Dear [Whomever]

Dearest "Dear [Whomever]",

The letters posted to you never cease to frighten, scare, and amaze me. They, indeed, confirm that some thoughts are best left inside.

Thank you for that clarification.

Here's to another letter,

Dear Self,

Chill does NOT imply that you have to get a cold. :glare:

Sincerely, shivering.
Dear You,

Whoa, I got a reply. AND you made last night hell for me AND my friend.
You could maybe finally tell me what this is all about.

Sincerely, Furious.

Dear Pikachu,​
You are so much stronger than a Raichu and I am forver greatful that you haven't evolved yet. You and Ash have had many adventures together and i have enjoyed every single one of them. Please don't ever evolve because you are so cute and FLUFFY! Plus, you are original like that and don't be a conformist and evolve into a stupid Raichu like all of the other Pikachus. Raichu's are ugly anyway.
Anna ♥

Dear person who gave me this character,​
THANK YOU! I am practically in love with Laura, Minus the fact that I'm straight and Laura isn't real or anything. She's so adorable and I am doing my first Romantic RP because of you. I have made the coding on Laura's posts look so cute and I couldn't be more happy with you! I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this band thing is going to work out this time. We just need to work hard and do as much as we can before I go to LA and hand our demo that doesn't exist yet to all the record companies. I can't wait for this year and I 'm glad you are going to be a big part of it. You have made my life bearable over the past few months, they sure have ben rocky and you have helped me so much without even trying. You are my shining star and an honest friend. I just wanted you to know that. Also, BREAK UP WITH HIM ALREADY.
With much love,
Anna ♥

Dear Raichus​
I'm so sorry for what seems like my discrimination towards your kind. I was just stating that Ash's Pikachu should never evolve because it is perfect the way it is. I am apologizing for any sadness amung the other electric Pokemon i may have caused. All electric Pokemon are cool and I don't have a favorite Pokemon type or a favourite Pokemon for that matter. I was just stating my Opinion on the evolution of the most Iconic Pokemon in the world.
Anna ♥

Sorry I wasn't good enough for you.
I tried.

The girl you hurt
Dear Diet,
Isn't ironic that there is "die" in diet?

Meh. I hate you.

Starvation Girl
Dear A**hole who is mocking me,

I can't believe that you did that to embarrass me! I was nice to you and you are mocking me because nobody would help me with something so i made a decision to try something new myself. I have NEVER done that before and even though you took the name off everyone will still know it was me. Because of the who it is F**K YOU. It wasn't my fault that nobody told me what to do. It wasn't my fault that you were selfish and inconsiderate enough to do that to somebody new who didn't know very much. You could've at least been courteous enough to take a quiet spin on things. BUT YOU JUST HAD TO MOCK ME WHERE EVERYBODY COULD SEE IT. I hope you die a painful death. I will NEVER want be nice to you again. I have an anxiety disorder, and you just made me get really sick. Don't give me all this S**t like "I didn't know, sorry." Which you wont. Because it's already too late. Everything you did always looked crap anyway, i can't believe you even bother. Maybe that's why nobody wants your work.

The girl who is too anxious to breathe properly and too embarrassed to ever leave the house again and hates you too much to even sign her name.
Dear person who recieved my once favourite character;

I really hope the band thing works out too, I'm not so pleased that my family didn't manage to get the house so we can't have our Monday afternoon practices, though! You are amazing- 'nuff said and sorry I can't write very much because I'm in a hurry. ♥ you heaps, and NOBECAUSEIDECIDEDNOTTO. :p

♥ Olivia
Dear summary essay,

Write yourself. That is all.

