Dancing on the strings of my heart

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
Allison Beckett & Thomas Jusantrea Wedding
23. December 2060

The long-awaited day had finally arrived. Long planned and required a lot of anxiety and nerves. Thomas was already up early, because there was too much excitement and also the last things had to be done before the ceremony itself. Everything was done quickly, then slowly we had to go to the church. He would have wanted a small family wedding, but Allison wanted a big wedding and Thomas agreed.

Thomas went to church with his twins Dante and Volaine, and daughter. In the church where Allison's parents were married. He didn't mind the two of them getting married as well. There were still 40 minutes until the ceremony. The twins looked around, but he held Aranna in his arms. The plan was for the three of them to walk down the church aisle first, followed by Allison.

Presently guests had to be welcomed and nerves calmed down.
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Abner was excited for the first wedding among his children- even if the most expected one. He made sure to get dressed nicely and couldn't even begin to express his gratitude that he was able to bring @Eddie Kane with him. He'd never thought it would be possible- to actually have a date with Eddie, but somehow things were just lining up. He walked in in his best suit, Eddie by his side, and found Thomas with his grandchildren. He smiled, impossibly happy, and walked up to the man. "And how's my baby girl?" He cooed, stopping by Thomas and offering out his hand to the man. "And my son, of course, how are you feeling?" He asked, giving them his brightest smile. "Ready for your big day?"
Casper was eager for Allisons wedding. They'd all been waiting for it, and he admitted to himself that it made him eager for his own wedding to Linden. He was dressed in his best suit. He threw a smile to Thomas as he stood there, but let him be with Uncle Abner and Uncle Eddie, and instead found his way to his seat. "I feel like I have to have paint somewhere," He confided to Linden, brushing at his suit. "Do you see any paint?" He asked, looking to his date. @Linden Cullen
Asher was both oddly excited and a bit nostalgic for his little sisters wedding. He found a nice suit, got Dashley dressed up in a pretty little dress, and he was fussing with his hair as they walked in. "How do I look? Proper enough?" He fussed to Archie, refolding the hems of his sleeves for the hundredth time and fussing with his hair. "I can't believe my lemon drop is getting married," He mumbled, finding their seats,, fidgeting now with his tie and humming a bit with worry. @Archie Renner
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If Addison wasn't her sisters maid of honor, she'd never wear a dress this form fitting. But Allison had picked it, and she was determined to give her sister the best day possible. She fussed a bit with her hair, thinking over everything again as she moved to her assigned seats with Augustus. She wanted to check in on him, despite all of her busy duties as the maid of honor. She stopped by his seat, giving him a warm smile. "Hey, Augy, how are you holding up?" She asked, forcing her mind to settle a bit and instead just focusing on her boyfriend. @Augustus Westwick
Linden couldn’t believe it. He and cas had been together almost exactly four years ago to the day, and here they were hand in hand at a wedding. The only thing disappointing about the scenario was that it wasn’t theirs. Not that he had to wait long for that.
He was dressed in a good suit and had put the effort in to making sure it was styled nicely.
As they entered the church he looked around. It was a long time since he had been in a church. And never for a ceremony? Service? His family were not exactly religious. Or maybe they were but it was more mature based but than structured religion.
He smiled and greeted his friend and his soon to be family before taking a seat next to Cas. He smiled Casper’s question. ”you wouldn’t be you without paint on you somewhere darling” he said let me have a look he said cupping caspers face in his hand and leaning close looking at him for a second before leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek. no you are all good. That was just a freckle he teased as he moved back.
Dash had been fussing all day over the fact she wasn't the flower girl and her dress wasn't the right colour. He had tried to both explain they had little time to buy a new dress and also convince her she was as perfect in powder blue as she was in any other colour, but no matter how hard he tried she was pouting as they arrived to the church for the ceremony. Archie was looking forward to seeing Asher's sister get married and celebrating the bride and groom's happiness but was presently distracted by his daughter's mood. He had tried to apologize to Dash and promise he would get her two new dresses after that day, but she wasn't having any of it as she crossed her arms and frowned. Archie couldn't help but frown in turn before he turned his attention to Asher, then quickly feeling his expression soon soften as he smiled. "Of course, you look great." Archie responded, sighing gently and trying to show Asher he meant what he had said in spite of his stress over Dashley's tantrum. "I'm sure it will be an awesome wedding." Archie added, sure that the impending ceremony would be beautiful and hopeful that the couple would have the wedding of their dreams.
@Asher Beckett
Cas blushed as Linden moved in closer before he giggled shyly, tilting his head a little to give Linden easier access to his cheek. He sat down himself, straightening his suit again and offering out his hand. "I'm glad that Allie and Thomas are finally getting married- I thought she might make him wait forever before she finally said yes." He chuckled, looking around. "I forget how big our family is sometimes," He gave Lin an easy smile. "We should see who's catering today, see how good the food is," He spoke softly, his mind drifting to their own upcoming wedding. @Linden Cullen
