Another Try

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Asaiah Murphy

Trying to Be a Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cypress Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2028 (33)
I've been the worst at this in the past but now that I don't have any real life stuff that is going to get in the way (I promise) I'm giving this another shot with three of my characters.

Willian Moran
Fourth Year

Willian is the type of kid that can get along with different kinds of people as long as they remain true to themselves. He has a good sense of humour and likes pulling pranks on others, especially his little sister who adores him. You will rarely find him in a foul mood, as it won't take him long before he has found something to concentrate on to take his mind off of it. He's quite the laidback person and enjoys spending his days doing nothing other than sitting around and minding his own business unless he is genuinely interested about something - if he has found something he is interested in and wants to find out more about it, he will not sit still and do nothing but will come in action until he gets bored or thinks that he knows enough about it. Willian does not consider himself much of a leader but carries himself in a way that makes him a valid option should there be in need of one.

What he needs: I don't think I've got anything going for him so everything from enemies to finals is more than welcome!​

Ella Bishop
Second Year

Ella is American but moved to Australia when she was eight because her grandmother fell ill with cancer. She's a perfectionist and extremely stubborn and has the feeling that she needs to be the best at everything she does, which ends up in her not always thinking about other people whilst doing certain things. In her family, she's known as ''Beanie'' because she always wears the same beanie. Ella is really attached to it because she got it from her grandmother on her tenth birthday - her grandmother died two months after that. You'll never catch her without wearing it. Her parents didn't tell her about magic until Ella showed her first signs of magic, which was about when she was six years old. Ella dreams of becoming an Auror just like her father because she thinks that it is one of the best and most successful jobs in the wizarding world.

What she needs: Friends! Lots and lots of friends! She doesn't have a final yet but keep in mind that she will figure out that she's homosexual in her fifth year.

Arcturus Rabson
First Year

With a bright mind and an inquisitive nature, it is not uncommon for Arcturus to land in hot water, even if he is not looking to get into trouble. Every so often the boy can wheedle his way out of something by stating that he did it out of curiosity, which is of course not always the truth. With a stubborn streak and sharp tongue as his only defence, the young teen can often get himself into situations he is not fully prepared to handle. Full of energy and unable to sit still, Arcturus will often tap and drum his fingers against a flat surface - if there's no flat surface nearby, though, he will most likely use his knee. Arcturus values loyalty and will always back his friends up if they ever find themselves in a situation that requires his help.

<B>What he needs: Same as above, Arcturus needs friends! Everything is welcome!​
Hi Steven!

I've got Amelie to offer for Arcturus. She is very curious and if she doesn't get answers on the questions she has ( a lot) about magic and the world and persons, she will find it herself. Amelie doesn't think she is a rebel, but she wants to find as much information as she can get. Information is power and she wants to have information on lots of area's. She is the twin of two gryffindors and they are really stubborn so she is used to getting along with those people. I think it will be lovely if they would meet!

For Ella I can offer you Gabriella, as they seem kind of similar. She's also a perfectionist and stubborn. I'm not entirely sure if that's a good recipe for friendship, but we can throw them together and see? I think it might be nice for Gabriella to meet a girl similar to herself and occasionally hang out with?

I would love for Gabriella and Ella to meet one another! I think it could be interesting for Ella to meet someone similar to herself as well and can definitely see them clash about something they don't agree with at some point.

I can offer Charlie for Ella as a friend(/potential future girlfriend way down the line) She's a second year Gryffindor & she grew up in foster care so she's slow to trust but once she gets to know people she's very loyal. She's a big skater & would probably think Ella's beanie is extremely cool haha :)

I could also offer Dominique as an enemy for Arcturus? She's very two-faced and will do anything for attention, including using others and backstabbing them. She pretty much lives for drama. They could probably wind up in some interesting scuffles.

Let me know what you think! :)
Hey :)

I would very much like for Charlie and Ella to be friends, she really needs more friends. (I'd be totally down for that) Ella's older brother is a skater as well and has even tried skating herself so I can see her kind of bonding with Charlie over that?

I think having an enemy for Arcturus would be interesting! He truly believes there's good in everyone so would most likely try to dig it out of Dominique no matter how many times she would prove him wrong? Idk that could be kinda interesting too?

Also, I have been walking around with an idea in my head that I've been wanting to pitch to you for a while now that would involve your counsellor but I'll PM you about that soon if that is okay with you?
Hey Steven,

So i had a small suggestion for you, I have a third year slytherin Lauv Bao, she's a very insular person, does things at her own pace, is discovering that she doesn't particular want to achieve highly but is happiest doing things her own way. She could be a friend for Ella. Lauv will discover her sexuality as more of like an oh, okay. She'll always like women more, she'll have never really questioned it in her mind, that's just how she is, but the first time she'll kiss a girl is when she'll be like, yes, this is for me. I could see her being friendly with Ella, and certainly they can grow a friendship based around discovering sexuality, the connection of lost family. I don't think they'd necessarily have to date, but i think it would be nice if they could be friends.
Aaaah nice, Charlie and Ella could be good skater buddies! We could do a thread for them to meet soon if you want?

Ohh, that would be an interesting dynamic I think! Domi tries to present her best face first & only treats people badly when it suits her but she's not especially calculating so there would probably be quite a lot of him thinking he's reached her & she's changing & then disappointing him immediately after because she just sort of. does whatever she thinks will get her the most attention :lol:

& yes absolutely! Sorry for taking so long to respond, I'll reply to your PM asap :)

I agree. I think that it'd be nice for Ella to have friendships based on the (slow) discovery of her sexuality. It would definitely help her feel more comfortable with it. I don't think that she talks about her grandmother much because she's still kind of sad about it, but I could see Ella opening up about it a little bit once she feels like she can trust Bao.

@Daphne Thanks!


Sure, I'd be down for that! Do you want me to start that for them?

I'm looking forward to their thread already! I could start this one too if you want?
That sounds great! Looking forward to them :)
Steven :woot:

Alright so I absolutely love Arcturus and I think he and Winnie would be great friends okay!! Her development is here if you want to read more about her. But in short she is very imaginative and doesn't like to be serious at all, and she is also very curious and inquisitive herself. I think because of this, they would get along great.

The only point of conflict would be that Winnie does not like to be in trouble, and wants people to think highly of her. But this could make the friendship more interesting in the sense Arcturus could be a bad influence on her, always getting her in trouble when she doesn't want to be :p

Idk if this makes sense, but I think these two would be really fun to rp and they would go on really awesome adventures!
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