Bring out your dead (good plots)

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
I actually made an effort to make this look decent so let's go. Here are my Hogwarts characters this year and what I'm looking for Y48!

Teddy Pirrip
Gryffindor Fifth Year


"Golden Boy"​
Morrie Ayre
Slytherin Fourth Year


"The Victim"​
Just in case he hasn't already told you a million times already, Teddy is two time dueling champion, Brotherhood president, Quidditch co-captain, and one of the top house point earners (though he missed out being top this year to Juuune!). If you want to see what it looks like to front load everything onto one character, it’s this guy and he loves it. Oh, and did I mention he takes every class? He takes every class.

Despite his decorations, Teddy is still an idiotic teenage boy. He can be blunt, sarcastic, and sometimes unbearable, but his nicer side comes through depending on who he’s talking to. Despite always being busy, he’ll make time for juicy gossip or any chance to mess around. Deep down, he’s a very private person and doesn’t share much personal stuff about himself, but he wants to know everything about you!

I'm looking for new or developing friendships, romance (boys) including flings, and anything related to Quidditch, clubs etc. Teddy is juggling a lot with OWLs too. While he’s always put on a confident front, I’d like to explore the cracks beneath the surface and the vulnerable side of Teddy that’s barely holding it all together. Of course, that’s not something he’ll reveal easily and it’ll take patience and plot growth for him to open up, but if anyone is interested then let me know!
Morrie is not someone you want to mess with, or maybe you do because it'll be funny!

My fourth year Slytherin hasn't changed and if anything, she’s even worse than she's ever been. The people she looks up to most are Aine Thompson, Vanity Mettlestone, and maybe Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe so help her Merlin. As for everyone else? They can all get in the bin, especially the headmaster with his judgey-ness. Morrie doesn't really like anyone in a position of authority and will respect you less if you're a prefect.

Morrie is irritated by absolutely everything, stomps instead of walking, and the only productive thing she does is write for the school paper. Her articles often double as a means to bully or tease anyone unlucky enough to be referenced and she's riding that out until someone steps in, or she graduates (knowing Hogwarts, probably the latter?).

Morrie’s available for confrontation, and she’s too hot headed to back down, inevitably taking it too far. She’s unpredictable, always on edge, and more than ready for an argument any time, any place. I'm happy to offer her out as a bully if that is wanted, friends are unlikely but possible in some instances. Romance? I'm not so sure, she'll enjoy the drama though!
Sofi Ayre
Hufflepuff Third Year


Sunny Day
Slytherin Third Year

My only Hufflepuff is sweet and gentle but so neglected by me and I feel really bad about that. I'm not really sure what to do with her though. She enjoys sport and is an alt on the Quidditch team, and while the muse for her isn’t great, she’s open to any kind of plot. Looking for anything to help her find her way, friends or relationship (any gender) or being bullied, she's had experience growing up with Morrie as a sister after all.

I'd love to represent her better. I wouldn't mind someone either mistaking her for Morrie or judging her because of her sister, then allow me to hopefully open her up to being her own person.
Sunny is another of my neglected characters that I want to do more with. She is such a lovely person, full of the compliments and smiles but turn your back, that other face comes out and she's telling someone else how ugly your clothes are. I haven't done as much as I'd like with her but she's there ready to smother your character in kindness and then actually smother them in their sleep. She is very ambitious and believes that she is extremely smart and that no one has her sussed. I'm looking for interesting power dynamics, friends, rivals, toxic relationships and anything else out there.
Jasper Beese
Gryffindor Second Year


Huw Carew
Ravenclaw First Year


Jasper, is a whirlwind of disorganisation. One minute he’s your best mate, and the next, he’s off being someone else’s best mate. He's the kind of friend you won't see for weeks and then he'll pop up all happy to see you and acting like he's totally not a flake, (which he is). He's a terror for making plans with you then on the day, he's off doing something else. He bounces between interests, rarely sticking to one thing for long, except for his love of gobstones. He’s always got the time for gobstones and he'd like to take on unofficial gobstones club with Tori now Emery has graduated, if Tori can actually ever pin him down to organise it.

