Dear [Whomever]

Dear You

Why have you let your life spiral out of control like this? Is it that hard not to be able to know what you are feeling :correct: It is most frustrating and for the past seven months its been the same. Every time. It hasn't changed. Why can't you or your friends accept the how things are and move on? Get that one silly, unrealistic thought out of your head and you can move on with your life. God, things would be so much easier. I want you to go back to the days when you knew what you were feeling and why! You are always biting at the people you love instead of enjoying their company. Get a hold of yourself and if you are feeling down, don't tell your friends anymore because they are probably just sick of it. Just right it down and suck it up. There is no point getting so emotional over this. K?

Maybe after the show, things will change? Who knows, you'll just have to wait and see

Dear brain,

Please let me live again. I hate feeling like this. I hate screwing up and giving up and being a constant failure. I hate not having any motivation. I would give anything to be able to wake up and work through this and have everything work again. I don't like simply existing. I just want all this to go away so I can stop being so messed up.

Sincerely, the girl who's screwed up her life yet again.
Dear whatever gods of fortune are out there,

Please let me have that $500 statue of Ganondorf, I'm madly in love with it. =))
Dear World,

I did something very stupid, while overly tired and angry. Now, it could go badly, or wonderfully, and I can't determine which.


Dear monster
you may think you are good and right but i want her back and I will fight until you give her up. you may think you are winning and you may be at the moment but you don't know the half of it. We ARE going to kick your ugly ass out of the picture so be warned. when before she met you she was a happy healthy fun girl to be around. now it feel like walking on egg shells when you talk to her as one wrong thing could send her off into a mad panic. she is just a shell of who she was.
so please remember to keep looking over your shoulder because we will fight back and we will destroy you

Dear you
I love you. you know i do. but cant you see what you are doing to yourself. to the family. I know you are ill and you cant help it but please try to get better. even the little thinks like almond milk will make things better. small steps is all we ask. please it hurts seeing you stressing out in the evenings because you can't grasp trig or because you haven't written he lyrics. old you may have gotten stressed but you wouldn't have been unconsolable. and what happened to the girl who convinced her friends a few years ago that she was a werewolf because she didn't get cold. now you always seem to be in front of a heater. seeing you in that dress last night scared me. how it was big for you yet would hardly zip up on me. I hate how this is stressing people out, and how it is increasing the tension in the house too.
please for the sake of everyone try and get better. try not to stress her out so much and try almond milk even though i know it tastes bitter.
from confused and disheartened.

Dear friend.
please can we meet up for a coffee (it doesn't necessarily have to be a coffee, tea, hot chocolate, chi letter or lunch will work just as well if not better than coffee) I have a lot to say to get off my chest but don't know how to say it or who to. all my closest friends are over seas for the break. actually don't worry about it. I know i would never tell you anyway. i wouldn't ant to add additional stress to your most likely already stressful life. just know that although i don't seem to have much to say as you talk about preservative calculations in insulin or what you have ben up to i have a lot to say and don't know how or when to say it.
please tell me who you are.
Dear you guys,

I still have to pinch myself because I can't believe someone good like you two is in my life. ♥
If it weren't for you, I doubt I would know what happiness is. Despite the craziness. And the twisting of the Lion King. Here's a reminder: "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... ♪ "
And you, you are the best mom in the world. I can't believe what a brat I was in the past, but you are just so good to me. And yes, that steam mop is mine since I traded the coffee pot for it.

Girl with the best people.
Dear best friend,

You know you can tell me everything and I know something is bothering you, why wont you tell me? All the things that you send me almost look teasing you want to make jealous right? You never invite me and if I want to do something with you, you always give the excuse of work, you only reply when I say something and that is more that you have too reply to me. I thought we were friends and that the period of ignoring was over, but hey you are still doing weird and I hope that I can help you with what ever it is that is bothering you, you know that when you talked to me when nothing went great I felt better, why wont you let me help you, that is why we are best friends. We haven't seen each other in a while, because you say you always have to work and when you are free from work you do not talk to me. The videos of your swimming pool are very teasing since you know it is downright freaking hot here. I wished you could read this, because I can not tell you this.. I am afraid you would get angry on me..

Best Regards,

Your best friend Tamara.
Dear last night,

WTF. First internet goes out so I can't do anything. Then you make me slice my finger open! I need to RP and now my favorite finger is missing a piece. A tiny piece but regardless I need to type again.
Please heal.
But last night, I hated you.

~ Me
Dear School

Contrary to belief. I REALLY WANT YOU BACK!