:) Mandrake
Dear person that once thanked me for receiving her once favourite character,

I am glad you like that our band is going to work. We just need to work really hard and make ourselves perfect. I have written two songs from scratch lyrics AND guitar so we could use them or not. I am not sure if they are good or not they are pretty simple though. I just realised, if you rearrange the letters in "Opinion" and take a few letters out you can make the word "Onion" that is so cool! Lol, random moment there. I just need to ask you an Onion on the songs. I'm going to use the word Onion istead of Opinion now untill i is bored of it. I am such a weirdo. Oh well, it's funny to me and maybe someone else that has a mind as f**ked up as i do. Have i met anybody like that yet? I can't remember. Huh, funny. I digress, I love you and you are so cool and i can't wait untill i invite you over to Dad's to practice and get really good at being rockstars. We can sock it to the man that opposes us. We both know exactly who that is. I love you!

Anna ♥
Dear, Mother dear of mine

Why do you want to refund my tuition fee from College? Is it because I don't want to massage your feet? Or just making me feel bad? Whatever your trying to say, don't say it. I might b!tch slap you in the face.

Sincerely, Your daughter who massage your feet
Dear, College

I hope the Coles Building isn't that far from the parking lot, you know my brother is a slow driver and its raining. Please make a parking spot unoccupied on Wednesday night, I would appreciate that and its cold as well at night.

Sincerely, The student who is ready for spring semester
Dear, Sam Winchester

Are you half-Demon or you just have the blood of a demon? I'm so confuse right now. I want answers.

Sincerely, The confuse girl who watch supernatural
Dear, January 24

Hurry up, so I can watch the new episode of supernatural :)

Sincerely, The nice girl
Dear Warmth,
You do not exist in my house, I am freaking cold. What the fudge?! Can you please make yourself useful and appear in my house! I am always under the covers, I hate it cause I need your warmth and your being a cheap company!
The cold blooded girl-

Dear younger brothers,
I hate you.
Sign, watch your back xxx

Dear Older Brother,
I ♥ You, you understand me. Its weird cause we use to fight a lot like world war two, now your like the only person that understands me sometimes. I ♥ you more cause your a good dad to your baby girls :wub: and its hard to see that today in our society. You have grown a lot and its sometimes unreal to me the way we use to be. You still have more room to grow (just like I do) but no matter, still ♥ and admire ya!

Sign, tu manita grande xD
Dear Brother,

You suck! You practically ruined my night. I get out for the first time in months with my friends and you leave that guilt hanging over me. So what if I forgot 2/3 times, you had it right there for over a month, take responsibility for your own poop - I ain't taking it. I hope you're happy that I cut my night short for you :glare:

- Annoyed younger sister
Dear Hotel Motel Crew,

♥ j00 loads. I don't even want to think about what next year it going to be like without seeing you all practically everyday. But congrats and good luck to those who got placement today and thanks for the awesome night, you never fail :wub:

- Hotel Motel Member :hug:
Dear, Homework paper

Dang, first time I started doing you, I have to chew a gum for my brain to get up and do its work. But I'm seeing your going to finish up and ready to be printed tomorrow ... And I don't know about my extra credit, I have more time but the main paper has to be done and revise tonight.

Sincerely, The Procrastinator
Dear, Being Human Series

I started watching you this afternoon and your story is awesome, a vampire, werewolf and a ghost in one house? That's an original story line. Keep doing great episodes.

Sincerely, The girl who's getting addicted to watch you
Dear University

Please don't overwhelm me this year.
I know I have to re-do that arts paper
because the Dance teacher practically failed everyone.
Thank you Thank you.

No Love for you,

Dear Saint Anthony, Patron of Lost Things.

Thanks to you, I have found my DSi Charger.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I've been trying to find this for months!

♥ Missy
(Now I can play Hotel Dusk again! ♥)

Dear ___________

I'm really sick of your attitude
how you are putting people down just so you can make yourself feel better
I hate the fact that your pushing your friends away
and I hate your self-obsessiveness, spoiltness and practically almost everything.

Rarr. Just be your normal self.
I really don't hate you, just dislike you at the moment.
I miss the old you, The new you makes me angry.


dear you;

I think I know what to blame, I know that living with Dad in Australia and us in NZ was gonna cause trouble. So you don't need to act high and mighty about it, you don't even care! How can you sympthasise with dad over this? I don't want to see you hurting us anymore, you're just keeping on with his lies. Get a life.

