Dear [Whomever]

Dear camping pain,

Please go away. I shall love you forever and ever.

Not A Happy Camper.
Dear, Brothers

We're having the good time of our lives in the house: Eating junk foods and playing Halo Reach all day long xD No parents is great but sometimes y'all are pain int he butt. I'm not going to cook later for dinner, we're going to Sonic or Subway :D

Love, Your pretty older sister :p
Dear you,

I did express my uncertainty of the situation, and I did say that I wouldn't be jumping straight in with it. Well, you pushed me so hard that I as-good-as fell in. Now my head is swimming with thoughts of how to get out. I did try and subtly tell you, and I think you knew what I was doing, and that's why you've been acting the way you have. Please don't make this more complicated than it needs to be. I'm trying to do this gently to save your feelings (especially after how things went the last time this happened) and I don't want to upset you, because I do like you, but things have changed.

I will try to speak to you on the subject when I can, before it is too late.

- Me.
Dear, Mother

You fail on hiding secrets, you told on the way to Lowe's that your favorite child is my older brother and you seems to ignore me at the back seat when you said it. Now I know the truth.

Sincerely, Your Daughter
Dear, Home

Yay! I missed you so much

Love, Your owner (Well, part owner :p )
Dear you,

You asked me a question, and I answered it. Don't bless me out because you don't like the answer. Why did you bother asking me in the first place?

Dear Throat,

Damn you and your delayed reaction :glare:

- In Pain
Dear Essay

Lets be have ye

- Determained yet lazy
Dear you,

I know that soon you will find out that she has broken up with her boyfriend and that you two will get together because you're a sweet, smart, handsome person but I can't hang out with you two anymore. My self-esteem, which is already at all-time lows, would never recover from seeing my best friend and crush together. I'm sorry that we won't be able to be friends anymore because I do enjoy your company, even when I'm not acting like a silly teenager.

Your former friend.
Dear FitzPatrick,

I know it may sound strange, but thank you for not picking me. I know I had my heart set on you at one point but my heart really wasn't in you anymore.

- Happy about being rejected :D
Dear Fado Irish Pubs,

THANK YOOOOOU! For the interview offer on Tuesday. I have 10 mins and I promise I won't disappoint. I reaaalllllyyy want you and you're my last hope for the US (for now) so please accept me :D

- Excited.
Dear Paris Hilton,

If you need a Tv show to help you find a best friend, your more fake than I thought.
- I would not want to be your best friend
Nick to his pizza:
Could you possibly get more
perfect, yummy, great?
Dear Dunedin

Honestly, could weather get any more bipolar? It was raining on Friday and I got a cold, and now I'm practically melting because it's so warm and sunny and I look stupid having a cold. Argh!

- sitting with a cold on a 20 degree day
Dear Fridge,
Why do you have to be so good and full of delishiousness?
I don't even think I can resist you for the next ten minutes.
I want my midnight snack now.
The guy that loves food.
Dear car repair center.

How dare you bring me here at 8 in the morning and then not even look at the car till 3 pm?

Yours truly,
An annoyed Claire.
Dear, Cousin from Japan

I hope y'all are all right there, I know what happened to your country and I really wish you all are safe.

Love, Your cousin
Dear, Work

I love you so much, you give me money and you give me happiness as well even though cleaning rooms are very hard.

Sincerely, The employee
Dear, Lab Instructor

OMG! you are so right about the comment on my lab paper, I love you now.

Love, Your Student
Dear School,

Why must have I freaky day dreams about some guy coming in and killing us all, on my way to you? And then you let teachers give us homework, cough math cough. Not cool.

-You know the complainer

Dear Walmart,
Stop saying my laptop is still being processed. I payed $19.97 of shipping so I'd have it by tomorrow! So it better be here when I get home tomorrow or you are going down!!!!!!
-Love, your excited customer (this means I'll have more HNZ time when i get it)((plus it's really pretty, all flowery)

Dear Winnifred, (my dog)
Stop snoring at night, it is soooo not cool. And yeah I know I get up at 5:30 on weekdays but stop waking me up at the time on the weekend, sleep in for once, ya know?!
Your mommy.
Dear local Hospital,

Get common sense and smarter doctors/nurses.

