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Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ squad mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (30)
Assassin Y30 Rules​

Kill or Be Killed!
A chaotic, long-term in-character game designed to encourage
site-wide roleplays and promote new interactions.​

The Story: Nobody at HNZ is safe.

Each character has a target. Their job is to find that target and ‘assassinate’ them with a tap of their wand. Sound easy?  Think again: they must do this while avoiding being assassinated themselves.

This tense IC game, based off the real life party version, takes place during Y30, on the grounds at Hogwarts New Zealand. It aims to encourage activity by forcing characters to join more roleplays in order to avoid elimination, whilst also promoting fun new interactions between unlikely students. The game could last anywhere between one IC week to the whole year.

The Objective: Eliminate your targets while avoiding being assassinated yourself.

Victory Conditions: Be the last student alive.

How to Play:
[ul][li]Your character's objective is to eliminate their target.  Targets will be assigned via PM before the game begins.
[li]To eliminate a target, your character must jump into one of their target's roleplays within twelve ten hours of their target making a post. You must roleplay your character casting lumos and attempting to 'tag' their target with their lit wand. They must NOT roleplay whether or not their 'assassination' was successful.
[li]If your character has been targeted by an assassin, your character then has a further twelve ten hours to roleplay a successful dodge. If more than twelve ten hours elapse before you post, you must roleplay your dodge as unsuccessful, and you are eliminated from the game.
[li]Your character may only jump in and attempt to assassinate your target once per individual roleplay. No jumping in and out of the same topic over and over again!
[li]Upon eliminating a target, your character will receive that person's target(s) for themselves.
[li]You may sign up with a maximum of four student characters, however, each character MUST be in a different house.
[li]There are several safe zones around the castle where you cannot be assassinated. These are the library, house common rooms, dormitories, lessons, and anywhere that cannot be seen or accessed by every single student. Clarification: Activity towards your weekly assassin needs to always be in an attackable area. Therefore if anyone joins a topic after an attack has already taken place, you're welcome to roleplay however that does not count as your activity, because no one is able to attempt an assassination on you! Clarification 2.0: As only one attack is permitted per topic, if you only post once during the week and it is an "attacking" response, that does not count as your activity since you are then not attackable yourself.
[li] In the event that you receive one of your own characters as a target, you can choose whether or not to eliminate them.</LI>
[li] The game will commence on Monday 8th January, and on each consecutive Monday all targets will be shuffled and redistributed to lower the risk of ending up with multiple characters of your own by the end of the game.
[li] In addition to targets being shuffled every Monday, any topics regardless of whether they include an attack, will also be reset. Please make sure that you are replying to topics that have started after 7pm GMT for the current week. <U>You will need to reinstate your characters activity every week.
Arvel Ayers [02:32]: Arvel finally looked up at Geo, almost incredulous. Clearly she had lower standards than him when it came to choosing friends. "Not really..." he said, wondering why it was even such a big deal. Being alone wasn't so bad. Certainly less hassle. Less false pretences. He shrugged. "I don't know. People do that kind of thing. I guess it's funny."

Maggie Ryan Rosendale [05:34]: Maggie caught sight of her target talking to another student in their house, and ran over to greet them. Whipping out her wand, she uttered one of the only spells she knew "Lumos", raising it to the Hufflepuff with a small smile.

Arvel Ayers [19:58]: Arvel jumped as he realised there was another student beside him. Before he could react, he felt the wand touch his arm. He cursed under his breath. He’d been eliminated from the game.
Arvel Ayers [02:32]: Arvel finally looked up at Geo, almost incredulous. Clearly she had lower standards than him when it came to choosing friends. "Not really..." he said, wondering why it was even such a big deal. Being alone wasn't so bad. Certainly less hassle. Less false pretences. He shrugged. "I don't know. People do that kind of thing. I guess it's funny."

Maggie Ryan Rosendale [05:34]: Maggie caught sight of her target talking to another student in their house, and ran over to greet them. Whipping out her wand, she uttered one of the only spells she knew "Lumos", raising it to the Hufflepuff with a small smile.