-your granddaughter.
Dear 318

I really like you.

Why did you have to mention the girl who made my life hell? I mean she was the one who started the whole "Maia's a freak and a weirdo" parade.

I know you don't know what she did- black mail, name-calling, making me feel like I'm a terrible, useless person , but you know that it annoys me when you mention her, and your FRIEND saw what you didn't. He saw that I was upset, and you looked in my eyes and kept going. He told you to stop and you did-I think you saw it, and you spent the next class staring at me, but I didn't look back, I was upset-not with you, but everything she did was going through my head, I'm messed up-don't you understand that?

I know it makes no sense, but she still has a hold over me, and just thinking about her makes me insecure.

I'm sorry if you think I'm mad.

Dear Head,

What's your problem? Is there really any need for you to be hurting all the time? I expect you to fix yourself by tomorrow because I'd start to start my new classes off in a good mood.

The owner of the head.

Dear Memory of a Once Awesome Person,

So there was a time when I thought you were a cool person and I thought we could be friends, but then you screwed me over and ever since I've found nothing but growing hate for you. I don't like that you came back and I'd really like to never have to really see your face or hear your name again, that's just how much I don't miss you. Everything was so easy when you were gone, with you back it just complicates everything. No one really remembers you anyways accept the stupid a**-kissers who really only like you for one reason. I'd like to be friends, really I would, but I just can't because that dislike I have you is stronger. You bring the school down, you really do. So here's hoping that you leave again.

Not a Friend
Dear Semester,

Thank you for being awesome! Nothing Below a B is something I can handle.

The Good Student

Dear you,

I hate you as well. Don't fret, the feelings are one hundred percent mutual. I only wish you weren't such a baby about it and acted your age instead of a like a stereotypical high school mean girl. It's really just sad.

Alexis Marie


Dear users of the word 'retarded',

It's offensive to use that word and hurtful. If you were aiming to look like an ignorant jerk, congratulations. You have succeeded.

Sibling of a mentally handicapped boy.
Dear, College

I know your campus is not that big but why I got lost and walked for 5 minutes and gave up and then just called my dad for a ride? Then we drive around the campus and got late for 5 minutes, I was lucky its just the start of my lab and its fine. Please, next time don't make me late, I want a certificate for attendance.

Sincerely, The girl who got late
Dear, School Internet

Why the heck I can't connect to your system? I was eager to role play for a few minutes while were on break but I fail to connect. Next time, please connect at the internet.

Sincerely, The HNZ girl
Dear Dr. Pepper,

Thanks so much for tasting good. You were just what I wanted.


Dear _____,

The answer to your question is no. I don't miss any of those people, and I can't believe that you do. If you've decided to forget how they treated you and all the times I stood up for you, then fine. But, you're on your own this time. I will not be there when they show their true natures. Maybe you're right. Maybe they have changed. I doubt it though. I just think he's changed and you think that means the whole group has changed. Remember...he was always the nice one. The others...not so much. So, good luck with them and good luck with that whole situation. I hope it works out, I really do.

Dear Grandmother.

Wow. How can you just keep on decieving us? How can you say you love us when you're telling stories for your son, you're helping him lie to us about this and it's really just not fair.

Please, grow up because this is nothing to be proud of. And if you think you're going to get regular trips to Brisbane out of this, think not because at least Mike and I take priority in that respect. Even though we'll have to meet his girlfriend, we need you to be less 'trying-to-understand' and more 'I'm-disappointed-in-my-son-for-his-affair'. It's making it all so hard on me and especially my brother, and something's gonna give soon.

♥ your Granddaughter who you're lying to.
Dear peeps of BOA,

Grow the f*ck up. Do not blame me for your issues. Seriously, you are making me colder and hating of people more so than I already do.

Your Associate

Dear others,

Read above.

Sir Kaitlyn

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