Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
It was the end of the school year, the students were packing up as they would be on the train back home tomorrow. Elvera would also be heading back home working in the shop, looking after her mother and aunt and doing all those other things she didn't get a chance to do while at school. however much like the start of the year which began with a small party in her dorm the year should end with a party too. Elvera had been at the school for many years now. and had seen many teachers come and go however there were a couple that was so ingrained in the masonary of the school she couldn't imagine what it would be like without them. Two remained that had been her teachers when she had been a student and one of them was leaving. it seemed unfair to let professor Kalif Styx leave without some kind of recognition.
Elvera had been busy that morning cooking. she had tried to make things in the slytherin colours. and prepared some a selection of wraps, some cupcakes, and some cheese crackers and dip and some of the foods she saw kalif going for at meal times. she had decided not to decorate the room too much as she didn't know how to make things festive and still keep with things kalif liked. she had kept things simple just putting a bannor saying "Goodbye, Good luck and thank you for your time kalif". though to be fair she wasn't sure if he would even attend he had never been one of the most social professors but even if he didn't it was at least a way of noting the departure among the staff.
Surprised when she heard Elvera was planning a retirement party for Kalif, Lydia decided she had to attend. That said, she wasn’t sure if her grandfather would even make an appearance. The notice of Kalif’s departure left Lydia wondering what her future would look like at the school. She certainly wasn’t moving to Bulgaria like the great majority of her newly reacquainted family members. After all, she was just getting settled in New Zealand, and she quite liked teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts. Lydia was wondering if she wasn’t ready to take on something more. Not only would the Head of House position be opening up, but there could also be opportunities within her subject as well.

The young professor reached for one of the dark green cupcakes. “These look gorgeous, Elvera,” Lydia said, pulling back the wrapper to reveal the moist sponge underneath the frosting. “Did you bake these yourself?”
Lena was grateful for the multiple engagements that the end of the school year was bringing, as they allowed her to be away from her home. Making sure Charlotte was spending some quality time with her grandmother, Lena took the time to throw on something cuter than her usual professor attire and head towards the common room for the party. She had definitely had Professor Styx back in her student days, and he'd scared her out of her wits in her younger years. But, seeing as he was leaving a legacy behind, she knew it was important to attend. There were very few people so far, and Lena noticed Elvera speaking to someone who she didn't quite recognize by the back of the head. As she walked towards the group, she noticed it was Lydia and felt her cheeks flush a little. 'Hello, ladies. Everything looks fabulous, Elvera. Did you help, Lydia?" she asked curiously, before picking up a cracker.
The year was over and she had almost finished grading all of the exams that had come in. There were a lot of them and some had done better than others. There was a party to attend and Cat would never say no to a party. Cat grabbed a dress from her cupboard and quickly threw it on. She walked towards the party, although she hadn't been a student of Kalif back in the days it felt weird that he was leaving. She had heard stories about him, that he was part of the furniture of the school. Although he might not want it, he was famous. When she arrived she looked at all the things that were displayed on the tables. Cat grabbed a wrap and bit a part of the corner of. ''Hello everyone, another year done eh?'' Cat said to her colleagues.
Professor Kalif Styx took several months off of school to get some affairs in order. It was during that time he subtly announced that he would be leaving. But since this was Hogwarts New Zealand, his leave spread through the school like a wildfire. His patience reached its end after arriving here during the second semester of Year 5 of the school's opening. It was time to leave before the kids here caused him to go on a huge murder spree. It would not be the first time his hands were bloodied, but that was besides the point. Packing up his office, news of a small gathering to dismiss him reached his ears. Normally, he would avoid all social events, but since he was not just leaving the school but the country too, might as well grace them one more time. After all, he was not leaving alone. He would be taking his family with him, with a few left behind after they convinced him. As long as they were present during family events, then he would not care.

The former Death Eater waved his wand over the boxes, and they shrunk and floated into the suitcase. He let out a soft sigh. This would be better for his mental health in the long run. He finished up and made his way into the professor's common room. Upon entering, he saw a handful there. His onyx eyes washed over the banners, and raised an eyebrow. He expected something a little less... Well, just a little less. And, from what he could tell, this was all Professor Le Fey's doing. From the cupcakes to the banners, it definitely showed that she knew as much about him as the rest of the faculty. That was how he knew he was doing his job correctly. The less people knew, the better for him. Kalif folded his arms across his chest, and shrugged, "I didn't expect my leave would justify a party."
Aeon could barely believe that Kalif was leaving the school. The Professor Kalif Styx, the man who'd taught him Herbology in his first year at the school. It was incomprehensible. Slytherin's long-standing Head of House was practically part of the castle's foundation after all this time. He'd been so sure Kalif would be around until he died, and then would stay to haunt the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom as a ghost forever after that. Hogwarts wasn't going to be the same without him. Styx was not the most cheerful, or approachable, or pleasant, or enthusiastic, or charming, or polite of people, but it didn't change the fact Aeon was sad to see him go. Or perhaps it was the memory of him he was sad to see go.

The Transfiguration turned up in time to catch the man of the hour already present, and looking just as enthused about his own farewell party as one might expect. After all these years, Summers thought he might at least shed a tear. One, single tear, on that unchanging scowl. "You didn't think you could bow out quietly, did you? After all this time?" Aeon asked as he sidled into the room. He offered Elvera a smile, and helped him to one of her delicious cupcakes. Another job well done. "This man taught us when we were eleven. That's how long he's been hanging about." He commented to the younger professors, and inclined his head in Elvera's direction. It felt like a lifetime ago now. At that young age, he never could have imagined he'd be working alongside Professor Styx. Or that he'd ever retire.​

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