Apparition 2

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood in her Ministry robes looking as poised as ever as she awaited the sixth years' arrival. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You don't have all day and neither do I" Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "You don't need to be on top of each other. Space yourselves out!" she stated, exasperation in her tone. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson. If you'd like your character to splinch themselves, please speak with me first.
Though the work for Accio was only going to increase, he had been right in thinking that the time after the valentines day celebrations and the roses was a little easier for him. He had the usual work for Accio, plus a little extra but he had the support of his intern who made things a little more manageable in this year. It was good to know that having someone around like that did help, since in his NEWT year Vader did want to be able to sleep at all. It helped for him that he like Ajaccio and had to admit any concerns he’d had about the boy doing the work had gone away during the year they had been working together. The Gryffindor was getting himself together for the day ahead. And though he was sleeping better and was generally more tired, he knew that he had a lot he needed to do that day, so he had to make sure he didn’t take too many trips back to the dorm. He couldn’t afford that wasted time if he was keen to keep sleeping well - or whatever his version of well was. It took him a moment longer to gather all her he would need and with a little yawn he headed out of the dorm and to class.
Vader headed into the great hall with the rest of his year groupd for the second of the apparition lessons. He was rather keen to get started and try his hand at apparition. He was nervous about doing it but eager too. He wanted to manage it. The doors it would open. He listened to the teacher as she got started, he spread out a little moving to a spot a little more on his own. With the space he would need. He raised his hand to answer the question when someone else was quicker at answering. He frowned at that but thankfully they just then moved on to actually do it. He glanced at the nurse and then nodded. They got started. He took a deep breath and looked at it, He thought over it and over in his head clearing his mind of everything. Eventually after a few minutes of just staring and emptying her mind he felt a little tug. He leaned into it lightly and with a crack was suddenly in the hoop. He patted himself down and noted all parts of him were still there. It seemed that they’d only get the time to try one in the lesson. He hoped in the next time he’d get to again, but least he’d managed it.
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After their first lesson, Emily had only gotten more determined that she was going to absolutely crush Apparition classes. It sounded almost too easy. She had asked for some advice from her mum and older siblings, but it all just echoed what the ministry teacher chick said. Being focused? She could totally do that, easy. Remembering three words? No sweat. Emily totally had this. So she had her head held high confidently as she joined the rest of her classmates in the Great Hall for their second lesson, eager to get going and actually try apparating this time.

Emily was glad she had remembered to dress light for today's lesson, even tying her long hair up in a tight bun for good measure. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but she wanted to make sure she had the best chance possible of doing this perfectly. She listened with the rest of the class as the lady began the lesson, spreading out and finding plenty of space for herself when instructed. She listened carefully to the instructions they were given, hand shooting into the air to answer the lady's question. Emily didn't think she had ever answered a question in class before, but she had worked hard to make sure she remembered the words, listing them off proudly. "Destination, determination, deliberation!" She answered, pleased to have gotten it right. She kept the words in her mind as the time came to practice, staring deeply into her ring and focusing all her energy on the task at hand. She had her destination, she was definitely determined, and she was deliberate about her focus as she tried to move into the ring... and tried, and tried. It took almost the entire class before Emily felt a strange tugging sensation in her stomach, eyes widening as she followed it eagerly, disappearing with a pop and reappearing in her hoop a moment later. She squealed and bounced on the spot, clapping her hands in delight. Pleased with her success, Emily managed to apparate a couple more times before the class was over, pleased with her progress.
Valentines wasn't William's favourite time of year, but he was surprised to find himself actually a little sad to be over with it. After so many years of longing and pining after Abian, it was refreshing to just... enjoy the day, and he had been pleasantly surprised to get a rose. With the promise of rebuilding his formerly closest friendship on the horizon, William didn't think it was possible to keep his good mood down. Even classwork wasn't going to get him down.

