Open Electives Fair Y43

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Siobhan ) ( Lesbian)
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (56)
As summer wound down the weather had stayed pleasantly warm, much to Kahurangi's delight. She was pleased to take advantage for the electives fair, setting up the tables in the bright sunshine of the courtyard. It would be nice for the professors to get out of the castle for once as they promoted their subjects to the soon-to-be third years. She conjured one table and set of chairs for each subject, neatly labelled with the subject's name, checking her work was to her liking before heading over to the Ancient Runes table, to get set up while she waited for Cyndi.

As usual Kahurangi had brought plenty of material from her classes - books and pamphlets about runic divination, a selection of bind rune amulets designed by her previous class of sixth years, and a couple of bags of runes students could try out. She set her own bag next to her in case any of the second years wanted her to do a reading for them, and settled in to her seat, excited to meet the students she would be teaching in a few years time.
Anisha was ready for the fair and she felt kind of excited about it. Being a third year felt so much more important and cool than being a second year, especially with the new and interesting subjects they could take. Anisha had taken a notebook and pen to the fair to prepare herself properly, holding them ready to take notes of anything she saw. She looked around, wondering where she should start.
Lena wasn't feeling her best for the day of the fair, but either way, she had to man the table and answer questions from curious second years. Wearing a flowy jumpsuit that almost felt like pajamas, the professor had gone very minimal with the items she'd brought for the Arithmancy display from 3rd and 4th years. Mostly, Lena brought some books and charts, as well as a few die so students could take a stab at reading about each number if they'd like. Taking a seat, she blew her nose in a handkerchief before placing it back in her pocket as she waited for any curious 2nd years.

OOC: Please tag Lena if you visit the Arithmancy table - thanks!
Hiro always pleasantly enjoyed the club fair, it was a chance to try and draw in all the incoming third years and show them that Muggle studies could be a cool subject. He was the first to arrive, leaving room for Warren to set up when he arrived as Hiro placed his own things down. A couple of phones from his fourth-year class and then a little cup of pencils and a stack of small notepads students were more than welcome to help themselves too. Hiro had found people were more likely to stop by if you had free things they could take. Now all he had to do was stand and wait.
Professor Kingsley waved at her fellow Runes professor as she stepped into the space and headed for their table. She'd brought some of her runes along to add to the table, some photos of wands and other items marked with runes, and a small flyer discussing what she taught in third year for those who were interested to see what the curriculum looked like. The professor settled herself in before realizing she'd forgotten the snacks she'd brought. She set those out and then settled in again eager to discuss the subject.
Elvera made her way down to the courtyard. she was glad it was a nice day today was sunny and warm. she blinked a few times as she left the castle letting her eyes ajust to the light before making herway across the courtyard Good morning Lena, Hello Hiroko" she said to the other professors as she passed. she reached the divination table glad it was next to runes. "Hello, isn't it such a perfect day for it" she said to the runes professors as she put the box she was carrying on the chair so that she could spread the dark blue fabric across the table ready to set up. first came a biy teapot and several cups. then a few packs of tarot cards, some biscuits shaped like hands with pal lines drawn on them and some cupcakes that were meant to look like stars and dreams. the final thing she put on the table were some colouring sheets that on one side had tarot cards to colour in and on the back had the divination curriculum outlined. which she put in two piles on the table one face down and one face up.

@Professor Cyndi Kingsley @Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Zerrin walked down to the electives fair, looking around a bit with his hands in his pockets. Divination, Runes, Arithmancy... it all seemed so fancy, so out of his league. He strayed away from those, his eye caught by a subject that looked like it could be fun. He wondered over, peeking at some of the free stuff but ignoring it and turning his attention to the Professor. "Hi," He smiled shyly. "Muggle Studies?"

@Professor Hiro Aoki
Dahlia had no idea what she wanted to do. She was really only here studying because she had no choice, but everything she'd ever wanted to do was tied to the muggle world. Normal things, like playing netball for the Vixens or the Magpies (and eventually the Diamonds, of course), or being on stage, maybe even in some movies. Neither of those career paths seemed like options to her through this school and she kind of half hoped maybe she'd get to go back to a normal school. Even if her sister never spoke to her again. But she was here, and she had to pick subjects for next year. Divination seemed alright, she could probably go work at a travelling carnival if she learned to read tarot cards and things like that. But muggle studies seemed intriguing, and she popped up at the table next to Zerrin (though she was focused solely on the professor). "Hey, so do we get to do like, actual normal school stuff like playing muggle sports and doing maths and English and drama and stuff or is it like just focusing on the differences?" She hoped it was the former, but suspected it was the latter.

