Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hola! It's my turn to write up this fortnight's Bi-Weekly Update, and I'm pretty excited about it. So, I won't delay. Grab a snack and then come back and get to reading. I hope you enjoy it. :)
Hufflepuff has an HoH...and look a Deputy!

I'm sure you've all seen the announcement by now, but Hufflepuff has a new Head of House! After reviewing the bios and RPs of all of the characters who were offered by their RPers, Donna and I felt that Sloane Stark embodied aspects valued by Hufflepuff House. We look forward to seeing her in action.

We also felt that another Deputy would be helpful with all of the shenanigans going on this year. And, we believed Justin Cliffeton would be well suited for the position being an ex Head Boy!

Congratulations to Teigan and Zach on their promotions! Check out the announcement right here!

Semester Two!

Semester Two started today! Are you ready for it? Please get started adding your courses in the grade book so that your characters can earn house points. Professors, get ready to post your lessons! If you have Monday lessons, I hope you've posted them already. We're all eager to get back to it.

Sixth years, don't forget to sign up for apparating lessons!

With semester two starting, the holiday areas are once again closed to students. Don't worry. Brightstone will be opening soon! :)

Professor's Meeting

Even if you don't have a lesson to post today, professors should be sure to check out the professor's common room for the latest meeting. We have a lot for you to give us feedback on.

Quidditch!! :D

If you haven't checked out the calendar recently, you might have missed the news! A new match is set to begin this week. In fact, it'll be starting tomorrow!! :D Be sure to check it out to see if it'll be your team playing. If it is, I hope you've answered your captains PM to let them know your availability. :)

Hogwarts Monthly

Have you checked out the latest issue? No? Look no further than this link.

By the way, did you realize that your students can check out all of the issues in one place? Well, they can. If you check out the library, you'll see that all of the issues are in one neat, little post. Why not have your students read up on some old issues? ;) Big thanks to Emzies for making it all pretty for us. :cool:

Accio! area closing soon

Accio! will be closing their pages to begin readying the yearbook soon. So, if you haven't posted your pictures, get to it! :p

Guess what? You can check out old issues of the yearbook as well! Big thanks to Emzies for updating that list as well.

We have a winner!

We mentioned the voting for the emoticon competition in the last BWU. After the votes were tallied, Jesse was the clear winner and earned a pumpkin prize. Congratulations!! :party:

Gradebook update

This will only really affect you if you are a professor, but we thought it would be neat to mention. One of the changes mentioned to the professors in the above mentioned meeting is a small grade book update. It will allow professors the ability to grade multiple people at once, which will make things much easier for professors of first and second year classes. Thanks Nick!​
[ul][li]'twas the nigh before christmas and all of the staff
'twas the night before christmas and all through the school
the students were sleeping dreaming of yule
the professors and school staff were heading down stairs
in the hopes that some firewhysky would take away their cares</LI>

[li]Fire brigade
A Gryffindor Prefect sets off some fireworks! OSW!

Other RPs in this Plot:

[li]Forbidden Forest Protest
The Wild Patch Club hold a protest outside the forest, against the fact that the forest is forbidden.

Other RPs in this Plot:
Facing the Music
Rule Breaking Students
Rule Breaking Students Part II[/li][/ul]

So many fun plots to read! If you have one that you'd like mentioned in the next BWU, click the link to the right.
[ul][li]Daily Prophet archives!
[li]Returning from the holiday RPs! ^_^
[li]Professor Stark punishing a 'Puff? :o
<LI>[li]Brightstone weekend fun!
[/li][/ul]Yay! That was fun. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Gimme some feedback. Any questions or comments? Let me know!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
It's game time, friends! :shifty:
Thanks Cyndi, lots of exciting stuff happening! Great update as usual :D
Yay Quidditch
I'd like to remind people that we are going to try to do a dueling tournament this semester!
We need more sign ups to make it happen, and all you need to do is post here and if you don't have your picture in, it is still open to post it in the SDA!

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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