Back to work

"Not while your doing my tattoo you wont. You might make the ink run." she said, trying hard not to move her back. "And don't worry, it's not that. I'm not stupid enough to think of that in this vulnerable of a position." She said smiling.
"Fair enough." Gabriel smiled, doing another outline. "Glad you're wise enough to at least pick your times." He giggled. "I was about to write "Sarah sucks and Gabriel is awesome" on your back." He smiled, speaking in a joking tone. "Glad you caught me on time.
Seh smiled, it was so difficult to contain her body as she let out a laugh. She wished she could see his face as they talked, it was so difficult when she couldn't. "Aw, but you shouldn't lie like that." She said jokingly. The implication was a bit unclear, but Gabriel was smart, he'd catch it.
Gabriel grinned, removing the tattoo machine when Sarah laughed, so the lines wouldn't be ruined. He laughed slightly when she spoke, returning the needles to her skin and outlining another area. "I'll be more careful next time." He smirked, joining up a couple of lines carefully. "Almost done the outlines on this wing." He added, starting on the next line.
"Awesome. With a great artist like you, i'm sure it will look amazing!" Seh said, complimenting him to make up for not telling him her thoughts.
He grinned. "Thanks." He said, drawing the last bit of outlining and giving her back a final wipe, then stepping back to look at it appraisingly. "Looks about right. I'm gonna clean it gently with a damp cloth, then you can have a look in the mirror." He smiled, throwing out the needles and taking off his gloves. He wet a handywipe, squeezed it so it was just barely damp, and carefully got rid of all the excess ink and blood. "Okay, you can have a look." he smiled, throwing away the handywipe.
She smiled as he said she could have a look. She stood up and carefully covered her front side, she was so excited. She took a look as best she could in the mirrors, and let out a gasp. "It's beautiful!" She said smiling. "now to i have to have anything to cover it before i put my dress back up?"
Gabriel nodded. "It's not a good idea to cover it up again until I'm finished though, it needs to breathe so the ink will set properly. You've got two options... I can do the other wing now, or we can save it for another day." He smiled, washing his hands.
"Okay. Well, i was wondering what time it was actually. It all depends on the time if i get anything more done. And it also depends, on if you want to do it." She smiled at Gabriel, waiting for his reply.
Gabriel checked his watch. "It's about half past three, so we've been going for about an hour and a half. I can do more now, or we can make an appointment for later, whatever's good with you." He smiled, drying his hands off, and putting hand sanitiser on them.
"If you want to continue we can, i actually do not have anything planned." She said smiling. "Depends on how long you want to keep me topless." She said, then regretted it. "I totally did not think that one through."
Gabriel grinned when she said she had nothing else planned, and was about to reply, when she continued speaking, and he cracked up laughing.
"Well." He continued seriously when he could speak again. "We can keep going as long as you like, if you're not feeling woozy or in too much pain. And keeping you topless is just one of the perks of my career." He winked, then turned around to get some more ink out.
She giggled slightly. Gabriel was such a charming guy. "Well I'll keep going, i feel just fine." Seh said, siting back down on the chair and turning her head slightly. "Besides, i'm sure you say that to all the girls."
Gabriel grinned, mixing up some more ink. He laughed at her second statement. "Only my favourite ones." He smiled, putting on some gloves and getting more needles in the autoclave to be sterilised.
"Yay, i'm one of your favorites." She said grinning. "Do i top the naked man?" She asked laughing a bit.
"Oh, I dunno..." Gabriel pretended to think about it, tapping his chin. "He is pretty stiff competition..." He grinned cheekily, then pulled off the gloves and resumed mixing more ink.
"Well fine then. I guess I'll have to show up naked." She laughed. "Oops, i don't think i should though." She wished she had thought about it, but she hadn't.

((YOu know what, they wouldn't say half the stuff if i would use the space bar. But what they say the first time, is what they stick with :p ))
Gabriel chuckled. "Getting arrested for public indecency probably wouldn't tip the odds in your favour." He smirked. "Besides, I think I prefer you to naked man any day." He smiled.
She laughed even harder, it felt good to laugh. "You are so goofy." She said to him. "I would hope you would prefer me over a naked man!" She said.
Gabriel grinned. "Well... if it was a really hot naked man, I'd need to do some serious thinking. But as it is, you come out the clear winner." He smiled, checking that the ink was the perfect shade.
She laughed harder still. "You really are strange, you know that?' Seh asked him with a grin.
He smiled. "It's all part of my charm." Gabriel slotted the fresh ink into the tattoo machine, and washed his hands yet again.
"Doesn't that dry out your hands. And doesn't that hurt your nails?" She asked.
He shrugged. "Nah, I moisturise a lot. Besides, it's all part of the job... everything has to be absolutely 100% sterile." He got an antibacterial wipe, and began wiping down all the surfaces while he waited for the autoclave to be finished sterilising the needles. "Otherwise you could get infections, or even diseases from the last person who was in here."
"Yeah i get it." She said smiling widely. She began humming a bit, not sure what to say yet.

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