Come and Look and See

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Alexa Venturino

Well-Known Member
Alrighty so I'm Steph, technically Stephanie but I see there's another one leerking around so I'll go by
I've been around for awhile and even though my life is pretty full I always enjoy coming on here and relaxing as I post for my characters. Currently a few of my characters need help from outside sources (being not me) to get developed. And by developed I mean to a point where I can tell them apart in my mind. Alright so let me introduce you to them and their needs..(youngest to oldest of course).


Jordan Trace:

10 years old.
He's an orphan since the age of 5.
A family is currently looking at adopting him so he isn't in the need of parents.
He is going to be going into Hogwarts New Zealand this next year.
So he is going to need friends once they start school.
He is a quiet boy, in love with music.
He talks quietly but not because he's shy he doesn't like waste his thoughts and opinions on people and has trouble speaking up.
I would also like to set up a final for him, I know early right!
Well things can always change or it can be they don't even met during school cause she goes to a different school or something.
He's full of love that he doesn't know how to give away. :)

Kayden Night:

He's a loveable kid. Younger twin of Georgiana who is the outgoing friendly one.
Kayden is super shy and doesn't know how to handle people exactly.
He has a girlfriend lined up, <COLOR color="firebrick">Shiloh<3
Right now he has all the gal friends a boy could ever need,
he really needs a best friend in the form of a guy and most of them being Gryffindor or Hufflepuff..
Someone who will be able to get him to open up and possibly be like a brother to him, age doesn't matter..
something he doesn't have having two sisters at home. :)

Georgiana Night:

She's simple. She loves her guitar, much like Jordan. (who she doesn't know haha).
She's opposes the fact she had to wait an extra to be accepted into Hogwarts being born days after the cut off date.
Smiley Smiley, is what her father calls her.
Considering her smile never leaves her face unless shes very upset and can't get over whatever it is or is deep in thought.
Georgiana needs guys friends, her brother being her only one at the moment.
A future boyfriend for prehaps the next year would be nice for her,
though I'm thinking I may already have someone in mind for that, tehe XD.
I also need at least one new rp for her to join so I can do something with her,
if you would like feel free to join Quiet Place. If you would like to rp with her :)

Alexa Venturino:

Triplet of Jace and Dyfan. She dislikes both, though they don't really know it.
She's turning evil with the help of Andrew Bruke.
(Which I'm enjoying having her turn evil, surpise to people though).
She needs a someone to really hate, a person who could just bump her in the street and be rude,
or even just someone who wants to make her angry.
This person needs to be willing to be either totured by her or another death eater, harassed by her, or even killed.
So if you want to kill off one of your characters come on down, she needs a reason to be fully evil :)
Dyfan Venturino:

He's wise beyond his years, despite the fact he doesn't know his sister is turning evil because of him.
He needs some friends, I believe he won't be attending Hogwarts ever,
but instead of the other schools instead I haven't chosen yet. He just needs a friend or two to hang with prehaps a crush/ girlfriend as well.
This is my character that I'm hoping to become a Gryffindor. She speaks French and English (having lived in different countries). She is confident and kind (if the person deserves it). She has a quick temper. She cracks jokes when she's happy, and isn't afraid to dance around and be crazy. She is loyal once she gets to know someone really well. Aimee can fight if someone so deserves. That's the basics.

So I'm thinking she could be friends with Jordan, maybe a love interest later in life? What do you think?
I think that could really work out. Jordan is the outgoing type just quiet and maybe a loud friend would do him good. I'm not sure what house he is going to be put in, I haven't even thought of what one I'd like him in yet.
Georgiana Night said:
I think that could really work out. Jordan is the outgoing type just quiet and maybe a loud friend would do him good. I'm not sure what house he is going to be put in, I haven't even thought of what one I'd like him in yet.
Okay! Would you like to start a topic or should I? Even if we wait until they start school, I should make a note of it ahead of time so I don't forget.
I can make the thread once they are in school and I'll to remember to pm the link to you if not I'll post it here if this thread is not archived by then :)
I'm thinking Schyler and Georgiana would get along great, but I would need another person of two to rp with them so I'm not rping by myself :)
Hey I couldn't resist posting (because I'm in like a lot of rps right now and I'm like mentally scowling myself lolz!)

