Dueling Match #13

Professor Edward Pirrip

Work hard, play harder | Teddy's dad | Limps
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
@Horror Zhefarovich x @Hugo Stark-West

Edward had never supervised an underage dueling tournament before and he was interested to see how this tournament would play out. With his wand at the ready, he signaled for the next two opponents to step forward and take their positions. He addressed both sixth years with firm encouragement. “Welcome to your first duel of the tournament. I expect to see good sportsmanship from both of you. When I give the signal, you will bow to one another and begin. Wands at the ready.” He looked between both of them before nodding. “You may begin.”

OOCOut of Character:
The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels. Duelers cannot cast spells at the spectators or face disqualification.

[b]Current Points:[/b] --
[hr]RP content[hr]
[b]Action(s) Taken:[/b] --
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[b]Points Remaining:[/b] --
Current Points: 150

Horror Zhefarovich signed up because he would love to see how his student went, and that was it. He bowed to his opponent, and then immediately cast Incarcerous at the Ravenclaw.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

hugo wasnt sure why he had signed up for duelling. it was not something that was anywhere near his comfort zone. but he had supposed he should take lead from the hobbits and try something new which in this case was standing on a stage wand in his hand facing Horror Zefarovich. he was not delusioned he had no great aspirations of winning the competition. he just wanted to have a go. and hopefully not get away with too much damage both physically or to his ego.
when the professor started the duel he bowed before raising his wand. Horror was quick casting a spell to bind him. he knew if his sister was in his space she would have made some kind of crude remark but as it was it was hugo on the stage so he just raised his wand cast a shield before following it with his own "Confundo

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x 2
Point Changes: -5, -5
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 145

The opponent, yeah, Horror wanted to make this quick because he was rather confident that he would win this overall. If Hinata would win that is. He blocked the Confundus charm with a Protego, and then fired back a Tongue-Tying Curse.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 140

hugo watched horror defend his spell. he wasn't surprised he was pretty sure that he was the better dueller. as he fought he thought that until this years it would be a winning spell. cant walk, camt cast spells. win. however after this year with many people learning non verbal magic it would not be for much longer. he raised his wand "protago" he said waiting a ssecond before casting " Obscuro

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -5, -5
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 135

Oh, this spell was interesting. He barely put up a shield in time to block it because he could not risk his vision becoming impaired. Horror aimed his wand toward Hugo's feet since the spell was particularly destructive. "Confringo." If he did this right, the floor would explode, and blast him backward.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 130-

Hugo wasn’t going to underestimate horror. He knew that he was unlikely to win but he didn’t put it past the slytherin for playing dirty anyways. Unsurprised that his spell was blocked he readied himself to defend but was shocked when he heard the other incantation. If he was hit it would be no laughing matter. protago he said bracing himself for the impact. It seemed like the spell hadn’t been meant for him as the stage I front of him exploded wood and dust flying everywhere. what the” he exclaimed. Thankfully his shield held and he was unscathed by the fallout. He took advantage of the mess and the echoes still revolving around the chamber and cast the jelly brain jinx

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x 2
-Point Changes: -5 -5
-Points Remaining: 120
(I am counting points as though the spell was blocked as Hugo himself was not hit )
Current Points: 125

The jelly-brain jinx was one that he blocked. That spell did not pack as much of a punch. Well, if he blew another hole in the platform, would it make him fall off? Maybe. Or if he used as much power as he could, the shield might not be enough to keep Hugo on it. Horror wanted this to end. He wouldn't do the same trick twice in a row. So, he sent out a Diffindo toward the Ravenclaw.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 120

hugo was not surprised that horror was abe to block his spell. but the next spell he heard was suck a shock to him that he only managed to get a 'prot... out before he felt it hit him square across his chest, pain he raised his hand to it and was unsuprised to feel the stickiness of blood, and from the feel a decent amount of it. he felt light headed and sat down near the hole in the stage. this duel had moved swiftly from the relms of a fun magical challenge to the relms of deadly in the space of a few minutes. and hugo greatly contemplated getting up and leaving the stage for his own safety. he would have much rather have taken on theodore appalingly asking him out though maybe that would have left oz against horror and he was fairly sure horror would go even harder against his friend. tears welled up unbidden from the pain and his breath came in gasps as he looked to @Professor Edward Pirrip wondering if he would call the duel off. he should walk off the stage while he still could. but he raised his wand one final time Petrificus Totalus . it wasnt a complex spell, but he would rather out all the focus he could muster to cast a decent easy spell than a weak complex one.

Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, cast spell
Point Changes: +15, -5
Points Remaining: 130
Miranda was not a fan of dueling as she thought it was quite barbaric, in all honesty. Sometimes she wondered why wizards loved such violent entertainment, and it made her less surprised that her father had decided to live more like a muggle. But she had a duty to go to events for the paper, and she wanted to support Hugo. And also her mum...kind of. Hugo was up against one of the Zhefarovich boys, and he wasn't playing around. Blowing things up, cutting...Miranda could barely watch as the spell hit Hugo and he got hurt. She gasped, hands flying to her face. "Merlin's beard..." she whispered from between her hands. "Get a nurse!" She didn't know whether she was impressed or irritated that Hugo was being stubborn enough to keep going instead of surrendering for medical attention.
Current Points: 115

Horror saw that his spell hit, and didn't expect that he would actually cause that much damage. That should have ended the duel but Hugo wanted to keep going. He blocked it with another shield, and though he could have disarmed him, stunned him. Might as well just make it hurt. Horror heard someone shout as soon as he sent out a spell, "Reducto!" That should get him off the bloody platform and get medical attention.
Action(s) Taken: Successful spell hit, cast spell x2
Point Changes: -30
Points Remaining: 85

OOCOut of Character:
Me to Horror:
The Simpsons GIF
oops elvera tended to avoid the duels. and was probably in her office drinking tea right now.
Current Points: 130

hugo was starting to feel light headed and nauseous. he didn't even see i his spell had hit. he couldn't go on. he was just starting to raise his hand do conseed when he heard Terror cast another spell. the name famillier to him surly he had done enough damage and a simple disarming would do? was it strictly necessary to blast him off the stage as well? there wasn't much else he could do just to curl up protect his chest as the spell hit him and thew him back off the stage with enough force for him to slam into the wall everything going dark before he hit the ground

Action(s) Taken: hit by spell. thown off stage knocked out
Point Changes: +15 -145
Points Remaining: nil
Edward had been considering Hugo’s suitability to continue the duel when the final spell came which blasted him off the platform, excessive Edward thought, but not outside of the rules of the duel. Edward hurried to his side and assessed his injuries, remaining calm as he did, “We’ll need to take him to the hospital wing.” He said, drawing over the attention of the nurse who was stationed for exactly this sort of incident during the dueling tournament.

OOCOut of Character:
Feels insensitive to say it, Horror Zhefarovich is the winner of the duel
most people who knew her knew that violet was not a huge fan of her brother. Sure he was fine enough but he was kind of boring. what kind of nerd spent that much time in the library. and his only friends were weirdos. she had been supprised to come to watch the duels today and see his name on the list of contestants. it hadn't struck her as something he would sign up for. too much energy her hus usually reclusive nature. she watched the third years, and the fourth years cheering on a few of her classmates, fifth years but as the sixth years rolled around she listened to one of the duels where the contestant seemed more intent on asking his opponent out than fighighting and to be hinest she had to give him some credit for the persistence though he he seemed so smooth it was just slimy. what really surprised her was when she heard a familiar voice call out of the audience defending the opponent. she looked around to see hugo there waiting for his duel. part of her was impressed that her brother was standing up for his friend. the other half wondered if hugo would ever do that for her. he had never been one to enter into a fight voluntarily. when their mums fought growing up he would often hide away in his room with the door shut lost in a book leaving her alone to find her own peace when they only ever had each other and he was meant to be her big brother and look out for her
before long the duel was over and hugo was preparing for his fight against one of the older slytherins, one of the zefaroviches at that. she was pretty sure her brother would be out on the first spell. Soon the fight begun and she had to put it to him he was doing a fairly good job keeping out of the well of the fight. and then BOOM the room was filled with dist and shards of wood. and she was pretty sure she would be writing home telling her mums that hugo had been blown up but there he stood in amongst all the debris a ring of clean around him. "Go Hugo" she cheered. maybe he had a chance of winning this. that would bring his status up. hers too. her brother would win a duel against Horror Zefarovich.
unfortunately that thought was short lived as suddenly blood was spreading across hugos shirt. and even from this distance he looked like he was about to pass out. she heard a whisper not too far away and saw one of the ravenclaw geeks from her year head in herhands asking for a nurse. while she did agree with the sentiments. she was actually impressed by her brother as he cast another spell. it was weak nearly a glimmer but she had to put it to him that he was doing better than she expected. unfortunately it seemed d the professor and the oponant hadn't heard miranda, that was her name. as he cast another spell directed towards hugo that she didn't recognise. but he was already down. surly a simple disarming would be enough. alas no. hugo was flying off the stage like a ragdoll thrown by a todler hitting the wall before sliding to the ground. "hugo, hugie." she called her legs running to her brothers side without her telling her to. she reached out to him trying to reach around the professor and the nurse to hold her brothers hand. "hughie." she said looking to the staff. "is he going to be okay? he's not ... is he" she asked the professor not wanting to even say or think the last part of the sentence.

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