End of Year Feast 2029

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Gabriel Lloyd

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The headmaster rose from the staff table, his expression grim. Ending the year on a down note had not been his plan. Unfortunately, running Hogwarts New Zealand was like wrestling with a manticore. In less than a week's time, Gabe had lost both a colleague and some trust for the living ones. The press had already begun to hound him, the Ministry was sure to follow, and the more radical would call for either a new headmaster or worse, a closing of the school.

Gabe tapped his wand to his throat, his voice softer than usual as it floated around the hall. "We have lost someone this year," he informed them, although most were probably aware of the fate of their Care of Magical Creatures instructor. Black banners loomed over the house tables. "He was a father, a husband, a professor, and a friend. Let us take a minute of silence for Jackson Margera."

Whether out of respect or custom, most voices in the hall were hushed. Death was a foreign concept for most of the young; Gabe hated that it had to dog them now. He cut through the quiet with a last thought.

"Please enjoy this feast in honor of Jackson's life," the dark-haired wizard suggested. Gabe took his seat then, staring at the food that had just appeared. He wasn't hungry. The man was well aware that he'd left out the House Cup. There wasn't a banner in sight to indicate the champion. If results were that important to the students, they could check out the points counter before going home.
Madlyn hadn't expected to come today, she was all right missing the end of the year feast. However looming alone up there in the Gryffindor tower won't make any different, at least she would be surrounded by support in her time to grief. The healing process would take years from her, but she didn't care. She loved her father so much, she would cry a life time if it meant bringing back,though she sure he wouldn't like that all from Madlyn. Knowing her father too well, Jackson would like all his daughters to move on and be happy. How can she thought? The school reminded her of him, and the forest will never be the same to her.
---------Thinking in silence as she enter the hall, she was taken back by the view of black banners all around them instead the usual winner of the house cup occupying the ceiling and all around them. She went to sit by her fellow Gryffindor, who heard the rumors about the death of Jackson. Madlyn hadn't yet to confirm to them, but they knew already and held sympathy for the girl. Most patted her and comforted, other wish her well, Madlyn thank them, however she didn't felt so talkative that day. Even more less when Headmaster announce the horrible news, so this was all was for him? She was glad her father was given a proper memorial, though she couldn't stop the tears from shedding. And when it was finally finished, she couldn't stay there any longer. Food would not have settle well in her stomach anyways, so she summon a cup of water and went upstairs to finish the rest of her packing without another word to anyone else.
Jeremy listened as the Headmaster spoke at the front of the hall. His head was down, though his ears were open as he listened to the man offer the feast in honor of their fallen professor. Jeremy had never taken Care of Magical Creatures, so he didn't really know Professor Margera, but it was difficult to not know who he was. He had giant blood in him and he easily towered over all of the students. Despite that, Jeremy had never been afraid of the man. Professor Margera had seemed friendly and kind, and it was a shame that he was dead.