But I have a few peeps I can offer if you like :p

-For Georgia I have Makaylah Makwa over here who's a full blooded Native American (Makah rulez), I notice that your twin might be native American too?! So like they can be friends and such, along with your other first year ravenclaw! If you read my biography you will get the gits of her and stuff;she basically your typical nerd who is overly obsessed with fossils and mystery novel. Besides that, she can be very stubborn and picky in some way.

I also have Tyler Hawkens, another second year claw. At first I wanted him to be a bit snobby at time (which he will be overtime) if he gets jealous of someone over the years. But other than that he's okay, when your not freaking him out. He's from Australia but raised in New York. He's up for anything, (well except for relationship) it be great if he gets to know your characters first before I decide for him to date or not. I just don't like planning stuff ahead.

As for Dyfan I have Jaden West, she left Hogwarts because her parents recently separated. She attending Salem School Witch and Wizardy (if you decide why not Salem) Jaden my least played character because she was suppose to be confused adolescent at a young age. Now having experience some of the aspects of it, she can experience something else. Friendship turn to odd relationship? Perhaps (again I don't like to plan at times but knows) anyways hope that's enough :D
I think it'd be nice for Georgiana and Kayden to meet another Native, though I'm guessing they aren't from the same area. Gee and Kay are both from New York, Seneca Tribe. Kayden is Native American he just looks more like his father who is english :) And Yah a Ravenclaw friend for Schy!

For Tyler.. He seems like a pretty interesting character begin into comic books and such. I don't think you'll have to worry about Georgiana being interested as she has a crush on a third year claw hehe. Maybe he could just Schyler's friend if you like (Georgiana has so many friends I can't keep up with everyone!)

Jaden--Does she go back to NZ for breaks, cause currently Dyfan and his siblings are living in NZ for home school tutoring and such. Prehaps they could meet if so and after skimming her bio she seems like someone who could bring in drama into Dyfan's otherwise pretty boring life :) He could possibly transfer to Salem wanting to get to know her more or something, just a thought.
Schyler Johnson said:
I think it'd be nice for Georgiana and Kayden to meet another Native, though I'm guessing they aren't from the same area. Gee and Kay are both from New York, Seneca Tribe. Kayden is Native American he just looks more like his father who is english :) And Yah a Ravenclaw friend for Schy!

For Tyler.. He seems like a pretty interesting character begin into comic books and such. I don't think you'll have to worry about Georgiana being interested as she has a crush on a third year claw hehe. Maybe he could just Schyler's friend if you like (Georgiana has so many friends I can't keep up with everyone!)

Jaden--Does she go back to NZ for breaks, cause currently Dyfan and his siblings are living in NZ for home school tutoring and such. Prehaps they could meet if so and after skimming her bio she seems like someone who could bring in drama into Dyfan's otherwise pretty boring life :) He could possibly transfer to Salem wanting to get to know her more or something, just a thought.
Cool :D
Which one do you want to rp with? And which one are your willing to start?

As for Jaden, yeah I don't like my characters to have boring lives >..< especially if your role playing in the HP world, I like magic and drama to always happen. More magic than drama and a whole load of tragedy. (I know its just how I am :3 ) But yeah she can totally come to NZ, force to visit her father and such. I can start that one and pm to you? If you like? Thanks xx
I think maybe Schyler and Tyler, they can meet in the Common Room. I'll start it if you like and pm you the link.