Basil was excited to go to a wedding, and he wished he'd thought to ask a date to the event. So instead, he was just going to keep an eye out and see if anyone in the family was here on their own so he could hang out with them instead. For now, though, he was walking in with his mom and younger brother, little Georgie resting on his hip as he held her. He let the others find a seat for them all, waving to a few people he knew with a bright smile before putting Georgie into Mirans' lap and dropping into a seat on the other side of his mom. He put his arm around her chair. "Weddings are fun, when do we eat?" He asked the pair with a mischevious grin. He was looking forward to the drinks and dancing, especially.
Miran had been surprised to be included in Allisons invitation to her wedding. He knew her a little bit- she was an adopted cousin of Caspers, and he'd met her a time or two before. But he was touched, so he'd dressed up, pulled his hair back in a low ponytail. He'd even found a really cute dress for Georgie. He hummed softly, setting her diaper bag down under his chair as he sat down. He took his daughter happily, who was immediately playing with his tie and sucking on her pacifier. He smiled at Martine and Miran. "It shouldn't be too long, I think, probably after the ceremony?" He offered, having not been to a wedding before and thinking of what he'd heard.
Martine was so excited for Allison's wedding. She loved weddings, they were such beautiful events. It was always so nice to have all the family around. She was surrounded by her children too, which felt even better. their life in New Zealand was just amazing. She was able to work a little less, and work on her art more. She was able to spend time with her boys, and her beautiful daughters and now granddaughter. Georgie was a surprise, but goodness did Martine love her. She looked so sweet in her little dress. "Oh goodness, already thinking about food?" she teased her son with a smile. "I'm worried about ruining my make up when this inevitably makes me cry," she said. "Allison is going to make such a beautiful bride."
Willow had been supprised to have received an invite to Alison and Thomas’ wedding. they werent particulally close. and not really related though though siblings, adopted and actual the Becketts Cullens and Kinnek's were all intermixed. She had arrived a little, not late, but certainly not early and gone to find a seat. there were two next to lin and cas but they were also currently acting all lovey and she didnt neciserrily want to interupt them. or have to watch their flirting all ceromony. so instead she found a seat near the kinnek's "Hey Martine, Basil, Miran. is it okay if i sit here" she asked. before taking the seat next to basil.
when she looked up she saw lin and cas were kissing and was again glad that she hadn't sat next to them instead she rolled her eyes "how come everyone at weddngs is all so lovey dovey, i mean way to make the rest of us feel bad" she said to no one in particular, more teasing than complaining.
Linden took caspers hand in his lacing their fingers together and leaning against him os their shoulders and amrs were pressed together. "I am glad they are too" he said. looking up to the front of the church at thomas standing up there and he pictured himself in that place waiting for his groom to walk down the aisle to him. not that they had planned the specific run of who would be were yet. but in this daydream that is where he would be. he smiled as cas asked if they could find out who the caterer is. "I did offer to make you breakfast so dont complain that you are hungry now" he teased. we can find out after the ceromony. and taste to out if it is someone we could consider or avoid" he said. letting go of caspers hand an puttin his arm instead around his shoulder. one day soon this will be us. and i cant wait until the day i get to be your husband" he whispered as though it was a secret just between them even though everyone in the family had long since known about their engagement.
Asher smiled at Archie, relaxing a bit, and turned his smile to Dashley. "Sweetness, if you can behave for this, then what do you say later we go out for ice cream? And if you'd like, we can arrange a wedding for your stuffed animals at home and we'll buy you the prettiest dress ever and you can be their flower girl?" He offered quietly, trying to help to calm her down while simultaneously reaching for Archie's hand, as always looking to keep his love close. @Archie Renner
Casper laughed. "Hey, I didn't want to fill up before we got here," He countered. He smiled at the man and knocked his shoulder against Lindens gently. "Neither can I, but if you keep it up you'll convince me to elope and then what will we do with all those wedding plans?" He teased, stretching a bit and looking around. "I'm surprised Allison invited so many people from our side of the family, but it was sweet of her. Looks like Willow and Basil are hanging out, and Miran brought Georgie, and mom," He smiled, waving back at his niece as she looked at him. @Linden Cullen
Linden rolled his eyes slightly. "So it wasn't that you were just too excited and anxious to eat." he teased. at caspers comment about eloping he bit hos lip slightly. "If that is what you want we can elope tomorrow. just not in a church. and we could still hold a party in july to celebrate" he said as though he was seriously considering it "but be warned Tara and Wills may potentially gang up and kill us" he said. "Don't get me wrong, death by sister is a risk I am willing to take if you want to, but I would rather we both keep all of our limbs intact", he said. looking where Casper was gesturing as he spoke and nodded at his sister " Yes, it was very nice of her to invite is all." he said. he guesed with him and cas and tara and stan, and whatever was going on with Willow and Basil, it was sort of hard to define where each family began ended. "It's a shame Tara and Stan couldnt make it" he mused, he hadnt heard from either of them in a while.