When the food appeared, Jeremy reached for it with less gusto than he usually did. This was the first time in many years that he was actually looking forward to leaving the castle for a while. With OWLs behind him and all of this drama in the castle, Jeremy was looking forward to the quiet and solitude that his home in St. Augustine would offer. The teen wasn't even nervous about his grades this year. He'd done the best he could and it was out of his hands. He'd just have to wait and deal with his grades when he saw them. Taking a bite of a fry, Jeremy turned to the person beside him and began to ask about their vacation plans.
The end of year feast could not have come sooner for Lea Mauven. The general atmosphere around the school was gloomy and sad, something the chirpy fifteen year old had not enjoyed. A member of the staff had been lost, but more importantly for one student a father had been lost. This was something that Lea could sympathise with highly, as she had lost both of her parents at a young age so knew of how great the loss was for the man's daughter. Arriving just on time, Lea took a seat with her friend Sia at the Hufflepuff table and hung her out low out of respect. It was hard to see somebody go through what she had been through. Though now that she had been adopted by the Mauvens she believed that her healing could truly begin. Frances and Tamas doted over her and loved her more than she had ever been loved. Now that it was the end of another school year, the fifth year could return to her new home in Europe and meet her new twin sisters, Wendla and Gwendolyn. Reaching for a piece of fruit, the petite girl dug into the feast and smiled as her friends spoke to her. Next year they would be in their sixth year, it would be an exciting time for them and perhaps she or one of her friends may even receive the title of prefect. But for now there was nothing more to think about than honoring the Professor the school had lost and enjoying the beautiful feast that had been laid out for them.
The end of the school term did not leave the Slytherin with very positive or happy thoughts. It left him feeling pretty much petrified of all that was about to come. He had never really attended the final school dinner, but something was different this year. He wanted more than anything to be normal, to just be a fourteen year old student going back to someone that cared about him. It was of course false. Stefan Archer did not have that when he returned home. And he knew that it wasn't right. Much more to the point, he didn't know what he could actually do about the fact. He didn't have anyone apart from his friends. And they couldn't exactly be the ones to help him. His father would not think twice about hurting him, he feared what he could do to people who actually cared about him. His father just did not want happiness for Stefan. That fact Stefan was pretty sure about. It wasn't like he actually cared about him, and it wasn't like he would ever. Stefan just wanted the holidays to already be over. He couldn't believe that he had to wait more than six weeks before he got to return to Hogwarts and just be himself again. Be in the sanctuary he had created for himself. His home was anything but a good place for him to be. Stefan knew this. He knew that the way his father treated him wasn't right, but he also didn't know what to do about it. He couldn't talk to anyone about it, he knew they either wouldn't believe him, or they would do something that would just make things worse for him. Stefan knew his father wouldn't take lightly to the idea of having people looking into Stefan's home life. It was why, with a heavy heart, the slytherin teen sat down at the slytherin table. To him, there was no difference in the flags. Since to him they didn't ever have a particular color of the winning house. He had noticed a slight difference in the atmosphere, but he just put that to the fact everyone was heading home. Something that he was not looking forward to.

The Slytherin's stomach rumbled loudly. He quickly wrapped his arms around his stomach and begged for it to not be so loud. He didn't want others to hear it. As part of getting to ready to go home, while others would pack up all their belongings, the colorblind slytherin spent time cutting down on the food he ate. Slowly getting himself to the point where it wasn't as hard to go without food for an extended period of time. It would always be hard, but it would take the edge off. He hadn't eaten such lunch the previous day, and now he was hungry. So very hungry, it hadn't even crossed his mind that he'd be so hungry. It was for this very reason that Stefan was really not looking forward to going home. However, when the professor began speaking, he pushed such thoughts and attempted to focus on what he was meant to be listening to. A professor had died. It made the Slytherin feel awful that he hadn't even known about the death of the professor who'd taken him for Care Of Magical Creatures in the first term. The man had seemed genuinely nice and concerned for Stefan. It was different, and it had in a sense freaked him out. Now, Stefan felt bad. And he had very quickly lost his appetite. Knowing what it was like to lose a parent, Stefan wondered if the family was okay. However as much as he was sorry for the person's loss, he could only spend a few minutes thinking of it, since he had to of course think about how to deal with Home. Thankfully the food appeared, and Stefan was able to get something to eat before leaving the hall, and preparing himself for the holidays he hated.​
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briar wasn't going to attend the end of year feast at all, she felt so bad about the death of professor Margera, her adopted farther, that she just wanted to loose herself. her plan had been to leave the school the previous day along with the graduation guests however her mind had been changed by what the head boy had said at the graduation, "never give up, never loose home". she had realised that leaving the school early was sort of giving up, admitting defeat and taking the easy way out. that was not what Briar did. so although her bag remained packed ready to leave at a seconds notice if the need arose, she had returned to her house for one last night before her summer.
she entered the great hall and the sight of the black banners made her eyes start prickling. she walked down the table not looking at anyone of the other students and took a seat next to her sister Madlyn the loss she felt would only be a fraction of what was going on inside madlyns life. as she saw the tears running dow her sisters face she offered her the box of tissues that she had brought down from the common room. at the headmasters speech she felt the hot salty streaks running down her face. she took one of the tissues to dry her own eyes. once the food appeared she saw Madlyn get up and leave. she got up too and followed her, she didn't want Madlyn to feel like she had to go through what she was going through alone.
Jaden sat besides her sister Leslie, both were at the end of Slytherin's table. She would much rather have been in her room, sorting out her belongings, however since this was all required to attend too, she came wishing not to get into anymore trouble. Losing her position in quidditch gave her a reason to behave, for now. And as she sat there, being less talkative to her sister, she saw the headmaster stand up to address her school mates. Apparently a professor had died recently, and they were paying respect for the last time in school. Jaden look around the great hall, she realize it was Madlyn's father who had passed away. Having suffer the same faith, Jaden did not feel the same. She had a different upbringing from the girl, so when someone lost a parent she could not relate to the suffering. She looked away and went about her business, now if it was a best friend like Aroha Jennings, than she could relate totally. Her sister Leslie nudge Jaden asking her what she was thinking about, Jaden shrug, nothing she gone anyways.
To Ostensia the years were going by far too quickly. It seemed that her fourth year barely just started and now she was a soon to be fifth year. If only there was a way to stop the clock from ticking as quickly as it was because she felt like time was running out. Next year her boyfriend would be a Seventh year too. That would be his last year then he would leave her behind and go out into the world. Ostensia didn't like to think about how miserable it would be here without him. She adored the Gryffindor Prefect so it would be hard to imagine spending a lot of time without him. Ostensia bit her lip and turned her small frame to look at the Gryffindor table. Her blue eyes happened to catch Damian's teal ones and she waved softly before she gave him a pretty smile and turned her body so it was realigned with the table. Next year she would just have to make it special for the two of them. How she was going to do that exactly, was a mystery but she had plans. It never took her long to come up with something fun. The Hufflepuff girl was used to doing it whenever her sister Isabella was feeling down and upset. Speaking of Isabella, where had she pretty much been all year? Sure they were twins and all but it seemed like Osa had seen less of her sister this year than she had anyone else. Perhaps her sister was busy with Accio or Quidditch. Two things that Ostensia couldn't pretend she cared about even the slightest bit. Quidditch was hard and she stunk at playing. The only reason she watched it at all was for Damian and Damian alone. Then there was the whole yearbook thing. It wasn't exactly the most exciting thing to her. Now if there was a fashion club, she would be all over that.