We can probably hold off on Georgie and Kayden meeting Makaylah for a while though :) That way you don't have to worry about alot of threads to reply to! Though you are welcome to join Quiet Place link in the first post of the thread :)

Jaden and Dyfan one sounds good, and anywhere you feel like starting it in fine :)
Schyler Johnson said:
I think maybe Schyler and Tyler, they can meet in the Common Room. I'll start it if you like and pm you the link.
Sweet, Tyler biography still in the works and a lot may be change soon. PM under this name to send the link and I'll get right to it :) Thanks a bunches ♥
Amanda here can RP with Schyler.
This is my Ravenclaw firstie. She's totally awesome.
Anyway, she lived in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, she got
accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand and her parents didn't want to
be too far away from her, so they moved to New Zealand.
On to personality, when she is with friends she is a comedian
and can be hyper and crazy. She jokes a lot, trying to make
friends, but never uses offensive jokes. Just ones that make
people giggle. She tries to help people out and be friendly. If
someone bullies her, her friends or a stranger, she'll stand up
using words. If it turns physical, she'll get an adult. She's not
good when it comes to physical fighting.
Idea! Okay,so Amanda (above) and Sara are room-mates, and both Ravenclaws 9obviously) So, seeing as Schyler is a first year Ravenclaw, maybe the three of them could be friends, and you know most about Sara-seeing as she is rp'ing with Kayden.
That'd be great! Having Amanda and Sara being friends with her!
I have Nathalie Blanchard for Dyfan
Here's something about her:

Nathalie is someone who is a far cry from the perfect lady that everyone pictures her to be. Though she is prim and elegant, Nathalie has both a rough and a very sweet side. She can be really loud at times, or on some other times, really shy. She's basically somewhat moody since she always have to try to appear like a perfect lady in front of her peers. She is very protective over her friends and cares deeply for them.

I can offer you a few people.

Firstly, this character Avarice Vanity as a friend to Dyfan.

Avarice is a nice 6th year Beauxbatons student. Her mum left
when she was 7 or 8, and because of this Avarice isn't a big
believer in relationships. She hasn't found any boy, she sees
as being more than a friend. She's loyal and loving. And cares
deeply for her two elder sisters. She is a confident but sometimes
self conscious girl who always tries to look her best. One of her
sisters is currently in New Zealand. So she's split her time between
the two countries.

Secondly, I have Oscar Fossil Or Stefan Archer who could be a friend to Kayden
or Georgina.

Oscar Fossil is a well built tall 13 year old. He's a second year Ravenclaw.
He has had many family issues and so has been out of hogwarts for a little
while, but he's back and kicking. Oscar is a very laid back kind of guys
who takes things in his stride and doesn't let things phase him. He's always
smiling and is very friendly.
Oscar is the only one without a finished Biography, so if you have any question

Stefan is a first year slytherin. He's underweight and quiet when he meets people
for the first time. He's a nice enough guy, who's just had a bad lot in life. He can't
see colour but, he smiles like nothing is wrong most of the time. Stefan is the type
of person, who wants people to ask him about his life, just to show they care even
if he'll turn them down. ((should mention that Stefan is going to start acting up
next "year", Lashing out phyiscally and through words. So, they would be friends but
somewhat distantly. Until he calms again.))

Lastly, I had this small plot idea that could be interesting for Jordan Trace.
Anyway, I was thinking like in Potter, a Cho Chang/Ginny/Harry triangle of sorts.
I have a fourth year Slytherin - Lily Fossil who could be the Cho Chang type girl. And my
unsorted student could be the Ginny person, Unless you could come up with someone
else for that role.
Anyway the plot. Well, Lily and Jordan would meet, completely by accident, and Lily would
be pretending to be nice to him. All sweet smiles, flicks of the hair. Etc. And Oddly enough
Lily would find this cute. But She'd lead him on but have no real feelings towards him.
While making the "Ginny" person get jealous and see through her act and tell him.
In the end, Jordan would end up with the Ginny girl, but Lily would see him as almost
like a little brother and thus a friendship is formed.
It's sketchy, but, I think with a little work it could be awesome.

Anyway, Lily Fossil, she's a fairly evil girl. She's finally warming up to magic
and her softer side is emerging. She's trying harder in School, and she works
very hard on her appearance. She's not very open and doesn't try hard when
it comes to getting people's attention. Lily can however appear very nice and
friendly, but she'll only really be truthfully nice and friendly once she knows the
other person well enough.

If you don't like the plot idea, Tis fine. Really. Just say.