Even with his flake tendancies, he is a good friend, loyal, riddled with anxiety, and does have more to talk about than just gobstones (I think). Looking for anything and everything for him.
My newbie is a dreamer who spends most of his time lost in his own little fantasy world within a fantasy world. He loves music, is learning guitar and wants to be a rockstar but lacks the confidence to really put himself out there. In reality, he’s the kid awkwardly strumming his out of tune guitar in a corner, hoping someone will notice but also praying they won’t. Huw is clever in an observational way, he's intuitive and curious, and ends up expressing that into his music.

At this stage I'm looking for friends or rivals. Socially he's shy with a self important vibe. He carries himself like he’s cool because he owns a guitar, but lacks the social skills to properly pull cool off. Around new people, he’s awkward and overly polite, but once he warms up, he'll be a good friend.

Those are all my student characters but I also have @Cecras who is a centaur in the Forbidden Forest and available for all the foresty things.

Professor Cairo Keller is on maternity leave right now but will come back in S2 if anyone wants to do any advance plotting with her. I have other adult characters that I'm happy to plot if anyone wants to but as to not be overwhelmed, this PD is focused on my current students.
*immediately slides in*

Hey Verity!! I know you offered ur firstie, but i also wanted offer you somethings hehe!

Teddy x Marley - Of course!! I love these two and their dynamic a whole heap!! Marley too is also the co-captain for the Hufflepuff team so that could be something? But really, I would really like to offer Marley as someone Teddy could be vulnerable to if you like? I would like to try and get her into some vunerable and some srs threads, as much as i love her usual outgoing personality, she needs some seriousness within her xD But Marley is there for him of course if he ever needs someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on!

Thomas x Sunny/Sofi - I would like to offer Thomas to either of you third years! Thomas is in need of friends, he wouldn’t admit it but he is a bit lonely in this world, so i am happy to offer thomas for either of them - i too have neglected him!!

Jasper x Sophie - Sophie is my second year in Ravenclaw and is still getting to the magical world (being a muggleborn and all) so maybe Jasper could show or teach her gobstones?

That’s my few hehe!! Feel free to decline any offered!

I have Henri Fontaine to offer for Huw. He will not find carrying a guitar cool, but also wouldn't be the sort to realise that saying it's not cool to someone could be seen as insulting. Henri is in his own world, he's a blunt and overly honest, doesn't really factor people's feelings, but not out of malice but like they just don't factor in to his brain. I'm not saying they'd be friends or anything, but could be still interesting.
Okokokokok - so I have a couple of options here. Maybe we can work on something together.

So - firstly I have a couple of firsties, one of them is Aaron, who is roommates with Huw from now until FOREVER - so basically, they're stuck with each other, whether that works out in their favour or not. Huw might like music, but Aaron is a muggleborn, and very techy, I don't know how well Huw will take having half his side of the room taken up by bits and pieces of various (non working) tech devices as Aaron desperately tries to figure out how to make his laptop work.

Secondly - Jasper and Tori: as always she's gonna have to hunt that boy down and nail him to a wall to get him to focus long enough to make plans with her. I'm tempted to start a bunch of random threads around Hogwarts (open ones) and see what happens and then let chaos ensue as Jasper pops in and out of them, but that might be a little too much of a commitment on either side, even if it does sound hilarious.

Thirdly - Teddy and Tori, I think I floated the idea by you a couple of months ago about Teddy potentially being something of a mentor for Tori and her even developing a tiny crush on him. Nothing major, just the kind of crush little girls sometimes get. She thinks he's really cool and doesn't at all see what Veronica's problem with him is! I mean come on, he's on the Quidditch team and he's head of the Brotherhood and he's really smart, I mean what's not to like? Tori wants to be just like him honestly.

Fourthly?- Potentially I have Elio to offer Teddy, he's in his last year, so maybe they won't be divulging their deepest secrets to each other, but they do have a fun kind of banter and Elio is really good at picking up on people struggling. He's picked it up a couple of times with other people recently and if he did suspect it of Teddy, he'd definitely approach him. He likes Teddy, and wouldn't want to him burn out, so there's another potential option for you.