Arvel Ayers [06:37]: Arvel jumped as he realised there was another student beside him. Seeing her advance upon him with her wand lit, he jumped quickly out of the way. "Missed," he said, smirking.
<FONT font="monocot">The rules:
[ul][li]This is an in-character game, so you must not be discussing with anybody OOC.  
[li]If your character does not participate in any new roleplays for one week, he or she will be eliminated from play. If you know you will be absent, PM me so that you can avoid being eliminated for your inactivity. Real life happens, but please only sign up if you can be reasonably sure you will be active over this semester.
[li] Replies in closed topics, and replies in the castle's safe zones do not count towards your weekly activity.
[li] Only one attack is permitted during each active roleplay. Clarification: This means only one attack can be made during any topic. If someone has already made an attack, regardless of its success, no other attempts are allowed to be made in that topic. There is no upper limit to how many times you can attempt to assassinate your target(s), but these must all be in different topics.
<LI>[li] Geo will be hosting this game in-character. Please PM me on her account if you have assassinated your victim.[/li][/ul]
The Prize: Goodybag including items from Honeydukes & Gambol and Jape's, plus Bragging Rights.

Sign ups will be open for approximately one week, after which PM's will be sent out with your assigned starting target.
[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]
Heheheh. This may be chaotic, but it's worth a try :r I need to get these charries more active!

IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]
[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]
[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
This is an awesome idea!

IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
:D Additional notes have been added.
[ul][li] In the event that you receive one of your own characters as a target, you can choose whether or not to eliminate them.</LI>
<LI>[li] The game will commence on Monday 8th January, and on each consecutive Monday all targets will be shuffled and redistributed to lower the risk of ending up with multiple characters of your own by the end of the game.[/li][/ul]
This is a really great idea, well done Pheebs :D

IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Athena Rey-Martinez
[li] Lavinia Benivieni

</i>[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]

[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Athena Rey-Martinez[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Athena Rey-Martinez
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Lucinda Sylvester
[li] Sophia Night
[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]

[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Athena Rey-Martinez[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
[*] [class=g4y]Aurora Night[/class]
[*] [class=s2y]Lucinda Sylvester[/class]
[*] [class=h1y]Sophia Night[/class]
Lavinia Benivieni said:
This is a really great idea, well done Pheebs :D
Please note you can only have one student per house :p

Also thank you but I don't take credit for the idea. Claire mentioned the real life version to me before we spent quite a while translating it for HNZ =)) Also she wrote most of the rules because I am terrible at that kind of thing :r

IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Athena Rey-Martinez
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Frankie Tillington
[li] Sophia Night
[li] James Cade
[li] Sage Havelock

[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]

[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Athena Rey-Martinez[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
[*] [class=g4y]Aurora Night[/class]
[*] [class=g2y]Frankie Tillington[/class]
[*] [class=h1y]Sophia Night[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]James Cade[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Sage Havelock[/color]
Code is getting a little muddled so here's the correct one :D

IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Athena Rey-Martinez
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Lucinda Sylvester
[li] Sophia Night
[li] James Cade
[li] Sage Havelock

[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]

[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Athena Rey-Martinez[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
[*] [class=g4y]Aurora Night[/class]
[*] [class=s2y]Lucinda Sylvester[/class]
[*] [class=h1y]Sophia Night[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]James Cade[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Sage Havelock[/color]
can I just mention that 5 minutes is a bit of an unrealistic time?
We considered all sorts of times, from 5 minutes to 24 hours! The issue is that if the time limit is too long, it'll be too easy for targets to defend themselves, and nobody will ever be eliminated. On the other hand, a longer time limit may work better as people forget to check their topics - plus being in a different time zone to your target could be an issue with such a small time limit. I'll talk to Pheeb about it - maybe something like 12 hours would work better? A pretty drastic jump from 5 minutes xD but it's the first game so we have no idea how it'll go, yet!!

Edit: Clara asked me to remove Athena from the list!!

IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Lucinda Sylvester
[li] Sophia Night
[li] James Cade
[li] Sage Havelock

[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]

[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
[*] [class=g4y]Aurora Night[/class]
[*] [class=s2y]Lucinda Sylvester[/class]
[*] [class=h1y]Sophia Night[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]James Cade[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Sage Havelock[/color]
If the time limit is changed, I'll be happy to join up, I just cant commit to 5 minutes aha.
IC Sign Ups
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Lucinda Sylvester
[li] Sophia Night
[li] James Cade
[li] Sage Havelock
[li] Patrick Vernier
[li] Gwen Owens-Lee
[li] Anastasie Vernier

[b]IC Sign Ups[/b]

[list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
[*] [class=g4y]Aurora Night[/class]
[*] [class=s2y]Lucinda Sylvester[/class]
[*] [class=h1y]Sophia Night[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]James Cade[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Sage Havelock[/color]
[*] [class=h2y]Patrick Vernier[/class]
[*] [class=g1y]Gwen Owens-Lee[/class]
[*] [class=s1y]Anastasie Vernier[/class]

EDIT: Can you make an RP with two of your own characters if you can't organise an RP with someone else during that week?
@ Teigan - I think that we should change it to 12 hours as for 5 minutes it would be easy for a target to stalk their own post to ensure their safety. Rules have been changed to reflect this.

