a part of such a prestigious brands first menswear line?" she asked easily as she stepped up beside him, recorder out to capture his answer. @Archer Thompson
Juniper enjoyed getting to play professional quidditch, but she'd be lying if she said attending fashion events wasn't her favorite thing in the world. She love showing off her fashions, but she enjoyed styling an ensemble for the evening to reflect what type of event she'd be attending. Seeing as her usual fashion was far different from the current line Evelyn was launching, Juniper focused on toning down her look. It was still a reflection of her, and it even paid a little homage to her fashionable wizard robes line she was working on, but it fit more with the theme. Plus, they were in Paris, and that alone meant she needed to fit a certain look.

As she made her way to the terrace, Juniper attained a glass of champagne as she took in the view, admiring the collection items she could see from across the room. She saw many familiar faces from her time as an intern, but there was no one that she knew particularly well, which was definitely a downside to her current development as a designer. The former Ravenclaw found a spot along the edge and took a sip of her champagne as she looked out over the Eiffel Tower and enjoying the Parisian skyline.
As he sat by the bar he heard an familliar voice and than noticed Jade. He smiled at her, glad to see she decided to come in the first place. But also since she looked amazing. He hadn't told anyone of his family that he was dating someone. And that seemed the right way, because they both needed to see if this could work or not. They were just having a good time so far and not too much pressure was on it. '' Hey you.'' He than greeted her back. He smirked as she complimented him. In his free time Espen just liked to wear something comfertable. But he did put a lot of more effort in nights like this, otherwise Evelyn would send him right back to change. And at his work he usually wore a suit, so he figured this was new to Jade. '' Thanks I guess?'' Espen than said with an grin. '' My sister would be pleased to hear that, otherwise she would have send me back to change clothes.'' He than joked. But than took a good moment to look at her and felt nervous, what he should do. A kiss on the cheek, just nothing or a hug. He decided to just continue and compliment her. '' You look beautiful. '' Espen than complimented her. '' And I'm glad you decided to come.'' He added.

@Jade Keeley
Archer had been ready to mingle, and yet when someone stepped up to him with a recorder in hand he couldn't help but to a little surprised. He guessed he shouldn't be, since his face was on multiple giant pictures around the room, but he was nonetheless. "Hello to you too." He replied in a joking matter, which allowed him to spend a few more seconds thinking about how to answer. Perhaps he should've come more prepared. "It's a huge honour." Archer answered sincerely. "The menswear line has been a long time coming and there are many people who have put a lot of work into it, so it's wonderful that it's finally ready to be shared with others." @Gemma Thorne
As she watched the eiffel tower she saw a girl standing close to her. And admiring the view just as she was. Chrissy was curious, she had no idea who it was but she seemed not too much older than she was. She took an sip of her champagne and than figured to be an bit social. '' Admiring the view over the clothes?'' Chrissy than asked with an grin. She did for sure, she was proud of her cousin, but she didn't had so much interest for that.

@Juniper Zumwalt
Thyra was not an stranger to party's. She hosted a lot herself, dinner party's for important people and made a lot of connections over the years. Her husband also worked at the Norwegian Ministry and meeted a lot of people, so sometimes she enjoyed having people over for dinner at their place. But today was her daughters launch party, she couldn't remember how many she attended already. But she was glad that Espen also found his way and was very proud of him working his way up in the company of his sister. Espen was her favorite, it was no secret. But the relationship with Evelyn was getting better over the years. Thyra had been jealous of her daughter sometimes if she had to be honest. Jorgen always gave the girl a lot of attention, and She never dared to take such a step on young age, but now she could deny the succes her daughter has made with all of this. And Thyra was somewhat proud. And she was not easily impressed.

The blonde woman made her way in together with her husband, taking the champagne and hold her husbands arm with the other. And listened to her daughters speech, applauding an bit but not too enthiosastic unlike her husband beside her. Thyra than noticed Espen at the bar and talking to a girl. She smirked for an moment. That was something new. He seemed to like the conversation from what she could tell for sure. And hold her eyes curiously at the two.
Juniper looked over at the girl who spoke to her and felt like she recognized her, either from Evelyn's line or somewhere else. But either way, she gave her a soft smile and then looked back out at the city. "I've never been to Paris, or really anywhere." In reality, she hadn't been back to the continent since her parents moved them to New Zealand when she was young, but Juniper wasn't going to lay that on a stranger. "The designs are beautiful, though. Did you model anything?" she asked, admiring the woman's ensemble. It was much more in line with Juniper's usual choices. @Christina Holmgaard
As the girl said it was the first time Paris or anywhere, she wondered what the girl really ment. Was she never been on holiday? But that didn't mind so much. '' Oh really? Where are you from? '' She just replied and gave her an short smile. She was kind of pretty to look at. But Christina was new to this, and she had been coming to the conclusion she liked girls over boys in a romantic way. But the only person who knew that was herself. As she took another sip of her champagne and listening to the girl. She almost choked in her champagne. And smirked. '' No. No I'm not.'' But it was an compliment or something she figured. But she didn't felt like she could be so honestly about her opinion of the fashion industry where her family was surrounded. '' Evelyn is my cousin. So just rooting for the family.'' Chrissy said dry. '' What about you? What brings you here?'' The brunette said. She wanted to give her an compliment, but she needed some more information.

@Juniper Zumwalt
Juniper thought about how to answer the woman's question. "I suppose I'm from New Zealand now. I mean, I was born in England but primarily grew up in New Zealand. Where are you from?" she added, listening as the woman explained she was related to Evelyn. That made sense why she kind of looked like her and the others. "Oh, well I did an internship with her when I was in school. I'm Juniper, by the way. I don't think I caught your name?" @Christina Holmgaard

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