Dear people,

Why are you so greedy? Why does everything always have to be about money? Surely if you cared about what you were doing and enjoyed it you wouldn't need to milk everyone for as much as they're worth. I used to like you, but now I can see that all you care about is making some quick cash. Glad I stopped being a part of it while I could!
P.S. Thanks for nothing.
Dear Hot Water Heater,

Why did you have to break? Cold showers suck. I hate you. <3

A person who like showers
Dear Best Friend(or so I thought),

I honestly have no idea what changed during this summer between us. I haven't heard from you since before I went to field school, such a long time ago. We were both here early for the leadership conference, I looked forward to seeing you, spending time with you again cause you're my best friend! I told you things about myself that no one else at college knows and you did the same with me! We were so close last semester and the summer separated us, and apparently for good. Considering the fact you clearly avoid me, ignore my texts and just walk away whenever I approach you, as fast as you can. You most likely know exactly how much that hurts me, confuses me, and gives me stress. Cause you know me. I even had to ask our other best friend if he could tell you that I want to talk with you, catch up and find out whatever it is going on between us. Cause clearly I can't go straight to you cause you just shut the door in my face.

I miss you. And I still care about you even if you don't care about me any longer. Heck even your old roommate and now apartment mate likes me and talks with me, he used to give the impression he couldn't stand me! Why have the roles reversed for you two? You've made me cry before and I tell myself this is not one of those times but sometimes I just miss you and seeing you talk with others and hug them makes it really hard to understand life, and I'm confused. I really don't need this stress, just tell me to my face you're done with me or not. Cause I can't stand the waiting on the fence I'm having to do right now.

A person who still cares about you, no matter what.
To my characters:

I am so, so sorry I abandoned you all, maybe you'll make it into one of my stories someday.

The irresponsible writer
Dear Shift Managers,

I told you weeks in advance that I was headed back to College, and that meant I needed my hours reduced. During the summer I pestered you guys for more hours and you refused to give them to me because there were people that needed the hours more. Which is fine. But why would you try to give them to me now, when I've clearly told you that I can't afford to be at work all the time? Do you ever listen to me when I tell you these things? I'm not going to let you guys bully me into taking more hours than I can handle this year.

The Fed up Employee.
Dear Doctor Know-It-All

The name itself is a lie, you know nothing. I don't know how you got your license, because I am not pregnant and there is literally no way I could be, you know unless my name is Mary! Please go back and get you medical degree properly, then maybe you can tell me why I am in pain. :glare:
Dear Nasty Bus Driver,
The man was wearing business attire - he needed to get to work. You could have stopped at the bus stop in front of him, but you didn't. You just kept driving because you are nasty. :(
You can glare at me all you want. I am glad I waved you down and proceeded to search for the money I did not have in order to delay you enough to let that man on board. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
And yes, I will sit in all my good karma wearing a bright grin as you drive away, because I stand by my decision and you were just being mean.

Dear Business Man,
I hope you try and get to the bus stop on time tomorrow - I won't be there. Thank you for trying to be courteous, and I'm sorry for being so pushy about getting you on the bus - but it wasn't my bus! I had no money to get on the bus with, you silly man. xD I only waved it down so you did not have to continue running and possibly be late to work.
I hope you got to work okay.
P.S You wore a super snappy tie!

Dear Smith Family,

Don't even bother asking me any-more. Just put my name down and tell me later. I'll be glad to do it. :)

Your Poster Girl.
Dear me:

Actually take your meds and actually go to the gym, lazy s***. You're paying for all of this.
Dear job interviews,

Pleeeease hire me immediately! Well, I would prefer to work at Battlegrounds cause well, video games!
But I really need this job! Either one!

~ Broke girl
Dear Kaitlyn & Jessye,

Thaaaaank you. It's about damn time you guys got Osa and Damian back together! :wub:

If you break them up again, we're gonna have problems. :glare:

Proud shipper of Damstensia (I'm still working on their ship name :p )
Dear You,

Just, ouch.

Dear chocolate,

Damn you and your melt in the mouth chocolaty glory :glare:

The healthy wannabe
Dear car,

If this doesn't fix you and all your exhaust-spilling-into-the-car-with-misfire-and-stalling-and-drink-tons-of-gas, we are going to have issues.
Also, change your tire standard size. I can't find the best ones for what you say in your door, and it is aggravating. And your ABS light better stay off once new brake pads go on.

~ Tired of being carbon monoxide poisoned
Dear Mam,

I know you think I'm being silly, but the reason I wanted to watch that film with you, was because we never get to spend time together properly during the week. You're always too stressed out, and we don't just do things together. The weekend is the only time we do, and that's why it hurts that the one night of the week that I was out, you decided to watch it without me; even though I'd told you that I wanted to watch it with you. I know it seems silly, but I just wish you'd waited.

~Your upset daughter.
Dear heart,

You need to stop falling for people who will never like you that way. You KNOW that you have no chance in this case, but you do it anyway. I guess you like hurting yourself, don't you? He's made it obvious he thinks you're too young for him (even though it's only a 6 year gap - no, heart, don't make excuses) and while he's kind to you he's probably just being friendly and you probably annoy the hell out of him. Just stop.

- Sincerely, brain.


Dear you,

I'm not worth attempting to love. Please don't waste your time. I care about you a lot but I can't give you all of my heart, and I really don't want to see you hurt. I can't do a relationship between Australia and America anyway, it's too difficult for me to cope with. Please, it'll be better for both of us if you don't try to like me. My heart aches for someone else as it is.

- resident waifu

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