Today's feast was being held in honor of a fallen Professor. The blonde Hufflepuff bit her lip and gazed down. That was so sad. Professor Margera was pretty cool from what she remembered at least. What had happened? 'I don't like it when people talk about death.' Ostensia admitted to herself as she ducked her head down. When the Feast began she kept quiet for a bit. Her She did place some food on her plate but the whole time her mind was somewhere else. Talking about Death reminded her of that man that was taking care of them now. Oh how she hated him. With a bloody passion actually. He was so mean and cold, she wished her parents would just come back so he could go away.​
With the slytherin uniform being currently worn, the Slytherin prefect prepared herself for what was about to come. The fact that this was her last end of year feast. The seventh years didn't attend it, considering that they'd already left the school. It wasn't something she attended often, but this year, she felt like she should, it would be the first of many lasts. It was really her only reasoning for coming. It was mandatory, but since when did that actually made Lily attend such a thing. Instead she was happy standing at the sidelines sitting in her room waiting for everything to die down so she could get ready to go home. It was the only way she ever did anything. But as a sixth year, and a prefect her attendance was pretty important, so she for once actually began to make her way to the Great Hall for the final feast. She had heard some rumors about it being centered around the death of some professor, but she was not positive such rumors were true. It might just be some stupid idiot attempting to bring down the mood at hogwarts, which had worked. She had not entirely noticed it, but unless a person was really wrapped up in themselves it could go unnoticed. Stepping into the great hall, Lily realized that it was in fact not rumors but the truth. She had not exactly been thinking it would be, so it came as a little of a surprise. Having lost a parents, she somewhat understood how it felt. But instead of thinking about it too much, she just went and sat down at the end of the slytherin table. The heels of her shoes making a sharp noise against the cold stone floor. It made her smile that she was sitting just in front of Jaden. She blew the girl a fake kiss and then with a false smile moved her attention to the front of the room.