Dear Devc ++ , programming,

why do you have to be so hard? And why was it that whenever I would write my codes, it wouldn't work? You wouldn't run it at all, when my codes where just the same as my classmate's? And why was it that you have to be so hard? Jeez.. it's not like you are our major subject. And by the way, do you have to be so unfair? Why was the problem given to the other students was much easier than the problem given to us. :cry: That is so NOT FAIR. Why have to be stressful?
Dear Essay,

I hate you but you're done now and when I hand you in tomorrow it will be the greatest feeling, EVAR! :frantics:

- Tired Student
Dear rain,

Because of you, my day has been much easier ^_^
Thanks a bunch!

-Happy girl
Dear little brother

Don't ask me if I want to play after a hard work's day, of course I don't want to play, I just came home from work and you saying that I need a work out made me mad but, of course, I didn't make the mad face. I work as a housekeeper and cleaning rooms is a work out, I clean 20+ rooms everyday and you ask me if I want to play? grow up!!! your almost ten years old!!! You should have understand me ... I don't know if your getting any gifts from me on your birthday.

Sincerely your nice sister
Dear younger sisters

Oh, WOW! me being a housekeeper and cleaning rooms is not a work out?!?!?!?! I'm always at work, I work for 8 hours and you just work for how many hours? 3 or 4 hours? Why did I got you as my sister? ... I hate you, you always gives me the glares whenever dad praises me and saying his proud of me, I never have a dad get that on your mind, you should be thankful that you got a step-sister that is very nice and doesn't boss you around. Whenever dad asks me if your boyfriend can come in the house I always say yes because I can't complain because you glare at me ... If you graduate in High School, you will know how hard I work for everyone in the family.

Sincerely your step-sister
Dear Family,

Everyone deals with death differently. I don't think it's fair that you all judge me so harshly for dealing with it in my own way. I don't like appearing weak and vulnerable so I'd rather pretend that nothing is wrong. The rest of you can stay bummed out and miserable but I refuse to. I'm an adult so I figure it's about time that I made me own decision's. You all can either live with that or fine a way to stop me.

Either way, good luck,
♥ Jessye
Dear ♥,

‎1 Universe, 8 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, 800 billion people, and your still, and always will be, the only one I want.

Same ol Me

Dear Person.

Please learn to get your facts straight. I hate that people have missed out here, but honestly? Had I not made arrangements with my whole group of friends who I sit with every day and have more in common with than you would think, I would take [saidperson] into my group. But, we are full, and we've even had to arrange it so that our group is in two different cabins; the ones who want to sleep and the ones who do not. And as for activity groups, I am in a group with other people who take part in Geography, because that is how it works. The policy is we do our work in a group with other people's work from that specific class. This is because it is an NCEA assessment in which the Geography and Biology classes do different research. Trust me, there will be a lot of time for fun chats and mischief with people, not restricted to our activity groups. We are, after all, year twelve and mature enough for the teachers to trust us at nighttime, and not stand guard outside each door to prevent us from consorting with other people.
I do not want to come across as a b!tch, as per freaking usual, I simply want to get the facts straightened out for everyone before it turns everything upside down- and by doing it here all people concerned will be able to see my opinion.

Lots of love,
Oh hi there, life.

Can you please slow down? I do not like being this titchy and stressed out, I do not like snapping when my friends get upset. Every day I am happy to be supportive, because they need it and I am happy to be there for them. For one day though, ONE DAY. Could my conversations be happy with them instead of depressing again?
I care so, so much about my friends.
I just can't be the strong one every day.
Is that wrong?

With concern,

Dear Lab Project

Dude, when am I going to start you? I hate procrastinating but I can't help it, its so tempting. Your due on April 4 and its next-next week, help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely The Procrastinator Student
Dear Harry Potter First Book

Your not yet half open, I'm still in the same chapter which is chapter one 'the boy who lives' page 16, dude, I want to finish you.

Sincerely The Girl Who Distracts A Lot
Dear Work,

You suck :glare: It's bad enough that I now have to work ever Sunday which means you pretty much ruin my weekends because I have to come home now just as I was beginning to enjoy full lazy weekends in Belfast. But the fact that you bring me into work every Sunday and not even tell me and make me have to figure it out myself while Chris mentions something about it in passing is taking the buscuit, really, I mean come's a joke!! Heck I didn't even need a phone call, a email would even have been nice.

I can't wait until the summer when I'm out of here and I'm soo happy that I never have to see that b!tch again that you're bringing back.

- Disgrunted Employee

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