@ Kaye - You could if you wanted to, but you only need to have each character either start a new topic, or post in either an open or closed topic once a week, for it to count towards your activity. You could roleplay more than that, but that's the minimum. There are still the exceptions for this in that if it's a post in the library/common rooms/dorms/classes then it doesn't count as activity.

Thanks ;D
IC Sign Ups</COLOR>
[ul][li] Arvel Ayers
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] <COLOR color="mediumblue">Phoebe Holland</LI>
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Lucinda Sylvester
[li] Sophia Night
[li] James Cade
[li] Sage Havelock
[li] Patrick Vernier
[li] Gwen Owens-Lee
[li] Anastasie Vernier
[li] Zennon Baros
The more I think about it, the more I think that maybe this game should be limited to open topics (so in order for you to be counted as active, you have to participate in at least one new open topic per week). Not only would that encourage more open topics (fun!), but jumping into closed topics could get real annoying for people real fast xD especially if there's, say, an assassination chain. That kind of thing just wouldn't be possible in closed topics without really annoying everybody.

Do you think that's a good idea? ^_^ What does everyone else think?
I think I agree, closed topics can be very plot heavy and I think it would be kind of a shame if a serious plot or plan is interrupted for this. Though I'd say ' open after ___' topics also count :p
Yeaah! I put it to Phoebe. I don't think she wants to change the rules tooo much or it'll be confusing, but this would also be a great way to encourage open topics hehe

And yeah open after _ is basically open I think :D

A couple of these things (like closed topics, the 5 minute rule) are sort of things we just temporarily jotted down as ideas and then forgot to change or look back on to make sure they would work xD
Yeah that's very true. I don't want this to ruin topics, and I guess it would even if it's only a post or two in closed topics.

Rules amended! :)
Since this is an IC game, is someone organising it IC, Geo maybe?
Yes, Geo would be hosting. Do we think it's worth doing a scene setting roleplay to begin this?
I think it would make sense as it's an IC game :D
I don't know about a scene-setting roleplay, tbh, it'd just be Geo being like "Here's the game!" and then maybe a few people posting "Hey that sounds cool, I'd totally do that." It kind of needs an IC introduction, but maybe just a single post of like Geo putting up flyers or w/e.
I think Pheeb plans to keep a table up for those still alive/assassinated so maybe the IC post could include that? :D
Oh, alright. (Not because it's a bad idea, but because this'll force me to use my students, and I have so much time on my hands lately that I need to get back into roleplaying. I'm dragging my feet, though, because my muse is as dead as a doornail right now D:) Oh, I haven't any Hufflepuffs this year! Three, it is.

IC Sign Ups[ul][li] Arvel Ayers</LI>
[li] Margo Ellis
[li] Oswald Brigham
[li] Fleur van Houten
[li] Phoebe Holland
[li] April Ward
[li] Sara Benivieni
[li] Lavinia Benivieni
[li] Aurora Night
[li] Lucinda Sylvester
[li] Sophia Night
[li] James Cade
[li] Sage Havelock
[li] Patrick Vernier
[li] Gwen Owens-Lee
[li] Anastasie Vernier
[li] Zennon Baros
[li] Min-Ji Song
[li] Gilly Gillespie
[li] Merlin Schopenhauer
[b]IC Sign Ups[/b][list][*] [class=h1y]Arvel Ayers[/class]
[*] [class=r4y]Margo Ellis[/class]
[*] [class=g3y]Oswald Brigham[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]Fleur van Houten[/color]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Phoebe Holland[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]April Ward[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Sara Benivieni[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Lavinia Benivieni[/color]
[*] [class=g4y]Aurora Night[/class]
[*] [class=s2y]Lucinda Sylvester[/class]
[*] [class=h1y]Sophia Night[/class]
[*] [color=firebrick]James Cade[/color]
[*] [color=darkgoldenrod]Sage Havelock[/color]
[*] [class=h2y]Patrick Vernier[/class]
[*] [class=g1y]Gwen Owens-Lee[/class]
[*] [class=s1y]Anastasie Vernier[/class]
[*] [class=s1y]Zennon Baros[/class]
[*] [color=mediumblue]Min-Ji Song[/color]
[*] [color=darkgreen]Gilly Gillespie[/color]
[*] [color=firebrick]Merlin Schopenhauer[/color]
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