Listening to the professor talk, Lily wondered if the man who had died, would even care for something of this sort. A memorial in front of students, some of whom would not quite realize what it really meant, or know how to deal with it. Telling the older students she understood whole heartedly, but the first and second years, was it really necessary for them to know such a thing. Lily sighed slightly, though not obviously and then turned her attention back to the table as it was filled with food. She poured herself a glass of water and then began to eat. Going home would be fun, she was actually looking forward to it. She had a whole list of things she could do during the time away from school. Most of which did in some aspects involve her preparing for the next year. Oh, it would be a lot of fun, Lily would make sure of it.​
<COLOR color="black">Romaine was currently trying to build a tower out of a stack of cards. He actually had no idea where those cards came from but he was going to use them. He always found these Feasts to be a little on the boring side until the food came. He hated listening to this kind of stuff, even at home he tuned out these sort of things. Romaine preferred to do his own thing and that was how it was going to be. He assumed that his friends were amused by it because they had been watching the entire time he built up the tower. It seemed as if they were trying to pretend that they were but he saw them glancing over every couple of minute's to see how far he had gotten. A lot of people in his area actually turned every once and awhile. Hopefully none of them would laugh if the tower fell. It was getting kind of shaky already. But Romaine persisted on. It actually wasn't even that high either. Only about four stories and he was working on completing his fifth story. If the tower even lasted that long. Romaine was pretty exited over being a Fourth Year next year. He wasn't even sure was the big source behind his excitement was. Maybe the fact that being a Fourth year meant that he was pretty much one of the big kids now. In his eyes Fourth and up meant you were older and Third year and down meant that were will still younger. Of course people might have their other opinions but he didn't really care what they thought. Dude, stop shaking the table!" He called out to one of his friends that kept leaning over to talk to some girl. If he ending up knocking down his tower because he kept leaning over Romaine was going to smack him over the head with a spoon. Which he knew hurt pretty badly. Carefully the Slytherin added the roof to the card tower and did a fist pump. He managed to get the fifth story done and now he felt like a champ. This was the highest he had ever gotten it! Wait till Theodore hurt about this one! He would be so proud!

Romaine actually managed to tune in to hear that the Feast was being held in honor of someone's death. A Professor's. Someone died at this school? His jaw dropped and by accident his elbow nudged the tower of cards. Immediately the tower fell and Romaine became even more distraught. "Aw come on!" Romaine sighed and sat himself down. His hands went out and began picking up the cards that lay all over the table. The feast had begun and Romaine managed to get all the cards together and neatly tucked back into the card box. His stomach growled in hunger and he happily decided to cease the growing by going after a nice slab of meat. Goodness, he loved Feasts.​
It had not been at all his intention to actually go to the feast. He had first of all decided that he would go, then he wouldn't, and then he had decided that he had to go. Considering he was a prefect and he had certain duties to up hold. It wasn't that he actually wanted to. No, that was in fact very, very false. He just would much prefer to be sitting in his dorm room, ignoring the world and just playing his guitar. Two things he could do in the Great Hall with everyone in the same place. It wasn't the kind of place that he wanted to actually be, but he knew he could not. He had to go, as a prefect it was sort of expected that he do. It wasn't like he could avoid being a prefect completely, since he actually enjoyed it, and loved the fact that someone had actually given him some form of power. Which was indeed surprising. Since Elijah would never give himself power. He was the type of person who cared very little about having control. As long as he had control of his life and his guitar then he would be fine. But he could not. He had to be the smart and well presented prefect. Well presented was pushing it a little, but he had at least attempted something that day for the feast specifically. It wasn't like he really needed to be, but he knew that as he was going into sixth year, he had to be somewhat presentable. It had taken him fairly long to get ready, not from taking time to work hard on his appearance, just that with each step he spent time with his guitar. Strumming and playing. Getting everything perfect. So that as soon as he could leave the school at seventeen he could start preforming his own songs. Get a bit of money and head to hollywood. It would be perfect. He knew it. It would be amazing. It was the only thing the Hufflepuff was actually looking forward to. As much as hogwarts was Awesome, his musical career called to him. Begged him to get started already.

Stepping into the great hall, the Hufflepuff realized two things, almost everyone was already in the Great hall, and that the flags were not the color of the winning house. Elijah had not really left his room since Graduation so whatever had happened he'd not heard about. Elijah wandered around until he found a free spot on the Hufflepuff table. It was utterly confusing to him that the mood was somber and everyone seemed just that little bit depressed. Sighing slightly Elijah glanced around, in the hope of seeing Knyleigh, but of course, there was no sign of her. Elijah looked to the front and felt his heart sink as he heard the news of the professor who'd lost his life. Elijah didn't really remember him. He was glad that he'd at least lived long enough to have a family. And with that, Elijah felt that he should be somewhat respectful, so instead of making any comments or anything of that sort, Elijah just began to eat in silence. Thank goodness he was leaving for France the next day. It would've been too weird if he wasn't. It would take the holiday's for everyone to readjust, and for things to return to normal.​
Wearing his Gryffindor uniform, Minoas made his way to the Great Hall for the End of the Year Feast. He was feeling pretty uncomfortable in robes but he was required to wear it for that occassion. Although Ravenclaw won in the end the House Cup, the hall was decorated with black, mourning flags. He had heard the rumours travelling round the castle about professor Margera's death. He sat quickly along with the rest first year Gryffindors before the headmaster started his talk. Minoas spotted down the Gryffindor's table, Madlyn and Briar, both devastated. He wanted to go and express his condolences but he couldn't find the courage to do it. Everyone in the hall seemed thoughtful of the recent event. Minoas himself couldn't believe that the actual killers were centaurs. He was trusting their race as he was educated by them.