I'll leave it there for now, but let me know.
Verityyy I love your chars so much.

For Teddy, I think it could be fun to maybe have him interact with Anisha? I feel like out of my characters, she'd be the first one to see through his facade. She finds hi ma bit annoying, but mostly because she doesn't buy his easy attitude. She knows how much work it is to keep your grades up that high and doesn't buy that he doesn't really care.

Also Vanity and Morrie 5ever but we already have a potential plot with them with Eurydice.

Vanity also kind of dislikes Sunny because of Quidditch (I don't remember the specifics, lol, I can't keep track) so maybe she can have beef with another 13 y/o.

So obviously I can offer June but also Camille. I guess Camille can become an victim of bullying by Morrie and Vanity. I have some idea's for that. Since Camille wants to help June and can be manipulated to do so, so June doesn't have to make her hands dirty. And that action can have consequences of getting in the mix of all. So if your up for that we can discuss some more for later on. And I can see June taking an victim out of Sofi in her own way.

Also Sofi and Camille though are roommates and I love to let them become friends. I've neglected Camille also (fits her personality since she was used to that XD) but would love to let her make some friends.

So let me know, if your up for something.
Hi there Verity!
Let's see who I might have to offer.

Teddy: I can offer Dante who can be wowed by him and call him crazy at the same time. Dante isn't very mean, as he is rather chill. Well, I'm lying, he is hyper AF. He is a werewolf and happily involved with a muggle-born, much to his mother's dismay.

Morrie: Actually, I have something to offer but I think I would rather PM you if that is okay with you.

Jasper: I have Asher in his year, who could be confrontational if his plans to make friends were thrown off or something like that. He's confident and all. Basically opposite of Jasper.

Huw: Rhys could be a good friend for him. Not really musical but he loves music. He is a lover of stars and galaxies. His dad is deaf and a seer, and an auror so obviously Rhys thinks he has the best dad ever.

I don't have a lot but here we are!
you knew I was coming.

Teddy/Deus, of course.

Morrie and Zaros? It's been a minute.

Sunny Day and Sunday Weeks are roommates and they should def hang out.

and same with Sofi- I have one of her roommates, tanith.

we have a lot of roomies it seems! Jasper and Teo are roomies, they could also be an interesting dynamic.
I haven't replied to everyone yet but I am coming back for you all!

Teddy x Marley - Of course!! I love these two and their dynamic a whole heap!! Marley too is also the co-captain for the Hufflepuff team so that could be something? But really, I would really like to offer Marley as someone Teddy could be vulnerable to if you like? I would like to try and get her into some vunerable and some srs threads, as much as i love her usual outgoing personality, she needs some seriousness within her xD But Marley is there for him of course if he ever needs someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on!

I also love Marley x Teddy's dynamic. With the friendship they have Teddy would be open to showing her vulnerability, although not before some friendly captain banter. Shall we start something on the Quidditch pitch?

Thomas x Sunny/Sofi - I would like to offer Thomas to either of you third years! Thomas is in need of friends, he wouldn’t admit it but he is a bit lonely in this world, so i am happy to offer thomas for either of them - i too have neglected him!!
I have an idea for Thomas x Sofi but it's kind of long so I'll talk to you on discord about it!

I have Henri Fontaine to offer for Huw. He will not find carrying a guitar cool, but also wouldn't be the sort to realise that saying it's not cool to someone could be seen as insulting. Henri is in his own world, he's a blunt and overly honest, doesn't really factor people's feelings, but not out of malice but like they just don't factor in to his brain. I'm not saying they'd be friends or anything, but could be still interesting.

Oooh okay, yeah we can try this. Huw is quite shy so he'll probably not say anything if Henri hurts his feelings but we can throw them together and see what happens. Would you like to start it or I can?

Okokokokok - so I have a couple of options here. Maybe we can work on something together.

So - firstly I have a couple of firsties, one of them is Aaron, who is roommates with Huw from now until FOREVER - so basically, they're stuck with each other, whether that works out in their favour or not. Huw might like music, but Aaron is a muggleborn, and very techy, I don't know how well Huw will take having half his side of the room taken up by bits and pieces of various (non working) tech devices as Aaron desperately tries to figure out how to make his laptop work.

