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Giraltus Magno

Active Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Too Young to Care)
Sexual Orientation
Too Young to Care
18" Study-Straight Cedar Wand, Essence of Kelpie Hair
Hello all and a wonderful day to everyone!

I'm new to this RP Forum and would love to plan a little more development for my character.

Giraltus Alfred Magno
A good ol' first year with a developing sense of extrovertness. While he respects rules and regulations, they won't stop him from achieving personal goals, or goals for close friends. He is from North America, and is a New Zealand foreigner. With very little magical interaction in his hometown with kids his own age, Giraltus' out going personality became more closeted. However with new beginnings at Hogwarts, he is starting to blossom again.

Here's what I'm looking for!

A Partner in Crime
A best friend for Giraltus who is also willing to bend the rules to achieve goals. Someone who is willing to push Giraltus, while also needing a similar push themselves. Open to any houses, and any 1st or 2nd years.

A Magical Mentor
Preferably an older student in the 6th or 7th year. Also preferably someone within the Slytherin House, however I'm open to other houses if someone fits the bill. This person would help guide Giraltus in his 1st year at Hogwarts. I'm looking for someone with tough love, but a willingness to always check in on little Girlatus.

A Competitive Adversary
This person will be a 1st or 2nd year of any house. Someone who challenges Giraltus, but is also challenged by Giraltus. This person should be fiery, and outgoing. The dynamic should be slightly hostile sometimes, and more like a "frenemy" situation.
Mayby Tessa&Giraltus can be partners in crime? She somtimes like do thing with her sister. ^_^
Hey Tim!

I don't have perfect fits for what you're looking for, but a couple of my characters might come close if you can't find better options.

Partner in Crime - My character Hester MacGillivray could posssssibly fill this role? She's a second year Gryffindor and I neglected her a bit in her first year oops. She's a muggleborn and the magical world is still pretty enthralling to her. She's not particularly fond of rules, but she does play the bagpipes, which could be either a pro or a con in a friendship :p She's the youngest of five and used to being dragged around by her family's chaos, so she's in the process of learning to stand on her own two feet for the first time. My main hesitation is that she would need more pushing than being able to push Giraltus herself since she doesn't have the best understanding of the magical world, but at least they could possibly be friends even if she's not really able to fill the partner in crime role?

Magical Mentor - Again this isn't a perfect fit, but my character Blake Irons could possibly do in a pinch? He's a 6th year Slytherin, and captain of the Quidditch team. He's not what you would call academically gifted, but he does definitely have that competitivity and drive I think you're looking for. His sister has just started at Hogwarts, and Blake is trying very hard to avoid her, so taking a different first year under his wing could cause some drama down the line? Blake has a lot of drama going on in his personal life though, he's going to have a messy year and he's definitely not at his best emotionally right now (feel free to drop me a PM if you want the backstory) so he might be a. chaotic figure, to put things mildly.

Like I said not perfect fits, but they're what I've got! I've also got a couple of first years (Jenna Irons and Maggi Watties) who definitely aren't what you're looking for, but if you ever wanna RP with them anyway drop me a line! :)

I have a first year named Valencia i could offer you as a partner in crime for your character, if you would like? Valencia is a muggleborn, and doesn’t fully believe the concept of magic yet. She prefers science over the magic stuff. Valencia does however, like to do things spontaneously and doesn’t really mind getting into trouble at times. She does strive to try to achieve her goals though, academically and socially.

Let me know what you think! ✨
Hey Tim!

I'm happy to offer Lucie here to be a possible friend or enemy. She is blunt, extroverted, willing to help others if they can give her something back, and likes working with her hands. I'm not sure if Lucie would help push Giraltus, as she generally just sticks to making friends with people that are already level-headed and smart, but I think maybe they could be good team mates and maybe get up to some mischief if you're up for it? Of course, getting them to meet first is a good first step.

Let me know what you think ^_^
@Maiya, I pmed you, so we'll get that ball rolling tomorrow as planned.

@Rowan, I'll definitely send a PM for more info on that backstory for Blake. It sounds s a u c y.
I'm extremely interested in having Blake for a possible magical mentor. I think I really enjoy the dynamic that could be.
I think I'll table Hester for now as I'm definitely looking for someone who can push back just as much or close to that.

@Maria, Valencia sounds like a VERY viable option for Giraltus. I'll PM you and we can get something going.

@Kaye, Lucie ALSO sounds like a very viable option for Giraltus. Lets get that roleplay going, I'll PM you!
Hi Tim!

My first year, Indira Khatri who is also in Slytherin would probably make a good enemy/frienemy for Giraltus. She is also very goal oriented and is willing to be a little ruthless to achieve them. I think she would love to have worthy competition lol.

I also have a fifth year in Slytherin, Simon Thorne, who could potentially be a mentor. He would be fairly begrudging about it, but he did just win "Most Power Hungry" for the yearbook superlatives haha.

Let me know what you think!
@Kadi, Yes yes yes! Indira sounds exactly the frenemy that Giraltus needs. I'll shoot you a PM
At this time, all requests have been filled for my plotline requests.

Thank you all to who responded, and I can't wait to get the roleplays going. :)
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