When the headmaster ended his speech, Minoas saw Madlyn and Briar leaving the room. He wondered if he shoulde follow them, to talk and show them his support. He decided not to bother them any longer. The would probably need some time to heal. He filled his plate with his favourite herb chicken and roast potatoes and joined the, soon-to-be-second-years conversation, his mind still occupied with the girls' loss.
<COLOR color="#000">Kaia was surprised that she had even woken up this morning. She ended up staying up most of the night, sitting in the window staring at the stars. If she had been in a better mood then she might have tried charting them. But her body refused to get up and actually go get the chart from her trunk. Instead it just wanted her to remain sitting there, looking up at the night sky. Kaia didn't even know why she liked looking up at the stars. She just did. It made her feel better because looking up at the stars always made her feel so small, that she was just one small person in this world and there were problems a whole lot bigger than hers were. Well she didn't actually have that many problems. The only thing really bothering her at all right now was the fact that her adopted dad Hades seemed to be busier with that new woman of his to really pay much attention to her. He wasn't her birth father but she regarded him as so because her own parents were a complete joke. If he found someone more important than her and Hades then who was she supposed to look up to? Kaia didn't hate the woman or anything. But a part of her wondered if this woman had any idea if she knew what she was walking into. A man who already had children. On top of that Kaia was pretty sure that she had already had some kids so now Kaia had even more siblings that she had to worry about when it came to outshining her. 'I doubt any of them could outsmart me when it comes to knowledge anyways.' Kaia snorted softly and laid her head down on the table. Maybe Kaia was just over thinking this whole thing. Perhaps she wouldn't be forgotten about in the end. But it sure seemed like it. The chatter of her classmates around her made Kaia lift her head. She kind of missed what the Headmaster had said because she was dozing off. Ooops that probably looked bad on her part. When the feast began Kaia sighed and grabbed a few things that she figured she might like to eat. The Ravenclaw wasn't really that hungry so she wasn't sure what the point of being here was. She'd be having a better time if she could sit next to Zayne actually. He was often able to keep her awake and alert when they had class together.

Kaia lifted her head more and tried to see if she could spot Zayne sitting at the Slytherin table. But her short legs prevented her from really seeing much without having to stand up. Kaia figured that she would probably catch up with him later or something. Next year they definitely needed to find more places to explore at. This year they went about as far around the woods as they could without getting into trouble. Perhaps next year the lake would be the next place where they hung out a lot at. Hopefully there was nothing in there that could eat them though. Kaia had heard rumors about squids and mermaids. A mermaid would be cool to meet but anything remotely squid-like and Kaia didn't want anything to do with it. When someone offered Kaia a piece of pie Kaia took it gratefully and thanked them before she picked up a fork and started to chew it down. Hopefully next year would be just as exciting as this year was. Kaia kind of felt like it had gone by too fast but that was probably a good thing.​
Professor Kingsley sat silently beside the Headmaster. The year had been going so well but it had ended on a sour note. She didn't envy the Headmaster as he stood and addressed the students. Looking around as he spoke, Cyndi noted the black flags that had been hung instead of the usual bright school house flags. Although it left the entire room looking somber and depressing, Cyndi knew that it was fitting. She wiped the corner of her eye as the moment of silence was held and then rubbed the tear between her two fingers before hastily wiping it on her robe.

