Closed Covering Our Hearts With New Tattoos

Cas chuckled softly. "It was just some artistic ramblings," He murmured. Seeing Lindens eyes on his lips, he chuckled, leaning down to kiss the man. "A good moonlit stroll sounds nice," He murmured, tracing his nose up Lindens cheekbone. "Should we take off our shoes and walk through the water?" He asked, rubbing his thumb gently against Lindens shoulder.
Lin felt cas lean in closer. before he felt caspers lips soft against his. he kissed cas back deepening it as he held him closer. "It really does." he muttered sighing at Casper's touch not reallywanting to move. but as cas asked if they should take their shoes off and walk in the water. "the sea may be a bit cold. but maybe we should take our shoes off just in case" he said. he let go of cas and ducked to take his shoes off. once he was done he tied them together and slung them around his neck before taking caspers hand again. "how about you tell me about your artistic musings as we walk" he said. slowly making his way towards the steps that led onto the beach.
Cas chuckled, doing the same as Linden with his shoes. They started walking again, Casper lacing their fingers and enjoying the feeling of sand between his toes. "I was just thinking about our tattoos," He told Linden. "The combination of winter and summer aesthetic," He murmured, rubbing his thumb gently against Lindens. He couldn't help but look between the stars coming out and the ocean.
they were quiet as they reached the sand. there was something about walking barefoot on sand that was relaxing. their grip shifted as their fingers interlaced. he looked up at cas. it was dark here. and cas was notmuch more than a silhouette some of the light from the city behind them setting the end of his hair aglow. "you know i noticed the same thing when we were looking at them." he said. "and if i had to put you as a season it would be summer, early summer, on the edge of spring when the days are warm but the world is still lush and green before things get too dry and hot." he said though that was where the analogy ended. he didn't particularly feel like winter. if he was to put himself to a season it would be autumn.
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Casper enjoyed the silence that fell between them, the comfort of just being in each others presence. He chuckled. "That was a lovely analogy," He complimented. "I think I see us as more opposites- the shy artist hidden inside and the bold adventurer lost in nature." He teased, squeezing Lindens hand. "Though I do think you would be very similar to a roaring fireplace in the middle of winter, crackling and warm, perfect to settle next to with a big blanket and a cup of cocoa, protecting from the bitter cold of the outside world." He knocked his hip against Lindens. "And you can't tell me that night wasn't warm- the drinks, the crowd, the lights," He smiled, remembering the contrast of Lindens warmth to the snowfall in Germany.
Linden almost snorted as cas said that they were opposites that he was a bold adventurer? "I am not bold, cas. i would rather be at home with my family people and animals I love than go on adventures." he said. the only times he would ever think of himself as bold, as brave was if one of those he loved was hurt or in trouble. he listened as cas explained the winter to him and how he fit into it. and he smiled. "that does sound good. but what you are describing is not winter. the outside is winter. you are describing the reaction to it" he said. which was sort of exactly what he had said before and what he had thought. he put his arm around cas and leaned in. "Of course that night was warm. just the sparks between us should have been enough to start a fire" he said stopping walking and looking back from the dark sea and sky towards cas. arms around his waist holding him close and looking up so their faces were a breath apart
Casper chuckled. "Just because you see your life as normal doesn't mean I can't see the way you live as brave and adventurous." He countered, running a hand through his hair. He laughed as Linden contradicted his description. "Semantics, my dear, don't pick apart my analogies," He teased, bumping Lindens hip with his own. He stopped as Linden did, smiling warmly. Cas loved this, the closeness. He reached up, brushing Lindens hair back from his eyes, his fingers trailing softly down Lindens cheek. Cas leant in, pressing his lips to Lindens in a tender kiss.
linden shook his head. "no cas. i am not brave. i have never needed to be. I just do what i want to do, and never really needed to stand up for anyhting. and you saw how much of a wuss I was just" he said "you, buttercup are so much braver than me. you have always had to be brave and fight for everything you have" he said placing a hand on caspers shoulder and looking at him. he had seen cas broken so many times. and just as many times he had seen cas put himself back together. he had helped with what he could. but he knew he was only seeing some of it. even now when cas was letting him see more he knew there was a lot more he was still keeping inside. "Okay. i will let that analogy stand as beautiful as it is so long as you ket me keep the fact that you are one of the strongest and bravest people i know" he said leaning into caspers soft touch on his face and the kiss and kissing casper back tenderly at first before deepening it. until the world was just them and the universe, the starlight above its reflections off the waves below them.
Casper smiled softly, not bothering to correct or agree with Linden. Instead he just fell into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the man and holding him close. Linden was warm against the chill of the evening air- it was a nice representation of how Linden always felt to Cas, but he was too occupied to think much of analogies. He brought a hand up, cupping the mans face gently, his thumb brushing over Lindens cheek. Cas could feel the warmth in his chest. Gods, how he loved this man. He broke the kiss, but didn't bother moving away, instead nestling in against Lindens neck. "I love you, Lin." He murmured, just enjoying the closeness.

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