I'm basically on board with everything including Tori x Teddy, Tori x Jasper and the random threads around Hogwarts and Elio x Teddy. Their banter is great, and I can definitely picture Elio having a “cut the BS, what’s going on” kind of chat with Teddy. Maybe that could happen a little later in the semester when everything starts building up?

Aaron x Huw is new, and I’m really excited about them! Huw would be chill about all the tech stuff, probably fascinated by it, and would love helping to fix things. He might even get a new hobby out of it. I’d love to get these two together soon, do you want to start something, or should I?

For Teddy, I think it could be fun to maybe have him interact with Anisha? I feel like out of my characters, she'd be the first one to see through his facade. She finds hi ma bit annoying, but mostly because she doesn't buy his easy attitude. She knows how much work it is to keep your grades up that high and doesn't buy that he doesn't really care.
Oh yeah I've seen before that Anisha totally not buying Teddy's act. It'd be fun to have these two interact more, maybe in the library where she catches him studying late and working really hard. I can start something unless you would like to?

Haha I vaguely remember the beef with Sunny was because she kept hitting bludgers at Vanity in training. We can carry that on if Sunny makes the team again. I'm sure Morrie can help her out with this beef too, she's got Vanity's back for now.

Eee sorry, I promise will reply to the others plots soon! <3
Oh yeah I've seen before that Anisha totally not buying Teddy's act. It'd be fun to have these two interact more, maybe in the library where she catches him studying late and working really hard. I can start something unless you would like to?

Haha I vaguely remember the beef with Sunny was because she kept hitting bludgers at Vanity in training. We can carry that on if Sunny makes the team again. I'm sure Morrie can help her out with this beef too, she's got Vanity's back for now.

Eee sorry, I promise will reply to the others plots soon! <3
I don't mind starting it either, up to you really!

I'm happy to continue that beef in Quidditch for a bit and see if they both make the team next year, so put that plot on hold for a bit?

Shh Morrie and Vanity are ride or die forever I'll convince you
I also love Marley x Teddy's dynamic. With the friendship they have Teddy would be open to showing her vulnerability, although not before some friendly captain banter. Shall we start something on the Quidditch pitch?
I have an idea for Thomas x Sofi but it's kind of long so I'll talk to you on discord about it!
Oh yes! Would defs be keen for some captain banter hehe! I’m all ears for whatever you have in mind for sofi & thomas! Since you started something for huw and theo, would you like for me to start something for marley and teddy? or would you like to start it?
I don't mind starting it either, up to you really!

I'm happy to continue that beef in Quidditch for a bit and see if they both make the team next year, so put that plot on hold for a bit?

Shh Morrie and Vanity are ride or die forever I'll convince you
Okay you can start it xD

Oh yes! Would defs be keen for some captain banter hehe! I’m all ears for whatever you have in mind for sofi & thomas! Since you started something for huw and theo, would you like for me to start something for marley and teddy? or would you like to start it?
Yes please :) discord message incoming!
I'm basically on board with everything including Tori x Teddy, Tori x Jasper and the random threads around Hogwarts and Elio x Teddy. Their banter is great, and I can definitely picture Elio having a “cut the BS, what’s going on” kind of chat with Teddy. Maybe that could happen a little later in the semester when everything starts building up?

Aaron x Huw is new, and I’m really excited about them! Huw would be chill about all the tech stuff, probably fascinated by it, and would love helping to fix things. He might even get a new hobby out of it. I’d love to get these two together soon, do you want to start something, or should I?
Okay so I can probably start something with Aaron in the dorm and give Huw something to walk in on. Regarding this I will also PM you because I want to discuss something along these lines but it might require admin approval so will be a bit of work!

We can def leave elio/teddy for now for second semester and tori and teddy can happen a little later, jasper/teddy feels like a early first semester thing if they're going to take over from emery so do you want to start this one?
for teddy & marley! lemme know if you'd like for me to change anything!

