Back to work

Gabriel smiled, wiping absolutely everything down, then dumped the cloth in the bin and checked how long was left on the autoclave. "So what have you been getting up to lately?" He asked, folding his arms and leaning casually on the wall beside the autoclave.
"well not much really. Getting this done is been very time consuming." She said with a smile. "I mean, I have been redecorating, but nothing new since i've been here." Seh said. "And you?"
Gabriel nodded. "Fair enough. Redecorating is a pretty serious undertaking anyway... I just finished decorating my flat, it took me months!" He sighed, glad all over again that that ordeal was over. "I'm definitely not moving out any time soon." He grinned, thinking of his bright, beautiful rooms, and glad that even if his house was lonely, it was colourful, and looked exactly the way he wanted it to.

"Me?" Gabriel blinked, trying to remember what he had done lately. "Nothing, really. Work. Decorating. Moving in. All that sort of stuff." He smiled. "Fun or what?"
She laughed slightly. "That's just great. We have the same ordeal." She smiled a bit. "You are boring apparently!" She said, grinning even wider.
Gabriel burst out laughing when Sarah called him boring. "Exactly! That's what I try to tell people, but they don't believe me because I look so interesting." He smiled. "Secretly all I do when I'm at home is knit and read Woman's Day. I'm like a nana trapped in the body of a hot guy." He grinned, checking on the autoclave again.
She laughed as he said that he was like Nana trapped in a hot body. "You got that right, except the hot part," she said teasingly. "You aren't hot, you are adorable!" She said with a huge grin. She smiled and sighed, wondering what to say next. "So have you heard of the eagles... yeah they are out to get us." Seh said with a nod.
Gabriel laughed. "Not hot? I'm offended!" He grinned though, when she said he was adorable. "Adorable is almost good enough, I suppose. Disappointed I don't rank as hot though." He smiled.
"Eagles?" Gabriel blinked. "As in the birds?"
"Aww, you being angry is so cute!" She said alughing. "Yeah the eagles will take over the world." She said with a nod.
Gabriel chuckled. "Cute? Not incredibly rugged and manly? I have failed my gender." He grinned. "Why would they take over the world?" Gabriel asked curiously.
"Aww, i'm sorry you have failed. But please take a minni trophy home as a comsolation prize!" She said. "Because you failed, they are now going to take over the world."

((i almost typed "Aww, i'm sorry you have failed. But please take a minniAsian girl home as a comsolation prize!" How well do you think that would've worked out. FAIL))
Gabriel groaned. "I knew me not being manly enough would bring about the end of the world one day." He grinned slightly. "Would some macho flexing change your mind?" He struck a manly pose, flexing his arm muscles.

((HAHAHA I don't think Gabriel would have minded XD))
Seh laughed more. "how could you wnd it for us all?" She asked in fake misery. She laughed and looked at him, posing himself and flexing. "No, that just makes me laugh." She said smiling.

((Still it was corny, and then Gabriel would have to face the music, of three guys coming to beat him up.))
Gabriel sighed melodramatically. "I'm so unmanly I make girls giggle when I flex!" He was interrupted by the autoclave beeping to signal that it was finished, and he smiled. "Ready to keep going?"

((XD Now THAT would be a sight to behold!))
She smiled. "Aww, you are manly, just in a girly way." Seh alughed and nodded. "Yep, i'm ready when you are, Capitan."
Gabriel laughed. "Manly in a girly way? I think I can stand being manly in a girly way." He smiled, washing his hands and putting gloves on before taking the needles out of the autoclave, slotting them into the tattoo machine. "Right, here we go." He laid a hand on her back before beginning tattooing, this time starting the outline of the right wing.
She smiled at him and turned her head away as he placed a hand on her bakc to continue the tattoo. "It's really great that i got someone like you to do this. you are so cool!" Seh said in admiration.
Gabriel smiled. "Thanks... It's not very often you come across a career where you get paid to be cool." He grinned, slowly working the outline up, careful to get all the little nooks and crannies. "Of course, being cool is just a natural perk of being me." He smirked slightly.
"Yeah i guess not, but my job, i was paid to be pretty." She said. She was hoping he wouldn't ask what, she really didn't want to lie to him. "And besides if you wernt cool, i wouldn't be topless." She kidded to him. Though Sarah never tried, she sometimes came off flirty, even when she tried not to. She felt the vibrations of the needles, but no sting. She was numb now, and it really didn't feel that bad to be numb. "I wonder what it would be like if i slapped me back.
Gabriel blinked. "Paid to be pretty? Are you a model?" He asked, pausing to wipe her back again with a cloth. He laughed when Sarah said that if he wasn't cool, she wouldn't be topless. "So I can go around being cool and pretty girls will take their tops off? Why did nobody tell me this before?" He grinned. Gabriel winced when she mentioned slapping her back. "Don't do it... A friend of mine slapped me in the arm right after I got my sleeves done, but he didn't realise I'd just gotten a new tatt... GOD, it hurt more than getting the tattoo." He grinned.
She tilted her head slowly. "Something like that." She said. She wasn't a model, but he wouldn't respect the other thing. "Well you can try but... i think you might get hit more then girls will take their tops off." She giggled sligthly, trying hard not to move very much. He talked about getting hit in the arm and she crinkled up her face, "Mental note: don't touch Tattoo!" She smiled into the chair.
Gabriel smiled at Sarah's mysterious answer, but didn't push it. If she didn't want to tell him, it was fine. "Really? Damn. I thought my life was finally perfect." He smiled, then nodded. "You'll probably be sleeping on your stomach for a month or so. You've gotta be really careful to be as gentle with it as possible."
"Aww life will never be perfect, and i'm here to make it worse." She said,a grin in her voice. "So does that mean i have to be careful with everything, like falling?" She asked, not wanting to say her first comment.
Gabriel chuckled. "Aww... nobody ever comes along to make my life better." He smirked, outlining a particularly detailed part. "Yeah, try to avoid falling on your back, and even leaning on things is probably out for awhile. It may be numb now, but trust me, it's going to hurt like heck tomorrow."
"Nope, that's only because your name is Gabriel." She said, a hint of a smirk in her voice. He told her what to avoid and she said. "Mmhmm, definintaly! So.... your turn to pick a topic."
Gabriel chuckled. "So my life is a misery because I'm named after an angel? How poetic." He smiled, keeping his hand steady while he continued the outline. "Hmm... What kind of music do you listen to?" He asked, after a moment's deliberation.

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