End of Year Reflections 2024

Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
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Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
I was just browsing the boards randomly the other day and I came across the thread of new year's resolutions for last year and I thought, that'd be an interesting thing to reflect on. The previous thread is here, if you want to look back on what you set yourself. If you didn't set yourself anything on that thread for whatever reason, feel free to reflect anyway on what this year's been in terms of goals! I know it's perhaps a little early but giving ourselves December to think over what we succeeded at and what we want to work on more might help inform ourselves better when it's time to make new resolutions!

Note: If you're not a new year's resolution person, that's fine! Share your wins this year instead if you like. Or if you set goals at a different time during the year, share how those went.

As for me, I think I did mostly well.
Firstly, I set myself a goal of getting a decent GPA in my first year of university, and that's actually gone to plan.
Secondly, I wanted to keep up my te reo Māori, and so far I've passed this year's class so yay! I still have to do a test and an interview to get into next year but I have time to work on that.
Thirdly, I wanted to eat healthier. This one...fell apart. I haven't done well with this. I think I need to have a more actionable plan of attack for this one. I find it harder to prioritise and harder to accomplish.
Fourthly, listening to new music! I've kind of done this. For the first half of the year, I tried to listen to a different album everyday and that was fun but honestly kind of exhausting. I'll have to revisit this.
Fifthly (because I was being ambitious apparently), I wanted to read more. This I've done, though the bar was low from last year.

I'm interested in hearing how others went with theirs! Remember goals are always a work in progress, because we as humans are a work in progress, and there's always room for improvement. Growth potential! Positivity! Kia kaha!*

*be strong in the Māori language
I didn't exercise more except for the 2 and a half weeks where I was in Japan, so, failed step one. :lol:

Going to Japan was a win, though, even if I've been quite low since coming back.
I've read 15 books so far :party: and should finish at least one more before the year ends. The book club was very helpful towards hitting this goal.

I was also able to hit the other two goals more or less (I have a good reason for falling off of one of them!) , so feeling quite in doing that reflection and wondering why I was scared to hit that link. :p
I feel like this year has passed by insanely quickly and I can't believe we're nearly halfway through the 2020's! For me, this year ended up being more about looking after my families mental health rather than my own but we're all getting there. I'm still struggling a lot with grief but I feel like I'm at a point now where I can have my cry, then mentally park it to one side to focus on other things which is a huuuuge step compared to this time last year.

This year I'd like to finally quit my job and go for the career change. I'd also like to take the family on a holiday oversees, I haven't gone abroad (unless Wales and Scotland count?) since pre-covid so even just a trip to France or Germany would be great.
I didn't post on HNZ, but my resolutions for this year included starting a degree, which I did! I'm pretty sure that's the only one I hit (another one was to complete any personal writing project :( ) but I'm happy with that :3

Next year, I want to learn to drive, or at least start lessons. That's my only goal I think hahaha, keeping it more achievable this time!!!
I def did not list them here last year for obvious reasons but I did last year make a resolution to read more books and I hit my goal and even read a few extras! As of now I am at 28 out of the 24 book goal i set for myself! I also wanted to do more healing and focus on myself this year and I feel like I definitely did that!

Next year I want to do well in my matriculation exams and continue working on myself! Think I can do that much! :cool:
I am surprised that I started the thread last year and just found this one, but looking back at 2024:

- I set a goal to read and did not do very well. I think I finished around 5 books but started probably 5 or so more. My ADHD gremlin brain struggled with the task, but I suppose it's 5 more than I read in 2023.
- I set a goal to listen to 52 new (to me) musical theatre albums. So, any albums that I had never listened to all the way before. I listened to 33 and still have time to add a few more.

For 2025, I'm making a goal to bake each week from scratch (I've been very into TBBO lately). I also want to declutter and get rid of the storage unit I currently have from moving almost 3 years ago x_x as it doesn't seem like I'm moving anytime soon. That's all I have so far other than trying to post on HNZ every day.
Can't remember what goals/resolutions I posted about exactly last year but I think one of them was to try and become vegetarian???

Haven't met that goal but haven't gone backwards either, and it is something I want to achieve in the upcoming year in league with my overall goal to take better care of myself and focus on what makes me happy/feel better each day!!
tw: this post isnt necesserily a positive look on the year and does talk about things such as mental health.

hmm. I didnt post or record my resolutions for 2024. but i did see a reflection on 2023 i had written that has called that a year of stabilisation and grounding.

well 2024 was an interesting year. on the surface it was good. I bought a house, something that has been my goal for a few years previously. and a lot of effort from the year went into getting it set up (It is no where near finished yet). i got to go to brisbane/NSW to attend my sisters wedding (we flew into Brisbane then drove across the border to NSW to the wedding) my parents retired and have moved to their home in the country. I spent the year as the secretary for my basketball club which was great to get to know the rest of the committee better as we navigated some huge challenges very early in the term and it was nice be more involved with the club and give a bit back. (and am very much looking forward to the AGM in February).
however, if I was to describe 2024 in one word, it would be Lonely. I somehow have lost touch with many of my social networks, especially after moving out from my parent's house on my own.
I also started training in my dream job at work, which I really enjoyed; however, I struggled with keeping up with the demands it required.
with these and a few other contributions over the last few months, I have felt my mental health declining. things that i usually enjoy feel more like a chore and i have been stepping back from various commitments.
so if 2023 was grounding (which is a sort of autumn sounding word), 2024 was lonely (defiantly a winter word). my goal for 2025 is going to be scaling back and building myself back up (a spring phase if you like).

as we don't have a resolutions thread yet i am going to put them here.

1) i am going to take time to look after myself. build myself back up to where i was in the past. and make sure i am not harming myself to look after others. (if that means finding a new GP and booking an appointment today to try and get on top of said mental health then that is it).
2) each month i am going to do at least one activity just for me. and not feel like i am missing out because I don't have someone to do it with (it doesn't mean i have to do said activity on my own. just that i should do it and not wait around for someone to join me)
3) make sure I donate something to charity each month.
4) not leave all my work CPD to the last minute (again)

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