Nathalie Blanchard said:
I have Nathalie Blanchard for Dyfan
Here's something about her:

Nathalie is someone who is a far cry from the perfect lady that everyone pictures her to be. Though she is prim and elegant, Nathalie has both a rough and a very sweet side. She can be really loud at times, or on some other times, really shy. She's basically somewhat moody since she always have to try to appear like a perfect lady in front of her peers. She is very protective over her friends and cares deeply for them.
She'd be really interesting person for him to be around. I think Beauxbatons might be the place for him considering there's two offers for friends there :) Considering she is like the exact opposite of his sister, he might really enjoy getting to know Nathalie.
Avarice Vanity said:

I can offer you a few people.

Firstly, this character Avarice Vanity as a friend to Dyfan.

Avarice is a nice 6th year Beauxbatons student. Her mum left
when she was 7 or 8, and because of this Avarice isn't a big
believer in relationships. She hasn't found any boy, she sees
as being more than a friend. She's loyal and loving. And cares
deeply for her two elder sisters. She is a confident but sometimes
self conscious girl who always tries to look her best. One of her
sisters is currently in New Zealand. So she's split her time between
the two countries.

Secondly, I have Oscar Fossil Or Stefan Archer who could be a friend to Kayden
or Georgina.

Oscar Fossil is a well built tall 13 year old. He's a second year Ravenclaw.
He has had many family issues and so has been out of hogwarts for a little
while, but he's back and kicking. Oscar is a very laid back kind of guys
who takes things in his stride and doesn't let things phase him. He's always
smiling and is very friendly.
Oscar is the only one without a finished Biography, so if you have any question

Stefan is a first year slytherin. He's underweight and quiet when he meets people
for the first time. He's a nice enough guy, who's just had a bad lot in life. He can't
see colour but, he smiles like nothing is wrong most of the time. Stefan is the type
of person, who wants people to ask him about his life, just to show they care even
if he'll turn them down. ((should mention that Stefan is going to start acting up
next "year", Lashing out phyiscally and through words. So, they would be friends but
somewhat distantly. Until he calms again.))

Lastly, I had this small plot idea that could be interesting for Jordan Trace.
Anyway, I was thinking like in Potter, a Cho Chang/Ginny/Harry triangle of sorts.
I have a fourth year Slytherin - Lily Fossil who could be the Cho Chang type girl. And my
unsorted student could be the Ginny person, Unless you could come up with someone
else for that role.
Anyway the plot. Well, Lily and Jordan would meet, completely by accident, and Lily would
be pretending to be nice to him. All sweet smiles, flicks of the hair. Etc. And Oddly enough
Lily would find this cute. But She'd lead him on but have no real feelings towards him.
While making the "Ginny" person get jealous and see through her act and tell him.
In the end, Jordan would end up with the Ginny girl, but Lily would see him as almost
like a little brother and thus a friendship is formed.
It's sketchy, but, I think with a little work it could be awesome.

Anyway, Lily Fossil, she's a fairly evil girl. She's finally warming up to magic
and her softer side is emerging. She's trying harder in School, and she works
very hard on her appearance. She's not very open and doesn't try hard when
it comes to getting people's attention. Lily can however appear very nice and
friendly, but she'll only really be truthfully nice and friendly once she knows the
other person well enough.

If you don't like the plot idea, Tis fine. Really. Just say.

Dyfan-Avarice they could meet in New Zealand and then meet again at Beauxbatons prehaps? He's a really sweet guy and just plain wise maybe he could be the one to help her see relationships aren't so bad?

I know Stephen hangs with alot of the same friends as Kayden which Georgiana actually has a different group of friends then him. So he would would be better suited for haning around shy Kayden.

Well right now Georgiana spends most of her time with Logan Stone a third year ravenclaw, who she's sort of dating, but they are in that little kid sort of stage. So I'm guessing she's more of hanging with Ravenclaws now anyways since I plan on getting her and Schyler, my newest just handed to me character, at some point who's a first year Ravenclaw. But it's kind of weird having to role play with myself lol.