@Professor Hiro Aoki
Gregory wasn't sure what electives would lead to. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He didn't want to stick around in the magical world but wasn't sure he had much of a choice in the matter. His parts didn't want him leaving. The hufflepuff walked into the great hall, glancing around at the classes on offer. He noticed Zerrin and Dahlia at the Muggle studies table and he didn't want to do that though it could be the only class he was good at. He kind of wished he could spot his head of house to ask him what he should do, what was easiest.
Savannah wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life after school, all she knew was that she wanted to make money, she wanted to have money to spend and to live off. She'd work hard for it if she needed to. Savannah was determined to be the opposite of her parents. She glanced around the room and then went to her head of house, which could help her with two stones in one. "Hi Professor Josephs, What's ancient runes like?" she asked.
@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Kahurangi was always glad when members of her house considered her subject, and she gave Savannah a warm smile as the girl approached. "Well, it's quite a varied subject. We approach the use of runes from a variety of different angles, though my years are focused mostly on using them for divination purposes. In third year with Professor Kingsley you'll learn how to read runes and their place in Norse mythology. In fourth year, she'll teach you how to make pendants, and wooden runes for readings. In fifth and sixth years I'll teach you different spreads for reading runes, and we'll cover how to combine them to make your own runes with specific purposes, which can be used as pendants as well. Seventh year is for practical and revision work, putting your skills into use." She explained, showing Savannah a wooden rune and a bind rune pendant as she discussed them. "If you'd like a demonstration, I'd be happy to do a reading for you, I just need a question."
@Savannah Walters
Savannah listened to what the head of house was saying about her subject. It wasn't really helping her make the decisiion about this class. At the offer of a question Savannah paused for a moment before answering. "Yeah, okay," she said, she thought about it for another moment and then said. "Will ancient runes help me in my future career?"
@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Max stared into the courtyard, not sure which stand to go to first. It didn't help that he likely wouldn't be picking any of the electives if he wanted to become a healer at St Mungo's just like his mother. But then again, following another subject couldn't hurt, right? The question was, which stand to go to first? Max hated anything and everything to do with numbers and figures so Arithmancy was off the table, Ancient Runes sounded like it could become the next History of Magic, and he didn't really believe that Divination was a real branch of magic. That left him with only Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures to pick from. Walking up to the Muggle Studies table first, he smiled at Dahlia and Zerrin and listened along as Dahlia asked what they'd be doing in this class.
@Professor Hiro Aoki
Kahurangi picked up her own personal rune bag and drew, chuckling at the outcome. "This rune is called Raido." She explained, showing it to Savannah. "Raido represents travel, or pathways. The route that brings you closer to your goals. Seems like a pretty clear answer to me." She said with a small smile.
@Savannah Walters ((yes that rune reading was randomised lmao))
Savannah's eyebrow raised a little as the professor took out a rune and then came to the conclusion that this class would bring her closer. "Okay then, I'll see you in the OWL class," she told the professor before heading off, she had to find maybe one other class to do.
@Professor Kahurangi Josephs
Yvonne usually loved the Electives Fair and getting to talk to potential students. But today she was running late and the courtyard was already filled with kids as she waved to Elvera and joined her at the divination table. "Hope I didn't miss much." she said as she took a seat and pulled out a few birth charts and palmistry diagrams she already had on hand from her lesson plans, but she was ready and excited to answer any of the questions thrown her way. @Professor Elvera Le Fey
Mercury walked into the courtyard, feeling overwhelmed at all the students and professors about. She knew electives could be very important, and while she wasn't like some of the students who knew exactly what they wanted to do or work in the Ministry, she knew it was an opportunity to learn more about unique subjects. It was fairly obvious that she would take Ancient Runes, seeing as half of her personal library were about the subject. But the one thing she was hesistant about was taking the full divination course. Mercury wondered if the class would lead to an adult finding out about her weird dreams that happened during the day and not just when she was asleep, when she actually slept. But seeing as she had to take more than one elective, Mercury walked over to the table, looking at the two women and all the trinkets around, quickly noticing the peculiar biscuits and picking one up. @Professor Elvera Le Fey @Professor Yvonne Dubois
Dorian was excited that third year would bring more classes and subjects for them to learn, though he wasn't so sure about the idea of combining their classes, already spotting Anisha in the crowd of second years and he scoped out the electives fair. He wasn't about to let her scare him away from any subjects but he wasn't looking forward to potentially having her in all his classes. At least it meant he might get to spend more time in class with Ezra too, he supposed, already making a beeline for Arithmancy and looking over some of the materials there. He didn't want to get so close any of the professors and accidentally start a conversation with them, especially since he'd already done research in advance and decided what classes he wanted next year, but it didn't hurt to double check things before he finalized his schedule.
Raafe stuck close to Anisha as they perused the different booths and tables for the school electives. Really, he wasn't overly invested in any of them, happy to pick and sign up for whatever Anisha happened to choose. "Looks like Max's interested in muggle studies. I think we get enough of that at home," Raafe commented mildly as he spotted his roommate nearby. "What about Magical Creatures? Would be fun to get bit by weird stuff, right?" He asked her, not really expecting an answer as they wandered together.
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Remy hadn't put much thought into what he wanted to do for his electives. Muggle Studies felt like an obvious choice to appease his mother, though it did seem almost like a joke a of a choice and probably very boring. His family already lived like muggles now anyway, and Remy wanted to be a little more rebellious and pick something magical at the magic school. Arithmancy sounded like overly complicated math, so that was immediately ejected from Remy's options. Divination was a maybe. Care of Magical Creatures sounded interesting, but Remy wasn't sure his mother wouldn't straight up march into the school if he tried something "dangerous". He trailed after some other students to see what they were picking, not really having any clear focus on his own.

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