Sighing heavily as the food appeared, Cyndi realized that she really was looking forward to leaving the castle for a while. Not only did she really want to see her husband and take comfort in being close to him, but she knew that outside of the school, she had less stress waiting for her. In fact, she had some exciting times coming for her this break, including becoming an aunt! A small smile crossing her face as she recalled that fact, Cyndi reached for a cup of pumpkin juice and began to drink.
<COLOR color="#000">Events like this were always Aphrodite's favorite part of the year. She loved being around all these people who were in such good spirit. It was a nice change from doing all the school work and having to get up early and stuff. The sad part was, that the year was over and another one would soon begin once the Holiday's were on and over with. Which meant more work, more expectations from the Professor's, and less fun for Aphrodite and her friends. Hopefully she would still have time for Quidditch though. That much she couldn't wait for. That and getting some singing practice in for the break. Her coach would surely give her vocal cords a good run. After missing half a year of meetings she tended to push Aphrodite the hardest that she ever had. Plus Aphrodite had a cute little nephew to play with back at her sister's house. So it would be a fantastic summer. The young cub couldn't wait to get home and relax and stuff. Tanning and shopping was going to be an absolute must for her. Especially since Aphrodite was running out of cute clothes to wear already. "Why does everyone look so sad today?" Aphrodite leaned over and asked LeAnn. A lot of people looked pretty down. She had heard that something happened and it made her wonder what happened. Then she was told that a Professor had died. Wow that was so sad. Especially since she loved the subject that he taught. His daughter must be a wreck right now. Aphrodite kind of wanted to find the girl and give her a hug. But partially since she didn't know who she was or if she was in the mood for this, she figured perhaps leaving her alone was the best thing she could do. Instead Aphrodite allowed the moment of silence that was asked for before she grinned to the table mates around her hoping to maybe loosen up some of the tension. She hated seeing people bummed out.

The Feast appeared and Aphrodite silently cheered within her head. Oh man was she hungry. Her tiny hands flew out and grabbed just about everything she could and put it on her plate. For someone as small as she was, people were often surprised that she could eat like a beast. At home she was pretty sure she horrified her sister and Vincent with her ravenous appetite. but it wasn't like she could help it. Aphrodite must have gotten some strange bottomless pit for a stomach. There had to be many other girls out there in the world that were just as bad as she was. Aphrodite wouldn't accept anything less. The chatter of the room built up and things started to feel a little bit better. Next year was going to be awesome too. Aphrodite was going to be sure of that.​
The Ravenclaw liked to stay true to his stereotype in a lot of ways. He enjoyed reading a little too much. He read anything, anywhere. It meant that the boy had very little time to actually do things of importance. He didn't know if this was why he was doing fairly bad as a fourth year raven claw, or that if he actually struggled with the classes. Neither was too clear, but what was clear was that no matter what, Oscar wanted to improve. He knew the likelihood of him getting to be prefect were incredibly slim, and this didn't bother him in the slightest. He was actually okay with that, it was more than he just wasn't doing well overall, and in the back of his mind becoming an auror was something that he could try to achieve. Either that or attempt to become a healer. For both of those things, Oscar knew he needed above average grades. He needed the grades that Ravenclaws got all the time. The ones that would help put him on the path of a proper career that his family could be proud off, getting him officially away from the path that all of his family had followed. Of course that being dance. And while he know knew that he was not really a full fossil it didn't matter, dance was on both sides and therefore he didn't want anything to do with that. It took the boy a while to decide to go to the End of year feast.It wasn't the kind of thing that he usually attend. He was more the type to go to things like the halloween celebrations and things of that sort. he end of year feast was not something he'd ever thought was good. He had always wanted to go really, but since he was almost always caught up in a book, he didn't bother. This year however it would change.

