Apparition 3

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last month will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.
Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please warn me via PM if you plan on splinching.
Vader always had a lot on towards the end of the semester, but he always just had to re-find the balance he got and really he was pleased that at the very least he didn’t have as much on as he had in the year before. His OWL year with all the exams in one go at the end had not been great for him when he had accio to do. SO this year though he was stressed and had a lot to do it was slightly better than it had been. It was a slightly easier loud to manage and to find the right balance that he needed for it. He was quite pleased with it really. He hadn’t struggled for it and though he was stressed out and knew that his sleep was going to just get worse, it wasn’t that bad at that point in time and he was rather sure that no matter how stressed he got it wouldn’t be completely unmanageable as he had experienced his stress getting. With that thought on his mind he finished picking up his books and notes and getting himself ready for the day ahead. Making sure that he had everything he would need before going to class.
Vader walked into the great hall and stood where the rest of the class were. The teacher got started, telling them they would be practicing again. Although as he looked at what was in front of him, he realised that this time around they would be doing it in front of everyone else. The gryffindor wasn’t sure he wanted to do it in front of everyone else. He had managed to apparate in the last lesson but he didn’t think he was good enough at it yet. Though really it wasn’t like he’d get an opportunity again to ever practice in a sterile class environment without other people looking towards him. He watched as the first few people went before him. But eventually it just became his turn to do it. He stepped forward and looked towards the x on the other side of the room. He kept in mind what they had been taught in the last lesson, he kept in mind how he was supposed to be thinking and how he was supposed to be. After a few moments of silence he felt it, leaned in and with a crack was across the room. He didn’t feel anything immediately wrong with him, and then further checking showed he hadn’t left anything behind. He didn’t really want to try again, just happy he’d done it once, but he did force himself to do it a second time and then once he’d managed it the two times left the great hall.
The semester was nearing its end, and Alice was surprisingly sad about Diana graduating soon. It wasn't like they spent a lot of time together anymore, but she still would miss having an older sister around when she needed one. She still missed Rose and Phoebe too. But she knew she couldn't only focus on the sad, she had good things going on too. Like Elliot, she thought things were going in a nice direction for them. Alice headed to the final Apparition lesson of the year, very aware of how important it was. She had managed to apparate last time, and felt bad for those who hadn't yet. But that didn't mean she had mastered it yet. She headed to the great hall and listened as Miss Finch spoke to them. She told them what they were going to do, telling them to line up beside her. It didn't take long to form a queue, and Alice listened closely as they were told what to do. The exercise wasn't difficult to understand, but clearly a lot more advanced than apparating into the hoop like last time. She watched a few of her classmates attempt it before it was her turn. She didn't manage to cross the room, but at least she had managed to apparate a small distance. Every time it was her turn, she tried again. She managed to get a bit further each time, and eventually reached the red X. She practiced a few more times until she could do it reliably. When she felt confident about her ability to apparate to the X, she left the great hall.
It was alarming to think the exams were only in a few weeks, and Abian realized he had to study more than he had been so far. It was easy to forget that this year was a difficult one when compared to last year with the OWLs, but that didn't mean he didn't have to work hard this time too. For his dream of being a healer, he needed to get certain NEWTs. To get those, he needed to get a high enough grade to get into the right classes. He had to focus, even if it meant less time for Quidditch, skateboarding, or hanging out with his friends.

Abian headed to the third Apparition lesson of the semester, and also the final one. He had almost considered skipping it, but knew that would just ensure he would never be able to do it. But he might never be able to anyway, he hadn't managed it yet in the previous lesson. The teacher was intimidating as ever as she spoke to them, and Abian felt his cheeks heat up when she said she was hopeful that thoae who weren't able to apparate last time would be able to do so today. He'd actually done a bit of studying, and now was aware of what splinching was. He wasn't convinced that information was going to help him. The exercise they were going to do was more difficult than last time, and Abian felt his confidence sink even lower as he watched classmates manage to apparate all around him when he still couldn't do it. He tried his best to focus in the three Ds, and to his shock, managed to apparate after a lot of attempts. He was nowhere near the red X, but he still grinned. He had finally done it! He worked on improving his apparating for the remainder of the lesson, managing to land on the X right before the time was up. He was immensely relieved, and couldn't help grinning as he left the great hall.
Though she had had a bit of trouble in the last lesson, Emily felt totally ready for her last apparition lesson. Not being able to practice in the castle felt like torture, and she was excited to hone her skills and give herself the best chance possible to do well in the exam. She joined her classmates as the ministry woman ushered them into the Great Hall, listening carefully as the lesson began. The fact that they really only got one chance at the exam was... frankly terrifying, and Emily tried not to think about it.

She took her place in the line, making sure to avoid Abian as she did, and ran through the three Ds in her mind as she waited for her turn to come about. When Emily finally reached the front of the line she felt totally focused, directing all of her attention to the X on the floor as she tried to capture that feeling she had had before apparating last time. When it finally came Emily followed the feeling, clapping in delight as she landed unscathed on the mark. She quickly rejoined the mark, eager to get more practice, and spent the rest of the lesson honing her skills as well as she could, hoping to do perfectly on the exam.
After stressing about it for so long, William was relieved his Wild Patch event had gone off without a hitch. After a lifetime of always being relegated to number 2 William had never seen himself as much of a leader, and it had been daunting to be put in a position where he had to tell people what to do. It had been tempting to leave all the events to Elliot and just hang around for... moral support, but he wouldn't really feel like he deserved his title acting like that. So he had picked something fun and relatively simple, and to his relief it had actually gone well. He still wasn't sure he was suited to leadership, but it was definitely good for his self esteem.

So William was in a pretty good mood as he joined his classmates in the Great Hall. He had been pleasantly surprised to find apparition came relatively easily to him, and this week he was eager to get as much practice as possible and make sure he was totally prepared for the exam to come. For such a short class, a lot of William's future goals hinged on being successful in apparition, and he knew he had to make the most of this practice time. He joined his classmates in line and took his place when his turn came, focusing on the X and trying to remember what had worked in the previous lesson. To William's relief it wasn't long before he was able to apparate right to the center of the X, and he spent the rest of the class practicing, trying to hone his skills the best he could to prepare for the exam to come.
It felt like an eternity since their last apparition lesson and she hoped she would still be able to apparate as she had during their last lesson. The ministry official taking the lesson had the students get in line behind her and their objective was simple, they had to apparate to the other side of the room onto the X. Luna was a little nervous to try and apparate in front of everyone but she wouldn't have to worry too much as she ended up toward the back of the line. When it was finally her turn she took her spot and focused on the spot at the other end of the room. She focused on what she had learned in the previous lesson and what she had done to successfully apparate which she managed to do and landed on the X. Luna then spent the rest of the lesson practicing until they were dismissed.
Elias made his way into the Great hall for the final apparition lesson, the end of the semester was close and he was so close to being able to apparate which would be a useful skill to have. The students were instructed to line up behind the ministry official so they could take it in turns to apparate across the hall to the X at the other side. It wasn't long before it was his turn, he stepped to the front of the line and after concentrating on the three Ds and thinking back to what he learned in the previous lesson he felt the familiar pull in his stomach and when he opened his eyes he was standing on the X. He continued to practice for the rest of the lesson and when the lesson was over he made his way out of the great hall.
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