And Apparition was definitely a class to keep William's spirits high. He had been looking forward to these classes for so long, and the thought of how useful it would be to finally master apparition kept him going. His seventeenth birthday was just ahead, and he couldn't wait to go out on another hike in the next holidays with magic and apparition at his disposal. For now though, he had to focus on the classes. He found a space for himself when instructed and listened closely to what they were supposed to be doing today. Three words, he could remember that, and he knew as long as he stayed focused on his goal he would be able to do this. When they were told to practice William kept the three words in his mind as he focused on his goal, staring intensely into the center of the ring. It didn't take long before he started to feel a strange feeling, familiar from side-along apparitions with his parents. He laughed in delight and followed the feeling, disappearing and reappearing in the middle of his hoop. He had done it! He clapped his hands and whooped before turning his focus back to the spot he had just vacated. By the time class was over William reckoned he had apparated a dozen times, and already couldn't wait for the exam to come. He was going to crush this.
The rose giving event had been a huge success, and Alice felt accomplished in more ways than one. Not only had the roses been delivered (mostly) without incident, but she had gone to the dance with Elliot and had had a lovely time. She wasn't entirely sure where they stood now, but she knew she was happy about how things were going. Alice was looking forward to seeing Elliot again, and hoped to talk to him soon. Unfortunately, prefect duties and studies kept them both busy, so it wasn't as easy to meet up as she wished it was. She knew she had to focus on her studies too, and that working on her grades was important.

Alice headed to the second Apparition lesson, eager to get started. She had remembered not to take much with her, so wasn't wearing any jewelry or even a hair tie today. She headed into the great hall, finding a spot in the hall where there was some empty space. Then a wooden hoop appeared in front of them, and Alice figured they had to apparate into it. The teacher soon confirmed it, then asked about the three Ds. Alice raised her hand, but was beaten to answering by Emily. She shot her friend a smile, it was good of her to answer. Alice glanced over at the nurse as the teacher pointed her out, suddenly feeling a little nervous. She knew what splinching was, in theory. And she knew it wasn't pleasant. They were told to begin without much instruction on what exactly to do, but Alice tried her best to focus. She focused on the three Ds, adn eventually felt a strange feeling. It took he a while, but she eventually managed to apparate into the hoop. Alice cheered, glad she had managed it. She tried it a bit longer and managed a few more times before the time was up. She felt a bit more confident about it.
Abian's sixth year hadn't been very special so far, but he was still enjoying it. He was sad that they had lost Quidditch and were in last place, especially as it was Analei's last year. But he knew they would do better next year, at least... he hoped so. He knew he had to work on something for the brotherhood soon, they needed to have a meeting. But so far, Abian hadn't had any good ideas yet, and he was pretty busy keeping up with his homework. He hoped to think of something good soon.

Abian felt a bit nervous as he entered the Great Hall. He found a spot to stand near William and grinned at his friend, only to wince as they were told to spread out more. He took a few steps to the side, then turned his attention to the Ministry Official who was teaching them apparition. She asked a question and Emily answered it, Abian pretended not to see her. Things were still awkward between them, to put it lightly. Then the teacher gave them some more information, though not nearly enough. Nurse? Splinching? Abian wasn't sure what all that meant, but he had the feeling it couldn't be good. He glanced around nervously, but no one else seemed confused. They were told to get started, but Abian still wasn't entirely sure what they were supposed to be doing. He tried to focus, but as other people started popping into the hoops, he felt his confidence sink. Once again, everyone else had figured this out before him. He didn't manage to apparate during the lesson, and he felt a heavy weight in his stomach at the thought of the next lesson, which would also be the last one. Would he fail? Maybe he had to do some reading to catch up a bit, in addition to his other homework.
Following the first apparition lesson, Luna was actually glad they would be attempting to apparate even if she was a little nervous about it. She made her way into the great hall where the ministry official was waiting to start their lesson and she seemed rather impatient about it. Another student in the hall answered a question related to the three Ds and soon after they were being instructed to start practicing apparating through the wooden hoops that had appeared in front of each of them. Luna struggled at first, no matter what she did or how hard she focused on where she wanted to go, her feet remained glued to the spot. Several attempts eventually saw some movement, she felt like her insides were being pulled out by a large hook and suddenly she was standing a few inches closer to the hoop, but not on the other side like how she wanted. She continued to try and eventually Luna was able to successfully apparate through the hoop and appear at the other side. She was absolutely ecstatic and couldn't wait for their next lesson. Once they had been dismissed she made her way out of the classroom.
After having been disappointed he hadn't had the opportunity to apparate in the first lesson, Elias was looking forward to trying it but he was mostly looking forward to just getting through the whole thing and being able to do it. He made his way into the Great hall where the ministry official teaching them seemed keen to get things started. After recapping the three Ds, a wooden hoop suddenly appeared in front of each student and they were instructed to begin, seemingly with little instruction. Elias focused on the three Ds as instructed, focusing on where he wanted to be, the other side of the hoop. After a few attempts where he felt like he was just trying to jump in place he finally felt the tug on his insides as he disappeared from his current spot and appeared on the other side of the hoop. Glad he had managed to do it, Elias spent the rest of the lesson practicing a few more times. Once the lesson was over he made his way out of the Great hall.
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