The Ravenclaw stepped into the hall, and was surprised to not see the usual blue banners that hung down from the ceiling, he turned and walked to where the points were held and noticed that they were in the lead, just that no one had actually bothered to put blue up, instead it was black, and this struck Oscar as weird, and then it occurred to him what exactly it could be. Oscar sighed to himself, so hogwarts had lost one of it's own. Much like that time, before he was at the school and the student had died. Oscar took a seat in the Great Hall at the Ravenclaw table and waited. A professor had lost his life. That was a sad occasion, a professor he'd had as a Care of Magical Creatures student. Not that Oscar had actually gone to the lessons, but it was a sad occasion nonetheless. The boy didn't like thinking of death, so instead he just stared down at his plate and waited for the food to appear. When it did the boy smiled and began eating, feeling happy that at least it hadn't been his sister who had died.​
Auden nervously fiddled with a strand of her hair. The young Hufflepuff didn't like Hogwarts very much so she didn't see the point in being cheerful about a another year coming up. Kids made fun of her here and she hated not being able to be around her father. It was just a very miserable time for her and she couldn't wait to go home and hopefully not ever come back either. 'Daddy promised that I would like it here.' He didn't mean a single word of it did he?' Probably not and that was what made her feel even more miserable about all of this. Her father lied, the kids here were mean, and she was tired of looking at the color yellow! Auden didn't even like badgers. Why was she put into a house that revolved around them? Food appeared around the table and Auden just pushed her plate away before she scoffed. Only six years left. Six years wasn't a long time but to Kairyx it honestly felt like forever. It would be six years of miserable days unless she found some way to make the days go by more quickly. Auden planned on ignoring that rotten jerk head Troxa and just trying to find some new friends. Ones that didn't pretend to be her friend until his own friends came over. The noise of clanking forks and spoons soon drowned out Auden's thoughts and she sighed before she set her head back down. She couldn't wait until she was back on that train and headed back home.
Tying the long strands of the blonde hair into a tight ponytail, the Gryffindorian girl was pretty much ready to go to the feast. It had been a good year for her. While her attendance wasn't great that was the only bad factor about the entire year, and it was the only reason that Ariahna was looking forward to her next year. She had picked her electives and was pretty much looking forward to everything that she had to do that term. It would be fun, that much she was sure of. And while to most coming back and having to do more work was hard she was also fairly sure that no matter what happened coming back to howgarts would be best. She loved the school, and she couldn't believe she was going to be going into her third year. There was a somber atmosphere in Gryffindor however. Not so much that Ravenclaw had once again won the world cup but more that one of their own had lost someone dear to them, and this was not something that Ariahna wished upon any person. She would not wish it upon her worse enemy and yet one of the people from her house had lost a member of their family. Ariahna knew that she was fairly lucky, her parents were great, they were both alive, they were supportive and they helped her whenever she needed them too. She was looking forward to going to Cheer camp in the states for three weeks of the holiday and then spending the rest of the time with her family in New Zealand. It would be perfect.

Stepping into the Great Hall, the Gryffindorian took a seat at the end of the table. She didn't want to be too close to the front. Not for any other reason that she just did not like sitting their. Ariahna let her ice blue eyes glance around the room at the black banners and then the teacher's table. Her eyes scanned it, and she gave a little sigh. Care of Magical Creatures was not a subject she had ever thought of taking as an elective, but it was sad to see any person die. Ariahna shook her head slightly, and then smiled as the food appear. As much as it would be difficult for some, that really did not matter, since every person still had to continue on with their life.​
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Warm chocolate brown eyes pulled themselves up from the lap they were staring down at and asphyxiated themselves around the room. Another year ceased and a new one was rising in its place. Mylie was happy that the year was gone. Mylie grew tired of being in school all year long and she also did not like being forced to be around people she would rather just ignore than befriend. Mylie tried to impress them. Mylie tried changing everything about her to impress her classmates. Changing her own self might not be the key to winning the others affections. Mylie figured she might just save all her tricks for when she one day met her real father. The one that Mylie did not remember. The one that left Mylie, her mother, and sister behind due to selfish motives. Mylie hated him. Mylie wanted to show him that he had really messed up things for the little family by leaving. Where was he when Mylie needed him? Those sort of things were constantly spinning in her mind. Like a large wheel. Mylie had resolutions for her fourth year. She had written them down on some parchment and taped them somewhere where she could see the and be reminded of them. They were nothing Mylie thought was too hard. Her mother would appreciate it that she was trying harder though.

1.get better grades.
2.make a friend.
3.join another club.
4.avoid the creeper.