Hahahahahaha, that plot is too funny. She would be a 5th year wouldn't she when he gets sorted in? He is such a believer of people too, just listens to what they say and believes them right off the bat because he's never been introduce to liers before!! It'd be totally weird of him to be haning around a fifth year but I guess this sort of thing does happen, with the whole I have a crush on that person but they are way older then me sort of thing it could work..
Dyfan Venturino said:
Dyfan-Avarice they could meet in New Zealand and then meet again at Beauxbatons prehaps? He's a really sweet guy and just plain wise maybe he could be the one to help her see relationships aren't so bad?

I know Stefan hangs with alot of the same friends as Kayden which Georgiana actually has a different group of friends then him. So he would would be better suited for haning around shy Kayden.

Well right now Georgiana spends most of her time with Logan Stone a third year ravenclaw, who she's sort of dating, but they are in that little kid sort of stage. So I'm guessing she's more of hanging with Ravenclaws now anyways since I plan on getting her and Schyler, my newest just handed to me character, at some point who's a first year Ravenclaw. But it's kind of weird having to role play with myself lol.

Hahahahahaha, that plot is too funny. She would be a 5th year wouldn't she when he gets sorted in? He is such a believer of people too, just listens to what they say and believes them right off the bat because he's never been introduce to liers before!! It'd be totally weird of him to be haning around a fifth year but I guess this sort of thing does happen, with the whole I have a crush on that person but they are way older then me sort of thing it could work..

Switch of character.


Avarice&Dyfan Like it. I think he could definitely help.
So, would you like to start something or shall I?

Stefan&Kayden, I was thinking that too. Since they
do have very similar friends. And It would be good
for the two boys of the "group" to be better friends.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

Tis weird RPing with yourself. Would you like them both
to be friends? Or is Georgiana not looking for other Ravenclaw friends?

Yeah, she'd be fifth year, so the age that would be easy to
crush but not overly weird. Since it'll only really be 4 years
between them. But, I think it could be quite fun and weird.
We'd have to wait until the term started before they can RP.
They wouldn't hang around, it would be a hello in the corridor
book recommdations, directions. Not like they'd plan to meet
or sit outside together.
Lily Fossil said:

Switch of character.


Avarice&Dyfan Like it. I think he could definitely help.
So, would you like to start something or shall I?

Stefan&Kayden, I was thinking that too. Since they
do have very similar friends. And It would be good
for the two boys of the "group" to be better friends.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

Tis weird RPing with yourself. Would you like them both
to be friends? Or is Georgiana not looking for other Ravenclaw friends?

Yeah, she'd be fifth year, so the age that would be easy to
crush but not overly weird. Since it'll only really be 4 years
between them. But, I think it could be quite fun and weird.
We'd have to wait until the term started before they can RP.
They wouldn't hang around, it would be a hello in the corridor
book recommdations, directions. Not like they'd plan to meet
or sit outside together.
I guess you can where ever you feel like they could run into each other :)

I can start the one for Stefen and Kayden though, and they could probably start off by reconizing each other from Tara's party.

Georigana's a friendly type of girl and she loves having alot of friends, but I've been putting her back recently so maybe if we could have Schyler/Georgiana/Oscar sort of run into each other somewhere and then the friendships could stem from there in anyway we see opporpriate. :)

Lily and Jordan would be super funny, she could be that first crush that you never really forget but he could also really dislike her in end because she tricked him, it could work..
Georgiana Night said:
Nathalie Blanchard said:
I have Nathalie Blanchard for Dyfan
Here's something about her:

Nathalie is someone who is a far cry from the perfect lady that everyone pictures her to be. Though she is prim and elegant, Nathalie has both a rough and a very sweet side. She can be really loud at times, or on some other times, really shy. She's basically somewhat moody since she always have to try to appear like a perfect lady in front of her peers. She is very protective over her friends and cares deeply for them.
She'd be really interesting person for him to be around. I think Beauxbatons might be the place for him considering there's two offers for friends there :) Considering she is like the exact opposite of his sister, he might really enjoy getting to know Nathalie.
Great! So, would you like to start a topic or shall i?
Thank you :)
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