Come and Look and See

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Kathy Johnson said:
Lily Fossil said:

Switch of character.


Avarice&Dyfan Like it. I think he could definitely help.
So, would you like to start something or shall I?

Stefan&Kayden, I was thinking that too. Since they
do have very similar friends. And It would be good
for the two boys of the "group" to be better friends.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

Tis weird RPing with yourself. Would you like them both
to be friends? Or is Georgiana not looking for other Ravenclaw friends?

Yeah, she'd be fifth year, so the age that would be easy to
crush but not overly weird. Since it'll only really be 4 years
between them. But, I think it could be quite fun and weird.
We'd have to wait until the term started before they can RP.
They wouldn't hang around, it would be a hello in the corridor
book recommdations, directions. Not like they'd plan to meet
or sit outside together.
I guess you can where ever you feel like they could run into each other :)

I can start the one for Stefen and Kayden though, and they could probably start off by reconizing each other from Tara's party.

Georigana's a friendly type of girl and she loves having alot of friends, but I've been putting her back recently so maybe if we could have Schyler/Georgiana/Oscar sort of run into each other somewhere and then the friendships could stem from there in anyway we see opporpriate. :)

Lily and Jordan would be super funny, she could be that first crush that you never really forget but he could also really dislike her in end because she tricked him, it could work..

I'll start the Avarice one soon. And PM it to that account.

Stefan And Kayden could speak at Kate and Sara's party and then
meet up just before the "holidays". So we don't have to set something up
right away.

The Ravenclaws, they could meet in Brightstone, I can start
that if you want?
I mean, he could be getting a drink and Schyler could recongise
him as a Ravenclaw and they end up sitting together.

And Lily/Jordan can start once he is sorted, so we don't have
to worry about that for a while.

That all cool?
Oscar Fossil said:

I'll start the Avarice one soon. And PM it to that account.

Stefan And Kayden could speak at Kate and Sara's party and then
meet up just before the "holidays". So we don't have to set something up
right away.

The Ravenclaws, they could meet in Brightstone, I can start
that if you want?
I mean, he could be getting a drink and Schyler could recongise
him as a Ravenclaw and they end up sitting together.

And Lily/Jordan can start once he is sorted, so we don't have
to worry about that for a while.

That all cool?
Avarice = Sounds Good :)

Stefan and Kayden, that could work I'm going to post there after this prehaps they might end up being on the same team.

Ravenclaws = That sounds like a nice plan, and if you okay with starting it thats fine.

Yeah it is all cool :)
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