Mylie would not explain what the last one was about. It would make her mother think that she had a boyfriend of some sorts. Clatter about death was arising in the room. Mylie ignored all of it. Mylie didn't want to hear anything about death or dying.​
<COLOR color="#000">The kid sitting next to Doriano was practically begging to be kicked. At least that was what the Ravenclaw male thought to himself as she twirled a dark brown quill in his hand. He was tying to impress his friends with some sort of Quidditch talk. But he sounded like a complete idiot. Doriano didn't even play Quidditch and he knew that everything the boy was saying was completely wrong. Plus he kind of smelled like he had been digging in the Garbage. After a few more moments Doriano couldn't take it anymore and stood up from where he was sitting and moved all the way down to the end. He didn't bother to greet anyone who was sitting there, just gave them a look that told them to move over and deal with him sitting there. Anyone who knew who he was knew better. Doriano was a jerk. He knew that he was a jerk. Could he help it? Probably. Did he want to help it? Not a bit. This year was kind of boring. School was always boring but Doriano prayed that something interesting would happen. Whether it be a fight or some drama he could tune into. But whenever there was he wasn't around to hear it. So boring year once again. Doriano already figured that next year he might as well make his time more worth while. Maybe do some actual homework for once in his miserable life. Or pay someone to do it. Either way, getting something done would be nice. Maybe his mother wouldn't send so many howlers his way if he actually behaved himself and did his work. 'Fat chance of that happening.' Doriano rolled his eyes. When the feast began he piled his place high with one of everything that was a vegetables. He liked meat but it always hurt his stomach. Today he was excited to be going home because he would be able to relax. He could bug his sister some then too. That would be a lot of fun.​
The Gryffindor Prefect made his way into the Great Hall, before he sat down and then his blue-green eyes went over to search for his girlfriend Ostensia. She gave him a wave before he waved his own hand, and knew that next year, he was going to have to deal with NEWTs. He looked down at the empty plates and he knew that the Ravenclaws won the House Cup again. They were so smart so of course they would win. The whole memorial service was a little saddening, and he understood death of course. He didn't have a mother, or a father. Damian picked up his goblet and soon it was filled with pumpkin juice. He took a sip before he realized, there was going to be a new Head Boy and Head Girl next year. Damian did not care, but he hoped that no Slytherin would get it. He knew those two prefects in there were bad news. 'Best of luck to them both' thought Damian ahead of time, before he set his goblet down and started eating. He was already thinking about who the Quidditch Captain would be the next year after he was gone. He did not know anyone that was really trustworthy. It was pretty sad that they did not have enough people. He just had to get others into Quidditch. His eyes went over to Madlyn Margera for a sheer moment, before turning back. He did not know her, but what she was going through, he was sure one of her friends or something could help her out. Damian couldn't, he did not know what it was like to know someone for so long before losing them suddenly. He lived with Dietrich most of his life anyway.
Dymetris warm blue iris scan the entire great hall, not much of a celebration was happening there. Everything seem more distressing than usual, he suspect something was up. He hated when he had a feeling for these type of situation, coincidence since the head master announce the death of a professor happen and all of this was for his memory. What a gloomy way to end the year. He look over the Gryffindor table, he never really talk to the professor but he knew his daughter, one of them at least. And to think they both did well in DADA, turning his eyes up, he would refrain from staring. the good thing about going home was getting away from this all when it happen. Things will be better after a few months away from school, he predict it would be for all of them and the one who lost a love one.
Sara smiled to herself as she prepared to go down to the great hall. She was wearing her beautiful, deep blue and black robes. She loved her uniform now, it represented everything she was-a proud eagle, a raven, free to roam the skies. She smiled to herself as she thought this, fixing her long, curly hair. She had begun wearing it curly more recently, but she still straightened it occasionally. She didn't know why, but she'd started liking it more now. She finished her hair, which she was happy with by now. She took out some foundation and applied it gently, and sparingly, so that it loooked natural. She put on some powder too, to finish it. She decided not to wear eyeliner, and made do with mascara.
After that she was finished, and with one last glance in the mirror she sailed out of the room, toward the Great Hall. It was the end of another year, and she was really looking forward to fourth year, though she knew she'd have to worrk harder this year, because she wanted to be a prefect, and it would mean studying a lot more. She knew that, but she had always found it hard to motivate herself.

These were the thoughts running through her head as she entered the Great Hall, which was already teeming with life. She glided toward the Ravenclaw table, greeting some familiar faces. She smiled as some of her friends from other houses and took her seat at the Ravenclaw table. She saw a few peole moving seats, and listened attentively to the Headmaster's speech. She wasnt shocked when she heard about Professor Margera's death, she'd already heard, but it was so strange, her eyes started filling with tears when she saw his daughter leave, she could barely imagine the pain she was going through, she only had the fear of that pain, but she was glad when she saw someone going after her.

When the Headmaster finished his speech, she stayed silent along with all the other students. The silence filled the Hall, gnawing and terrifying, but after a few moments a comfortable babble broke out and the food appeared. She lifted her fork and began eating, she couldn't wait to see her family again.
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