Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It feels like it has been a really long time since I did a BWU for you guys, so this should be fun! Let's get to it! ^_^
Start of Y21!
The new school year is well underway. Y21 began with the sorting ceremony, which has now officially closed. If you take a look at the chart that Nick created, you can see how many new people joined each house.


Monday marks the start of week 3 so make sure you are keeping up. Keep getting those housepoints. Some houses definitely need it. :r :devious:

Tryouts are now over for all the teams. Those of you who tried out should look to see how you fared! :)
In addition, games will be starting up soon, so stay tuned everyone.

As soon as the school year started up, some clubs hit the ground running and posted up their sign ups. Plenty of clubs have also posted their first meetings or have other activities going on, so feel free to check them out and join in.

If you lead a club and haven't posted a meeting, get to it! Also, if you have an idea for something you want your club to do that might require approval, feel free to PM me or Nick. :)


It'll be up for a while, so you'll get plenty of reminders but here is the first: Post your pictures! :p

Also, a special thank you to the yearbook staff for all of the wonderful work that they do and the many hours they spend on the yearbook! You ladies are awesome! To see the awesome, take a look at[member] Y20's yearbook[member].

Hogwarts Monthly

Ever thought about writing articles for the school? If so, Hogwarts Monthly is looking for new reporters!


After this suggestion, Kaitlyn jumped in and started a dueling tournament. The matches have been going fast and furious for the past week. Check them out here and offer your suggestionshere.

We hope to see the activity in this area continue once the tournament is over so that Nick has a reason to create a new dueling system. Keep it up!

Election Time
Don't forget to start RPs to discuss the election! This is a site-wide plot, which means, as always, that it is up to you to make of it what you will. If you want your character involved, find a way to involve them! Start a debate in one of the restaurants, argue with someone about how stupid their candidate is, read the paper and comment on the candidates. The more activity that we see happening, the more likely Nick and I are to think up other site-wide plots. ;)

Stay tuned for the next part of the election plot, which will have a big opportunity for your involvement. :r

Welcome new professors!
We always have to give thanks to the RPers who are willing to rise to the occasion and take on a class. Without you all, HNZ would not function the way it does. So, on behalf of all the staff, we'd like to thank the veteran professors as well as welcome the new professors to the school. The new professors include: Owen Youngs (Flying), Justin Joussane (Charms), Ryan Sun (Muggle Studies), and Theodore Snow (Potions).

Applications are open!
With the new school year well underway, we are now ready to start processing apps again. Some of you already know this, I see, since I've already seen applications coming in. As always, your patience is appreciated. :)

So you want to be a shopkeeper?
A couple of shops are in need of shopkeepers. If you are interested, please head to the [member]application area[member] to see the shops that need new people in charge.

What happened to the graphics area?
Notice any changes to the graphics area? Readhere for more info and feel free to reapply if you think you're up for helping out with graphics! ^_^

Keep the suggestions coming
The suggestions and feedback area of the site has been really busy lately. If you have a suggestion, feel free to leave it here for us to see. We may not always implement your suggestion, but we do always consider them. :)

[ul][li]Y21 Prefects Meeting
Prefects supposedly have a quiet meeting. But, this year it takes a different turn.
Other RPs in this plot: You're Prefects, Not Idiots
Additional Information:
[li]A tale of life and death
An evening of celebrating the coming of spring takes a slightly more somber tone in the Le Fey household when Elvera's grandmother dies. however the appearance of an old friend sends the night spiralling in a totally different slightly rockier direction.

Other RPs in this Plot:
none. [/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Quidditch! :party:
[li]Halloween Feast
[li]A candidate debate! :o
[li]Fun plots!
<LI>[li]Slytherin losing more housepoints?
[/li][/ul]That was a fun one! ^_^ As usual, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, let us have them here.

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
[li]Slytherin losing more housepoints?
Well I sure hope so! :r

Thanks for posting this, Cyndi! :D
Yearbook looks great as always! Thanks for the nifty update, Cyndi!
I'm loving the gif. =))
The gif looks great.. :r xD Thanks for the update Cyndi! :hug: :wub:
The gif was courtesy of Emzies. :)
Great update Cyndi. Thank you :)
looking forward to the halloween feast (and got a couple of costumes planned) as well as the debate.
Hehehe,first Halloween feast where I have something good as my costume ;)

Oh and why does Nicolas' pie chart not have hufflepuff as yellow?
James Adams said:
Oh and why does Nicolas' pie chart not have hufflepuff as yellow?
[ol][li]Microsoft Excel</LI>
<LI>[li]Old school HNZ[/li][/ol]

Nicolas King behaves like his mom and likes his own post:​
Awesome update, thanks Cyndicat ^_^
awesome update cyndi! :wub:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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