Hi!! Been a while since I have been on HNZ (and thus since I've RP'ed) but I am fully planning Willow to be the character that makes me return full-time =))

I think her and Huw would get along!! Willow's whole life is music and dance, she plays the violin and whenever she gets upset or something isn't going right she channels all of that into her music, so I think they would relate and they'd bond over that!

She is friendly and an extrovert, wants to make a lot of friends whilst at Hogwarts, so I sort of see her taking him under her wing a little bit in big group/social situations.

Let me know what you think! ^_^
Okay Part 2!

So obviously I can offer June but also Camille. I guess Camille can become an victim of bullying by Morrie and Vanity. I have some idea's for that. Since Camille wants to help June and can be manipulated to do so, so June doesn't have to make her hands dirty. And that action can have consequences of getting in the mix of all. So if your up for that we can discuss some more for later on. And I can see June taking an victim out of Sofi in her own way.

Also Sofi and Camille though are roommates and I love to let them become friends. I've neglected Camille also (fits her personality since she was used to that XD) but would love to let her make some friends.
Sounds complicated, I love it. We could start with Camille and Sofi becoming friends, that would put Sofi on June's radar, because she probably doesn't even know Morrie has a sister right now. June/Morrie/Vanity madness is always welcome too:claire:

Teddy: I can offer Dante who can be wowed by him and call him crazy at the same time. Dante isn't very mean, as he is rather chill. Well, I'm lying, he is hyper AF. He is a werewolf and happily involved with a muggle-born, much to his mother's dismay.

Morrie: Actually, I have something to offer but I think I would rather PM you if that is okay with you.

I'm VERY curious about the Morrie offering and looking forward to the PM :)

I do like the sound of throwing Dante and Teddy together, they share classes and should be friends of some sort. Teddy can do hyper too and does get on with Callie. Maybe they could get paired for a project or something that puts them in each others company?

you knew I was coming

Sunny Day and Sunday Weeks are roommates and they should def hang out.

we have a lot of roomies it seems! Jasper and Teo are roomies, they could also be an interesting dynamic.

Jessss! Took you long enough XD

We do have a lot of roomies and also half started plots haha, I'd like to continue Jasper and Teo because they could have some fun silly times. I feel like Sunday and Sunny should interact more too, especially since they have almost identical names and share a dorm! Sunny would hate that there is someone called Sunday and I imagine there's a weird tension between them because of it.

Okay so I can probably start something with Aaron in the dorm and give Huw something to walk in on. Regarding this I will also PM you because I want to discuss something along these lines but it might require admin approval so will be a bit of work!

We can def leave elio/teddy for now for second semester and tori and teddy can happen a little later, jasper/teddy feels like a early first semester thing if they're going to take over from emery so do you want to start this one?
Okay, I'm interested. I'll look out for your PM for Aaron and Huw. Ooh yes, I will start the Jasper/Tori gobstones thread once the semester has properly started, and everything will go smoothly and not at all be stressful for Tori. ;)

I think her and Huw would get along!! Willow's whole life is music and dance, she plays the violin and whenever she gets upset or something isn't going right she channels all of that into her music, so I think they would relate and they'd bond over that!
Heyyyy welcome back! Yes we can throw these two together, I think Huw would really benefit from having a confident friend with similar interests. I can start something unless you would like to?
Jessss! Took you long enough XD

We do have a lot of roomies and also half started plots haha, I'd like to continue Jasper and Teo because they could have some fun silly times. I feel like Sunday and Sunny should interact more too, especially since they have almost identical names and share a dorm! Sunny would hate that there is someone called Sunday and I imagine there's a weird tension between them because of it.
what can i say, i was either napping or reading 😋 i'm down for all of this. what do you want to start?
Heyyyy welcome back! Yes we can throw these two together, I think Huw would really benefit from having a confident friend with similar interests. I can start something unless you would like to?
Ty!! hehe yeah if you could! Sounds good :D
I do like the sound of throwing Dante and Teddy together, they share classes and should be friends of some sort. Teddy can do hyper too and does get on with Callie. Maybe they could get paired for a project or something that puts them in each others company?
Perfect. I can throw them a starter somewhere in a couple of days. Dante is surprisingly easy for me to get into xD

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