Closing limitivity

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
I have been lurking via phone and data, but haven't been able to do much for the past month or so, due to moving and whatnot. Add that to Breath of the Wild, I haven't been able to get things done.
But, my internet is back completely, and I have time to get things done. I have a temporary break from college (mental issues and being burned out is a drag), which helps give attention to my dog who apparently has severe anxiety and depression.
Any who, I'll be a little slow remembering things. I will likely need a reminder or a push. Some things I have written down, so feel free to PM me!

Glad to have internet, you have no idea...
Glad you're back! Having no internet sounds horrible D:
:woot: yay for having internet! Happy to see that you'll be active again :D
YAY!! :hug: :party: Glad to have you back!

And I am sorry about your dog :( :hug: poor thing.

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