@Casper Beckett
Thomas looked at the people who were sitting in the church solo and hoped that he would be able to see one of his figures, his stepmother and both sisters. He knew that there would be no friends from Turkey, but he would definitely like to organize a small celebration for them and for his grandmother and grandfather when he and Allison go to Turkey. As they walked down the hall, Thomas noticed Abner coming towards them. The boys began to circle their grandfather, but Aranna held out her arms to Abner and smiled. ''She is doing well, although she was grumpy in the morning. '' he answered papa. He reached out in the direction of Abner's outstretched hand. ''I feel... to be honest, I'm very nervous,'' he gave a completely honest answer. "I'm ready, yes. I can't wait to finally be able to call the love of my life my wife.''

@Abner Becket
Miran chuckled, settling Georgie in his lap and rubbing her back gently. "You know his first love is a good meal," He teased them, smiling and nodding at Willow. "Hey, Wills. You know thats why they provide liqour- something for all us poor single folk to enjoy," He laughed, looking to his mom. "I brought some tissues, you'll be alright," He reassured her. @Martine Kinnek @Willow Cullen
Casper laughed. "And you already know I'll never admit to it even if that was the case," He winked playfully. He settled in his seat, lounging a bit as everyone was still milling around. He laughed again at Lindens suggestion. "Unfortunately we should probably wait- I'd rather not encure the wrath of the sisters," He teased. Though his smile did fade a little and he sighed. "I know she said something about 'exploring the wilds' but this feels a bit... off without Stan here." He would've looked to Allison but she was off somewhere getting ready. "I wonder how Allie is taking it... She and Stan have had ups and downs but they're still best friends," He sighed, fretting again. @Linden Cullen
Basil shifted immediately to lay his arm over the back of Willows chair. "We all know this is an expensive, grand gesture of showing off, and we come anyway for the free drinks," He teased, giving Willow a playful wink. "Three glasses of champagne from now and we'll hardly notice everyone being so sickingly loving," He chuckled, running a hand over his hair and mussing it a bit even though he knew he risked Martine smacking him for messing it up after she'd gone to the trouble of helping him style it. @Willow Cullen @Martine Kinnek
Abner chuckled, taking Thomas' hand in both of his before reaching to take Aranna and dropping his hand down to brush against the twins as they chased each other around his legs. "I'm sure she's nervous, too, but at the end of the day I'll take the kids and you two can retreat, relax, and just enjoy some quiet time away," He promised, chuckling. "You'll be fine," He tried to reassure the man. "You and Allison have been through a lot already, and I'm sure you can stand anything else life can throw at you." @Thomas Jusantrea
Willow smiled as basil moved shifting slightly as he put his arm around her chair. He had become a good friend to her over the years. Initially they were the two that were left togecer at family parties but they had grown close and had a lot in common often hanging out together outside of the family. ”you have got to love an expensive grand gesture. So long as you are not the one paying for it she said.
Then she chuckled. three champagnes in and I might not have to worry about being painfully single she teased winking back at basil as he ruffled his hair.
@Basil Kinnek
linden smirked. "what casper not eatign and then not admitting why, wow that is something new, mark the history books" he teased nuging him slightly. he smiled as cas said he would wait. "oh good. while i would do it if that is what you wanted, i would rather not provoke them"
but then he heard caspers tone and body language change and it wasn't really a stretch to think of what, or even who he was thinking about and he dropped his teasing attitude. "it's okay buttercup, I know. the two of them should have made it for this, even if just for the ceremony, i know it would mean a lot to Alli and thomas" he said reaching across and squeezing Caspers hand. They are alright, mum said she had a note the other day"[/b] he said. Reach for Casper's hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
Augustus honestly wasn't sure how he ended up here, at a wedding where he barely knew anyone. Okay, no, that wasnt true. He knew plenty of people here vaguely, but that was somehow worse. Still, when he managed not to focus so much on other people, he had to admit it was really beautiful, though he felt like someone his own age was way too young to get married. Augustus looked up when Addison spoke to him, giving her a nervous smile though he was relieved to see her. "I'm fine." He said quickly. "You?"

@Addison Beckett
Addison smiled warmly at Augustus, and shifted to sit with him, offering out her hand. "I'm doing good, all things considering," She confided in him. "I'm not super thrilled with the way this dress fits, but Allie loves it and I'm willing to put up with it for a day," She giggled softly. "Have you had the chance to talk with anyone?" She asked him. @Augustus Westwick

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